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Possible North Korea Nuclear Test Detected


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UNSC to hold emergency meeting over N. Korea's possible nuclear test

SEOUL: -- South Korea requested the U.N. Security Council hold an emergency meeting at 11:00 p.m. (Seoul time) as North Korea is believed to have conducted a nuclear test, a Seoul diplomat said Tuesday.

The U.N. Security Council meeting will be held at 9:00 a.m. (New York time) on Tuesday, according to the diplomat.

newsjsJapan will consider its own sanctions against North Korea which has appeared to have conducted a nuclear test, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Tuesday.

"I have ordered that we consider every possible way to address this issue, including our own sanctions, while cooperating with other countries," Abe told reporters after a meeting of Japan's security council.

South Korea defense ministry says North Korea quake indicates nuclear blast of six to seven kilotons. [more...]

Full story: http://english.ruvr....e-nuclear-test/

-- THE VOICE OF RUSSIA 2013-02-12

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They have already shown they have nuclear capability. The new leader needs to prove himself as strong to prevent internal challenges from the top ranks of the military and party hierarchy and previous nuclear tests have after several months yielded concessions from their enemies, South Korea and the US.

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They have already shown they have nuclear capability. The new leader needs to prove himself as strong to prevent internal challenges from the top ranks of the military and party hierarchy and previous nuclear tests have after several months yielded concessions from their enemies, South Korea and the US.

This one is thought to be 6 Kilo tons. The biggest they have produced so far.

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North Korea confirms third atomic test


Defense Ministry's spokesman Kim Min-seokholds a press conference at the Seoul, South Korea Tuesday after unusual seismic activity was detected in North Korea. The Korea Meteorological Administration detected a magnitude 5.0 earthquake in North Korea.

Seoul - North Korea said Tuesday it had carried out itsthird atomic test, the official Korean Central News Agency reported.

Earlier UN’s Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization said North Korea was suspected to have carried out its third atomic test Tuesday after a seismic shock was registered.

An earthquake in North Korea that appeared to be an explosion happened in the same area as two previous nuclear tests, said Tibor Toth, the organisation’s executive secretary said.

"The event shows clear explosion-like characteristics and its location is roughly congruent with the 2006 and 2009 DPRK nuclear tests," he said in Vienna, using the official acronym of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

The United States Geological Survey reported a magnitude-4.9 quake in north-east North Korea. South Korean sources put the figures lightly higher.

South Korea’s Defence Ministry estimated the yield of the weapon to be 6-7 kilotons, Yonhap News Agency reported.

The UN Security Council was to meet Tuesday following a request from Seoul, a South Korean diplomat told Yonhap. President Lee Myung Bak ordered a meeting of South Korea’s security council in response to the apparent test.

Japan was also expecting a stern response from the Security Council, chief cabinet secretary Yoshihide Suga said.

The United States told Japan on Monday that Pyongyang would conduct a nuclear test in the near term, he added.

North Korea tested atomic weapons in 2006 and 2009. A third test had been expected. The secretive state in January said that it planned a further atomic and rocket tests in protest at expanded United Nations sanctions. It did not specify when any tests would take place.

The UN sanctions were imposed following the test launch of arocket by the North in December.


-- The Nation 2013-02-12

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Of course, if you have to hand, a big stock of explosives and a large team of unthinking soldiers to carry and stack it in two piles. If the two piles or explosives are then concreted into position. If you then detonate the explosives, in their two piles, with a small gap between the two explosions - why - you get the same signature "double-tap" caused by a nuclear weapon.

Of course, deep is deep and the seismic wave occurs.

I feel there is a great deal of doubt that N.Korea has actually detonated a nuclear weapon - ever.

However, it is highly profitable to do so, as the Americans in particular and the South Koreans found out the last time.

N.Korea should be treated the same as Iran. If you really develop a nuclear weapon - you are gone.

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Doesn't seem they have any ? friends ...

Foreign Ministry: China "resolutely" opposes the latest nuclear test conducted by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).

..Iran Disapproves North Korea Nuclear Test -Foreign Ministry - AFP

but ... blink.png #Iran claims to have manufactured nuclear fuel for the reactor in Tehran http://tinyurl.com/cjmsa6q


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Is it OK to mention the US in relation to N. Korea ?

not sure how Iran is unrelated ... ? Can we not hear their views as well ....blink.png

US calls N. Korean nuclear test ‘threat to national security’


I think it would be saafe to say 'threat to global security' rather than national security, North Korea is a rogue state and whether they use any nuclear weapons they may have as leverage in any international negotiations or as a weapons of mass destruction against anyone they see as a threat, which would be just about any nation which does not share thier ideology is yet to be seen,

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Anyone have any idea on what further sanctions are being proposed?

North Korea has also been caught out shipping weapons to Syria and Burma, so assume other countries are also receiving North Korean war weapons. N.K. also involved in the illegal drug trade with the likes of heroin.

North Korea has extensive uranium and graphite deposits so has the basic resources for a weapons program. As alleged by the US, China has been breaking existing UN sanctions by shipping hi tech military technology. to N.K; denied by China. So is China suggesting it will cease technology transfer? China also ships the basic products such as oil, food and consumer goods. US also ships food.

Very threatening situation if N.K. manages to miniaturise nuclear weapons war heads e.g. delivery via artillery.

Edited by simple1
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Of course, if you have to hand, a big stock of explosives and a large team of unthinking soldiers to carry and stack it in two piles. If the two piles or explosives are then concreted into position. If you then detonate the explosives, in their two piles, with a small gap between the two explosions - why - you get the same signature "double-tap" caused by a nuclear weapon.

Of course, deep is deep and the seismic wave occurs.

I feel there is a great deal of doubt that N.Korea has actually detonated a nuclear weapon - ever.

However, it is highly profitable to do so, as the Americans in particular and the South Koreans found out the last time.

N.Korea should be treated the same as Iran. If you really develop a nuclear weapon - you are gone.

They successfully did before in 2006 and the fallout radiation was detected as far away as Yellowknife, Canada. This one is a larger detonation and it is time to get serious with these morons. Of course the next step is accuracy in delivering a nuclear weapon but N. Koreans would be happy if it just successfully landed in Seoul, S. Korea which is just a stones throw from their border. Any attempt to launch a ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile) will be monitored and shot down by the U.S. or Japan. At this point probably any attempt to try to launch from pad will probably be swiftly taken out. Who knows what happens from here but one thing is for sure, China and the rest of the world are not happy campers as a result of their show of force. An absolutely stupid move on their leaders part.
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