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Sexual Assault And Murder Suspect Forced To Apologise: Bangkok


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I'm staggered at the lack of understanding of Thai culture shown on this thread thus far.

This is all about face at this point. Sod all to do with legal proceedings or any of that nonsense as yet.

It's about the miscreant having his vile face rubbed in the dirt in front of the family first and foremost to give them closure.

We could, and should, take lessons from the Thais sometimes....

You are probably correct in pointing out that this has 'sod all to do with legal proceedings'. We as social humans have for several centuries attempted to set rules/laws for treatment/behavior of our peers, just to move away from the desires of the individual, regarding punishment, for unacceptable social behavior. When a select group can ignore what progress has been made in this area, it can be recongized as regression back to a time, several thousand years ago.

We could go back to stoning, burning at the stake, excuting 7 generations of the family, draw and quarter, etc, but please do not claim to be a democratic nation/government one day and condone this behavior the next.

Which bit of 'Thai culture' is that then. The bit where they have no idea what they're talking about and utter complete rubbish. The legal proceedings to which you refer are Thai in this country although they are based on foreign legislation. The purpose of these proceedings is to establish guilt in regards to this man. Until he is found guilty he isn't a miscreant and whilst he might not be the best looking guy around his face is no more vile than anyone else. If he's found guilty then that's a different matter. At the moment they could just as easily get you to do it.

I'm staggered at the lack of understanding in your post.

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This is wrong on many levels , how do we know the guy is even guilty ? We all know the police are quick to point the finger at someone when needed ! He should of at least had a fair trail before forcably admitting guilt in front of everyone ... And a judge could in fact even throw the case out against him due to this stunt !

Regardless , everyone should be offered a fair trail ( that is the one basic human right we should all have )

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I am sure everyone feels better now...

How strangely ludicrous this is!!!

I simply cannot fathom out these people's thinking....and what's with the photo gallery???

Very useful advice by Yingluck by the way - the street where this happened will suddenly be transformed from the scene of a rape and murder into one of the safest Soi's in Thailand. Why not place armed guards with assault weapons every 20 metres or so along both sides of the street 24/7 just to ENSURE it is safe at all times!!!

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I'm staggered at the lack of understanding of Thai culture shown on this thread thus far.

This is all about face at this point. Sod all to do with legal proceedings or any of that nonsense as yet.

It's about the miscreant having his vile face rubbed in the dirt in front of the family first and foremost to give them closure.

We could, and should, take lessons from the Thais sometimes....

Delightfully hilarious post :) We all take it in the spirit of humour with which it was undoubtedly posted. Well done!

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I'm staggered at the lack of understanding of Thai culture shown on this thread thus far.

This is all about face at this point. Sod all to do with legal proceedings or any of that nonsense as yet.

It's about the miscreant having his vile face rubbed in the dirt in front of the family first and foremost to give them closure.

We could, and should, take lessons from the Thais sometimes....

Delightfully hilarious post smile.png We all take it in the spirit of humour with which it was undoubtedly posted. Well done!

I don't think the post was meant as a joke.

This is a new (to me) extension of the re-enactment farce where the guilty-before-trial backwards BIB system is played out. I just wonder if the BIB were instructed from 'on high' to parade their suspect before the family of the bereaved. It is a disgusting scenario.

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How is it that a "suspect", not guilty yet, is forced to apologize?

Why? Are you under the illusion that there is a difference in Thailand? A place with NO jury trials. Where the judge can look at you and say you look guilty before you enter your plea. A place where most people plead guilty because fighting the charge is almost impossible. Yeah, he better apologize.

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How is it that a "suspect", not guilty yet, is forced to apologize?

Because he has probably admitted the crime - but no trial yet. (He attended a re-enctment. Difficult if he wasn't there.) If Thais admit to the crime - 50% off the sentence. A lot of 'not so hi' Thais feel guilty and fess-up. It's the richer ones that fight.

I'm sure the victim felt much better after the apology..."I'm sorry for killing you. After what I did to you, I am sure you're life will never be the same".

The family asked for an apology.

"On Monday, the victim's relatives carried her coffin to protest outside the premier's residence, demanding that the suspect apologise to them."

Just what the mother needed, the guy who allegedly killed and raped his daughter gatecrashes the funeral with a ton of police in tow. So a sombre sad occassion is turned into a media circus!!!

He did not gate crash - the family demanded it!

Does anyone actually read the article?

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One day this is going to turn into a circus freak show on live television.

What do you mean by one day?

Well, one day someone is going to gut or shoot one of these apologists, and everyone will stand around and finally say "maybe this want such a good idea".

If it was my daughter, God knows what i would do.

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I'm staggered at the lack of understanding of Thai culture shown on this thread thus far.

This is all about face at this point. Sod all to do with legal proceedings or any of that nonsense as yet.

It's about the miscreant having his vile face rubbed in the dirt in front of the family first and foremost to give them closure.

We could, and should, take lessons from the Thais sometimes....

I would guess that most of you 'politically correct' posters have not had someone close to you murdered here. Well I have.

Whilst it seems strange - HD is correct. A lot of what goes here on is done to

1 Try and dump the bad Karma for a sin.

2 Admit guilt and get the sentance halved

3 Re-enactment it to stop the rich from paying the poor to take their place

4 Save face and obtain closure

During the re-enactment/apology, there is normally a larger number of police - to protect the suspect! , it is not unusual for reletives to 'seek immediate revenge'.

Chill out people - it is their country after all. Why should Thailand adopt 'politically correct laws' from us?

Not everything that is done here is right. Not everything that is done here is wrong. Are other countries any better?

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I'm staggered at the lack of understanding of Thai culture shown on this thread thus far.

This is all about face at this point. Sod all to do with legal proceedings or any of that nonsense as yet.

It's about the miscreant having his vile face rubbed in the dirt in front of the family first and foremost to give them closure.

We could, and should, take lessons from the Thais sometimes....

I would guess that most of you 'politically correct' posters have not had someone close to you murdered here. Well I have.

Whilst it seems strange - HD is correct. A lot of what goes here on is done to

1 Try and dump the bad Karma for a sin.

2 Admit guilt and get the sentance halved

3 Re-enactment it to stop the rich from paying the poor to take their place

4 Save face and obtain closure

During the re-enactment/apology, there is normally a larger number of police - to protect the suspect! , it is not unusual for reletives to 'seek immediate revenge'.

Chill out people - it is their country after all. Why should Thailand adopt 'politically correct laws' from us?

Not everything that is done here is right. Not everything that is done here is wrong. Are other countries any better?

One day, this will go pear shaped, and a grieving relative will end up on a murder charge.

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This is wrong on many levels , how do we know the guy is even guilty ? We all know the police are quick to point the finger at someone when needed ! He should of at least had a fair trail before forcably admitting guilt in front of everyone ... And a judge could in fact even throw the case out against him due to this stunt !

Regardless , everyone should be offered a fair trail ( that is the one basic human right we should all have )

In the west you would no doubt be right,in Thailand I doubt that will happen!

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He needs to be punished with the full force of the law, if he is guilty, and, although I am not a death penalty advocate, I would make an exception in his case. However, I can't see the point of the grotesque ritual stage managed by the police. I saw a picture in another paper of the suspect grovelling on the ground in front of the victim's mother who was busy kicking him in the head. Bizarre!

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She said she had also urged the metropolitan police chief to ensure the safety of people travelling in risky areas.

Oh I can see it now, all the police that stand at the U-Turn bridges flapping their arms (somehow this is meant to keep traffic moving, as if the drivers would just stop moving, if the BiB wasn't their flapping his arms) will now be reassigned to risky areas. This will probably be about as useful as the idiotic sign they put up next to the field were the Thai's like to dump their garbage. 5000 baht fine for littering. A smart BiB would hide in the restaurant 200 meters up the road and watch the miscreants dumping trash. Then just waltz over and get a 2000 baht donation, next thing you know the BiB is well off and the Thai's stop dumping in my area. No they can't think like that, perhaps if Thaksin's sisters urges the police they will do it.

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Why do you think it's wrong to make a villain apologise to his victim's family?

The mind boggles....

I hope someday you get arrested for rape or something, and you are not guilty, haven't even been to trial yet, and they make you get up on national TV and apologize.

The mind boggles how you don't see the problem with the order in which this was done. If he was convicted then all well and good, but he hasn't been.

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Why do you think it's wrong to make a villain apologise to his victim's family?

The mind boggles....

Think you had a few too many beers today HeavyDrinker, which might explain your boggling mind.

I suppose the law states that rape and murder is punishable by prison or death, so if found guilty you can sentence him to .... prison or death. You cannot, and should not, just make new rules whenever relatives decide on their own punishment and demonstrate to get what they want. What if the family wanted him to cut off his finger, or his balls or drink 10 bottles of wine or whatever. Should he then be forced to do that as well?

Your comparison is a bit far fetched, but. YES! mad.gif

Edited by ALFREDO
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One day this is going to turn into a circus freak show on live television.

What do you mean by one day?

Well, one day someone is going to gut or shoot one of these apologists, and everyone will stand around and finally say "maybe this want such a good idea".

If it was my daughter, God knows what i would do.

Having his ‘guts for garters.’ ,, is probably what you would do, if you were your violated daughter.

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