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Development In Chiang Mai. You'd Better Sit Down.....


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Doing a quick Google to check out pictures of the Astra Condo (presently subject of another thread) I came across this mind blowing round up of current projects in Chiang Mai. Some are now complete and some are computer renderings but there are many that I've seen advertised in the past couple of months.

Check it out and be afraid. Be very afraid...

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You must be living on another planet, or at least a different country! When did you ever see a housing or condo development rendering in a sales pitch look even remotely realistic as far as the surroundings go? Every one of those 65 talang wah plots in every development is set amidst trees and meadows (and has at least a Merc in the driveway. biggrin.png

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Unique Condo, where high end units, about 65 to 85 square meters, go for 6 million baht on up. For that much money you can buy a nice house and a decent amount of land in most of the first world (yeah I know, not in the high price cities and popular beach front areas, but still in many nice, liveable areas). I don't know who is paying this much for these condos, or what kind of construction standards they are being built to, but for the foreseeable future I'm happy to rent..

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Unique Condo, where high end units, about 65 to 85 square meters, go for 6 million baht on up. For that much money you can buy a nice house and a decent amount of land in most of the first world (yeah I know, not in the high price cities and popular beach front areas, but still in many nice, liveable areas). I don't know who is paying this much for these condos, or what kind of construction standards they are being built to, but for the foreseeable future I'm happy to rent..

I doubt anyone would be foolish enough to pay 6 million THB on up for a 65-85 square meter box.

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Unique Condo, where high end units, about 65 to 85 square meters, go for 6 million baht on up. For that much money you can buy a nice house and a decent amount of land in most of the first world (yeah I know, not in the high price cities and popular beach front areas, but still in many nice, liveable areas). I don't know who is paying this much for these condos, or what kind of construction standards they are being built to, but for the foreseeable future I'm happy to rent..

I doubt anyone would be foolish enough to pay 6 million THB on up for a 65-85 square meter box.

Hard to believe, but these seem to be in line with the Astra prices, and at least one TV member is concerned they will sell out. I'm beginning to think there's more than one born every minute.

On the bright side, all this overbuilding should keep rental prices down.

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Good posts from MESmith, ianf and jko. I pretty much agree with everything they said.

A couple of weeks ago I went to one of my g/f's properties in Saraphi to take a look at a problem reported by her mother. I hadn't been to that lot in about 5 years but knew the way - so I thought. On my first attempt I was shocked at the amount of development in the last 5 years. In fact, I could not locate the soi that goes to her lots. Everything was so different, moobaans had been built, roads, huge homes, shops, etc. All the familiar markers were gone. I had to make a 2nd attempt a few days later and find a local at the market to come with me for a few minutes and show me where the soi was. Most of the rice fields were all gone. I think a 10% per annum growth rate needs to be put in place. Growth got out of control in parts of Colorado in the USA and this measure was put in place before all the mountains were leveled!

I definitely think the Thaksin factor has a lot to do with the over-development that is going on, on the way to, and in San Kampaheng.

I first went to Koh Samui and Phuket in 1987 or thereabouts, 20 years after jko went there. Even in 1987 they were both lovely. I visited Phuket last year for 10 days. I could not believe my eyes. All the beautiful nature had been replaced with concrete, steel and glass. The amount of lights on at night when looking up from the beach at Kata was amazing. All the friendly locals have been replaced with seedy hustlers from almost every country in the world. I will never visit Phuket again. I don't want to see Koh Samui. I want to remember the way it was...

Too bad for Chiang Mai. Only 6 years ago it was wonderful. It has grown so much in 6 years I can't even believe it.

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Well not to throw water on peoples enthusiasm but.

I really think what is going to happen is we are going to have a lot of new buildings. Some will fill up and many will not. Rent prices will be low so that a middle rent figure of say 15,000 baht a month will get you what you pay 20.000 or 25,000 baht for now.

The Condo and shopping Mall will soon outstrip the population here in Chiang Mai. Also remember that a lot of the buyers already live here and they will be leaving empty units when they move.

How many are being snapped up by speculates. Often these people fall behind in the upkeep payments and the buildings no longer maintain the shinny new look.

Just my opinion.

As for Thaksin country having any thing to do with it I doubt it. That is a lot of money to throw around on the hope he will return and become the emperor of the North.

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I drove past "The Benefits" condo site a while back. Made me laugh. Where do they get the names. Maybe only Brits understand. Where do I sign on?laugh.png

For a glimpse of Chiang Mai in the future, look at La Paz sad.png

Theres a moo ban not from us, the name... "Richy Rich Land"

nearly fell off my bike the first time I rode past it.

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Isn't that what happens?

Chiang Mai becomes Bangkok, Chiang Rai becomes the new Chiang Mai, and the little mud hut in the middle of the forest becomes the new Chiang Rai?

I spend a month in Chiang Mai about 8 years ago and I can't tell the difference between then and now tbh.

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Honestly--though, the traffic build up in the last 12 months is horrific--I have seen more actual smashes, rear-end shunts and near-misses, in the last month than I care to think about--even very nearly became one of these statistics but for superior ABS and higher intervention--what has happened to encourage such lunacy?? I dread the morning school ride these days.

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