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45Kg Tyrants.....


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I see it all over the place. In BigC especially, but only at certain times of the day. Trotting along behind their 20 - 30 years younger wife that has had all is money off him to build a house and is waiting for him to die/ change the locks.

if he is dead why would you need to change the lock s ? whistling.gif

Not too bright this morning? waiting for him to die. Waiting to change the locks

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I have no interest in other peoples relationship, unless it has a direct effect on mine.

"No man is an iland, intire of it selfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine; if a clod bee washed away by the Sea, Europe is the lesse, as well as if a Promontorie were, as well as if a Mannor of thy friends or of thine owne were; any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee...."


Sounds like a sermon from Pastor CMK!

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I see it all over the place. In BigC especially, but only at certain times of the day. Trotting along behind their 20 - 30 years younger wife that has had all is money off him to build a house and is waiting for him to die/ change the locks.

if he is dead why would you need to change the lock s ? whistling.gif

Not too bright this morning? waiting for him to die. Waiting to change the locks

Why would she be waiting for him to change the locks? I can understand, to some extent, though. I'm dreadful for procrastinating as well when it comes to DIY round the house.


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I see it all over the place. In BigC especially, but only at certain times of the day. Trotting along behind their 20 - 30 years younger wife that has had all is money off him to build a house and is waiting for him to die/ change the locks.

if he is dead why would you need to change the lock s ? whistling.gif

Not too bright this morning? waiting for him to die. Waiting to change the locks

Why would she be waiting for him to change the locks? I can understand, to some extent, though. I'm dreadful for procrastinating as well when it comes to DIY round the house.


Oh dear, now I feel stupid. It is not unknown for a Farang to go 'home' and find out that the locks have been changed.

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Why would she be waiting for him to change the locks? I can understand, to some extent, though. I'm dreadful for procrastinating as well when it comes to DIY round the house.


Oh dear, now I feel stupid. It is not unknown for a Farang to go 'home' and find out that the locks have been changed.

She probably got fed up waiting for him to do it. A salutary reminder to us all not to put off until tomorrow that which be deleted altogether from the agenda


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Personally, I don't see the point in arguing with one's wife while out shopping.

It seems like a good way to turn purgatory into hell...


Personally I dont see the point in accompanying the wife while she shops, sounds like an exercise in futility.

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Personally, I don't see the point in arguing with one's wife while out shopping.

It seems like a good way to turn purgatory into hell...


Personally I dont see the point in accompanying the wife while she shops, sounds like an exercise in futility.

Who else will carry all the stuff

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Have you seen any good examples of how guys are hen pecked?

I saw one last week where the guy was told to stop fidgeting. Repeatedly told.

Oh how I struggled to keep a straight face.

I think they view it as a kind of tournament.

Look what mine can do ... bet yours won't do this.

So long as we don't get made to perch on boxes and run through a pipe it's ok.

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I let the missus go shopping by herself i am over the stand

in one shop for 45minutes looking at the same thing routine!

So now i go somewhere for a drink and she goes to the shop

she calls me when she is finished, read(money all gone),

I go pick her up and everbody is happy

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I let the missus go shopping by herself i am over the stand

in one shop for 45minutes looking at the same thing routine!

So now i go somewhere for a drink and she goes to the shop

she calls me when she is finished, read(money all gone),

I go pick her up and everbody is happy

So you're just the driver Scotto?

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A friend of mine lives with a 40kg cutie, she's definitely the controlling type BUT whenever she pushes it, he leaves for the night to one of his Gik's / Mia Noi's only to return in the morning.

She then proceeds to give him a massage and prepares a succulent bacon cheeseburger... works every time thumbsup.gif

Both happy... she gets the feeling of control and he has a good excuse... clap2.gif

I gotta say that sounds like two 5 year olds.

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I see it all over the place. In BigC especially, but only at certain times of the day. Trotting along behind their 20 - 30 years younger wife that has had all is money off him to build a house and is waiting for him to die/ change the locks.

if he is dead why would you need to change the lock s ? whistling.gif

To kept out his ghost

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I've been amazed to see how many men are totally under the thumb of their Thai wives. 45kg of tyranny concealed behind those beautiful hazel eyes and flashing smiles.

How did you let it come to this?

ps. I don't have a Thai wife so no blether bashing on this thread for a change eh?

Just sayin'

The King of the sweeping generalization strikes again lol.

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I've been amazed to see how many men are totally under the thumb of their Thai wives. 45kg of tyranny concealed behind those beautiful hazel eyes and flashing smiles.

How did you let it come to this?

ps. I don't have a Thai wife so no blether bashing on this thread for a change eh?

Just sayin'

The King of the sweeping generalization strikes again lol.

That's a bit tough!

I happen to know for a fact that theblether does not know one end of a broom from another.

Though, he still remains fairly good at cleaning things up.

Generally speaking ... of course ... laugh.png


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I see it all over the place. In BigC especially, but only at certain times of the day. Trotting along behind their 20 - 30 years younger wife that has had all is money off him to build a house and is waiting for him to die/ change the locks.

if he is dead why would you need to change the lock s ? whistling.gif

To kept out his ghost

I have obviously been here for too long. The guy goes 'home' and can't get in. There is his suitcase outside She doesn't let him in. It's not his house and her Thai husband has installed himself. The guy can' t do anything, floats back to Bangkok and looks at his options.

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A friend of mine lives with a 40kg cutie, she's definitely the controlling type BUT whenever she pushes it, he leaves for the night to one of his Gik's / Mia Noi's only to return in the morning.

She then proceeds to give him a massage and prepares a succulent bacon cheeseburger... works every time thumbsup.gif

Both happy... she gets the feeling of control and he has a good excuse... clap2.gif

I gotta say that sounds like two 5 year olds.

One more and it's legal (just about).

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I've been amazed to see how many men are totally under the thumb of their Thai wives. 45kg of tyranny concealed behind those beautiful hazel eyes and flashing smiles.

How did you let it come to this?

ps. I don't have a Thai wife so no blether bashing on this thread for a change eh?

Just sayin'

The King of the sweeping generalization strikes again lol.

Did you miss the bit about no blether bashing. coffee1.gif

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Have you seen any good examples of how guys are hen pecked?

I saw one last week where the guy was told to stop fidgeting. Repeatedly told.

Oh how I struggled to keep a straight face.

and I'll bet that made you fidget even more.....cheesy.gif

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