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Bring Out Truth About Tak Bai: Rights Advocate


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I did notice the Democrats forgot to investigate the 2,500 drug war deaths or the Tak Bai incident.

Wonder why?

Was the Army behind this?

If you have been following the thread you should know that anything that happens when the PTP or their aliases are in power, if bad should be blamed solely on TS. If something happens when the Democrats are in power, it should still be blamed on TS. Never the Dems, the army, the police or anyone else just TS. It should be noted that the army, police or anybody did anything bad in Thailand prior to TS.

Comical exaggeration not supported by the factual reality of posts on this thread.

Incidentally, DiNiro's post is answered in Posts # 59 and # 61.


I love when "REDS" start squirming around. Just reinforcing the facts.
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Could it be the Army/Yellows were behind these things and pinned the blame on Thaksin in their campaign to smear him?

I repeat the yellows/army/dems cannot, do not and never have done anything wrong in the eyes of the YUB.

You just have to look at a trhead on here about Chuwit exposing something which could potentially be linked to corruption in the Democrat party. Instead of taciturn approval that yes perhaps the Dems could also be involved in corruption, about 70% of the posts are choosing to blame Chuwit for being in the RUB instead!

Expanding the laughable exaggeration of reality in a feeble attempt to ensnare even more off-topic issues to derail the discussion away from Tak Bai.


exaggerate and derail.

Good game plan.


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Could it be the Army/Yellows were behind these things and pinned the blame on Thaksin in their campaign to smear him?

I repeat the yellows/army/dems cannot, do not and never have done anything wrong in the eyes of the YUB.

You just have to look at a trhead on here about Chuwit exposing something which could potentially be linked to corruption in the Democrat party. Instead of taciturn approval that yes perhaps the Dems could also be involved in corruption, about 70% of the posts are choosing to blame Chuwit for being in the RUB instead!

It doesnt appear that you read the thread very closely or understand the OP, or the concept of staying on topic of the OP. How very typical.

Yes - rather looks like a few late-comers not bothering to read the previous posts & the Op before making silly comments about the yellow shirts (who weren't in existence at the time of Tak Bai). Is this the oft-mentioned second shift?

One could describe it that way. But this always happens when the hardcore RUB bails out and becomes eerily quiet. They could try and offer something to the topic Bring out truth about Tak Bai. But they are in survival mode.
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Could it be the Army/Yellows were behind these things and pinned the blame on Thaksin in their campaign to smear him?

I repeat the yellows/army/dems cannot, do not and never have done anything wrong in the eyes of the YUB.

You just have to look at a trhead on here about Chuwit exposing something which could potentially be linked to corruption in the Democrat party. Instead of taciturn approval that yes perhaps the Dems could also be involved in corruption, about 70% of the posts are choosing to blame Chuwit for being in the RUB instead!

Expanding the laughable exaggeration of reality in a feeble attempt to ensnare even more off-topic issues to derail the discussion away from Tak Bai.


exaggerate and derail.

Good game plan.


the irony, oh lord the irony

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Could it be the Army/Yellows were behind these things and pinned the blame on Thaksin in their campaign to smear him?

I repeat the yellows/army/dems cannot, do not and never have done anything wrong in the eyes of the YUB.

You just have to look at a trhead on here about Chuwit exposing something which could potentially be linked to corruption in the Democrat party. Instead of taciturn approval that yes perhaps the Dems could also be involved in corruption, about 70% of the posts are choosing to blame Chuwit for being in the RUB instead!

Expanding the laughable exaggeration of reality in a feeble attempt to ensnare even more off-topic issues to derail the discussion away from Tak Bai.


exaggerate and derail.

Good game plan.


the irony, oh lord the irony

Please cite whatever it is you are trying to say with your meaningless, throwaway, one-liner as you just continue with your rambling derailment.

Do you have ANYTHING regarding the OP?


Edited by Buchholz
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Could it be the Army/Yellows were behind these things and pinned the blame on Thaksin in their campaign to smear him?

I repeat the yellows/army/dems cannot, do not and never have done anything wrong in the eyes of the YUB.

You just have to look at a trhead on here about Chuwit exposing something which could potentially be linked to corruption in the Democrat party. Instead of taciturn approval that yes perhaps the Dems could also be involved in corruption, about 70% of the posts are choosing to blame Chuwit for being in the RUB instead!

Expanding the laughable exaggeration of reality in a feeble attempt to ensnare even more off-topic issues to derail the discussion away from Tak Bai.


exaggerate and derail.

Good game plan.


the irony, oh lord the irony

Bring Out Truth About Tak Bai

Smutcakes, Like myself I am sure everyone here, would love to have you input. The topic is clearly shown above.

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The difference was that Abhisit was directly involved in the suppression and consequent deaths in 2010.Thaksin had no knowledge of Tak Bai until after the event.Rather a significant difference I would have thought.

As to why no security official was charged for Tak Bai your suggestion is absurd.The reasons are quite complex and primarily relate to the longstanding non accountability for cimes by the armed forces.In any event your Enid Blyton theory doesn't tackle the issue of why nothing was done when Abhisit was in power.

Oh Jayboy! You still sputter this nonsense that Thaksin was not directly involved, in not only the Tak Bai massacre but all the other incidents and extrajudicial murders he ordered in the south (and all over Thailand) during his rein of terror. How many other links to this fact do you need?

Now your ramblings and accusations about AV being on the trigger of unfortunate deaths of innocent protesters being used as human shields in the protests of 2010. Off topic it would be (that is your norm) but you cannot, or never have, provided any proof of your allegations. I know, you feel you have the responsibility to defend the Puppet PM Yingluck, her brother, and the numerous criminals Thaksin she has appointed to her cabinet. But you should not make yourself look ridiculous doing it.


Thank you. I am unsure I can belittle myself trying to answer the nonsensical rants of jayboy and a couple of others. Their logic, rationale and objectiveness may just be able to be observed by the Hubble Telescope. They are intent on making a hamster wheel here, when I know deep down, they know they are spouting utter tripe and are doing it for the reaction..because they can...because it's the main source of entertainment in their lives.

Jayboy, how do you say stuff like this with either a straight face or a straight conscience?

The difference was that Abhisit was directly involved in the suppression and consequent deaths in 2010.Thaksin had no knowledge of Tak Bai until after the event.Rather a significant difference I would have thought.

Can you say how you know Thaksin had no knowledge of Tak Bai until after the event?....because he said so, or one of his spokesmen said so?

As to why no security official was charged for Tak Bai your suggestion is absurd.The reasons are quite complex and primarily relate to the longstanding non accountability for cimes by the armed forces.In any event your Enid Blyton theory doesn't tackle the issue of why nothing was done when Abhisit was in power.

Why is my suggestion absurd. Thaksin's close family and friends were at the most senior positions of the respective services, and no prosecutions took place and nobody was found culpable, why is that? Is there a remote connection as to where responsibility lies...at the top of the Police and the Army perhaps? Are you trying to say that neither Thaksin was to blame, nor any of his relatives and close friends running the Armed services? Boy...you should have been a lawyer at Nuremberg.

There are massive differences between the protest at Tak Bai and the siege of Bangkok, and as you don't get it, it is pointless trying to explain again.

Tell us what are the 'complex' reasons you elude to that would make my statement the product of fiction? Explain to us the complex reasons, we can take it, no matter how complex...try us.

Why would I tackle the issue of Abhisit? You are the one who always brings him up. This topic is about Tak Bai, phrase your question of inaction to those responsible for making sure Abhisit should pay...the current government. Ask them what the reasons are and why there is no swift justice. You are on the same side as them, you think like them ...or do you? Ask them why Abhisit is not in jail.

Now what were you saying about Enid Blyton?

Edited by GentlemanJim
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The other paper is reporting that a group of nine senior advisors from the south have been corraled to give advice.

maybe a step forward.

Corraled by Chalerm, I think? I think he is feeling a bit alienated right now, and his lower lip is dragging. because the Puppet real PM spanked him for not performing.
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The other paper is reporting that a group of nine senior advisers from the south have been corralled to give advice.

maybe a step forward.

Nearly all ex Thai Rak Thai - have a look at the URL below that goes into the detail of some of their alleged previous involvement in violence in the Deep South


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The other paper is reporting that a group of nine senior advisors from the south have been corraled to give advice.

maybe a step forward.

Corraled by Chalerm, I think? I think he is feeling a bit alienated right now, and his lower lip is dragging. because the Puppet real PM spanked him for not performing.

Well they mention one of chavalits previous mps.

Let's see

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Could it be the Army/Yellows were behind these things and pinned the blame on Thaksin in their campaign to smear him?

I repeat the yellows/army/dems cannot, do not and never have done anything wrong in the eyes of the YUB.

You just have to look at a trhead on here about Chuwit exposing something which could potentially be linked to corruption in the Democrat party. Instead of taciturn approval that yes perhaps the Dems could also be involved in corruption, about 70% of the posts are choosing to blame Chuwit for being in the RUB instead!

Surely you have seen an animal die, it tends to lash out at everything

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"The government must bring out the truth about the Tak Bai incident," Sunai said.

Rather a naïve remark don't you think?

The only way that could happen is if someone were to tap into the water supply going to government house and inject copious amounts of truth serum. Otherwise, what on earth does "truth" have to do with the Thai Government - or any Government for that matter.

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The other paper is reporting that a group of nine senior advisors from the south have been corraled to give advice.

maybe a step forward.

Corraled by Chalerm, I think? I think he is feeling a bit alienated right now, and his lower lip is dragging. because the Puppet real PM spanked him for not performing.

Well they mention one of chavalits previous mps.

Let's see

That thread is over here - - > Chalerm Floats New Thoughts On Tackling Southern Insurgency


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Do tell us, preferably with examples, what the National crackdown on drugs undertaken by the Thaksin administration has to do with the insurgency in the South?

Death at the hands of government forces.

I did notice the Democrats forgot to investigate the 2,500 drug war deaths or the Tak Bai incident.

Wonder why?

Was the Army behind this?

The Dems also had over 12 months to investigate the 2010 shindig..Guess what they didnt, possibly the army was to blame for those deaths also. Even the die hard yellow necks must admit there has been a pattern, army killings for some decades now.

Would seem to be the nature of the beast when you let terrorists take over to the point that the army is called in well what do you expect. Also when the army is working under the control of a not so bright ego maniac bound to be deaths.

Perhaps instead of trying to crucify the army for doing the job of the police people might want to ask why the police were not doing there job.

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I don't think they support drugs either: "We will completely destroy the vices that corrupt our society of Malayu Muslims." though I am aware that the vices they refer to encompass a variety of "society corruptants" - take your pick.

How does this relate to the Tak Bai incident?

Are you attempting to make excuses on Thaksin's behalf?

Are you trolling or just forgetful? Do you remember adding the war on drugs to the Tak Bai incident as a reason why there is an insurgency in the south and I asked you why?

You replied "because of deaths caused by armed forces" presumably during the "war on drugs".

I provided a manifesto from one of the insurgent groups pointing out that they wanted their "Pattani" back and would destroy anything Thai in order to do so and stated that it was a more logical reason for the insurgency than your war on drugs reason. I also tounge in cheek suggested as they wished to get rid of all vices, that they would probably have supported the "war on drugs"

And then you come up with the nonsense above. OK? If you need anything else explaining don't bother asking, I've wasted more than enough time on you than is necessary.

I'm sure that society harbours grudges about all instances of civilian death - not just Tak Bai.

Your manifesto, verbose as it is when compared to the PTP counterpart, is irrelevant.

Civilians died, grudges are still harboured, closure needs to be seen.

Moruya, with respect, you started this off with a foray to the off topic world of the drugs war and then you accuse me of irrelevant posts? There are many times when you don't make sense- this is one of those times. Please don't bother to reply.

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Tak Bai, the site which saw some people weak from fasting.

If ever a PM should bang his head on a wall and tear out his sparsely remaining hair because of a stupid remark, this one on Tak Bai really beats it. dry.png

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Sorry quotes got me again.

Muttley the writing style and content of your posts are exactly the same as another TVF member that stop posting some time ago. Are you a previous member and have re-joined under a new name?

Join the queue, so far I've been accused of being two other previous posters, perhaps I should hold a lottery? In the meantime if you have something to say to counter what I've written rather than its style or lack thereof, please do so.

No offence meant. I just asked you a simple question. Are you a former member or not. Very simple yes or no question. I would certainly answer it if I was asked. I have nothing to hide.

Nor have I

Ok so silence implies consent. Welcome back to TVF.

Not sure if he is new or a retread dosen't really make a difference. He is making some sense here. I know not doglike but never the less some sense.

Right you are. It would be a dull place if we all agreed on everything. Debate is good. If we all thought alike everyone would want my old girlfriend.
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Tak Bai, the site which saw some people weak from fasting.

If ever a PM should bang his head on a wall and tear out his sparsely remaining hair because of a stupid remark, this one on Tak Bai really beats it. dry.png

Yes, it would difficult to find a former PM that said something that crass, oh wait a minute,

Yep, there's more.... returning to the on-topic discussion of the subject of the thread regarding Tak Bai:


"I want to tell the Thai Muslims ... that I know about everything that goes on in the south, and I will absolutely not allow the authorities to harass the public," Thaksin told reporters.


In a press conference two days after the massacre, the Government Spokesman Jakrapob Penkair* said that the three main causes of death are over-exhaustion due to fasting; the influence of unidentified drugs; and accidents during the crackdown. This was the public statement echoed by different personalities of the government.

“Many protesters were weak and hungry because they were obeying the holy Ramadan fast which took toll on their health,” said Justice Deputy Permanent Secretary Manit Suthaporn. The Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra* confirmed this, and added “They were exhausted, as they were protesting under a scorching sun."

*: currently a fugitive from justice.


“If we’re soft, they’ll think we’re caving in. I won’t have it,” Thaksin said in an interview.


and the topper, IMHO:

The Prime Minister said, “It would not be right to assume every suspect was innocent until proven guilty.”




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Tak Bai, the site which saw some people weak from fasting.

If ever a PM should bang his head on a wall and tear out his sparsely remaining hair because of a stupid remark, this one on Tak Bai really beats it. dry.png

Yes, it would difficult to find a former PM that said something that crass, oh wait a minute,

Yep, there's more.... returning to the on-topic discussion of the subject of the thread regarding Tak Bai:


"I want to tell the Thai Muslims ... that I know about everything that goes on in the south, and I will absolutely not allow the authorities to harass the public," Thaksin told reporters.


In a press conference two days after the massacre, the Government Spokesman Jakrapob Penkair* said that the three main causes of death are over-exhaustion due to fasting; the influence of unidentified drugs; and accidents during the crackdown. This was the public statement echoed by different personalities of the government.

“Many protesters were weak and hungry because they were obeying the holy Ramadan fast which took toll on their health,” said Justice Deputy Permanent Secretary Manit Suthaporn. The Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra* confirmed this, and added “They were exhausted, as they were protesting under a scorching sun."

*: currently a fugitive from justice.


“If we’re soft, they’ll think we’re caving in. I won’t have it,” Thaksin said in an interview.


and the topper, IMHO:

The Prime Minister said, “It would not be right to assume every suspect was innocent until proven guilty.”




Absolutely amazing.He manages to avoid any mention of the primary criminals in the Tak Bai massacre, the Thai army and the role in the massacre of very senior officers who have no association with Thaksin whatsoever.


Frankly this level of dishonesty makes the stomach turn.

Edited by jayboy
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Tak Bai, the site which saw some people weak from fasting.

If ever a PM should bang his head on a wall and tear out his sparsely remaining hair because of a stupid remark, this one on Tak Bai really beats it. dry.png

Yes, it would difficult to find a former PM that said something that crass, oh wait a minute,

"I want to tell the Thai Muslims ... that I know about everything that goes on in the south, and I will absolutely not allow the authorities to harass the public," Thaksin told reporters.


In a press conference two days after the massacre, the Government Spokesman Jakrapob Penkair* said that the three main causes of death are over-exhaustion due to fasting; the influence of unidentified drugs; and accidents during the crackdown. This was the public statement echoed by different personalities of the government.

“Many protesters were weak and hungry because they were obeying the holy Ramadan fast which took toll on their health,” said Justice Deputy Permanent Secretary Manit Suthaporn. The Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra* confirmed this, and added “They were exhausted, as they were protesting under a scorching sun."

*: currently a fugitive from justice.


“If we’re soft, they’ll think we’re caving in. I won’t have it,” Thaksin said in an interview.


and the topper, IMHO:

The Prime Minister said, “It would not be right to assume every suspect was innocent until proven guilty.”


Absolutely amazing.

It was just a brief discussion of quotes from one of the parties involved.

It's not an all encompassing discussion of all the aspects of all the parties involved.

There's plenty of other posts by myself in this 115 post thread that discusses the others involved.

There's no need to misrepresent my posting... again.... especially to do so in an inflammatory manner.

Relative to this particular aspect of the topic, you are most welcome to supply quotes from the others involved if you deem that necessary (which you seem to do).

In the interim, it'd be appreciated if you ratcheted down your uncalled-for bilious tone.

Sticking to discussing the topic and not posters would be a good start.



Edited by Buchholz
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Tak Bai, the site which saw some people weak from fasting.

If ever a PM should bang his head on a wall and tear out his sparsely remaining hair because of a stupid remark, this one on Tak Bai really beats it. dry.png

Yes, it would difficult to find a former PM that said something that crass, oh wait a minute,

Yep, there's more.... returning to the on-topic discussion of the subject of the thread regarding Tak Bai:


"I want to tell the Thai Muslims ... that I know about everything that goes on in the south, and I will absolutely not allow the authorities to harass the public," Thaksin told reporters.


In a press conference two days after the massacre, the Government Spokesman Jakrapob Penkair* said that the three main causes of death are over-exhaustion due to fasting; the influence of unidentified drugs; and accidents during the crackdown. This was the public statement echoed by different personalities of the government.

“Many protesters were weak and hungry because they were obeying the holy Ramadan fast which took toll on their health,” said Justice Deputy Permanent Secretary Manit Suthaporn. The Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra* confirmed this, and added “They were exhausted, as they were protesting under a scorching sun."

*: currently a fugitive from justice.


“If we’re soft, they’ll think we’re caving in. I won’t have it,” Thaksin said in an interview.


and the topper, IMHO:

The Prime Minister said, “It would not be right to assume every suspect was innocent until proven guilty.”




Absolutely amazing.He manages to avoid any mention of the primary criminals in the Tak Bai massacre, the Thai army and the role in the massacre of very senior officers who have no association with Thaksin whatsoever.


Frankly this level of dishonesty makes the stomach turn.

Again the sputtering continues. what part of this dont you understand?

From your link:

On June 5, General Pisarn Wattanawongkiri testified at the inquest into the Tak Bai killings going in the Songkhla Provincial Court. Gen. Pisarn is the former Fourth Army Region commander. He was the highest military officer present at Tak Bai on 25 October 2004, and is one of the three army officers named by a government-appointed investigating committee as being responsible for the killing

From my previous post:

The new Fourth Army commander, Lieutenant-General Pisan, was also very

close to Thaksin, and unlikely to dissent from his preference for hard-line measures.

Pisan was a student of the Armed Forces Academy Preparatory School

(AFAPS) Class 9 (one year above Thaksin himself) and Chulachomklao Royal

Military Academy Class 20.21 With his knowledge of problems in the South, he

was assigned by the prime minister to assist General Chaisit Shinawatra, to oversee

the situation there, as well as coordinating with local religious leaders. His

determination to use violence to disperse the Tak Bai demonstrators and his

televised statement branding the crowd “rioters as well as the resulting

eighty-five deaths, showed that Lieutenant-General Pisan was prone to using

violence and inclined to respond favorably to the prime minister’s orders, not a

man who would argue with Thaksin or be inclined toward a policy of compromise.

How can you say there was no association with Thaksin? Boggles my mind.

I think your stomach turning comes from another source. Possibly from your determination to ignore facts and your unrelenting personal attacks of TVF members, supplying those facts.

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It was just a brief discussion of quotes from one of the parties involved.

It's not an all encompassing discussion of all the parties involved.

There's plenty of other posts by myself in this 115 post thread that discusses the others involved.

<irrelevant flaming deleted>

The trouble is that your contributions always seem to be selective.You never even attempt to take a comprehensive view, and you edit savagely when an article contains a passage that doesn't fit in with your army kowtowing narrative.That's why I have to take you too task.

Even in your bizarro world I don't really see how it's possible to discuss Tak Bai without mentioning the army.In terms of discussing "other issues" I have never seen a post of yours criticising the army head on whether in respect of Tak Bai or its many other crimes.All I have seen was your childish suggestion that Thsaksin was responsible for promoting all the senior officers involved in the massacre, a lie and a stupid one at that because so easily disproved.

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It was just a brief discussion of quotes from one of the parties involved.

It's not an all encompassing discussion of all the parties involved.

There's plenty of other posts by myself in this 115 post thread that discusses the others involved.

The trouble is that

you missed this...

In the interim, it'd be appreciated if you ratcheted down your uncalled-for bilious tone.

Sticking to discussing the topic and not posters would be a good start.


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Tak Bai, the site which saw some people weak from fasting.

If ever a PM should bang his head on a wall and tear out his sparsely remaining hair because of a stupid remark, this one on Tak Bai really beats it. dry.png

Yes, it would difficult to find a former PM that said something that crass, oh wait a minute,

Yep, there's more.... returning to the on-topic discussion of the subject of the thread regarding Tak Bai:


"I want to tell the Thai Muslims ... that I know about everything that goes on in the south, and I will absolutely not allow the authorities to harass the public," Thaksin told reporters.


In a press conference two days after the massacre, the Government Spokesman Jakrapob Penkair* said that the three main causes of death are over-exhaustion due to fasting; the influence of unidentified drugs; and accidents during the crackdown. This was the public statement echoed by different personalities of the government.

“Many protesters were weak and hungry because they were obeying the holy Ramadan fast which took toll on their health,” said Justice Deputy Permanent Secretary Manit Suthaporn. The Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra* confirmed this, and added “They were exhausted, as they were protesting under a scorching sun."

*: currently a fugitive from justice.


“If we’re soft, they’ll think we’re caving in. I won’t have it,” Thaksin said in an interview.


and the topper, IMHO:

The Prime Minister said, “It would not be right to assume every suspect was innocent until proven guilty.”




It was my understanding that Muslims did not fast during Ramadan.They just refrained from eating from sun up to sun down. Not exactly what I would call a fast. It is not like they ate very little at night. I am sure they ate enough to fill them selves up.

Thaksin said

"The Prime Minister said, “It would not be right to assume every suspect was innocent until proven guilty.”

Agreed not a popular opinion but I stick to it. Thaksin is guilty of the uncalled for needless killing of over 1,500 innocent people in his so called war on drugs. Thaksin is guilty of paying for and inciting the terrorists in 2010.

My opinion and I stand by it makes no difference what a court says he is guilty.

Flame away I can take the heat.

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It was just a brief discussion of quotes from one of the parties involved.

It's not an all encompassing discussion of all the parties involved.

There's plenty of other posts by myself in this 115 post thread that discusses the others involved.

The trouble is that

you missed this...

In the interim, it'd be appreciated if you ratcheted down your uncalled-for bilious tone.

Sticking to discussing the topic and not posters would be a good start.


Humility is a wonderful thing.

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