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Women Arrested For Pimping 11-Year-Old Girl On Bangkok's Soi Cowboy


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This thread seems to have less to do with child prostitution and everything to do with being a holier-than-thou wowser. Some truly inspiring responses here - 'bulldoze Cowboy', 'demolish Pattaya' - it would be fascinating to see just how many Farang would be left in Thailand if some of you had right of refusal at Swampy ....

Personally, I detest smoking - can we add smokers to the list of people who wont be allowed in ? Please ? What's that - you enjoy the odd cigarette ? You filthy, filthy bastard - I bet you wear socks with sandals too wink.png

Many of us love Thailand because it is so tolerant, but a lot of what I see on TV is 'no - I want some order in this chaos !'. My suggestion is that you move to Singapore ASAP.

So you want to see thailand more tolerant towards underage sex offenders ?

Are many sex offenders underage??

• Overall, 23% of sexual assault offenders were under the 18 and 77% were adults - Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement,

7/00, NCJ 182990, U.S. Department of Justice

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unfortunately it happens time to time , that is the sad reality of Thailand , greedy pedophile foreigners and poor people . Good action from the Labor Right Promotion Network Foundation.

Do you mean that it only happens in Thailand and not in other European or Western countries?

Actually, the USA is No. 1 in the world. When you think about all the headlines here about sex, it seems to mostly be westerners. I'm sure there predilections only exist when they travel, never in their own countries.

Thailand, Cambodia, India, Brazil and Mexico have been identified as leading hotspots of child sexual exploitation.


I can only speculate as all I can find on sex crimes statistics is rape.

"2/3 of all prisoners convicted of rape or sexual assault had committed their crime against a child".

-BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991.

And from Wikipedia

most rapes in 2010 were 90K from good old USA. Of Course, for rapes per capita, USA is a paltry 7th place behind Botswana, Australia, Grenada, St Kitts, Nicarauga, and UK in that order.

Edited by metisdead
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diddums, feel free to bait me - you know as well as everyone else here that I was trying to separate adult P4P from child exploitation. We can play these games, or we can move on - I vote we move on.

You're a bigger man than me and my hero now.

OK - you win - in the battle of the sarcastic keyboard warriors, you have gained the upper hand. I shall now retreat to a Korean chatroom and spend several hours honing my skills. Till next we meet - well played, Dr Moriarty ....

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diddums, feel free to bait me - you know as well as everyone else here that I was trying to separate adult P4P from child exploitation. We can play these games, or we can move on - I vote we move on.

You're a bigger man than me and my hero now.

OK - you win - in the battle of the sarcastic keyboard warriors, you have gained the upper hand. I shall now retreat to a Korean chatroom and spend several hours honing my skills. Till next we meet - well played, Dr Moriarty ....

Nice one, Sherlock..rolleyes.gif

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If they don't know the identity of the Swede, then how do they know he has left the country....

They almost surely know his identity. They say they know his first name (not an alias), he rented two rooms (presumably showed ID), security cameras all around Soi Cowboy, Only so many Swedes leave on a given day to compare pictures at the airport / passport, likely have phone number he was using, they say he raped other young girls and video taped them... not to mention the know he is Swedish (how many people know a Swedish accent from others such as Norwegian?)

I think this is just the authorities way of trying to get the guy to feel safe and not go into or come out of hiding. If they really had no hope of getting his identity then they'd likely be posting his pics from security cameras in the area.

Then again they could be reporting info as fact when it may have just been stuff he said to the women but saying he molested and video taped other girls would clearly make any claims of their innocence nearly impossible.

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So, as predicted, a few days have passed and we, TV posters have had our time to be outraged and make our comments,

forget about it and move on.....

What a pity.

I wish I had been in Thailand for years and had lots of contacts and could do something positive to

A]. Help this little girl and

B]. Stop it happening again

Clearly B]. is a pipe dream but nothing ventured - nothing gained.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil

is for good men to do nothing.”
Edmund Burke

Edited by laislica
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"It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare. "

- Edmund Burke

A great quotation.

Here's another which I am 100% sure you will admire and like:

See no evil; see what is good Hear no evil; hear what is good

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"It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare. "

- Edmund Burke

A great quotation.

Here's another which I am 100% sure you will admire and like:

See no evil; see what is good Hear no evil; hear what is good

See no evil; see what is good

Hear no evil; hear what is good

Speak no evil; speak what is good

Think no evil; think what is good

Do no evil; do what is good

This is the way to God.

While a great quote that is certainly applicable to this thread and most situations in life, it wasn't keeping inline with using Edmund Burke quotes wink.png

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"It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare. "

- Edmund Burke

A great quotation.

Here's another which I am 100% sure you will admire and like:

See no evil; see what is good Hear no evil; hear what is good

See no evil; see what is good

Hear no evil; hear what is good

Speak no evil; speak what is good

Think no evil; think what is good

Do no evil; do what is good

This is the way to God.

While a great quote that is certainly applicable to this thread and most situations in life, it wasn't keeping inline with using Edmund Burke quotes wink.png

As you say.

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It really shocking, but I remember from Cambodia 10 years ago getting off a bus in PP, the waiting tuk tuk driver (or equ) asked if I like young girls , I said of course, what do I look gay or something? , he then said he could take me to a place with 13 year old girls.. I was rather shocked coz for me a young girl I imagined to be 18 -20 or something.. a few days later after recovering from a bout of food poisening I was bored and wanted to find the equivelant of Sukumvit rd; bars, girls, lights, action, etc. so I asked a driver to take me somewhere I could get a drink with some girls ... he drove about 45 minutes down dusty roads to a run down street lined with tin sheds a real shanty town looking place, and said we're her. I looked around and there were no bars. just a bunch of really dirty smelly girls.. I told the driver that he had it all wrong this is not what I wanted . Anyway after the dusty drive i asked for a beer for me and him before heading back. the Mamasun asked if I liked anything I saw , . I mean these girls really stank... i said no... she said wait a minute I get something special drove off and came back with 3 or 4 young girls ,, I don't know how old they were,, i mean way, way pre- pubescent maybe 10, maybe younger.... I was totally shocked and all I could say was 'what ?are these girls virgins? She no ,, if you want vigins I can get for you.. any way I got out of there as fast as I could.....

So I dont know what the moral of this story is.. it seemed to me that the kids were being offered by their own families who were extremly poor , to the mamasuns to help put food on the table.... I dont know for sure. Is it a inevitable concequence of povety , bad social upbringing or exploitation from pimps?. or a bit of everything probably ... either way I have never noticed any such stuff going on in Thailand , obviously it goes on everywhere to some extent deep under ground.....and hidden from the normal population. . but tackling poverty might be as an important a place to start to get rid of this industry...

I had a similar experience to you but in Nong Khai about 5-6 years ago where I had asked a Tuk Tuk driver where all the girls were and he took me to a shophouse in the middle of town where there must have been a dozen girls I would guess they were all underage, some significantly so. When he realised that wasn't what I meant he was very apologetic and said he thought I was looking for a Lao lady house. From seeing the place there was no way it was operating without full knowledge of the police.

Had a similar thing happen to me on a visa run to Vientiane...met a fellow visa runner from Japan...and we'd had a couple of drinks and where walking along the river front and a tuk tuk driver asked if we wanted girls...he said he could get us young girls...so I asked him how young and he said 13 - 14....I said to him....( to the shock of the Jap ) that they where too old....he then asked how old i wanted and I said 8 - 9 yr olds...which he replied that that was too young...so I then said .....so what do you think 13 - 14 year olds are....told him he was bang out of order trying to sell 13 - 14 yer olds for sex....tried to find a policeman to report him but there where none to be found........very sad.

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Maybe unrelated to the OP....but IMO Soi Cowboy should be bulldozed anyway!

Just as well we have morals crusaders like yourself on TV - I dont know how I'd live my life without your guidance.......

Most of us love Thailand for the fact that it is NOT a nanny state : once that changes, it would be almost impossible to change it back. Think long and hard before you ask the Thai to start bulldozing nightlife precincts.

I thought long and hard about it and I agree with BKS22 - bull doze them down. How hard up do you have to be to go to some place like Soi Cowboy? losers

Enjoying an adult entertainment doesn't make somebody hard up but imagine some men would find it much harder to hook-up with a much younger and beautiful women if such places didn't exist and in your mind they may be hard up but in my mind they are having consensual sex with another adult. I see absolutely nothing with this and it has absolutely no barring on my life what other adults choose to do behind closed doors or at such places I have a choice to frequent or not. I don't like horror movies. So, I don't watch them but I certainly don't condemn those who do. Hopefully I have answered you and you wouldn't mind answering why you feel so strongly about not allowing consenting adults to do what they want to do with each other when it has nothing to do with you? We are not talking about a child who has nobody to stand up for them but rather about an area that is designated for adult entertainment. I'm sure illegal things happen there as do in night clubs, bars, malls and outside 711s but places like Soi Cowboy and Nana are actually places that are watched fairly closely various agencies and generally not the places you go if you want sex with children though I am sure some underage girls produce fake ideas to work in such places.

I never said I was against the people using these places or that I had a problem with what people do in privacy. Since I don't go to these places I would have no problem at all if they get rid of them, in fact i would be happier not having to see these eye sores around town. You only think it's consensual btw but in reality many of these girls are pressured into this line of work by greedy parents who care more about having a new pick up truck to gain some face in their village than they care about their own daughters. Consensual would be that the girls are thrilled with the lives and wouldn't choose to do something else if they could.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It really shocking, but I remember from Cambodia 10 years ago getting off a bus in PP, the waiting tuk tuk driver (or equ) asked if I like young girls , I said of course, what do I look gay or something? , he then said he could take me to a place with 13 year old girls.. I was rather shocked coz for me a young girl I imagined to be 18 -20 or something.. a few days later after recovering from a bout of food poisening I was bored and wanted to find the equivelant of Sukumvit rd; bars, girls, lights, action, etc. so I asked a driver to take me somewhere I could get a drink with some girls ... he drove about 45 minutes down dusty roads to a run down street lined with tin sheds a real shanty town looking place, and said we're her. I looked around and there were no bars. just a bunch of really dirty smelly girls.. I told the driver that he had it all wrong this is not what I wanted . Anyway after the dusty drive i asked for a beer for me and him before heading back. the Mamasun asked if I liked anything I saw , . I mean these girls really stank... i said no... she said wait a minute I get something special drove off and came back with 3 or 4 young girls ,, I don't know how old they were,, i mean way, way pre- pubescent maybe 10, maybe younger.... I was totally shocked and all I could say was 'what ?are these girls virgins? She no ,, if you want vigins I can get for you.. any way I got out of there as fast as I could.....

So I dont know what the moral of this story is.. it seemed to me that the kids were being offered by their own families who were extremly poor , to the mamasuns to help put food on the table.... I dont know for sure. Is it a inevitable concequence of povety , bad social upbringing or exploitation from pimps?. or a bit of everything probably ... either way I have never noticed any such stuff going on in Thailand , obviously it goes on everywhere to some extent deep under ground.....and hidden from the normal population. . but tackling poverty might be as an important a place to start to get rid of this industry...

I had a similar experience to you but in Nong Khai about 5-6 years ago where I had asked a Tuk Tuk driver where all the girls were and he took me to a shophouse in the middle of town where there must have been a dozen girls I would guess they were all underage, some significantly so. When he realised that wasn't what I meant he was very apologetic and said he thought I was looking for a Lao lady house. From seeing the place there was no way it was operating without full knowledge of the police.

Had a similar thing happen to me on a visa run to Vientiane...met a fellow visa runner from Japan...and we'd had a couple of drinks and where walking along the river front and a tuk tuk driver asked if we wanted girls...he said he could get us young girls...so I asked him how young and he said 13 - 14....I said to him....( to the shock of the Jap ) that they where too old....he then asked how old i wanted and I said 8 - 9 yr olds...which he replied that that was too young...so I then said .....so what do you think 13 - 14 year olds are....told him he was bang out of order trying to sell 13 - 14 yer olds for sex....tried to find a policeman to report him but there where none to be found........very sad.

You'd have probably met the policeman on exit from the brothel. It must be the easiest scam on earth to set this up and then ask for 100,000 baht to shut the thing up. I have heard that it is very common in Manila and Angeles and it is why people are warned not to take girls home from the streets. They are often involved in a scam where police are involved. There's no ID cards in the Philippines to check their age, but the fine is severe (maybe death, not sure) for interfering with minors. Offenders I am sure will gladly pay handsomely to get their out of jail/out of the press card. In the land of the scam, I can well believe this goes on. Quite possibly in Laos too where they have very strict laws on this type of stuff.

Edited by SPIKECM
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I do hope that the Swede's name is passed to the Swedish Government and that they take action.

My mind doesn't stretch so far as to even begin to understand what pleasure could be derived from having sex with a 13 year old.

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I do hope that the Swede's name is passed to the Swedish Government and that they take action.

My mind doesn't stretch so far as to even begin to understand what pleasure could be derived from having sex with a 13 year old.

It is like rape...well that is rape of course.. I can't understand for one minute how anyone could have pleasure in rape. Like Sean Penn in Casualties of War. I fail to understand that. The Japanese atrocities in Nanking. The stuff we men are capable of is quite sickening. But to understand it, I guess it is about getting sexual pleasure from power over someone else. Most of us can't relate to that, but some obviously do. Pedofiles are usually socially inadequate people who can't relate to confident adults.

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