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Friends Asking Endless Questions About Thailand!


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Britgent -

When you work offshore It's best not to give out too much personal information. I work as a Seaman - different ship each tour. Guys I work with live thru-out the world. I don't offer much conversation about my personal life.

You probably started this cycle by talking too much about Thailand.

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That's funny. When I visit the USA, my friends get annoyed and bored with me talking about Thailand. They don't care! Some are jealous but hearing about it annoys them even more.

Exactly the same for me.

When I was based in Thailand, but working abroad, or even in the days when I regularly holidayed in Thailand, back home no one was interested about my adventures in the LOS.

When the time came that I was nearing my retirement and getting myself prepared to be here full time, quite a few of my work colleges, friends and family actually took my leaving as a personal affront to them, the attitude being that they are stuck with their mundane lives and I will be living a life of luxury with a dolly bird on each arm, sipping cocktails by the pool and partying every night.

If only they could see the reality?

It seems that you've met my sister. One seriously judgemental bitch who likes to burst into tears and scream 'I cant believe you would even consider going back to Asia after the way they've treated you !'. Some people just dont get that, for a Thai women, chasing you down Soi 22 with a knife is a sign that she cares .... ;)

For my sister, life is all about predictability - for me, that's as slow and painful a death as anyone could wish for. Horses for courses, I guess.

God I miss Asia. Those of you who are about to embark on yet-another-12-hour-day in BKK might grimace at that, but what I wouldnt give to be surrounded by all that pollution and those limbless beggars on lower Suk. I'd get a cab straight to Pattaya :D

I woke in asia this morning at 6am ish.......another day at the grind.

Golf to start the day......coffee in starbucks just now with a constant stream walking by of hotness.

I wish i was in melbourne.

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Britgent -

When you work offshore It's best not to give out too much personal information. I work as a Seaman - different ship each tour. Guys I work with live thru-out the world. I don't offer much conversation about my personal life.

You probably started this cycle by talking too much about Thailand.

Yes i would say you are dead right on this as i got away with it for 2 weeks until one of the guys came round confirming everyones return flights and I got pinged. Sweet titty christ it came in thick and strong since then...........7 weeks ago ugh.

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The reason why theblether's story is so funny is we've all seen part of it at some point in the game. To be really funny a topic has to have some realism to it. That is what the good stand up comics do well. They just tell a story that we've all experienced.

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So when I was back home I went into my local hostelry and bumped into a couple of old acquaintances

"Haway, thair, Cowboy, How ye gettin' on?"

"Well, I've been working my way round the mysterious Orient for these last fifteen years"

"Aye, I thought I'd no' seen ye for a while....

... Ye gaun' tae the fitba' the morra?"

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I do get fed up with the constant Ladyboy / Thai wife crap. If only they knew how stunning and diverse Thailand is. sad.png

If I was you I'd give the ladyboys a rest for a bit as well


To put it in another way.....

@ Mr. The blether..Inevitably as a farang you keep getting confronted with this stigmata. Deal with it, put it in a box and forget.

I tend to avoid these things form my past and it seems to worksmile.png. It's just a matter of adjusting my focus.

More importantly continue to enjoy the stunning and diversity of Thailand, i love as well.wai.gif

Thank you.wink.png

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They must lead bloody boring lives. I lead a boring life, but I dont go around badgering workmates about their overseas trips ...

When you live, eat & work on a vessel for 4 months with no days off conversation is a good way to pass the time. Can't blame guys for asking questions - the trick is not to start the conversation about Thailad. But my reputation gets around - at some point conversations of Thailand will eventually happen. But, it's all good.

But you're right sometimes life gets boring working like this.

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Och you're living the fantasy life in their minds......stop being so petty minded and just tell them the truth. Thailand is a nightmare!!

Your day begins with the Imam wailing at 5.30 in the morning cos you've just found out why that hotel was so cheap on the internet, he quietens down after 5 minutes but now you can hear the effin cockerels trying to impersonate him and the Soi dogs barking at the World. You wander outside in a dazed and get harassed by annoying wee women wanting you to buy pre-packed lunch boxes for the poor Monks who stand there silently beseeching you not to buy the calorie and sugar laden monstrosities contained within the bag, those poor men have to wander back to the Temple with 30 bags of the same crap food every day in the week......

After parting with your hard earned money you would like to cross the road to the 7/11 without being killed, but that's well nigh an impossibility, while waiting for a gap in the traffic some nutter runs past you with a 2 stroke monstrosity belching out more oil particles than a Refinery Fire, wasting your favourite shirt. It's not even 7.00am.

Angered by that you decide to walk down to the next 7/11 about 200 metres away on the same side of the road, on the way down you fall into several holes in the pavement, stub your toe 3 times and sprain your ankle. Bleeding, covered in oil, and hobbling, you eventually make it to 7/11, and instead of buying a pint of milk and some cereal bars you end up having to buy some Elastoplast and support bandages. You ask where they keep said supplies and the wee female behind the counter looks at you with a blank stare and says......" no have ".

Realising your mistake you make your way to the pharmacy, not quite open yet so you wait outside cursing this effin country and forget that you haven't put on any sun lotion yet, by the time the pharmacy opens your still bleeding, hobbling and you look like a radiation victim.

Now stocked up with aftersun, bandages, and elastoplast you make your way home, then remember that your hungry, so you nip in to the local Thai cafe as you haven't got much money left on you and select from their breakfast range which consists of 3 parts chilli plus one part some other random foodstuff. Mouth burning you get to your room and start to fix the damage of the morning walk, you pick the scab on your toe and bleed all over the sheets, which is going to cost you 1800 baht when room service see it. Exhausted by the sun, you crash out for a couple of hours and when you wake you leave a layer of skin on the sheets, that's really done it now.

It's 11.00am, you've blown well over 2000 baht in incidental damages, and you start to wonder why you like this place, you go for a shower, leave another layer of skin behind, then slip on the way out as non-slip tiles are apparently banned in Thailand. You bang your head and open a bleeding wound above your eye, you grab a towel to stem the blood loss then realize that's you just blown another 400 baht. The cleaning lady is really gonna love you.

it's now approaching Mid-day.....you decide you want to go get some lunch, you get changed into your favourite shorts and make your way to the lift, you do an inconsequential wee fart and get that dreaded follow through feeling, that 3 part chilli one part breakfast has come back to haunt you. You waddle back to your room beseeching the gods to not let it run down your legs or mark your best shorts, just when you get to your door that real cute girl that you've been pursuing for weeks comes out her room next door and flashes you a wonderful smile, which turns to horror when she gets a whiff of the smell and sees the little brown river running down your legs.

Disconsolate you enter your room, go for another shower, come out and inspect your shorts and Calvins and no, sorry......they're ruined too. You spend an hour in the toilet excavating your bowels and your oh so thankful for the Thai bum gun at this point as your seriously stinging.

You get changed, make your way back to the lift with trepidation, promising to never trust a fart again, and successfully make it down stairs, just in time to see the cute girl waiting for the lift back up. She can't look you in the eye, any notion of romantic contact gone forever in a river of sh*t.

It's now after 1.00pm, you sit in a cafe as close to the hotel as possible as your still not sure of your bowel movements. The temp rises to over 35 degrees and the sweats trickling down your back, the locals look at you as if your a weirdo from outer space as your face goes progressively redder and you start to shed skin into your beer. Your bowels play up and you know you ain't making it back to the hotel so you rush to the Thai toilet in the cafe and dread of dread, it's a squat WC, you fumble with your belt and opps, sorry, just a little too late you squat down, another pair of shorts ruined and the results of breakfast sprayed all over the toilet. Almost in tears you slip on the mandatory silk like flooring and fall back into your, ahem, breakfast. You crawl back up to your knees and back reach for the bum gun in the hope of at least fixing the searing pain from your ring, no bum gun.....it's a bucket of water. How the eff do you do that????

After several attempts at cleaning yourself up refill the bucket and try to wash away your, ahem, breakfast. After about 30 minutes you emerge from the toilet to a look of horror from the cafe owner. That white T-shirt was a bad mistake, you look like a sewer rat. You pay your bill, ( it doesn't matter how bad you loom or smell, the Thais still want their money ) and you make your way back to your hotel via the shadows, you get into the lift unseen and just when you step out.......

Cute girl is waiting for the lift......she visibly gags when she sees you so feeling a bit tearful and humiliated you decide to spend the rest of the day in your room. THe AC is broken so you call reception, who after 12 attempts of you trying to explain the problem, send you two boiled eggs an incense stick.

Now sweating to death you decide to go on TV to appeal for help, but the internet is down in the hotel, so your stranded......you contemplate calling reception re the internet but your scared of what they'll send you next, ,maybe a baby buffalo and a crash helmet?. You decide to watch TV but True keeps disappearing into a blur so you end up watching Thai soaps.

Contemplating suicide.......your relieved when the sun goes down and your bowels finally settle down. You get changed, head out the door feeling relatively pucker, and flag down a tuk-tuk. You take your standard 80 baht journey to yourbfavourite bar area and the driver demands 200 baht, you end up in a stand up argument in the street which ends when you see a squadron of tuk-tuks heading your way at high speed, you pay the money and wai sheepishly, being sheepish is getting to be quite a habit.

You sit in your favourite bat and try to act all cool and nonchalant......unfortunately the cute girl has been in and told all the staff of your travails so they keep their distance and snigger among themselves. You decide the day can't get any worse so you order up a bottle of whisky and proceed to drown your sorrows. In your rush to get out you forgot your mossy repellent, and the staff won't come anywhere near you, so you no become smorgasboard of tastes for the local mossy population, and you spend the evening slapping your body hard while squealing cos you keep forgetting you've got sunburn.

You stagger home and the most beautiful girl you've ever seen emerges from the shadows, " hellllllo?......where you go????" well that's your day made, in your drunken state your instantly in love and you take this Thai Jennifer Lopez back to your room for some boogie woogie, she strips off and you aint ever seen breasts as fulsome as this on a Thai lady, wow........then one step beyond.......you ain't ever seen tackle as big as this in your life. Repulsed.....you invite this goddam ladyboy to leave the premises, she ( he?? ) won't go without a 1000 baht payment, you ain't paying a penny so the ladyboy shows you her best Muay Thai moves and beats you to a pulp until you beg for mercy and give her ( him? ) 2000 baht to stop.

Bleeding, ( again) bruised battered and skin peeling from you like a casting snake, you whimper in your bed and feel a high degree of self loathing cos the ladyboy was better hung than you.

Don't worry though.......it won't be long till the Imam starts to wail and so will begin another day in Paradise.



clap2.gif You can't make this stuff up! Amazing

I love it cheesy.gif

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