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2 Re-Entry Permits At The Same Time?

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I'm flying to Europe soon and will return for one day (actually slightly less than 24 hours) and then I have to make a quick trip to Singapore. I know, this looks like incredibly poor planning on my part, but the trips weren't arranged at the same time, and this scheduling is really the only way for me to do all that I need to do.

After these two trips, I have no plans to leave the Kingdom again before my extension of stay needs to be renewed.

Can I get two single re-entry permits for 1,000 baht each at my local immigration office, or will I be forced to do a multiple for 3,800? Could I try getting one re-entry permit at my local and then the second one at Don Muang before I leave on my second trip? It seems like this might be a little bit risky, but I don't want to waste 1800 baht if I don't have to. Does anyone have experience getting a re-entry recently at Don Muang? If so, was it a speedy process? What were the office hours?

Any advise or suggestions are greatly appreciated.



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Believe I have seen reports of more than one re-entry permit being issued - not sure if more than one stamp or a notation two entry as for some visas however so make sure if a notation the official sees it and does not mark it used on first usage. Believe process at Don Muang is OK but not sure if you need copies/photos or if you pay there or can obtain there.

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As a general rule of thumb you cannot get 2 single re-entry permits at same time, but try explaining to Immigration with proof of travel. I also do not believe you can buy reentry at Don Muang, although they do sell at Swampy.

Unfortunately looking like multiple permit.

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He may not have control of that, especially if tickets already bought and company business.

35 years ago I was in such a situation where being in Bangkok had to get to Beijing and the only external flight was from Tokyo but someone decided better I travel to Hong Kong, spend the night, next day take train to Guangzhou, and from there fly to Beijing on a domestic flight. Of course they did not have to make that trip - which was actually 3 days because flights out of Guangzhou were canceled if hotels were not full (routinely) so another night spent there.

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Very - only color clothing was on little children - all others black/white. Almost no cars other than taxi and official limos - most transport by peddle bike. Hotels rooms did not have any locks. Coal smoke covering the city; as it seems is still the case. Only other time there was about 3 years later and the change was amazing. Know I would not know it at all today.

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Came in through Don Muang today, they asked if I wanted to keep my Visa and I said yes as that was why I had a re-entry permit. Despite that they ignored the re-entry and stamped me in for 30 days cancelling my 1 yr visa. After objecting to that eventually the supervisor came over and resolved, you really need to check what they do, if I had walked away I would no longer have a visa. I mean why would I want to keep a re-entry valid and have my visa had been cancelled?

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