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Thailand Determined To Push Forward With More Rigorous Anti-Human Trafficking Efforts


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Thailand determined to push forward with more rigorous anti-human trafficking efforts

BANGKOK, 28 February 2013 (NNT) – Thailand is on course to push forward with more rigorous efforts to clampdown on human trafficking.

Deputy Government Spokesperson Chalitrat Chandrubeksa said that the Cabinet on Wednesday approved an urgent master plan designed to enable the government to implement more anti-human trafficking plans in 2013.

Mr. Chalitrat stated the Cabinet meeting also assigned related state agencies to implement the details in the approved master plan and to regularly report the progress to the Social Development Ministry, who will compile all data to be presented to the Cabinet later.

He elaborated that the master plan on anti-human trafficking focuses on such elements as the control of human trafficking in the labor market, the amendment of related laws, the identification of victims and the perpetrators of human trafficking, and the enhancement of law enforcement as well as the improvement of Thailand’s image in the international community.

-- NNT 2013-02-28 footer_n.gif

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More verbal diarrhea from more Government 'experts'. I support S.I.S.H.A. (http://www.sisha.org/) who do 1,000 times more than any Govt 'offer' being touted here and they do it every day from within Thailand. A brilliant group with loads of successes.

Quite right...they do a good job.....

Obviously an ongoing operation for the group.... however, there are those that believe trafficking and exploitation of their workers..especially in fishing, agricultural and the sex industries, is vital for their ongoing profits....again..money is the root cause...and yet again..people with influence will never be bought to justice

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Being on at least the tier 2 list for 8 years (3 years on tier 2watch list) Thailand has finally found the determination to reign in these horrific crimes?

Or is it another "dog and pony show" just not to make the tier 3 list this year?

Will rank with the war on corruption no doubt and possibly road safety campaigns and transparency in government

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Being on at least the tier 2 list for 8 years (3 years on tier 2watch list) Thailand has finally found the determination to reign in these horrific crimes?

Or is it another "dog and pony show" just not to make the tier 3 list this year?

Will rank with the war on corruption no doubt and possibly road safety campaigns and transparency in government

Maybe next time they will only push the boats back out into the ocean and not dump out all their water and food supply. Or take target practice at the boat.

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I don't have much faith in the government as a whole, so to do anything that's closely resembles a rigorous approach, Hmmm , rigamortis would be more in line of expectations, this will be another , we'll please them some of the time , not all the time, unfortunately people will suffer, i predict Thailand will be ask to show cause next year ,why they should be excluded from the 2014 list.

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Stoping Human trafficking, huh?

So how about starting with that latest case, where a Karen girl was abducted away by a Thai couple, and tortured almost to death, and splashed with hot boiled water a hundred thousand times..., who escaped just barely and was yaken into "police custody", while couple fled Thailand,

... Anyone,????

But of course the ministries of Thailand must create the International public image, "that they are soooo serious about cracking down human trafficking", another charade facade to preserve Thailand's precious FACE...

Edited by MaxLee
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I fear it will be a half hearted effort that will bring about no change. If they were serious they would have rounded up the criminals which recently committed these crimes against the refugees from Burma. In some instances they knew the officials that were involved but turned a blind eye.

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