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I can understand thieves. I can even understand murderers, but I just can't understand vandals. Smashing something that belongs to someone else for the sheer sake of breaking it is beyond my comprehension. The other night someone smashed the head lights of my motorcycle when it was parked properly in a hotel parking lot. The bike was not blocking anyone else and was not in a spot reserved for someone else. What kind of a low life creep does those sort of things? And more importantly... WHY?

So, today instead of going on a motorbike ride to some lovely destination, my bike is in being repaired. Hopefully I'll get it back tonight.

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Usually young lads showing how tough they are to their mates by hitting something that doesn't fight back or just being drunk.

It could be worse. My wifes friend had the result of someone pleasing themselves on her condo door and car regualarly, it turned out to be the security guard. Never did find out whether it was because he liked her or not.

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Basically sometimes sh*t happens, and to you. Not really a case for philosophical introspection, fix it and move on to what will no doubt be something better. Karma will sort them out, why try to pshychoanalyse the mind of a moron, it will only give you a headache and he will still be grinning and drooling?

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hard to believe , not saying you are wrong in your thoughts. I admire the Thai people and they they do not go about vandalizing things in this country compare to western countries. It is really not in their nature.

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Rancid, on 01 Mar 2013 - 06:05, said:

Basically sometimes sh*t happens, and to you. Not really a case for philosophical introspection, fix it and move on to what will no doubt be something better. Karma will sort them out, why try to pshychoanalyse the mind of a moron, it will only give you a headache and he will still be grinning and drooling?

That is exactly how I feel. It's really been my first bad experience with Thais. Sometimes bad things just happen. I don't worry about the jerks in the world. That is their problem, not mine. The $100 to fix the damage is just something I pay for and forget. It WAS intentional and not an accident. The jerks in this world have to look in the mirror each day and not like what they see. I can look in the mirror each day with a clear conscience.
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Rancid, on 01 Mar 2013 - 06:05, said:

Basically sometimes sh*t happens, and to you. Not really a case for philosophical introspection, fix it and move on to what will no doubt be something better. Karma will sort them out, why try to pshychoanalyse the mind of a moron, it will only give you a headache and he will still be grinning and drooling?

That is exactly how I feel. It's really been my first bad experience with Thais. Sometimes bad things just happen. I don't worry about the jerks in the world. That is their problem, not mine. The $100 to fix the damage is just something I pay for and forget. It WAS intentional and not an accident. The jerks in this world have to look in the mirror each day and not like what they see. I can look in the mirror each day with a clear conscience.

Look at it this positive way, if you where a vandal yourself your motorbike would be smashed up a lot more then when you are a person with a clean conscience.thumbsup.gif

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I would say it's unlikely to be just vandalism.

sure. i bet there are a few people around here who don't like you. no surprise there.
I don't care about opinions, I care about what is true.

Wanton vandalism is virtually non-existent in Thailand while taking offence/ revenge for something farang's consider trivial is endemic.

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Vandalism in Thailand pales in comparison to what happens in Australia. Telephone boxes and bus shelters demolished, any bare wall covered in graffiti, brush fences set afire, schools burnt to the ground, cemetries and war memorials desecrated, cars stolen and torched etc, etc, etc.

Ditto NZ. At my 2nd-last home there our street lobbied for a walking track and small bridge across a stream, cut about 800m from the walk to the beach, council gave in and formed a track, craned-in a prebuilt bridge. Next morning it was spray-painted end-to-end with the only word these morons could thing of - F*** - and broken glass scattered on the walkway.

As you say, nothing is sacred, Wellington's war memorial, Tomb of Unknown Soldier, all vandalised, and again . . . 'sport' for many is keying cars, bending car aerials etc, smashing letterboxes all national past-times.

Maybe just lucky, have never encountered vandalism towards us/our property while living here. We have five outdoor fitness parks within 20min of home, with outdoor fitness equipment. They are well used and appreciated. Back 'home they would not last two days - if it couldn't be stolen it would be smashed.

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I would say it's unlikely to be just vandalism.

sure. i bet there are a few people around here who don't like you. no surprise there.

Well, with 91 posts and a comment like that, I'd say you're off to a dubious start yourself, bud.

Edited by HeijoshinCool
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I do think that vandalism and graffiti is rapidly increasing in Thailand though. I remember 10 years or so ago there was virtually no graffiti at all to be seen in BKK with the exception of a couple of derelict buildings. Now its all over the place although not as bad as most Western cities.

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