ShawnStorm Posted March 1, 2013 Posted March 1, 2013 Hi People, This is simply an informative post about my experience getting medical care in Phuket. Hopefully it will help others to make an informed decision on which hospital will work best for them. Background: I was attacked by a pack of dogs in Northern Thailand about a month ago and ended up having to get a rabies shot and a tetanus shot. The rabies shot is a series of 5 shots done over a month period. The tetanus shot is a series of 3 shots - two of which are done in the first month. Since I have been traveling around Thailand, each of my shots has been done at a different hospital in a different town. The first two rabies shots and the first tetanus shot was done at the small hospital in Pai. The third rabies shot was done at Sripat Hospital in Chiang Mai. The fourth rabies shot was done at Sriburin Hospital in Chiang Rai. Today I was due for my fifth rabies shot and my second tetanus shot. I was supposed to be in Krabi, but I heard that the hospital there isn't very good, so I decided to take a detour to Phuket for the sole purpose of dealing with these shots. I spent a few hours yesterday researching all the hospitals in Phuket and decided to try either Phuket International Hospital or Vachira Hospital. From what I could gather, Phuket International would be more foreigner friendly and faster service, but Vachira would most likely cost less and still provide decent care. Since I am on a budget and all I needed is a couple shots, I figured I would go with Vachira. I arrived at Vachira at around 9am (since I called ahead and they said most doctors showed up around then). I was blown away how many people were waiting around and how busy the place was. I am no stranger to government run hospitals, but holy cow - this one was crowded. It was also very difficult to find a parking spot for my motorbike since there were hundreds upon hundreds of other motorbikes already parked in all the obvious spots. It took awhile to figure out where to register and most of the workers spoke some english, but not really enough to communicate clearly. I finally got my card, and then went to a waiting area where a nurse took my details. She got frustrated when I didn't know my weight in KG (I am American and we do Pounds instead of Grams) and she sort of blew me off and told me to sit in a corner. So far I wasn't feeling too excited by my experience and I started to regret coming to Vachira. I thought, "it can't be that much more expensive at Phuket International.. why did I go the cheap route!!" After sitting there for another 30 minutes without any communication from anyone, I finally broke down and decided to get out of there and go to Phuket International. I walked up to the nurse station and told them I was leaving and to throw away my paperwork. They looked puzzled, but seemed to understand (maybe?). 20 minutes later I arrived at Phuket International. Plenty of parking for my motorbike (even found a nice shady spot), so I was off to a good start! I walked in and was greeted by the info counter and told in perfect english to go register. At registration they were very friendly and asked what I needed to accomplish. I explained about my shots and they said it was no problem and I would be able to see a doctor in about 15 minutes. So far so good! Then I asked about pricing. A woman walked over and started to break it down for me. First, she said I was required to see a doctor before getting my shots. That would cost 800 baht. Then there was the price of the shots, etc. She estimated the total would be around 2000 baht, but possibly more. WHOA...! What? I have been to three other hospitals for the same thing, and the most expensive visit was in Chiang Mai (private hospital), which set me back about 780 baht for everything. In Pai (government hospital), the cost was 360 baht! In Chiang Rai (private hospital), the cost was 680 baht. So 2000+ baht sounded very expensive to me considering that I was expecting to pay around 500-800 baht based on previous experiences. So I told all this to the woman and she sort of rolled her eyes and said maybe I should go to Vachira Hospital if price is such an issue. So I did. Haha... Back to Vachira Hospital... where the crowds had grown even larger and I had to park two blocks away since there was no longer any parking spots on the hospital grounds. I felt like an idiot showing back up after walking out before, but I was determined this time! I walked right back to the nurse station from before and hung my head in shame. I said, "Sorry! I am back.. do you still have my paperwork?" They smiled brightly and pulled out my paperwork immediately. Although the waiting room had hundreds of people milling about (some of whom had been waiting during my previous visit), I somehow managed to see a doctor within 10 minutes. I suspect that my walking out of the hospital earlier had caused a ruckus and they wanted to make sure I didn't sit around..? Not really sure. After seeing a woman doctor who spoke decent english (but not fluent), she sent me off to the Pharmacy window to claim my shots. This took about 20 minutes and was kind of confusing because nobody told me I needed a "que" slip. Luckily another customer noticed my confusion and helped me out. They gave me a bill and told me to pay before I got my injections. To my utter surprise, the bill was 2180 baht!! OMG..really? After all that? I started mumbling about it being expensive and the woman at the payment counter told me to go back to the pharmacy and tell them that. So I did.. I went back and said, "Umm excuse me, but why is the bill so much? In my experience it should not cost this much.. please explain the price breakdown for me." I even showed them my bills from previous hospitals. The woman looked very confused.. but after a few minutes of confusion and talking to other people, she was like, "Oh sorry.. you are right." She crossed off the 2180 baht with a pen and hand wrote "411 baht" on the bill. That was more like it! The final costs were 411 baht for the injection medications, 80 baht for a hospital fee, and 200 baht for the doctor visit... TOTAL COST = 691 Baht. After paying, I went to the "injection room" (which took me 10 minutes to find), and got both injections in less than 5 minutes. They were quick and painless. In the end I was happy with the service I received at Vachira. It was crazy busy, somewhat confusing, and nothing like going to Phuket International, BUT I got what I needed at a fraction of the cost. Interestingly enough, of the 4 hospitals I visited in Thailand, the small government run hospital in Pai was my favorite. It was incredibly cheap, service was super quick (I never spent more than 15 minutes there), and the doctors and nurses spoke great english. I wouldn't go there for anything serious, but for what I needed it was perfect. Anyways, that was my experience. I hope my story is helpful (or at least entertaining) to someone. -Shawn- 1
stevenl Posted March 1, 2013 Posted March 1, 2013 You talk about 2 very simple jabs. Any MD can do that for you, there really is no need to find the best doctor in the country for something like this. And no, you did not scare them so you were served first, I think it was simply your turn. Unless you really think they understood you when you left the first time.
DonaldBattles Posted March 1, 2013 Posted March 1, 2013 I must say that the government in Chiang Rai is well organized and soes a good job. The problem here is the same a lot of patients and not enough staff. It is much better than the private hospitals except for the comfort of the beds.
Colonel_Mustard Posted March 1, 2013 Posted March 1, 2013 I had my series of rabies jabs in Thalang hospital. If I remember correctly it was about 1400 baht in total and very quick service too. Not sure I'd want to go there for something much more serious than jabs though.
Jimi007 Posted March 1, 2013 Posted March 1, 2013 You should have just gone to a clinic. Unless you are an established patient with a hospital, there seems to be a first time fee to set up an account. I see a rheumatologist and get blood tests for 750 Baht at Phuket International. My wife got the same jabs as you for free at Vichara. Of course she's Thai and has Thai Social Security medical coverage.
Popular Post Shot Posted March 1, 2013 Popular Post Posted March 1, 2013 With all the running around you did, the chance of a serious motorbike accident was probably higher than any effects of the original problem. 5
JetsetBkk Posted March 1, 2013 Posted March 1, 2013 I hope my story is helpful (or at least entertaining) to someone. It was both - thanks very much. Amazing that you managed to talk down the price at Vachira by so much. Any idea exactly what got deleted?
Popular Post Phronesis Posted March 1, 2013 Popular Post Posted March 1, 2013 Lucky you had your own transport to use while here in Phuket. Otherwise you would have been attacked by a whole new pack of dogs... 4
dogpoo Posted March 1, 2013 Posted March 1, 2013 I have used and still have to use Phuket International hospital for my Tetanus jabs(last one next week, fantastic service and at a very reasonable price!
iluvbeaches Posted March 1, 2013 Posted March 1, 2013 I have used and still have to use Phuket International hospital for my Tetanus jabs(last one next week, fantastic service and at a very reasonable price! How does Phuket international compare price wise to Bangkok hospital Phuket branch? I always assumed Phuket international is somewhere between government and private in price but less than bkk hospital because it is a local private.
Popular Post IrishIvan Posted March 1, 2013 Popular Post Posted March 1, 2013 You saved 1000 baht after wasting a whole day going between hospitals. Penny wise and pound poor IMO. I find my time far more precious than money and if you concentrated more of your efforts in earning than saving then perhaps you would have a better quality of life 4
Jimi007 Posted March 1, 2013 Posted March 1, 2013 I have used and still have to use Phuket International hospital for my Tetanus jabs(last one next week, fantastic service and at a very reasonable price! How does Phuket international compare price wise to Bangkok hospital Phuket branch? I always assumed Phuket international is somewhere between government and private in price but less than bkk hospital because it is a local private. Phuket International is a private hospital as is BKK Phuket. It seems to me at least that Phuket International is quite a bit more reasonable. As the above post mentioned Mission Hospital, it is a Catholic Hospital I do believe and therefore has some subsidy and lower prices.
Popular Post IrishIvan Posted March 1, 2013 Popular Post Posted March 1, 2013 I cant believe how cheap some people are. The best doctors and service is at Bangkok Phuket Hospital. Pay the equivalent of a good steak and you will get better health care. Pay the price of a Kao Gaeng and get butchered at Vichara. 4
iluvbeaches Posted March 1, 2013 Posted March 1, 2013 I have used and still have to use Phuket International hospital for my Tetanus jabs(last one next week, fantastic service and at a very reasonable price! How does Phuket international compare price wise to Bangkok hospital Phuket branch? I always assumed Phuket international is somewhere between government and private in price but less than bkk hospital because it is a local private. Phuket International is a private hospital as is BKK Phuket. It seems to me at least that Phuket International is quite a bit more reasonable. As the above post mentioned Mission Hospital, it is a Catholic Hospital I do believe and therefore has some subsidy and lower prices. Ok thanks.
Jimi007 Posted March 1, 2013 Posted March 1, 2013 I cant believe how cheap some people are. The best doctors and service is at Bangkok Phuket Hospital. Pay the equivalent of a good steak and you will get better health care. Pay the price of a Kao Gaeng and get butchered at Vichara. The most expensive health care here by far is at BKK Phuket. Not the best at all IMO or the doctors I have seen here over many years, who referred me to a specific doctor at Phuket International. He knew what he was doing, had a plan and wasn't a jerk like the doctors and staff are at BKK Phuket. Yes and I can't believe how foolish some are with their money. 1
IrishIvan Posted March 1, 2013 Posted March 1, 2013 I cant believe how cheap some people are. The best doctors and service is at Bangkok Phuket Hospital. Pay the equivalent of a good steak and you will get better health care. Pay the price of a Kao Gaeng and get butchered at Vichara. The most expensive health care here by far is at BKK Phuket. Not the best at all IMO or the doctors I have seen here over many years, who referred me to a specific doctor at Phuket International. He knew what he was doing, had a plan and wasn't a jerk like the doctors and staff are at BKK Phuket. Yes and I can't believe how foolish some are with their money. You are showing your ignorance. The same doctors work at bkk hkt and Vichara. The difference is the waiting time and enthusiasm. Splash out a bit of cash and you get a more enthusiastic quack and less waiting time I know what I would prefer. Each to their own though. The Farang Chalong Honda Wave gang are easily spotted outside Vichara each morning. Im glad im not amongst these old fossils haggiling about bins at the hospital reception (how embarrassing) with their isaarn bar wives. Shoot me in the head please if I ever get to that stage
Popular Post fiddlehead Posted March 1, 2013 Popular Post Posted March 1, 2013 I appreciate the story and thanks to the OP for telling us. Good to know that prices can sometimes be negotiable. For those of you condemning the man because he wanted to save money, to each his own. Let the guy choose how he spends his money and time. And you choose yours. He is lucky to be traveling around the country and seeing all of Thailand. Maybe some of you have real nice houses but don't go anywhere. Up to you, up to him. Me, I'd much rather travel than sit in a comfortable place. 3
Jimi007 Posted March 1, 2013 Posted March 1, 2013 I cant believe how cheap some people are. The best doctors and service is at Bangkok Phuket Hospital. Pay the equivalent of a good steak and you will get better health care. Pay the price of a Kao Gaeng and get butchered at Vichara. The most expensive health care here by far is at BKK Phuket. Not the best at all IMO or the doctors I have seen here over many years, who referred me to a specific doctor at Phuket International. He knew what he was doing, had a plan and wasn't a jerk like the doctors and staff are at BKK Phuket. Yes and I can't believe how foolish some are with their money. You are showing your ignorance. The same doctors work at bkk hkt and Vichara. The difference is the waiting time and enthusiasm. Splash out a bit of cash and you get a more enthusiastic quack and less waiting timeI know what I would prefer. Each to their own though. The Farang Chalong Honda Wave gang are easily spotted outside Vichara each morning. Im glad im not amongst these old fossils haggiling about bins at the hospital reception (how embarrassing) with their isaarn bar wives. Shoot me in the head please if I ever get to that stage You are wrong if you think that the same doctors work at all three hospital you mentioned.
IrishIvan Posted March 1, 2013 Posted March 1, 2013 I cant believe how cheap some people are. The best doctors and service is at Bangkok Phuket Hospital. Pay the equivalent of a good steak and you will get better health care. Pay the price of a Kao Gaeng and get butchered at Vichara. The most expensive health care here by far is at BKK Phuket. Not the best at all IMO or the doctors I have seen here over many years, who referred me to a specific doctor at Phuket International. He knew what he was doing, had a plan and wasn't a jerk like the doctors and staff are at BKK Phuket. Yes and I can't believe how foolish some are with their money. You are showing your ignorance. The same doctors work at bkk hkt and Vichara. The difference is the waiting time and enthusiasm. Splash out a bit of cash and you get a more enthusiastic quack and less waiting timeI know what I would prefer. Each to their own though. The Farang Chalong Honda Wave gang are easily spotted outside Vichara each morning. Im glad im not amongst these old fossils haggiling about bins at the hospital reception (how embarrassing) with their isaarn bar wives. Shoot me in the head please if I ever get to that stage You are wrong if you think that the same doctors work at all three hospital you mentioned. doctors working in the private sector also have to devote a certain amount of time to public hospitals in Thailand. As I said you are showing your ignorance. Ask your spouse
chiang mai Posted March 1, 2013 Posted March 1, 2013 I suggest you look into the subject matter more deeply and avoid asking your spouse as a sole source of knowledge, there is a range of issues affecting medical performance in Thailand, this from a ten year term in both Phuket and Chiang Mai. I cant believe how cheap some people are. The best doctors and service is at Bangkok Phuket Hospital. Pay the equivalent of a good steak and you will get better health care. Pay the price of a Kao Gaeng and get butchered at Vichara. The most expensive health care here by far is at BKK Phuket. Not the best at all IMO or the doctors I have seen here over many years, who referred me to a specific doctor at Phuket International. He knew what he was doing, had a plan and wasn't a jerk like the doctors and staff are at BKK Phuket. Yes and I can't believe how foolish some are with their money. You are showing your ignorance. The same doctors work at bkk hkt and Vichara. The difference is the waiting time and enthusiasm. Splash out a bit of cash and you get a more enthusiastic quack and less waiting timeI know what I would prefer. Each to their own though. The Farang Chalong Honda Wave gang are easily spotted outside Vichara each morning. Im glad im not amongst these old fossils haggiling about bins at the hospital reception (how embarrassing) with their isaarn bar wives. Shoot me in the head please if I ever get to that stage You are wrong if you think that the same doctors work at all three hospital you mentioned.
Jimi007 Posted March 1, 2013 Posted March 1, 2013 I suggest you look into the subject matter more deeply and avoid asking your spouse as a sole source of knowledge, there is a range of issues affecting medical performance in Thailand, this from a ten year term in both Phuket and Chiang Mai. What are you talking about? What do you know of the hospitals that I have personally dealt with over the past eight years? Or were you responding to another poster? It would be nice if you could follow forum protocol and post responses at the bottom rather than the top.
Jimi007 Posted March 1, 2013 Posted March 1, 2013 I suggest you look into the subject matter more deeply and avoid asking your spouse as a sole source of knowledge, there is a range of issues affecting medical performance in Thailand, this from a ten year term in both Phuket and Chiang Mai. The most expensive health care here by far is at BKK Phuket. Not the best at all IMO or the doctors I have seen here over many years, who referred me to a specific doctor at Phuket International. He knew what he was doing, had a plan and wasn't a jerk like the doctors and staff are at BKK Phuket. Yes and I can't believe how foolish some are with their money.You are showing your ignorance. The same doctors work at bkk hkt and Vichara. The difference is the waiting time and enthusiasm. Splash out a bit of cash and you get a more enthusiastic quack and less waiting timeI know what I would prefer. Each to their own though. The Farang Chalong Honda Wave gang are easily spotted outside Vichara each morning. Im glad im not amongst these old fossils haggiling about bins at the hospital reception (how embarrassing) with their isaarn bar wives. Shoot me in the head please if I ever get to that stage You are wrong if you think that the same doctors work at all three hospital you mentioned. What are you talking about? What do you know of the hospitals that I have personally dealt with over the past eight years?Ok Sorry. I am wrong. Private sector doctors never work in public hospitals. My bad. You know best I never said that... Nor was I responding to your post...
chiang mai Posted March 1, 2013 Posted March 1, 2013 My apologies that I cannot be bothered to debate this issue with you currently and that I do not have the time since I am now overseas. I saw your comments and instinctively rebelled against them because they were so inaccurate so perhaps we can debate further when I return home - my inputs to medical care in Thailand can however be found here, you are very wrong in what you say:
Jimi007 Posted March 1, 2013 Posted March 1, 2013 My apologies that I cannot be bothered to debate this issue with you currently and that I do not have the time since I am now overseas. I saw your comments and instinctively rebelled against them because they were so inaccurate so perhaps we can debate further when I return home - my inputs to medical care in Thailand can however be found here, you are very wrong in what you say: Yet you're still online to this forum 40 minutes later? No problem. I am curious, why did you bother to post this or this link? And what did I say that you are even responding to in your post? I didn't see one doctor in that link that had anything to do with Phuket, only Chang Mai. Maybe I missed something though, wouldn't be the first time...I still have doctors in the USA I see every year, but I actually think my doctors here are not bought and paid for by big pharmaceutical companies that I see pushing drugs in my doctor's offices over there.
Maestro Posted March 1, 2013 Posted March 1, 2013 I have deleted a flame and the reply to it. The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw
stevenl Posted March 2, 2013 Posted March 2, 2013 I appreciate the story and thanks to the OP for telling us. Good to know that prices can sometimes be negotiable. For those of you condemning the man because he wanted to save money, to each his own. Let the guy choose how he spends his money and time. And you choose yours. He is lucky to be traveling around the country and seeing all of Thailand. Maybe some of you have real nice houses but don't go anywhere. Up to you, up to him. Me, I'd much rather travel than sit in a comfortable place. The Op should have gone to a clinic, as suggested earlier a couple of times, would have been cheaper and faster, especially with the OP's travel plans. I would presume Shawn to be female BTW.
ShawnStorm Posted March 2, 2013 Author Posted March 2, 2013 You talk about 2 very simple jabs. Any MD can do that for you, there really is no need to find the best doctor in the country for something like this. And no, you did not scare them so you were served first, I think it was simply your turn. Unless you really think they understood you when you left the first time. Yes, you are correct. It was a very simple procedure that could of been done anywhere. However, I still felt the experience was worth relating. You may be right about it being my turn, but I was chatting with an Italian man who had been sitting there for over an hour (he had been waiting on my first visit) and I saw a doctor before him. Perhaps it was because we had different issues and my doctor visit was a simple short consultation about the shots? I don't know. All I can do is speculate. -Shawn
ShawnStorm Posted March 2, 2013 Author Posted March 2, 2013 With all the running around you did, the chance of a serious motorbike accident was probably higher than any effects of the original problem. Haha.. the funny part is that I thought that exact thing while running back and forth!
ShawnStorm Posted March 2, 2013 Author Posted March 2, 2013 I hope my story is helpful (or at least entertaining) to someone. It was both - thanks very much. Amazing that you managed to talk down the price at Vachira by so much. Any idea exactly what got deleted? I don't think I talked down the price. I assume it was an error on their part, and I simply pointed it out since I had a rough idea of how much the medication should cost. The change in price was the medication price. The doctor fee, hospital fee, etc stayed the same.
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