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Little Old Lady Kidnapped By Airport Taxi


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By the way guys - my dad is 92 and downloads emails from my brother and I, keeps and updates records of payments for credit cards etc on a spreadsheet, then attaches it to an email and regularly sends me the updates wherever I may be in the world.
Buy your dad a scanner; he will love it.



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steveromagnino, I have some difficulty understanding you.

Price for a nice new taxi = somewhere around 600b or more per 12 hours.
Why hire a cab for 12 hours if all you want is to get transported from the airport to your hotel? At least, that’s what this troll’s original post was about.
Price for a POS taxi in the queue = somewhere around 600b or less per 24 hours.
POS as in “point of sale”?



Sounds like the 50 year olds in the FC
FC as in “football club”?



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A 70 year old lady aquaintance arrived at Don Muang the other night, 1 am,
What flight arrives at that time, so early in the morning?



Just off the top of my head.............

EK 385 Hong Kong 11/3/2006 0005

TK 061 Singapore 11/3/2006 0005

FD 3508 Singapore 11/3/2006 0010

CA 979 Beijing 11/3/2006 0020

KE 653 Seoul 11/3/2006 0020

DL 7917 Seoul 11/3/2006 0020

TG 657 Seoul 11/3/2006 0050

OZ 6763 Seoul 11/3/2006 0050

EK 419 Sydney 11/3/2006 0050

UL 2429 Sydney 11/3/2006 0050

ET 609 Hong Kong 11/3/2006 0050

MS 961 Beijing 11/3/2006 0050

CI 065 Taipei 11/3/2006 0105

PK 893 Hong Kong 11/3/2006 0110

MU 3547 Shanghai 11/3/2006 0120

MU 1547 Shanghai 11/3/2006 0120

MU 547 Shanghai 11/3/2006 0120

TG 6653 Shanghai 11/3/2006 0120

MF 867 Xiamen 11/3/2006 0130

CA 401 Chengdu 11/3/2006 0130

KU 414 Jakarta 11/3/2006 0130

BR 061 Taipei 11/3/2006 0140

................... :o

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If I could be so bold to summarize, it appears that the following are sound rules:

1. For newcomers to Bangkok especially late night arrivals or people who are not hardy travellers, personal pickup is best with limo service arranged at arrival for about 600 baht from the airport to downtown Bangkok as an alternative.

2. Experienced residents with Thai language skill may want to negotiate with taxis at the arrivals level on top in order to get a newer and better taxi, but this service is outside the usual procedures and could involve complications such as the driver not understanding the destination or attempts to scam less confident passengers.

3. Experienced or budget travellers will usually get adequate service for 250 or so baht by going through the ground floor taxi line where there will be some supervisory assistance in clarifying destination. Best to specify "toll road" it will cost an extra sixty baht beyond the meter fee with two toll stops. Tipping is not required but a small tip for extra service is ok.


Or book a car service before arrival then they are waiting for you with a sign when you arrive.

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A 70 year old lady aquaintance arrived at Don Muang the other night, 1 am,
What flight arrives at that time, so early in the morning?



Just off the top of my head.............

EK 385 Hong Kong 11/3/2006 0005

TK 061 Singapore 11/3/2006 0005

FD 3508 Singapore 11/3/2006 0010

CA 979 Beijing 11/3/2006 0020

KE 653 Seoul 11/3/2006 0020

DL 7917 Seoul 11/3/2006 0020

TG 657 Seoul 11/3/2006 0050

OZ 6763 Seoul 11/3/2006 0050

EK 419 Sydney 11/3/2006 0050

UL 2429 Sydney 11/3/2006 0050

ET 609 Hong Kong 11/3/2006 0050

MS 961 Beijing 11/3/2006 0050

CI 065 Taipei 11/3/2006 0105

PK 893 Hong Kong 11/3/2006 0110

MU 3547 Shanghai 11/3/2006 0120

MU 1547 Shanghai 11/3/2006 0120

MU 547 Shanghai 11/3/2006 0120

TG 6653 Shanghai 11/3/2006 0120

MF 867 Xiamen 11/3/2006 0130

CA 401 Chengdu 11/3/2006 0130

KU 414 Jakarta 11/3/2006 0130

BR 061 Taipei 11/3/2006 0140

................... :D

:o Smartarse :D

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If I could be so bold to summarize, it appears that the following are sound rules:

1. For newcomers to Bangkok especially late night arrivals or people who are not hardy travellers, personal pickup is best with limo service arranged at arrival for about 600 baht from the airport to downtown Bangkok as an alternative.

2. Experienced residents with Thai language skill may want to negotiate with taxis at the arrivals level on top in order to get a newer and better taxi, but this service is outside the usual procedures and could involve complications such as the driver not understanding the destination or attempts to scam less confident passengers.

3. Experienced or budget travellers will usually get adequate service for 250 or so baht by going through the ground floor taxi line where there will be some supervisory assistance in clarifying destination. Best to specify "toll road" it will cost an extra sixty baht beyond the meter fee with two toll stops. Tipping is not required but a small tip for extra service is ok.


Why toll road and what will it really saved?

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To be honest, I'll take any taxi (new or old). I won't take any crap from

any Thai driver.

The last taxi problem I had, the driver reset the meter at the end of the ride to 888.88 Baht and had the balls to ask for exactly that. After a few minutes of exchanged anger, I hailed a traffic cop who proceeded to take the taxi drivers name and Taxi number and write the guy up. I gave him less then what was owed and walked away....hhohhohoho.

Had I not had a cop, I would have given the Taxi driver the 175 Baht I owed him and walked off.

Don't take any shit from these Thai's, call there bluff.


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QUOTE(Bangkokslim @ 2006-03-11 07:45:07) *

Don't take any shit from these Thai's, call there bluff.


Bangkokslim is called Bangkokslim because he had an arm hacked off with an axe for vehemently disputing the 10 baht price of a cigarette lighter.

I agree with bangkokslime - stand up for yourself.

Taxi drivers have tried to rip me off heaps of times.

I have often gone along with them, if it is totally ridiculous rip-off, then turn it on them.

I sometimes get the driver to stop by saying I need to go shop or something, then jump in another cab.

I've gotten into fist fights before with these guys, but I was in the right. One attacked me with a crowbar once - to his regret.

This is not advice for a newbie to Thailand. You must be able to handle yourself and read the situation well - many drivers in bkk carry a gun.

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Why toll road and what will it really saved?
Most of the time, it will save plenty of time (perhaps not so much after 1 a.m.). And you get a better view of Bangkok as you are chauffeured into town.



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I sometimes get the driver to stop by saying I need to go shop or something, then jump in another cab.

absolutely price-less (sorry but i couldn't resist)

many drivers in bkk carry a gun.

well....i don't know about gun...... but considering the nature of the job, it's not a bad idea to have a weapon in the car. (i dont mean as a passenger by the way) though it's a debatable point :D

I will never forget being new to thailand, at mo chit getting into a taxi which appeared to be at the front of a queue (not the official taxi rank though, but somewhere away from all the coaches). I'd already got in the back with a friend and the backpacks were loaded, when an argument kicked off between the driver and some other taxi drivers (just a bit of verbal) as he was getting in the car. Now as i remeber it, the driver could probably have driven off at this point but did he?...........No...........2 seconds later he was out of the car with a sizeable machette in his hand :o I remeber thinking <deleted> just waiting and watching, wondering what to do next. After a bit more shouting the driver got back in the car smiling sabai sabai. Until this day i still dont know whether it was all a joke for the foreigners, or a real case of this man not wanting to lose face (couldn't speak or understand Thai then). Still a funny episode all the same - welcome to Thailand

A few years later some more taxi trouble when my GF told this driver to drive 'a little less stressed please' in a polite way. Those are basically the only words she said to him and i have to admit his driving was genuinely scaring me too, so they were within reason IMHO. I think this man must have been on the meth phets, a double shift or a seriously bad day as when she said this he instantly pulled up, by cutting up the cars in the two lanes on the left and just started shouting. Almost screaming...... we just got out with no plans of paying the <deleted>. Afterall we had just got in the taxi and there was only about 40 or 50 Baht on the meter.

He got out too though, and pretty much ignoring me continued on at my GF. I could see him trembling and his voice was shaking now. I'm quite a big lad and half of me just wanted to get involved and kick off if he started at me, but there were loads of people watching at a bus stop nearby so <deleted> it, easier to just to keep shhhtum rather than escalate it, all for the sake of 50Baht (wonder if he remembered to stop the meter :D )Anyway, his problem now was that we werent paying him so I gave him the money (I didn't pay out of fear that his guy would/could beat me. It's just that regardless of the story presented to the boys in brown should it have come to that.....TIT.... and time served wouldn't be much fun). I had also noticed some handcuffs which he had taken out of the car as he got out. Not good!

The missus made a call to report him. The most annoying thing though, was that I had collected her from the school where she works. Now, If a man that much on the edge, lost his job as a result of a complaint, and he knew where to find the comlainee (is that a word?), then i reckon it would get nasty...... so i got her to cancel the complaint The driver really did deserve an official complaint though, warranted on his driving alone, which was reckless on a level i have yet to experience again (done some pretty bad manouvers myself 5555) All in all a pretty unpleasant taxi journey.....

Edited by juggler
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Would someone please claify what a LIMO is? In various countries, I see the term used for...

1) a long, black, expensive car sedan that rents for $150 an hour, and chauffeeurs newly married couples to the wedding receptions.

2) a bus (or "coach" as the Brits call 'em)

3) a van (7-15 passengers); sometimes called "mini-van"

What kind of "limo" are we talking about in Thailand?

Since no one has answered you question yet, I will.......

Thai Limousine Service uses Mercedes Benz sedans at the International Arrivals terminal, particularily for passengers going out of the city to Pattaya, Hua Hin, etc. For a Bangkok destination, you may get a Volvo, a Toyota Camry or a Benz.

At the domestic airport terminal, all of the cars are Volvo or Camry.

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Would someone please claify what a LIMO is? In various countries, I see the term used for...

Incidently if anyone wants to buy one of these 'limos', yes, just a normal Merc Sedan car, they are selling scores of them off jangwattana road, at the end of the soi adjacent to big C past the lake on the RHside. A whole fleet, all white or cream methinks and they don't seem to be being sold very quick, or maybe it's just a steady outlet for the depreciated (not the old lady). Don't know the prices but maybe a good deal to be had if you know lots about cars......or a bad deal if you don't :o

Limos, taxi's.....bus n song tao usually works for me.......but then i'm not a 70 year old woman


If you got the energy after the flight and are on a budget which makes 50 baht a good save, just head for amari aiport hotel and the local road outside it by don muang train station. From the local road there get a normal taxi meter. no surcharge. I find the process of negotiation a hassle, it means in general that you are still going to pay over the odds (once a price is agreed).... not always the case, but often so.....i think i should go to sleep now before i go off on one

goodnight and goodluck to those of all ages arriving at don muang airport during the day and night

(went off on one anyway)

PS luck is something only needed by the ill prepared

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steveromagnino, I have some difficulty understanding you.
Price for a nice new taxi = somewhere around 600b or more per 12 hours.
Why hire a cab for 12 hours if all you want is to get transported from the airport to your hotel? At least, that’s what this troll’s original post was about.
Price for a POS taxi in the queue = somewhere around 600b or less per 24 hours.
POS as in “point of sale”?



OK, 600b is what the guy hiring the cab is paying to the company he hires it from; it is very relevant because paying that much he can't afford to be goofing around trying to find one person to rip off; the risk is too high. For the POS (which means piece of s&*t) taxis, they pay about that amount or less for 24 hours hireage time, giving them more ability to wait around and prowl on unsuspecting foreigners. :o

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2. Experienced residents with Thai language skill may want to negotiate with taxis at the arrivals level on top in order to get a newer and better taxi, but this service is outside the usual procedures and could involve complications such as the driver not understanding the destination or attempts to scam less confident passengers.

There is no negotiation involved. No meter, no taxi, wherever you are. Going back up to Departures is done because queuing for 50 baht extra is a waste of time and money for most people. Moreover, it is not illegal for a passenger to do this. It is not illegal for the taxi to take the passenger at Departures. What is illegal, however, is for the taxi to linger at the Departures area in anticipation of customers. Please understand the difference between the three.

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2. Experienced residents with Thai language skill may want to negotiate with taxis at the arrivals level on top in order to get a newer and better taxi, but this service is outside the usual procedures and could involve complications such as the driver not understanding the destination or attempts to scam less confident passengers.

There is no negotiation involved. No meter, no taxi, wherever you are. Going back up to Departures is done because queuing for 50 baht extra is a waste of time and money for most people. Moreover, it is not illegal for a passenger to do this. It is not illegal for the taxi to take the passenger at Departures. What is illegal, however, is for the taxi to linger at the Departures area in anticipation of customers. Please understand the difference between the three.

Ive done this a few times, it was my gf's idea

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