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The Worst Curry I've Ever Had


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Why would anyone buy a frozen curry product when you live in Thailand? Buy a cookbook, watch a video, ask someone to show you how to cook, anything but eat a previously frozed curry product when you live in a place that has all the ingredients to make your own curry.

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im nt sure which of the 2 brands are you guys referring about but i stock up reguarly and have no issues with both. probably a bad batch or something.

I've tried the 169 baht brand and the 99 baht brand......they were both OK, though I much prefer to make my own

The 99 baht brand seems to sell out quite fast,.

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If,I am understanding the posts by the moderators correctly under NO circumstance can any person,or

Trader be named in either a post or atopic reply.

If so ,how can members pass on information to other members of good or bad experiences ?

No problem with good experience reports. Major problem when members go out of their way to slag off a business.

Yes,...OK with that....BUT....surely there is a difference between an honest appraisal of a product and a 'Slagging off "

In this case,it seems that of 2 manufacturers one of them is being critisised and the reply from the manufacturer hardly answers the complaint,in the view of some posters.So the innocent manufacturer is being....in the eyes of the readers....tarred with the same brush. Whereas if we knew the manufacturer in question,the position would be much clearer

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Maybe when we have an offending product or service,we could use an anagram,

so at least some of us could work out who the OP is talking about?, could that work

and be within the laws of ThaiVisa and Thailand.

Thats why Politicians,Companies here in Thailand can get away with so much,because

you cannot criticize,complain,even if you are 100% correct,if you still move forward with

your complaint ,very good chance you will be sued,or get shot, depending who you upset !

regards Worgeordie

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Maybe when we have an offending product or service,we could use an anagram,

so at least some of us could work out who the OP is talking about?, could that work

and be within the laws of ThaiVisa and Thailand.

Thats why Politicians,Companies here in Thailand can get away with so much,because

you cannot criticize,complain,even if you are 100% correct,if you still move forward with

your complaint ,very good chance you will be sued,or get shot, depending who you upset !

regards Worgeordie

EXACTLY so lets all drop it we dont want anyone shot or sued over a watery curry smile.png (JOKE in case dimwits take it seriously)

It is VERY clear reading the comments that most here like the said companies products and I know which company we are talking about and the comments support that its products are generally EXCELLENT what might be needed is a bit more acceptance of critisim by the owner the but to be fair the prices they charge and extremely good value and you get a lot for your money, as for the steak comment I would never buy imported steak here because it going to be FROZEN and expectations cannot be too much especially from a cafe style restaurant if you want a good steak go to chez Marco you get it medium and that is it if you want it well done they will not do it because it ruins the steak so to expect a lot from a cafe style restaurant that does not have a trained chef is asking a bit much me thinks.


Edited by DiamondKing
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Wow. Are you saying your friend is now threatening to shoot people on top of the normal suing threats???

Maybe when we have an offending product or service,we could use an anagram,
so at least some of us could work out who the OP is talking about?, could that work
and be within the laws of ThaiVisa and Thailand.

Thats why Politicians,Companies here in Thailand can get away with so much,because
you cannot criticize,complain,even if you are 100% correct,if you still move forward with
your complaint ,very good chance you will be sued,or get shot, depending who you upset !

regards Worgeordie

EXACTLY so lets all drop it we dont want anyone shot or sued over a watery curry smile.png

It is VERY clear reading the comments that most here like the said companies products and I know which company we are talking about and the comments support that its products are generally EXCELLENT what might be needed is a bit more acceptance of critisim by the owner the but to be fair the prices they charge and extremely good value and you get a lot for your money, as for the steak comment I would never buy imported steak here because it going to be FROZEN and expectations cannot be too much especially from a cafe style restaurant if you want a good steak go to chez Marco you get it medium and that is it if you want it well done they will not do it because it ruins the steak so to expect a lot from a cafe style restaurant that does not have a trained chef is asking a bit much me thinks.

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Wow. Are you saying your friend is now threatening to shoot people on top of the normal suing threats???

Maybe when we have an offending product or service,we could use an anagram,

so at least some of us could work out who the OP is talking about?, could that work

and be within the laws of ThaiVisa and Thailand.

Thats why Politicians,Companies here in Thailand can get away with so much,because

you cannot criticize,complain,even if you are 100% correct,if you still move forward with

your complaint ,very good chance you will be sued,or get shot, depending who you upset !

regards Worgeordie

EXACTLY so lets all drop it we dont want anyone shot or sued over a watery curry smile.png

It is VERY clear reading the comments that most here like the said companies products and I know which company we are talking about and the comments support that its products are generally EXCELLENT what might be needed is a bit more acceptance of critisim by the owner the but to be fair the prices they charge and extremely good value and you get a lot for your money, as for the steak comment I would never buy imported steak here because it going to be FROZEN and expectations cannot be too much especially from a cafe style restaurant if you want a good steak go to chez Marco you get it medium and that is it if you want it well done they will not do it because it ruins the steak so to expect a lot from a cafe style restaurant that does not have a trained chef is asking a bit much me thinks.


LOL YOUR A BIT SLOW huh smile.png if you read the post above mine it was implied people get sued or shot I was merely making a light hearted Joke but I guess you cant follow that.

Just to be clear to people of limited brain power I am not saying anyone is threatening to sue or to shoot anyone LOL

Man you just gotta love some people hahahaha


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So he isn't making any threats, or you are just not saying that he is?

rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif I have no idea what your talking about read the above again and try and understand that I was joking I even made it really clear for people uncapable of reading past the smiley face

Edited by DiamondKing
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I suggest you pay a visit to his place. Order another one there try it on the spot and tell him of your experience. He is a big guy but I can not see him doing anything but show you the cleanliness of the place it is cooked, the materials that go in it and if you have the packet he may be able to tell what batch.

If not prepared to do that maybe just switch to the other brand of curry. He has many satisfied customers due to service, taste, value for money and cleanliness.

Edited by harrry
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Actually, I've never knowingly tried one of their products, but I'm pretty sure most of his stuff is good. I imagine they would be out of business by now if not. I just think its fun to see how far things will go to "protect" the brand on this forum.

I suggest you pay a visit to his place. Order another one there try it on the spot and tell him of your experience. He is a big guy but I can not see him doing anything but show you the cleanliness of the place it is cooked, the materials that go in it and if you have the packet he may be able to tell what batch.

If not prepared to do that maybe just switch to the other brand of curry. He has many satisfied customers due to service, taste, value for money and cleanliness.

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im nt sure which of the 2 brands are you guys referring about but i stock up reguarly and have no issues with both. probably a bad batch or something.

I've tried the 169 baht brand and the 99 baht brand......they were both OK, though I much prefer to make my own

The 99 baht brand seems to sell out quite fast,.

Cheap and cheerfull ups cheap and cheerfull my friend 4.gif in fact you probaly get twice as much chicken in the 169 / 159 baht brand so it is in fact cheaper 3.gif

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