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Duty Paid On Goods Brought In To Thailand

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Hello Friends

My Thai wife (PR Visa in Canada) and I will be moving to Thailand in July 2013 after 3.5 years in Canada. We will be bringing some of our belongings with us 2 Cameras, 1 Cell phone, 3 Computers, 1 TV, and some personal items.

I have seen from previous posts that there is duty to be paid if you bring your goods in using a container. We will be bringing in our goods paying the extra luggage fees.

Will we still have to pay duty bringing in our goods this way ?

Tea Money ?

Thank you for your help in advance as I will have a number of questions in the next few months.


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Please read the Thai custom site concerning returning Thai passport-holders who have been abroad for longer than one year.

It would be advised to do the move to Thailand under your wifes Thai name as a returning citizen.


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I just did a large container shipment of our entire house and then some, using the wife's returning Thai citizen benefit so was all in her name.

We shipped over in a container though, unlike what you'll be doing, but we did have a quite a few bags and a cat when we flew in to Swampy. Luckily all the focus was on the cat, so all our suitcases didn't get looked at as we went through the Red Channel, which was fortunate because I also had excess items.

Returning citizen is allowed 1 electronic/electrical item. We had many things in excess in our container, but they only picked up on the 3 computers on the inventory and charged 75 USD for the 2 in excess.

You can google the Thai Customs laws, or find them on the forum.

Edited by 55Jay
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