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Hugo Chavez Dies From Cancer At 58


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I can see it was remove for fair use. ?

ah okay. But it was fully attibuted with a link to the original?

As stated it was removed due to violation of fair use laws. It is generally accepted, but not written into law, that quoting the first two or three sentences of an article and giving a link to the source is considered “fair use” and not a violation of copyright.

Cheers Boo.am getting forgetful in my old age.

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A little balance to the glowing praise of Chavez and predictable anti-Americanism people are voicing here:


What has Chávez bequeathed his fellow Venezuelans? The hard facts are unmistakable: The oil-rich South American country is in shambles.
It has one of the world’s highest rates of inflation, largest fiscal
deficits, and fastest growing debts. Despite a boom in oil prices, the
country’s infrastructure is in disrepair—power outages and rolling
blackouts are common—and it is more dependent on crude exports than when
Chávez arrived. ...

Edited by Jingthing
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Hugo Chavez is dead. He was said to be a champion of the poor and powerless. At the time of his death he had amassed something close to two thousand million US dollars. I think I need to get into the being a champion of the poor.... it seems to pay well.

please provide some evidence for this claim.

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Hugo Chavez is dead. He was said to be a champion of the poor and powerless. At the time of his death he had amassed something close to two thousand million US dollars. I think I need to get into the being a champion of the poor.... it seems to pay well.

please provide some evidence for this claim.

Most sites on the internet state his net worth as being somewhere between one thousand million and two thousand million.

i.e. one thousand million=one billion.




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The Economist said..

"Mr Chávez turned out to have been as reckless with his health as with his country's economy and its democracy...

Rather than stand aside from the presidency, he insisted that he could run his country from his Havana sickbed. After another two operations and chemotherapy, he declared himself cured. Addicted to the drugs of power and popular acclaim, he campaigned for and won yet another six-year term in an election last October.

To the end, Mr Chávez's rule was narcissistic, with country and constitution subordinated to his whim...


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Edited by Scott
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He had some bold, some might say crazy ideas. Such as that South America should unite as one to defeat the USA. As is typical with populist charismatic leaders, he won't be soon forgotten.

Jing, Sometimes I wonder, I bet you would be less charitable if you had to live in Venezuela. He was antisemitic to his very core and I for one am glad he is gone. Perhaps some covert initiative should be undertaken by the CIA to facilitate a true democratic replacement as oppose to a despotic banana republic.


Capriles Radonski, 41 it the guy the Americans want in the job. It will be interesting to watch.

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Here's a fun way of looking at this.

Hugo Chavez -- TROLL.


Venezuela has lost its strongman. The world has lost one of its most prolific trolls...

Chavez’s successor will have to grapple with internal divisions and an
opposition movement that will see an opportunity to take power after 14
years of Chavista rule. Venezuela has lost the one person who needed
everything to revolve around him, leaving a power vacuum and an
unpredictable succession crisis. It’s an important reminder that at the
end of the day, trolling is just narcissism.

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A little balance to the glowing praise of Chavez and predictable anti-Americanism people are voicing here:


What has Chávez bequeathed his fellow Venezuelans? The hard facts are unmistakable: The oil-rich South American country is in shambles.

It has one of the world’s highest rates of inflation, largest fiscal

deficits, and fastest growing debts. Despite a boom in oil prices, the

country’s infrastructure is in disrepair—power outages and rolling

blackouts are common—and it is more dependent on crude exports than when

Chávez arrived. ...

That's one man's opinion, probably American and a capitalist.

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Hugo Chavez is dead. He was said to be a champion of the poor and powerless. At the time of his death he had amassed something close to two thousand million US dollars. I think I need to get into the being a champion of the poor.... it seems to pay well.

please provide some evidence for this claim.

Most sites on the internet state his net worth as being somewhere between one thousand million and two thousand million.

i.e. one thousand million=one billion.




All based on one report by the American cjia, biased capitalist claptrap.

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As expected, Ahmadinejad is coming and Fidel can't come. Washington is trying to throw a bone for better relations by sending some congresspeople and state department officials.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was one of several world leaders
en route to Caracas on Thursday to attend Chavez’s services. “No doubt
Chavez will return to Earth together with Jesus and the perfect” Imam
Mahdi (the most revered figure of Shiite Muslims), Ahmadinejad said
following Chavez’s death.

Oy vey, comparing Chavez to Jesus.

Chavez's last words. Very human. Not too Jesus-like I reckon:

“I don't want to die. Please don't let me die.”

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RIP, we lose another great man, what I would really like to see is jerks like Thatcher, Blair, Osbourne Hague et al get cancer

Never wish unto others,what you wouldn't wish for yourself,you may just get it!

Great men care for their people,and work hard to improve their lives,in so many ways,which would be hard to form that opinion of Chavez!

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Generally the people seem to admire Chavez do so because he was anti-American and a socialist. I guess those are considered to be great qualities these days. Chavez died super wealthy and the poor still live in crime ravaged slums.

there are a number of people who admired and liked Hugo Chavez because he paid them handsome interest on their investment in Venezuela government and quasi government bonds.

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Generally the people seem to admire Chavez do so because he was anti-American and a socialist. I guess those are considered to be great qualities these days. Chavez died super wealthy and the poor still live in crime ravaged slums.

there are a number of people who admired and liked Hugo Chavez because he paid them handsome interest on their investment in Venezuela government and quasi government bonds.

There are a number of people who didn't admire him because he robbed them in nationalization of Oil facilities in 2007,2010; cement industry 2008 & 2010; rice processing 2009; supermarkets 2010, etc., etc.. For a reputed capitalist you sure have strange heros.

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A little balance to the glowing praise of Chavez and predictable anti-Americanism people are voicing here:


What has Chávez bequeathed his fellow Venezuelans? The hard facts are unmistakable: The oil-rich South American country is in shambles.

It has one of the world’s highest rates of inflation, largest fiscal

deficits, and fastest growing debts. Despite a boom in oil prices, the

country’s infrastructure is in disrepair—power outages and rolling

blackouts are common—and it is more dependent on crude exports than when

Chávez arrived. ...

That's one man's opinion, probably American and a capitalist.

That's it?! That's all you've got?

If you can't actually refute anything - not single thing from the piece - and can only attempt to question the credibility of the source, then at the least you should be able to argue that much - but you don't even know anything about the source...

I'm sorry, but that's laughable. You make a very poor defender for Mr. Chavez.

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Generally the people seem to admire Chavez do so because he was anti-American and a socialist. I guess those are considered to be great qualities these days. Chavez died super wealthy and the poor still live in crime ravaged slums.

there are a number of people who admired and liked Hugo Chavez because he paid them handsome interest on their investment in Venezuela government and quasi government bonds.

There are a number of people who didn't admire him because he robbed them in nationalization of Oil facilities in 2007,2010; cement industry 2008 & 2010; rice processing 2009; supermarkets 2010, etc., etc.. For a reputed capitalist you sure have strange heros.

where did i say that Chavez is "my" hero? i just agree with Goldman Sucks and a few other financial institurions although i have been investing in Venezuela nearly a decade before Chavez came to power and... i am still invested although the double digit yields are bordering now single digits.

Since taking office in 1999, Hugo Chavez has spread his socialist revolution in Venezuela by seizing more than 1,000 companies. For bondholders that stuck by him, he’s also delivered returns that are double the emerging- market average.

The 681 percent advance, equal to 14.7 percent annually, has enriched investors from OppenheimerFunds Inc. to Goldman Sachs Asset Management LP that counted on Chavez’s willingness to siphon the country’s oil wealth to pay its creditors in the face of start-stop growth and falling reserves. While his policies drove away enough investors to keep Venezuela’s borrowing costs over 12 percent on average during his tenure, or 4 percentage points higher than those of developing nations, he’s never missed a bond payment.


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As expected, Ahmadinejad is coming and Fidel can't come. Washington is trying to throw a bone for better relations by sending some congresspeople and state department officials.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was one of several world leaders

en route to Caracas on Thursday to attend Chavez’s services. “No doubt

Chavez will return to Earth together with Jesus and the perfect” Imam

Mahdi (the most revered figure of Shiite Muslims), Ahmadinejad said

following Chavez’s death.

Oy vey, comparing Chavez to Jesus.

Chavez's last words. Very human. Not too Jesus-like I reckon:


“I don't want to die. Please don't let me die.”

you were present when Chavez died JT and heard him saying these words? huh.png

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What, no Bob Mugabe? And what about his pal Illich Ramirez Sanchez Carlos (aka Carlos the Jackal, multiple murderer and terrorist)?

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Edited by SteeleJoe
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Hugo Chavez is dead. He was said to be a champion of the poor and powerless. At the time of his death he had amassed something close to two thousand million US dollars. I think I need to get into the being a champion of the poor.... it seems to pay well.

please provide some evidence for this claim.

Most sites on the internet state his net worth as being somewhere between one thousand million and two thousand million.

i.e. one thousand million=one billion.




All based on one report by the American cjia, biased capitalist claptrap.

What are you talking about?

cjia = Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs


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@Naam: perhaps I misconstrued your "like" of post #75:

R.I.P. Hugo Chavez, a giant of a man, a defender of the people and not afraid to stand up to the American capitalist imperialist bullies!

what's wrong liking Chavez' attitude towards the policies of a country where it was openly suggested to murder him?

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@Naam: perhaps I misconstrued your "like" of post #75:

R.I.P. Hugo Chavez, a giant of a man, a defender of the people and not afraid to stand up to the American capitalist imperialist bullies!

what's wrong liking Chavez' attitude towards the policies of a country where it was openly suggested to murder him?

Yes, it's hard to say which of the 3 points you were liking:

1. Giant of a man (my hero)

2. Defender of the people (my hero)

or 3. Not afraid to stand up to the American Imperialist CAPITALIST bullies.

Res ipsa loquitur

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One thing when it comes to dictators of any kind is that people only see the bad, which is natural. HOWEVER to be a dictator of a country and rule it for as long as he has, one has to be a very very very smart man.

"Dictator"? Democratically elected numerous times does not a dictator make!

One cannot be "democratically elected" when there is no free press and political opponents are locked up.

Then again, this democratically elected leader also removed term limits to keep himself in power.

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Not all Venezuelans are in mourning because of his death.


DORAL, Fla. (AP) -- Venezuelans in the U.S. cheered and expressed cautious optimism that new elections will bring change to their homeland after the death of President Hugo Chavez.
"My hope is that Venezuela will become a free country once again," said Elizabeth Gonazalez, 52, who wore a smiley face sticker on her sweater with the words, "Venezuela without Chavez."
A jubilant celebration broke out in the Miami suburb of Doral late Tuesday after word spread of the death of the 58-year-old leftist. Many dressed in caps and T-shirts in Venezuela's colors of yellow, blue and red.
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R.I.P. Hugo Chavez, a giant of a man, a defender of the people and not afraid to stand up to the American capitalist imperialist bullies!

sick.gif Methinks thou protesteth too much.

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There are always marked differences of opinion on people like Hugo and Castro. You have to wonder, why is it like that? To me, it is the difference between the people who follow and believe every ridiculous statement their media/government tells them, and people who can actually analyze facts and think for themselves.

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