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Could My Boyfriend Find A Job In Thailand?


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He's an IT Consultant for an international company from Japan, currently working in Munich. His English is very good but he's concerned about the fact that he does not speak Thai.

My boyfriend does not hold a uni degree but completed A-levels and German job training. Not sure how familiar you are with our dual system... If you need more info please let me know.

He's in his early 40s and has been with his current company for almost 10 years now, specialised in software solutions for printing and copying devices.

Is there a chance of finding a job in his field in Thailand?

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Lots and lots of competent (ok reasonably competent) Thai IT professionals, they are cheaper and don't have visa or work permit issues :( On a positive note, if he has some particular marketable skill he could still in with a chance, more information needed.

It may be better to see if his current employer has a branch in Thailand and they have vacancies, or maybe they would like to set up a Thai office.

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He's in software solutions, advising sales and customers on suitable software for the products they purchase from the company he works for. Printing and copying machines mainly, document management software. No programming involved.

The company does have a branch in Bangkok.

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He's in software solutions, advising sales and customers on suitable software for the products they purchase from the company he works for. Printing and copying machines mainly, document management software. No programming involved.

The company does have a branch in Bangkok.

If his company has a branch here why not try and get sent here by them permanently.

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finding a job in this field in Bangkok or Thailand is nearly impossible. The only option is that he will be send here as Expat. But I am sure that is not easy. So in general I would say forget about it.

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If his company has a branch here why not try and get sent here by them permanently.

I wasn't sure whether this is easily possible.

it can be done some guys I know got posted here by their employers (Bank staff). I would personally look at contracting out of Thailand but use Thailand as my base.

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.... I'm looking into teaching/researching positions in Thailand....my pay might feed us both.

THAT would be a very rare teaching/research position in Thailand. Why come to a country with the lowest average salary for teachers/researchers of any country in Asia (OK, maybe Myanmar or Laos are probably worse...)?

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Simple answer: my research interest is the field of English education in Thailand and I'm currently spending time at Chula for a thesis. Other countries are not an option, I know my way around here, have friends and contacts.

I'm actually expecting an okay paid job with my qualifications, too.

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Simple answer: my research interest is the field of English education in Thailand and I'm currently spending time at Chula for a thesis. Other countries are not an option, I know my way around here, have friends and contacts.

I'm actually expecting an okay paid job with my qualifications, too.

This certainly beats a greenhorn who wants to teach freshman oral English at Baanawk University while researching genetically-modified papaya in Isaan. Your points are well-taken, and sorry to assume you were one of the 99% TV posters looking for a teaching job without qualifications or experience. wink.png Your b/f, on the other hand, might have greater challenges as evidenced in the posts above.

Since your salary would support both, the both of you should come here on the strength of your job and contacts alone, and let him network and job-hunt right on site. Certainly a lot better than long-distance job hunting. I've done it both ways and the advantages of being able to grab an interview opportunity on short notice (especially in Thailand) is immense!

Good luck to the both of you! thumbsup.gif

Edited by Fookhaht
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Simple answer: my research interest is the field of English education in Thailand and I'm currently spending time at Chula for a thesis. Other countries are not an option, I know my way around here, have friends and contacts.
I'm actually expecting an okay paid job with my qualifications, too.

This certainly beats a greenhorn who wants to teach freshman oral English at Baanawk University while researching genetically-modified papaya in Isaan. Your points are well-taken, and sorry to assume you were one of the 99% TV posters looking for a teaching job without qualifications or experience. wink.png Your b/f, on the other hand, might have greater challenges as evidenced in the posts above.

Since your salary would support both, the both of you should come here on the strength of your job and contacts alone, and let him network and job-hunt right on site. Certainly a lot better than long-distance job hunting. I've done it both ways and the advantages of being able to grab an interview opportunity on short notice (especially in Thailand) is immense!

Good luck to the both of you! thumbsup.gif

yes giving up a job for a company he worked for 10 years to go to Thailand and hunt for jobs which are not avaiable - at least not in the salary range he would expect...

I would not think that is a good idea.

When I went to the Philippines many many years ago I already had an expat job with the complete package in my pocket. Trying to find such a job in the country is definitely not possible, at least not with the complete expat package. Now I am residing in Thailand moved here from the Philippines but I did not change the employer just the location... Edited by yannic
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Talk him into teaching. If you both really really wanna live there, its his easiest path.

Yeah come and live high on the hog on 30k per month and all the hassles that go with the TEFLr world.

Eh, no thanks, would rather stay in the west.

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That's a pity but not surprising.
We might relocate because I'm looking into teaching/researching positions in Thailand and he's not the kind of person to just hang out all day, even though my pay might feed us both.

Problem solved then. I will show your bf around Nana the first few night after you arrive. Just feed him plenty of pocket money and he will stay busy most days. Ever other weekend is of course dedicated to you. Edited by ExpatOilWorker
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He's not happy in the company and looking for a new job anyway. Things have changed a lot there, he's worked his way up and does not see any development possibilities for him in the long run. A lot of unnecessary stress/pressure and changes of his position into the sales direction which he does not like cause he really enjoys being a consultant.

We'll discuss our options once I'm back from my research stay. So far moving has just been a rough idea but a change of climate, location and lifestyle might be what we need now :).

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He's an IT Consultant for an international company from Japan, currently working in Munich.

Why would he want to work in Thailand? He's probably making more money in Munich than in Thailand.

Because it's not all about the money?

And you're moving to Thailand? How counter-culture can you get???? whistling.gif

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He's an IT Consultant for an international company from Japan, currently working in Munich.

Why would he want to work in Thailand? He's probably making more money in Munich than in Thailand.

Because it's not all about the money?

And you're moving to Thailand? How counter-culture can you get????

I know what Thailand is like and I still don't roam around Paragon to show off my latest designer bag. If it was for the income alone we would not consider moving.

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Because it's not all about the money?

And you're moving to Thailand? How counter-culture can you get???? whistling.gif

The OP is in Thailand. Best to read the thread before commenting.

Edited by Morakot
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A more feasible option for the b/f might be opening some kind of business, considering he has work experience but not a degree.

Thought that's not possible without Thai stakeholders?

He's got a degree, by the way. Just not from uni cause he decided doing non-academic job training.

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