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What Men Want


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I admit to borrowing this idea from another blog but an interesting topic nonetheless....

What men want

In an age where scantily-clad Paris Hilton-types are ubiquitous, internet dating has become de rigueur and according to many blokes "there are too many princesses in this town" - more and more women are asking, "what in the world do modern men really want?"

The original version can be found here: http://blogs.smh.com.au/samandthecity/arch...t_men_want.html

But well, what do TV men want and what do TV ladies think they want?

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I agree there are far too many princesses and their opposites, the woman who have become so obsessed with the independant woman thing, that there seems to be less middle ground....

I´m a tv.LAD but I just want a cool honourable person to hang out with. Somebody that will be independant and honourable, share her life with mine, and I mine with hers... As Prince once said in a song.. My lover, my sister, my friend, and my wife.

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Are you talking about.....

Men.....in general?

Men.....on this TV?

Men.....who're from the west?

Men.....who're older?

Men.....who're younger and wanting to retire in Thailand?


Men.....who're chasing anything in the skirts?

Or any losers.....in general?

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I dont know about every man, but i know what i want........ My wife has pretty much everything i want. But please dont tell her this. :o

Ok a list of what i want in no particluar order.







Just my opinion of what makes me happy, i couldnt really put them in any order, but pretty probably wouldnt be top of my list, i guess i am just lucky my wife is pretty :D

Edited by daleyboy
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By posting this in the Ladies Forum one might assume that the OP is requesting replies from the female members of ThaiVisa... not the males. :D

If this is indeed the case, gentlemen of ThaiVisa, please refrain from responding.

If, on the other hand, it was a troll post designed to elicit resposes from both the fraternity and sisterhood of ThaiVisa, then please guys... jump in boots and all... :o


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By posting this in the Ladies Forum one might assume that the OP is requesting replies from the female members of ThaiVisa... not the males. :D

If this is indeed the case, gentlemen of ThaiVisa, please refrain from responding.

If, on the other hand, it was a troll post designed to elicit resposes from both the fraternity and sisterhood of ThaiVisa, then please guys... jump in willies and all... :o


I have already jumped in boots and all, and now i am just hoping no one directs my wife to my reponse :D

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We want a woman who's mouth stays closed abit more.

A woman to not cry about everything.

A woman who has brains and not run into walls and stuff.

A woman who is pretty or has confidence in herself.

A woman who can drink a beer and not those girly drinks (bicardi breezer) for eg

A woman who can think for themselves.

Edited by Donz
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ladies, of you can follow these rules then you are heading in the right direction

* If we say something that can be interpreted in two ways,

and one of those ways makes you sad or angry... we meant the

other way.

* Department stores and malls were purposely designed so

that when you want to look at bed linen, shower curtains or

handbags, there are always some speakers, tires or sporting

equipment nearby.

* We don't know ANYTHING about handbags. Please, don't even


* We DID water the plants. They died anyway. Nobody knows

why this happens.

* Silence does not always need to be filled with discussions

about "us" and "the relationship."

* It is in neither your best interest or ours to take those

stupid magazine quizzes together. * Actually, you probably

don't want to know what we're thinking about.

* Good things for you to help us with: the Sunday

crossword, yard work, the dishes, cleaning, and grocery

shopping. * Things you should let us do alone: figuring

out where we are, watching anything on TBS, playing cards,

and home repair.

* Christopher Columbus didn't need directions and neither do


* Curley is the bald one. * Unless you are willing to

follow the careers of Cal Ripken, Michael Jordan, or Arnold

Schwarzenegger, don't expect us to know what Helen Gurley

Brown, Hilary Clinton, or Naomi Wolf are up to.

* Socks never constitute a gift. * Dinner out is a pretty

good birthday present. Two tickets to a ball game are even


* Two hot dogs and a drink at a baseball game do, in fact,

constitute going out to dinner.

* Anything we said six or eight months ago is inadmissible

in an argument. All comments become null and void after

seven days.

* You can either ask us to do something OR tell us how you

want it done-not both. * Whenever possible, please say

whatever you have to say during commercials or time-outs.

* No, you can't have the remote control.

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How many women with pms does it thake to change a lightbulb?

As many as we danm like, if you were a real man you would be changing it for us, did you just roll your eyes at me? you're such a pig, leave me alone, i need some chocolate...... :o:D

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My fiancee's hobbies are cooking, cleaning and washing.

Not beign a smart ass but its true, i cooked once before and she hated it, and once i cleaned she said im hopeless and then she takes over.

What a woman

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My fiancee's hobbies are cooking, cleaning and washing.

Not beign a smart ass but its true, i cooked once before and she hated it, and once i cleaned she said im hopeless and then she takes over.

What a woman

oldest trick in the book that one Donz.. do a job so badly that she won't ever trust you to do it again !!

totster :o

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To love and be loved, rather simplistic, but all one really needs. :D

you old romantic you Brit! lol.... :D:o

Sooooooooooooo sweet, especially with lopburiguy's butterfly flitting and fluttering around the place......... you guys! :D:D

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So ladies... let's hear it from the flip side of the coin.... "what do TV men want and what do TV ladies think they want?" :o

Brit you old silvertongue... no wonder the girls all fall for you... :D

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Well... to tell the truth, I've been romanced this week by two perfect gentlemen (2 western males romancing a western woman in LOS...YES ladies & gents it's true).

Romance is alive and well in the world! I do believe that we can enhance each others lives once we discard our "western" expectations. I'm enjoying myself, so it must be true!!!!!!!!


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But well, what do TV men want and what do TV ladies think they want?

Independence, freedom from nagging, peace of mind and an occasional piece of ass.... "the basics". I can cook and entertain myself.

In Thailand these basics are readily available in an intermediate term relationship of 1 - 2 years without the commitment, cost and complications of the west. Too many long term relationships end with the broad leaving with the man's hard earned cash. Men need to be realistic about the considerable risks involved. A good long term relationship, east or west, is rare find indeed and may be an unrealistic expectation now a days.

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But well, what do TV men want and what do TV ladies think they want?

Independence, freedom from nagging, peace of mind and an occasional piece of ass.... "the basics". I can cook and entertain myself.

In Thailand these basics are readily available in an intermediate term relationship of 1 - 2 years without the commitment, cost and complications of the west. Too many long term relationships end with the broad leaving with the man's hard earned cash. Men need to be realistic about the considerable risks involved. A good long term relationship, east or west, is rare find indeed and may be an unrealistic expectation now a days.

Jim50 are you joking? Grow up and think before you speak out next time.

Must agree with.......... Men need to be realistic about the considerable risks involved. A good long term relationship, east or west, is rare find indeed and may be an unrealistic expectation now a days." but..........

....... Apply it to women equally to men OK? :D:o

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1. I want a woman who has been raised on a farm. They understand the land and the source of life.

2. I want a bronze skinned woman. I don’t like white skinned woman they seem sickly to me. Racist, sure but this is Thailand and bleaching cream is in every product in the cosmetics department of the grocery store.

3. I want a woman who was raised as a Thai Buddhist. They are compassionate and have a respect for the spirit world.

4. I want a woman who has worked in the sex industry. They know how to please a man. Practice makes perfect. (for those ladies out there who have not done a thousand guys, you just don’t know what your sisters know)

5. I want a woman who is over 30 years of age. Younger has never worked for me.

6. I want a woman with common sense as opposed to education. Both would be nice but I have found that a rare commodity.

7. I want a clean woman and a woman who likes a clean and well ordered home.

8. I want a woman who loves me or can carry on a facade of loving me until after I am dead.

9. I want a woman who likes men. A woman who likes men with all their faults and foibles.

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If I'm a man

I would want a woman who ……….

Understand that……Shopping is not a sport

Understand that…… she already has enough clothes and shoes to last a life time!

Understand that……Yes and No… are perfectly acceptable answers, no lengthy explanations necessary

Understand that……If you think you're fat, you probably are….. Don't ask us

Understand that……Don't give us 50 rules when 25 will do


Understand that……Anything we said 6 or 8 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. All comments become null and void after 7 days


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