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Dual Nationality -

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I would just leave/enter thailand on your thai passport. You have no further need to reenter on your Oz passport, and if anyone stops you on the street here, show them the thai passport.

Look up wiki dual nationality. You're dealing with two sets of laws, oz and thai. Oz permits dual nationality, but thailand does not, but its not enforceable.

In saudi arabia and other countries, it is a criminal offence to hold a second nationality, but in thailand it is not. It is just "not allowed"

just make sure you keep your oz passport out of sight while you're in thailand.

Did you even read any of this ?

So much poppy cock in there afghans might come and get some of it.

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I would just leave/enter thailand on your thai passport. You have no further need to reenter on your Oz passport, and if anyone stops you on the street here, show them the thai passport.

Look up wiki dual nationality. You're dealing with two sets of laws, oz and thai. Oz permits dual nationality, but thailand does not, but its not enforceable.

In saudi arabia and other countries, it is a criminal offence to hold a second nationality, but in thailand it is not. It is just "not allowed"

just make sure you keep your oz passport out of sight while you're in thailand.

I have seen other people post that Thai law does not allow dual nationality but I have not been able to find any proof of it. Perhaps you can find it in Thailand's Nationality Act and tell me what section of the law says so: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=120072

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Yes but believe we could ago around that circle all day; the law does not allow only means there is no law allowing in this situation, so how can anyone find something that does not exist? biggrin.png

The US is in the same boat; so not being illegal it is allowed in practice, without a law being required to actually allow legally. My geezer brain cells are low enough without this.wai.gif

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I am trying to figure out what I am overlooking in the law or what I am reading wrong. We are talking about a person who acquired Thai nationality at birth and later in life acquired Australian nationality through naturalisation. The Thai law does not say that such person is not allowed to have dual nationality. On the contrary, section 15 of the law says that if such person desires to renounce Thai nationality he/she must file an application and the Minister of the Interior will then decide whether or not to allow the renunciation. I can't help but see this as an explicit statement allowing dual nationality for such person.

Section 15. Except in the case under Section 14, a person who has Thai nationality and other nationality, or who acquires Thai nationality by naturalization shall, if he desires to renounce Thai nationality, file an application with the competent official according to such form and in the manner prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.

Section 14 mentioned here does not apply to such person. I was hoping that ilgitano could tell me what, if anything, I am reading wrong.
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Nullum crimen sine lege=Latin for "there is no crime without a law prohibiting the conduct".

There are a lot of armchair lawyers. The problem is a lot of people post disinformation by talking about things they do not really know about and are unable to cite references in support of their claims. I have looked into this extensively and I have found no law which prohibits dual nationality. Unless there is a law against it, it's legal.

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Per above, a law will not state that dual nationality is allowed, rather it will state if it is not allowed.

As a result Thai law allows dual nationality for persons born with it and gives the option to renounce it when you have dual nationality as some countries require you to choose bewteen two nationalities as they don't allow dual nationality. All provisions indicate that dual nationality is allowed in Thailand.

Only for persons being naturalised as Thai citizens (they apply to become a Thai national) is the situation problematic. The law doesn't prohibit dual nationality in that case, but states that if you continue to make use of your other nationality your Thai nationality can be revoked (section 19, (2))

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If you choose to enter Thailand on a foreign passport, Immigration needs to close out the entry and will fine you for overstay, even though they know you are a Thai citizen. In the past it was probably possible to just leave on a brand new Thai passport and forget about the overstay on the foreign one on the paper system but they now seem to be able to check that on the computer. There is a thread about a half Thai who got caught trying to do exactly that. The computer will certainly match the name, if you have the same one in both passports. It is possible that face recognition technology might make a match, if you have different names. Certainly the D0B and place of birth will confirm the match. As others have mentioned, it may be possible to dispute this in the Administrative Court on the grounds that you are entitled to enter and stay freely under the constitution. On the other hand you may lose the case on the grounds that you have knowingly put a spanner in the works by entering the Kingdom on a foreign passport and then failing to get a one year extension from Immigration by showing a Thai ID card. The judge cold easily decide that Immigration acted reasonably and charge you legal costs in addition to the fine. The best thing is to pay up the fine and re-enter on the Thai passport. No more problems.

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