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Top Thai Democrats Face Charge Over Donation To Party


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Bangkok governor-elect Sukhumbhand Paribatra to hear the charge

of breaking the law in the manner of his donation of his salary to the

Democrat Party.w00t.gif

How long will this DSI Democrat witch hunt go on for? If their going to waste recourse's , can they at least find something more exciting, than the Dems donating money to themselves.

I suspect that the complaint is apolitical in that it probably came from the 'Parsee Office'. i.e. Suspected income tax fraud.

Your posts have a lot in common with a Steady Eddy gig.

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But here's the question for those who leap to Sukhumband et al's defence.Would you also apply the same standards to other politicians (incl PTP) if they were being investigated on the same charge, or would the usual suspects argue that ignorance of the law is no excuse and if found guilty the culprits should suffer the full penalty of the law inculding prison and/or a 5 year political ban.Based on past standard of intellectual honesty I think I already know the answer.

The problem with your post JB is that only specific people are being targeted.

If indeed there was a general investigation into who, from any party, had broken this law and all those discovered to have broken it were all treated equally regardless of which party they belonged to then I would agree with you.

But as we can all see it is just another part of a witch hunt against those of one party

Er, no.It seems to be aimed at specific individuals.But my question remains - if the same charge had been applied to specific PTP politicians would you be leaping to their defence?

For me yes, because this seems to a minor break of the law if any. If he was charged for corruption with proof hang him high and any other politician of any party. Too bad that this will never happen and they only go after their adversaries. I would have a lot less problems with the whole red / dem stuff if i thought they were not corrupt. Now they are all there for the money and I just consider the democrats the lesser evil.

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Bangkok governor-elect Sukhumbhand Paribatra to hear the charge

of breaking the law in the manner of his donation of his salary to the

Democrat Party.w00t.gif

How long will this DSI Democrat witch hunt go on for? If their going to waste recourse's , can they at least find something more exciting, than the Dems donating money to themselves.

I suspect that the complaint is apolitical in that it probably came from the 'Parsee Office'. i.e. Suspected income tax fraud.

I would think if one was attempting some sort of fraud i.e. tax, one would not do it via bank transfer, where records can be scrutinized, easily.

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As far as the donation I refer to goes the method was alledgedly to disguise the donation.....why would the democrats wish to do that?........I accept just a possible oversight a financial irregularity.......an apology all round and recompense should be ok.......unless of course there is precedent of a jail term for such oversights?

Where is anyone alleging that they were trying to disguise the donation?

How can you disguise a direct bank transfer?

With regards who was doing the alleging about disguised donations, perhaps geo was referring to himself.... allege something yourself and then state that it has been alleged... debating equivalent of in football playing a one-two with yourself. wink.png

Edited by rixalex
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Mr Sukhumbhand had donated to the Democrat Party by having the House of
Representatives make a deduction from his official salary to the party’s
account. He said he had informed the Election Commission about the
money transfer and received no objection.
“This is another occasion that the DSI is acting without clarity and is overeacting. The authority belongs to the EC,” he said.

Overreacting=Witch Hunt

Lets try and focus DSI. There is much more important real things to investigate.


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