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Hitler Fashion Statements Confuse, Offend Tourists In Thailand


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TIME Magazine Adolf Hitler: Man of the Year, 1938 http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,760539,00.html

Doesn't mean they were approving of him. He was consequential. Doesn't mean in a good way.

That said, Hitler had plenty of support in America, such as people like American fascist and notorious antisemite Henry Ford (of the automobiles). There was a strong isolationist movement. There are still those radical isolationist types in America today, many call themselves libertarians and followers of the irrational cult of Ayn Rand and Rand Paul.

Edited by Jingthing
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TIME Magazine Adolf Hitler: Man of the Year, 1938 http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,760539,00.html

There are still those radical isolationist types in America today, many call themselves libertarians and followers of the irrational cult of Ayn Rand and Rand Paul.

Libertarian doesn't mean racist! Its about stopping government from taking too much control and operating an agenda to the benefit of a super rich minority which is to the long-term detriment of the majority of people its meant to serve. There are plenty of Libertarians of all races incl black & Jewish.

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I was kind of taken aback the other day when I was checking out at Tesco Lotus and having the security guard lady checking my receipt. I noticed that her badge had an SS on it. Same double lightning bolts as Hitler's elite gaurds.

It's kind of sad when the most dedicated and ruthless Nazi warriors have to work security at Lotus.

"It's kind of sad when the most dedicated and ruthless Nazi warriors have to work security at Lotus."

Surely, it's kind of sad for you to compare a Thai person on minimum wages working as checkout security to "dedicated and ruthless Nazi warriors'" .

I mean, really, that's stretching the imagination a bit. Tell me she was wearing jackboots and other Nazi regalia like this complete with a Luger.

Most of the 'security" ladies/guys are quite harmless and unlikely to challenge a farang anyway.


The SS was probably the initials of the company she worked for. Somchai Security.

I'm dumbfounded that my deeply ironic statement was lost on you.

Lets try this again.

Yes, I REAALLLLLLY think the little 95 pound Thai lady is a ruthless Nazi warrior. (EYEROLL) LOL, I am joking, I really am.

Let me know if you get it this time. If not, maybe you should run for office.

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It was a promotion for the Pattaya wax museum (Hitler was one of the wax figures being promoted). It was funny that the owners didn't realize the stink it would cause.

Interesting. Sounded like some people thought it was a call to arms!

Geez, an ad for a bloody wax museum.

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It was a promotion for the Pattaya wax museum (Hitler was one of the wax figures being promoted). It was funny that the owners didn't realize the stink it would cause.

Interesting. Sounded like some people thought it was a call to arms!

Geez, an ad for a bloody wax museum.

Does nothing offend you? Hitler is the guy that made experimentation and torture on twin children possible. You think a billboard of this guy is appropriate and not offensive? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_human_experimentation

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It was a promotion for the Pattaya wax museum (Hitler was one of the wax figures being promoted). It was funny that the owners didn't realize the stink it would cause.

Interesting. Sounded like some people thought it was a call to arms!

Geez, an ad for a bloody wax museum.

Does nothing offend you? Hitler is the guy that made experimentation and torture on twin children possible. You think a billboard of this guy is appropriate and not offensive? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_human_experimentation
This advertisment doesn't offend me. I like watching World War Two documentaries. They often advertise with leaders of the third reich in the trailers. I can't see this as any different.

Oh yes, sorry there is, Thais are doing this. Must.Be.Paternalistic.

Edited by samran
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On the 15th - 17th of March 2013 there is a Muslim convention in Melbourne Australia where the chief speaker is "Abdur-Rahman Al Sudais" (Imam of the Grand Mosque at Mecca) who has prayed to "terminate the Jews" "Jews are the scum of the human race, the rats of the world......offspring of apes and pigs."

This man has been refused visa's to most western countries because of his anti western/jewish rants but under freedon of speech has been granted a visa in Australia. This guy and a number of other high profile international anti western and jewish clerics will be speaking at the public rally.

What is happening in Thailand with the Hitler clothing is mild compared to what will be happening in Melbourne this weekend. Hitler is gone but this guy is alive and well and free to preach his anti jewish/christian word.

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On the 15th - 17th of March 2013 there is a Muslim convention in Melbourne Australia where the chief speaker is "Abdur-Rahman Al Sudais" (Imam of the Grand Mosque at Mecca) who has prayed to "terminate the Jews" "Jews are the scum of the human race, the rats of the world......offspring of apes and pigs."

This man has been refused visa's to most western countries because of his anti western/jewish rants but under freedon of speech has been granted a visa in Australia. This guy and a number of other high profile international anti western and jewish clerics will be speaking at the public rally.

What is happening in Thailand with the Hitler clothing is mild compared to what will be happening in Melbourne this weekend. Hitler is gone but this guy is alive and well and free to preach his anti jewish/christian word.

You should get down on your knees and give thanks to whatever diety you worship for living in such a country that allows its citizens to express themselves.

Consider the alternative, are you seriously advocating turning Australia into some sort of Nazi facist country where freedom of expression is verboten?

Or even better take the matter up with the Australian authorities who granted this man a visa, or the authorities who are allowing this to go ahead.

As for the muslims intolerance of Jews, read up a bit on muslim history and the treatment of the prophet by the jews.

Edited by rgs2001uk
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On the 15th - 17th of March 2013 there is a Muslim convention in Melbourne Australia where the chief speaker is "Abdur-Rahman Al Sudais" (Imam of the Grand Mosque at Mecca) who has prayed to "terminate the Jews" "Jews are the scum of the human race, the rats of the world......offspring of apes and pigs."

This man has been refused visa's to most western countries because of his anti western/jewish rants but under freedon of speech has been granted a visa in Australia. This guy and a number of other high profile international anti western and jewish clerics will be speaking at the public rally.

What is happening in Thailand with the Hitler clothing is mild compared to what will be happening in Melbourne this weekend. Hitler is gone but this guy is alive and well and free to preach his anti jewish/christian word.

You should get down on your knees and give thanks to whatever diety you worship for living in such a country that allows its citizens to express themselves.

Consider the alternative, are you seriously advocating turning Australia into some sort of Nazi facist country where freedom of expression is verboten?

Or even better take the matter up with the Australian authorities who granted this man a visa, or the authorities who are allowing this to go ahead.

As for the muslims intolerance of Jews, read up a bit on muslim history and the treatment of the prophet by the jews.

You missed my point. People are in an uproar about kids in Thailand wearing Hitler shirts. A guy that passed away 70 yrs ago who exterminated jews and was evil. Then in Australia this weekend we have a Muslim cleric, "Imam of the Grand Mosque at Mecca" who preaches the exact same teaching as that of which Hitler did. He want's to exterminate Jews and is a living breathing individual who is free to preach his hate speach. Which is worse, the "T" shirts of a dead guy or the real life preacher of today?

And with your comment,

"You should get down on your knees and give thanks to whatever diety you worship for living in such a country that allows its citizens to express themselves."

I take it you would be 100% behind thais wearing the Hitler fashions and expressing themselves in supporting hitler.

Edited by chooka
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On the 15th - 17th of March 2013 there is a Muslim convention in Melbourne Australia where the chief speaker is "Abdur-Rahman Al Sudais" (Imam of the Grand Mosque at Mecca) who has prayed to "terminate the Jews" "Jews are the scum of the human race, the rats of the world......offspring of apes and pigs."

This man has been refused visa's to most western countries because of his anti western/jewish rants but under freedon of speech has been granted a visa in Australia. This guy and a number of other high profile international anti western and jewish clerics will be speaking at the public rally.

What is happening in Thailand with the Hitler clothing is mild compared to what will be happening in Melbourne this weekend. Hitler is gone but this guy is alive and well and free to preach his anti jewish/christian word.

You should get down on your knees and give thanks to whatever diety you worship for living in such a country that allows its citizens to express themselves.

Consider the alternative, are you seriously advocating turning Australia into some sort of Nazi facist country where freedom of expression is verboten?

Or even better take the matter up with the Australian authorities who granted this man a visa, or the authorities who are allowing this to go ahead.

As for the muslims intolerance of Jews, read up a bit on muslim history and the treatment of the prophet by the jews.

You missed my point. People are in an uproar about kids in Thailand wearing Hitler shirts. A guy that passed away 70 yrs ago who exterminated jews and was evil. Then in Australia this weekend we have a Muslim cleric, "Imam of the Grand Mosque at Mecca" who preaches the exact same teaching as that of which Hitler did. He want's to exterminate Jews and is a living breathing individual who is free to preach his hate speach. Which is worse, the "T" shirts of a dead guy or the real life preacher of today?

And with your comment,

"You should get down on your knees and give thanks to whatever diety you worship for living in such a country that allows its citizens to express themselves."

I take it you would be 100% behind thais wearing the Hitler fashions and expressing themselves in supporting hitler.

My attitude to it is, one of total ambivalence, if the Thais want to wear Hitler t shirts, so be it, it DOES NOT OFFEND ME.

What does offend me is however, those who claim to be offended by Hitler t shirts behaving in the exact same way as those they claim offends them, acting just like facist dictators, social engineering and mind control, no time for free thinkers, then getting upset because I or others like me dont jump onto their moral high ground band wagon and become all indignant.

Next time you visit America, have a look at some of the bumper stickers on display.

Well then I am with you.

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I was kind of taken aback the other day when I was checking out at Tesco Lotus and having the security guard lady checking my receipt. I noticed that her badge had an SS on it. Same double lightning bolts as Hitler's elite gaurds.

It's kind of sad when the most dedicated and ruthless Nazi warriors have to work security at Lotus.

"It's kind of sad when the most dedicated and ruthless Nazi warriors have to work security at Lotus."

Surely, it's kind of sad for you to compare a Thai person on minimum wages working as checkout security to "dedicated and ruthless Nazi warriors'" .

I mean, really, that's stretching the imagination a bit. Tell me she was wearing jackboots and other Nazi regalia like this complete with a Luger.

Most of the 'security" ladies/guys are quite harmless and unlikely to challenge a farang anyway.


The SS was probably the initials of the company she worked for. Somchai Security.

I'm dumbfounded that my deeply ironic statement was lost on you.

Lets try this again.

Yes, I REAALLLLLLY think the little 95 pound Thai lady is a ruthless Nazi warrior. (EYEROLL) LOL, I am joking, I really am.

Let me know if you get it this time. If not, maybe you should run for office.


Had you been paying attention to the thread on that date, you would have noted that I posted the following to Angels lariat who remarked on my reply to your post.


"Thank you AL, I have just returned from having the omelette removed from my face.goof.gif In future I will leave the irony to my wife who does a better job.smile.png

I regret your being dumbfounded but understand it fully. I actually appreciate irony and occasionally use it on my posts here. Your post was so subtle or perhaps you'd say blatant that I missed the point completely.

So, me bad, you good. thumbsup.gif

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My attitude to it is, one of total ambivalence, if the Thais want to wear Hitler t shirts, so be it, it DOES NOT OFFEND ME.

What does offend me is however, those who claim to be offended by Hitler t shirts behaving in the exact same way as those they claim offends them, acting just like facist dictators, social engineering and mind control, no time for free thinkers, then getting upset because I or others like me dont jump onto their moral high ground band wagon and become all indignant.

Next time you visit America, have a look at some of the bumper stickers on display.

Spot on.

None of these people wearing these uniforms are going to do anything vaugely Nazi like. If they were, it would be a different story, and I would be offended. There is no celbration of Hitler or the third reich, nor is there any aspiration amongst these Thai's to somehow emulate him. There is no brainwashing.

At most, it is an extremely poorly chosen choice of costume.

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its beyond words . . and this is a school event




can you imagine that all these happened in a public school event? unbelievable

In Germany and Austria, unbelievable and some other European countries to. In Thailand SEA countries, NO, NO problem, say do not know enaough about it. To far, 10.000 km away! Understandable rolleyes.gif

Edited by ALFREDO
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I did history throughout all my school years in the UK. This was at a grammar school in the 60s. I cannot remember a mention of anywhere east of the Indian sub-continent in all those lessons. Neither were we taught about anything that happened after about 1875 so I find it easy to believe that a vast majority of Thais, especially those that have never been outside of Thailand, know anything at all about European history. I certainly knew nothing of theirs until I started to visit.

Well Austria in the 80s: 1918 shooting the crownprince...caused 1st. Worldwar and the next event was Germany took Austria 1933 and the 1945 it was over.....

So from 1918-1945 in 1 hour. Considering that you can come in jail for some wrong sentences but at least loose your job no teacher wanted to burn his fingers on that topic....

"the next event was Germany took Austria 1933"

Maybe you meant it differently, but to clarify things,

" on 12 March 1938, Austrian Nazis took over government, while German troops occupied the country.[50] On 13 March 1938, the Anschluss of Austria was officially declared."


President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitler as Chancellor of Germany on 30 January 1933.[33]


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its beyond words . . and this is a school event




can you imagine that all these happened in a public school event? unbelievable

In Germany and Austria, unbelievable and some other European countries to. In Thailand SEA countries, NO, NO problem, say do not know enaough about it. To far, 10.000 km away! Understandable rolleyes.gif

Oh I think there a still a few in Germany. Going to their graves to do whatever ever they do.

The funny ones are those Russian Nazis.

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I really think they like to piss off the farang for fun. I also think that they are poking at the seriously taboo subject and find the whole little miserable Nazi thing funny and are pointing out to the world they can wear or joke about what they want.

I laugh when I see people stopping to state at some thai driving around looking like a Nazi..

We call uptight control freaks a Nazi for a laugh don't you.

I think they are making fun of western history and reminding us we have been the most brutal ignorant people in history.. Germans anyways.. lots of Germans are very serious about hating Americans now a days... also I think they also like to shock the Israel people that rampage threw their country without respect.

All and all its a joke and look, it works for.

Remember the sex pistols.. god save the queen ?

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What do you expect from a country full of over 60 million people who don't know that a world exists beyond their borders coffee1.gif


What do you expect from a country full of over 60 million people who don't know that a world exists beyond their borders and who generally despise non-Thais? Nothing new here for those of us who live here. Let the 2 week tourists be surprised. coffee1.gif

Despise? I think you need to smile more often.

It's called xenophobia, and it is overflowing here. Nothing new.

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What do you expect from a country full of over 60 million people who don't know that a world exists beyond their borders coffee1.gif



What do you expect from a country full of over 60 million people who don't know that a world exists beyond their borders and who generally despise non-Thais? Nothing new here for those of us who live here. Let the 2 week tourists be surprised. coffee1.gif

Despise? I think you need to smile more often.

It's called xenophobia, and it is overflowing here. Nothing new.

It's called paranoia, and it is overflowing on this forum. Nothing new

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Beat me to it

Great minds...

Both of you are dead right.

But somehow it is amusing to see the massive and stupid overreactions on display here.

It's like a "shock, gasp, horror " reaction to Benny Hill..............

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Beat me to it

Great minds...

Both of you are dead right.

But somehow it is amusing to see the massive and stupid overreactions on display here.

It's like a "shock, gasp, horror " reaction to Benny Hill..............

I asked Samran a few posts back who was the most evil man born and didn't get a response. I think you young people don't really know what evil is because you were protected by a generation who gave their lives so you would not have to know evil to the same extent as Hitler perpetrated of the world. And I guess it worked because you don't have a clue about real evil and the horrors of WWII and the Nazi's that are being glorified by having kids march down the street in Nazi uniforms.

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