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Small Accident


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My wife today was waiting at Jontiem ,thappraya Rd intersection the lights on Red, at about 19:30 this evening when a Grey Pickup bashed in to the back end of our Mazda, , no one hurt in our car but both my very young daughters petrified at the wallop(good job fastened in) .

My wife gets out shaking like a leaf to talk to the Driver a male Foreigner driving, but he decides to drive of sharpish, taking the right turn in to Thappraya. I am thankful that my wife and kids are safe and there is no serious out come to this I am working away at the moment, but may be a good job because I am raging, not bothered about the damage to our car just the thought of this <deleted> driving away when he can see two kids and a woman in the vehicle he just hit.

Not to worry too much Police and insurers arrived wife made a report, cameras may have caught the bump, insurance man called city hall some one who deals with cameras, and they are on there way up there in morning to see if they have him on camera.

Just posted on here in case any one saw this happen, i have a feeling that at 19:30 ,he could have been on a session and had a skinfull thats why he drove of .

Edited by Rimmer
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Yes indeed, total scumbag, I hope they grab him, there are a lot of shops just there, maybe worth having a look to see if there were any private CCTV in use looking towards the lights, there is not much happens here that someone doesnt see, I hope someone took the number of the pickup.I hope the wife and kids have settled down.

Regards BW.

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Well I am not one to believe in the conspiracy theory but “living over here I am starting to, Wife and insurance man arrived city hall, the lady dealing with the department of city CCTV tell wife City hall had a power cut at 19:00 lasted over the Accident time ? .

Nothing we can do, ok wife says not to worry Budda will sort him out” big beliver in what goes around comes around,

Ok kids and wife are safe, I will be about 40000 +,Bht lighter, Just have to crack on sir””

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I am sorry about the accident, but it's good that the family is not badly hurt. As for the foreign driver, there was a thread a year ago where people were advocating driving away from an accident because the locals may gang up on you. I said the thread ought to be closed because it was advocating something illegal, but was told that I should face reality that these things happen, as if that justified fleeing an accident scene.

Only cowards run away from the scene of accident like this case here.

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I am sorry about the accident, but it's good that the family is not badly hurt. As for the foreign driver, there was a thread a year ago where people were advocating driving away from an accident because the locals may gang up on you. I said the thread ought to be closed because it was advocating something illegal, but was told that I should face reality that these things happen, as if that justified fleeing an accident scene.

Only cowards run away from the scene of accident like this case here.

Indeed.... I had an accident in the UK when I was 18, an oncoming car crossed the centreline causing the car with ABS in front of me to stop dead, I skidded into the back of him.. completely my fault.... The guy in the car I hit, got out and stormed towards me, I thought I was going to get hit (I had my Mother and Grandmother in the car with me.. they were ok).... As the guy was screaming at me I ran past him to his car to check that his kids were ok.. Only then did the guy who's car I'd hit calm down a little and realise he was human...

Some people simply can't handle the heat of a moment, they panic and react terribly...

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Hardly going to scare him and his mate to death my missis is 4 ft 2in, and the kids are only babe,s my old girl and the nippers was a lot more frighted than that Wakkkerr .

Edited by ANDY2463
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Option 1. I would, if possible, but maybe some palm-greasing needed, check with the electricity company that there actually was a power cut at City Hall.

Option 2. Maybe try directly grease the palm of the CCTV lady. You never know, there might be a different outcome.

And sad to hear of your familys' misfortune.

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If you have A-1 First Class Insurance, the Insurnce Company will usually pay all except a rental car. It does help if you have a witness(s). Especially if there is a way Insurance can contact the witness(s).

It is frustrating, but don't worry yourself with trying to track down the errant driver. Not worth it. Leave that to Insurance and the Police (if they even do anything beyond their normal holding palm held upward).

As your Wife Clearly says " Karma or Budda will take care of the run away driver".

Happy that fortunately wife and kids were not hurt.

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thanks very much for your kind words and advice, all done now insurance will deal with it all, I will not be out of pocket now, and as expressed the family are all good. I have convinced my self now to get a pick up as they seem a lot safer for the kids if shunted by another big 4x4, my little Mazda can’t fightthe heavyweights running around town.

Will have to get some extra cushions so my wife can see over the steering wheel though, Or either get an old T62/ Abrams/Chieften, would do the trick, there would be no running away from one of them

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Well I am not one to believe in the conspiracy theory but “living over here I am starting to, Wife and insurance man arrived city hall, the lady dealing with the department of city CCTV tell wife City hall had a power cut at 19:00 lasted over the Accident time ? .

Nothing we can do, ok wife says not to worry Budda will sort him out” big beliver in what goes around comes around,

Ok kids and wife are safe, I will be about 40000 +,Bht lighter, Just have to crack on sir””

If the back side was hit it's hard to imagine how that can come to 40K baht. (Presumably Mazda 2 or 3? If Mazda truck there wouldn't be too much damage at all, for an event where the other vehicle could just drive off.)

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He( the truck driver ) might be a creature of habit thus passing that way every or several times a day. Pay the local motocie boys ( I have lived in View Talay 1 so think there are some on the corner ) a couple of hundred baht to keep an eye out for him and get his plate number plus I expect some of the motocie boys will have phones with cameras.

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May be time to think of a dashboard camera, OK it would not have filmed the accident but could disprove any false allegations of braking suddenly or other bad driving and may catch the offenders registration when they take flight, may also be an opportunity to help somebody else in a similar situation as nobody thinks to write down a registration until the offending party takes off by that time everybody is so shocked they cannot find a pen or paper quickly enough, but a dash board cam may well have captured the accident and registrations.

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4ft 2" - you married a midget?

So what. Not your business eh. rolleyes.gif
Not your business either - but STILL 4ft 2" - that's a midget, even in Thailand....
You must suffer from having a very small P*nus if you are fixated on the height of his wife. He posts here looking for some advice or help and all you do is make an issue about the physical description of her height.
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4ft 2" - you married a midget?

So what. Not your business eh. rolleyes.gif
Not your business either - but STILL 4ft 2" - that's a midget, even in Thailand....
You must suffer from having a very small P*nus if you are fixated on the height of his wife. He posts here looking for some advice or help and all you do is make an issue about the physical description of her height.

He suffers at the hands of 'queue jumpers'.... when intelligence was handed out many people obviously pushed in before him...

The physical attributes of the Ops wife are totally irrelevant, apart from the fact that the Op is probably not even serious with that comment.... It makes no difference to point of the thread. To attempt to make issue of such a pointless comment tells us how daft JaiLai is... and we know he's often just learnt a little Thai and how often he's been called Jai-Rai and by which section of society when its pronounced Jai-lai... (again, thats pointless though)...

On Topic: I'd be highly suspicious of the 'Power Cut'... It's an easy answer from someone who is too lazy to look for the information / recordings... I'd be chasing this up... Asking shop keepers nearby if there was a power cut.

IF the office suggested a power cut from 7:00pm, ask for footage leading up to 7:00 pm which may have the same car driving in the area etc...

Or, just let it go and write it off... This is the easy way out, but the same guy could injure someone next time (or worse)...

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4ft 2" - you married a midget?

So what. Not your business eh. rolleyes.gif
Not your business either - but STILL 4ft 2" - that's a midget, even in Thailand....
You must suffer from having a very small P*nus if you are fixated on the height of his wife. He posts here looking for some advice or help and all you do is make an issue about the physical description of her height.

What has the height of his wife got to do with the size of my P*nis?

I'm merely pointing out that 4ft 2" is very small - even for Thailand.

Had he said his wife was 7ft 2" i would have pointed out that that is very tall....

Simple really!

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To post #21 ( AKA Sherlock Holmes? )

LMAO - this is the funniest thing i have read today - so far!

I see you're another one of the wannabe detectives on this thread - what are you like?? ask shop keepers / check about power cut to see if made up - lol.

Even if you do find out ( through your detective work ) that there was no powercut - what good will it do, erm..........NONE so therefore waste of time really.

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Not your business either - but STILL 4ft 2" - that's a midget, even in Thailand....
You must suffer from having a very small P*nus if you are fixated on the height of his wife. He posts here looking for some advice or help and all you do is make an issue about the physical description of her height.

What has the height of his wife got to do with the size of my P*nis?

I'm merely pointing out that 4ft 2" is very small - even for Thailand.

Had he said his wife was 7ft 2" i would have pointed out that that is very tall....

Simple really!

No.. You attempted to ridicule the Op... with the use of the Word Midget - Now you are taking some flak for it and understandably so..

A better man would say "Fair - enough, Daft comment... Apologies to the Op".....

Do you have any Points on Topic which may add something to this Thread ??

i.e. have you Witnessed any Hit & Runs ?... What might you do under similar circumstances ?

Obviously its difficult for the Op to do anything as he wasn't there at the time....

My Wife was blamed for an accident while I was away... When she told me what had happened I was quite annoyed... The insurance guy was lazy and didn't help her to much. It was night time, it was in a dark sub soi, she was a little frightened and the guy from the other car was agitated and appeared to be drunk... He refused to accept blame (for cutting the corner turning right into a soi and hitting the front of my Wifes car)... My Wife wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible, she felt unsafe...

I didn't return for a further few weeks, so there was not much I could do - But I did tell my wife that in future she must call her Brother or a friend who lives nearby, just call anyone for assistance, and the Police.

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I did not ridicule the OP, i merely made a point - simple.

I have witnessed accidents here yes, quite a few - most of them due to the locals not getting enough training and driving very badly, one could say they're there own worst enemies.

IF it's just a fender bender and the situation is not comfortable for the Thai female on her own the best solution is to drive to the nearest police station.

Some MNC this is their policy for expats, drive away from the scene ( if possible ) and to cop shop or a safe haven and then report the accident, this is to eliminate a volatile reaction from locals.

I still this OP would be wasting his time asking shop keepers etc for evidence, waste of time!

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To post #21 ( AKA Sherlock Holmes? )

LMAO - this is the funniest thing i have read today - so far!

I see you're another one of the wannabe detectives on this thread - what are you like?? ask shop keepers / check about power cut to see if made up - lol.

Even if you do find out ( through your detective work ) that there was no powercut - what good will it do, erm..........NONE so therefore waste of time really.

Wrong - If there is CCTV footage available it can be used. The difficult part in Thailand is persuading the right people to assist you in getting the information.

Asking a couple of local shop keepers if there was a power cut is hardly detective work... IF there actually was a power cut then at least you know you were not lied to.

If this is important to the Op it can be pursued regardless of whether or not he thinks its a waste of time. Personally I might let it go, but, I don't know how I would feel unless presented with precisely the same situation.

It would be nice to know that this 'Hit and Runner' could be found and dealt with appropriately... After all, next time it could be someone one of us know who is hurt...

Of course, if you are the type of person who feels no social responsibility whatsoever you won't care at all and will spend your time choosing to ridicule someone.........

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To post #21 ( AKA Sherlock Holmes? )

LMAO - this is the funniest thing i have read today - so far!

I see you're another one of the wannabe detectives on this thread - what are you like?? ask shop keepers / check about power cut to see if made up - lol.

Even if you do find out ( through your detective work ) that there was no powercut - what good will it do, erm..........NONE so therefore waste of time really.

Wrong - If there is CCTV footage available it can be used. The difficult part in Thailand is persuading the right people to assist you in getting the information.

Asking a couple of local shop keepers if there was a power cut is hardly detective work... IF there actually was a power cut then at least you know you were not lied to.

If this is important to the Op it can be pursued regardless of whether or not he thinks its a waste of time. Personally I might let it go, but, I don't know how I would feel unless presented with precisely the same situation.

It would be nice to know that this 'Hit and Runner' could be found and dealt with appropriately... After all, next time it could be someone one of us know who is hurt...

Of course, if you are the type of person who feels no social responsibility whatsoever you won't care at all and will spend your time choosing to ridicule someone.........

Point 1 - good luck finding assistance ( waste of time )

Point 2 - what purpose does it serve finding out if you were lied to or not if no footage ( waste of time )

Point 4 - without evidence not sure what the law is here with regards to finding offender and prosecuting? would the police bother to find the offender - doubt it very much.

I am sad to admit that i have been dragged down to the local levels over the years and you are correct i have little social responsibility here anymore, i just try to get on with my day to day life with as little interaction with the locals as possible. Note - this mainly goes for the ones in Pattaya and surrounding area only, once away from this s**thole i have a whale of a time with the locals, genuine decent people for the most part BUT not here!

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Wouldnt it be fair to assume that if indeed there was a power cut at the time of the accident then the traffic lights wouldnt have been working?


I was thinking the same thing. Let me educate you people....2 falangs involved in an accident. They are NOT interested.

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