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Skype Address Shows Thaksin Orders, Pheu Thai Follows


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Skype address shows Thaksin orders, Pheu Thai follows
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Former premier Thaksin Shinawatra's address to Pheu Thai Party via Skype on Monday once again proved that he is the top boss, something that Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has been consistently denying, at least in public.

Thaksin spoke on a number of topics, from personal to political issues, in a manner that shows he is in full command. His direct orders to the Pheu Thai Party were a testimony to the fact that it is he who calls the shots in the government and the ruling party.

During his address, he instructed the party to push for charter amendment, especially the provisions related to party dissolution, and also table the amnesty bills.

Thaksin said MPs and senators should not waste time but amend some Articles such as Article 68 on party dissolution and Article 190, which requires parliamentary approval for agreement with a foreign country. "When an amendment of these laws is being deliberated, MPs must ensure they attend House meetings. Whoever is responsible for a lack of quorum in Parliament will face an allowance cut,'' he warned.

Both articles authorise Constitution Court to rule in problematic cases.

Thaksin also ordered ministers to clarify against allegations that he owns a massive number of PTT shares, saying the allegation is not true because PTT is a truly public company.

Thaksin also touched on the current controversial issue of the government seeking to raise Bt2.2 trillion for infrastructure development. He told the government to clearly point out to the public that they would benefit from the country's infrastructure development, for which the government needs loans. He asked them to point out the benefits of mass-transit systems linking neighbouring countries like China and having high-speed trains linking such remote Northeastern provinces as Nong Khai.

"The Democrats will definitely stage an all-out war against the move to get the loan. They are attacking us with judo-like strategies while we do not know how to defend ourselves. We must have knowledge as our weapon," he said.

-- The Nation 2013-03-12

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What a truly evil little man. Thai people vote for this guy, or one of his proxies, so no question they deserve him. I wish it wasn't so but if he continues to rule by remote control, having knowledge of and setting policy in Thailand, the money that the courts stripped him of will be pocket change compared to the plunder he will reap.

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"Whoever is responsible for a lack of quorum in Parliament will face an allowance cut"

Silly question.... but surely this is tantamount to buying their votes, right?

Effectively parliament is brought & paid for.

I mean it's bad enough having an unelected person pulling the strings from afar but to actually come out & admit they are actually being compensated to vote another way - just incredible!

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Poor Yingluck.

She is not particularly bright, but her Brother continually showing her up to be little more than an irrelevant proxy must be disheartening.

Keep the home fires burning Yingluck. Your Brother will be home soon to run the "household".

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Surely this revelation should draw the wrath of the relevant bodies as it is crystal clear that this current maladministration is being manipulated by the puppet master for his and his family and their brown nosing acolytes benefit alone.

The people of Thailand do not matter nor does the sovereign state of Thailand.

All this hypocrisy is-emanating from a political collection of a motley gang of self serving corrupt unprincipled neer do wells.

Perhaps if the relevant departments viewed the big picture this malevolent maladministration would be removed from the scene and the greater majority of the gang banned from political involvement for life..

Now if this was to happen perhaps that small sapling called ''Democracy,'' instead of being crushed underfoot by Thaksin and his family and their brown nosing acolytes might well have a chance to grow into a strong full grown Democracy tree that will indeed bear the ripe fruit of a full democratic society for Thailand and its peoples..

One ,or perhaps I should say the greater majority of us can but live in hope of democracy thriving its Thaksin and the P.T.P. (Parasites and Ticks Party) aphid attack pains on its tender shoots..

I would love to hear Yingluck talk her way out of this.

Yingluck’s House of White Lies
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Surely this is grounds for party disbanding? There has to be a law against such things. A convicted criminal running the party...

TIT = This Is Thaksinland

Edited by metisdead
: Oversize font reset.
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It's my party and I'll Skype if I want to.

This post is brilliant. Let's not forget that this order comes from a man who is " out of politics " and who says it's not important if he can come back blah blah or alternatively, what are you effeing around at, get it done and get me back

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Surely this is grounds for party disbanding? There has to be a law against such things. A convicted criminal running the party...

TIT = This Is Thaksinland


Inreresting article today quoting Thaksin. I don't suppose this will be broadcasted on the red tv channel.

Thaksin, a former billionaire businessman, distanced himself Thursday from direct involvement in any political movement.

He insisted he is not advising members of the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD), the formal name for the Red Shirts, who enjoy wide support among Thailand’s rural poor and working class.

“I don’t know them,” he said.


Edited by metisdead
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Surely this is grounds for party disbanding? There has to be a law against such things. A convicted criminal running the party...

TIT = This Is Thaksinland


Inreresting article today quoting Thaksin. I don't suppose this will be broadcasted on the red tv channel.

Thaksin, a former billionaire businessman, distanced himself Thursday from direct involvement in any political movement.

He insisted he is not advising members of the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD), the formal name for the Red Shirts, who enjoy wide support among Thailand’s rural poor and working class.

“I don’t know them,” he said.


“I don’t know them,” he said.

"I don't know them, but I have used them, and some would say, abused them. Frankly I do not normally associate with these types of people, they are mostly poorer northeastern and northern Thais who believe I can bring them wealth and happiness. They worship me because of my charisma and wealth. They have been useful to me as I struggle to regain the real reins of power in Thailand. Whether the UDD under sister Thida will remain a staunch supporter of myself remains to be seen."


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Surely this revelation should draw the wrath of the relevant bodies as it is crystal clear that this current maladministration is being manipulated by the puppet master for his and his family and their brown nosing acolytes benefit alone.

The people of Thailand do not matter nor does the sovereign state of Thailand.

All this hypocrisy is-emanating from a political collection of a motley gang of self serving corrupt unprincipled neer do wells.

Perhaps if the relevant departments viewed the big picture this malevolent maladministration would be removed from the scene and the greater majority of the gang banned from political involvement for life..

Now if this was to happen perhaps that small sapling called ''Democracy,'' instead of being crushed underfoot by Thaksin and his family and their brown nosing acolytes might well have a chance to grow into a strong full grown Democracy tree that will indeed bear the ripe fruit of a full democratic society for Thailand and its peoples..

One ,or perhaps I should say the greater majority of us can but live in hope of democracy thriving its Thaksin and the P.T.P. (Parasites and Ticks Party) aphid attack pains on its tender shoots..

Sadly the Democracy shoot will not thrive in Barren soil.

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