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Should Teach A Subject Called "common Sense" In Thailand.


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Waste of time. You couldn't be convinced no matter what I said. You're not interested in a constructive discussion, only point scoring. Your rep precedes you. Hang on, I've already exited.

Not so.

I've tried to discover why you think Thais have a 'lack of common sense' but all we've managed to unearth is that you've had some shoddy work done in your bog and that Davo's missus likes a flutter.

If you could at least make a valid point from whence a decent debate could begin, then please do but to post nebulous bar stool generalisations is of no use whatsoever.

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Thats a good point. Every time we take our 2 year old son to get his hair cut the hairdresser has to be physically restrained from shaving his head round his ears. Every time we tell her not to do it before she starts and then every time we need to remind her again as she is cutting which jolts her out of her drooling auto pilot mode.

"But thats how children have their hair cut in Thailand" they say.

then you go somewhere else?

You mean outside Thailand ?

No, just up the road. My wife usually takes about 3 or 4 shots at finding the right hairdresser. Costs me 6000 baht a try.

LOL...oh cue the cheap charlies....how dare you spend THB 6000 a time... I spend THB 30....tongue.png

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No, just up the road. My wife usually takes about 3 or 4 shots at finding the right hairdresser. Costs me 6000 baht a try.

LOL...oh cue the cheap charlies....how dare you spend THB 6000 a time... I spend THB 30....tongue.png

yep. To compensate, I do go for the 130 baht cut and shave though. Got to fund her search for the best blond hair dyer in BKK from somewhere.

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"Swiss1960' me old fruit, although I agree with most of what you say....you are talking through your bottom in the last sentance.... I have around 130 Thai guys working for me in various disiplines and they all seem to be very able to work to "western standards"But please don't try to claim you got to that point without well-refined processes of selection, training and supervision etc.Grab the average guy off the street who claims to have that skill and set him to work with minimal oversight and you don't get the same result do you?And yes this is true in most places not just Thailand. . .

If the Thai tradesmen have learned there craft from shoddy companies that's how they will carry on supervision is the key to improve standard's .

The guy who drilled the hole in the tiles and cracked them was not a tradesman that's how he always done it some times he was lucky. I had a small tiling job to do I got a guy in I watched him start the job he was fine until he had to mark and cut the tiles around pipes etc I saw right away he had no idea how to make a neat job so I took the grinder and I done them I took the easy options . I know you can't be doing that on a big job . I see some very neat work done here by both men and women on construction sites so they are capable given correct material's and supervision.

Do you think Toyota built a massive car plant here then opened the doors and let the Thais have a go?

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HeavyDrinker, on 21 Mar 2013 - 13:09, said:


You only hear what you want to hear. I could list at least 20 examples (I'm being conservative) of the lack of common sense in Thailand

Please do!

I did ask you to back in the first page...but make sure they're exclusively 'Thai' lacks of common sense and don't then dig yourself into such a hole as you did here...but cheers for making this Thursday afternoon pass...

Waste of time. You couldn't be convinced no matter what I said. You're not interested in a constructive discussion, only point scoring. Your rep precedes you. Hang on, I've already exited.

so why you still posting ?....I too wait with great anticipation for your "list"

OK here's 20. (sorry, only time for 12)

1. Failure to earth electric wiring.

2. Placing power points where they come into contact with water.

3. Driving on the wrong side of the road.

4. Having a young baby and operating a mobile whilst on a motorcycle.

5. Closing off intersections so other traffic can't come through on the green light.

6. Creating two extra lanes to turn right when there should be only two.

7. Blocking entrances to shops etc with motorbikes.

8. Riding motorbikes at night with no lights.

9. Insisting that the driver have a helmet, but young children are exempt.

10.Putting dark tint on front windscreens.

11.Leaving open manhole covers with no warning for weeks on end.

12.Stopping and parking on the road with no consideration for blocking traffic.

13. Lunch is on, gotta go.

Edited by giddyup
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if you show them exactly what you want and communicate this effectively...you will get what you want

This really is the source of what the whining/whinging is about. Nothing to do with common sense.

In fact, I'd say that the most "common sense" thing a foreigner could do in Thailand (or in any country) is to learn the local language so as to avoid the endless episodes of miscommunication. But I'm sure most farangs, including the OP, can't be bothered. So they have to blame someone else other than themselves.

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Had a guy from the building book a time to come and check the aircon. New building 1 yr ago.

Wife takes morning off work.

Comes in with ladder and inspects ducted air unit.

It needs cleaning he says.

Mrs asks him to clean it and he says ring the aircon company to get a cleaner.

My wife has a mean temper.. wish I could have seen it

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Davo, common sense would be to stop funding your wife's gambling habits laddie...

i was about to ask if the OP was volunteering to teach, would his own life bear scrutiny?

It is Bare not Bear, and yes a could teach it, you could be my first student!

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My GF gets a substantial pension every month from overseas as a result of her Husband Death, The first thing she does each month after going to ATM is organize the Lottery tickets, spends about 20000Bt per month, plus gives her mother 10000Bt for lottery, then she gives her kids money, they do not work! then she goes to her local village for distribution of money among some of her "Friends" Then she may play the Slot Machine at her local shop wher she will put in 1000,s of Baht.

Then she will come back to Condo where the card game is going and spend up to 3 Days, non stop, playing spending more then 100000Bt, this routine goes on every month and has been happening the last 3 years, after 2 weeks she has run out of money, and I cover the cost of living expenses, I have been trying to get this situation under control for about 6 Months, set some limits, but without much success.

The money she has won from lottery in 6 Months is 0Baht. But it is all about Good Luck isn't it not Common Sense.

I am aware she is a compulsive gambler

She also tips big money into various Wat,s all over Thailand, for Good Luck!

You've got some serious issues, Mr. Davo. Surely you can see that this has nothing to do with common sense. Unless we're talking about why you're still with such a person.

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OK here's 20. (sorry, only time for 12)

1. Failure to earth electric wiring.

2. Placing power points where they come into contact with water.

3. Driving on the wrong side of the road.

4. Having a young baby and operating a mobile whilst on a motorcycle.

5. Closing off intersections so other traffic can't come through on the green light.

6. Creating two extra lanes to turn right when there should be only two.

7. Blocking entrances to shops etc with motorbikes.

8. Riding motorbikes at night with no lights.

9. Insisting that the driver have a helmet, but young children are exempt.

10.Putting dark tint on front windscreens.

11.Leaving open manhole covers with no warning for weeks on end.

12.Stopping and parking on the road with no consideration for blocking traffic.

13. Lunch is on, gotta go.

It's a valiant effort but I'd say none of them are particularly 'Thai' though.

If you think the above are bad here, never go to Burma, Cambodia or the Pips....

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Maybe we need classes of "common sense" for the foreigners coming to stay in Thailand in order to teach them that this is the Land of the Thais and that their idea of "common sense" is different from ours and that it is utterly useless to constantly complain about, but get a life and start adjusting to the Thai way of doing it?

There are a lot of things that I don't like, but what is it worth (except high blood pressure) when I complain about things I know I can not change but rather cause conflicts because I make Thais lose their face if I interfere with their way of doing things???

So, you're quite happy to have a worker run an electric cable (or water pipe) 3 inches deep in your garden, where it's likely to be severed by a shovel, and not say a word?

I am not sure how many houses you have built (or watched being built) in Thailand but probably safe to wager that you don't need to take off your shoes and socks to count them.

What you do while your house is being built is bugger off to the pub, go play golf or better still, be in a totally different country! Then, when it's all done and dusted, builders and 'tradesmen' gone, the money paid and deeds signed, then and ONLY then do you start to replumb, rewire, repaint, rebuild, etc.. Why on earth get your blood pressure up TWICE by trying to change things that the Thai Rules Book says cannot possibly be changed until after it has been done... and paid for.

PS. Mossie screens are ALWAYS AND FOREVER on the outside of windows in Thailand. Saying otherwise is simply heresy.

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OK here's 20. (sorry, only time for 12)

1. Failure to earth electric wiring.

2. Placing power points where they come into contact with water.

3. Driving on the wrong side of the road.

4. Having a young baby and operating a mobile whilst on a motorcycle.

5. Closing off intersections so other traffic can't come through on the green light.

6. Creating two extra lanes to turn right when there should be only two.

7. Blocking entrances to shops etc with motorbikes.

8. Riding motorbikes at night with no lights.

9. Insisting that the driver have a helmet, but young children are exempt.

10.Putting dark tint on front windscreens.

11.Leaving open manhole covers with no warning for weeks on end.

12.Stopping and parking on the road with no consideration for blocking traffic.

13. Lunch is on, gotta go.

It's a valiant effort but I'd say none of them are particularly 'Thai' though.

If you think the above are bad here, never go to Burma, Cambodia or the Pips....

Of course it will be worse somewhere else. The Thais are only capable of copying others' ideas ! wink.png

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OK here's 20. (sorry, only time for 12)

1. Failure to earth electric wiring.

2. Placing power points where they come into contact with water.

3. Driving on the wrong side of the road.

4. Having a young baby and operating a mobile whilst on a motorcycle.

5. Closing off intersections so other traffic can't come through on the green light.

6. Creating two extra lanes to turn right when there should be only two.

7. Blocking entrances to shops etc with motorbikes.

8. Riding motorbikes at night with no lights.

9. Insisting that the driver have a helmet, but young children are exempt.

10.Putting dark tint on front windscreens.

11.Leaving open manhole covers with no warning for weeks on end.

12.Stopping and parking on the road with no consideration for blocking traffic.

13. Lunch is on, gotta go.

It's a valiant effort but I'd say none of them are particularly 'Thai' though.

If you think the above are bad here, never go to Burma, Cambodia or the Pips....

Wasn't I supposed to list the lack of commonsense in Thailand? Now you are saying that it's worse in Cambodia etc. So frigging what! Like I said, you're not interested in facts, only scoring points.
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Do they even HAVE tradeschools in Thailand? There are hundreds of motorcycle mechanics in Thailand, but I would hazard a guess that only a tiny minority have had any formal training. In North America and Europe you have to have a license to practise your trade. But, contractors often hire "grunts" to do the physical labour and a few qualified technicians to do the stuff needing expertise. There doesn't seem to be any qualifications saying a person actually knows what they are doing. Many people just don't have the money or the time to attend trade school.

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My GF gets a substantial pension every month from overseas as a result of her Husband Death, The first thing she does each month after going to ATM is organize the Lottery tickets, spends about 20000Bt per month, plus gives her mother 10000Bt for lottery, then she gives her kids money, they do not work! then she goes to her local village for distribution of money among some of her "Friends" Then she may play the Slot Machine at her local shop wher she will put in 1000,s of Baht.

Then she will come back to Condo where the card game is going and spend up to 3 Days, non stop, playing spending more then 100000Bt, this routine goes on every month and has been happening the last 3 years, after 2 weeks she has run out of money, and I cover the cost of living expenses, I have been trying to get this situation under control for about 6 Months, set some limits, but without much success.

The money she has won from lottery in 6 Months is 0Baht. But it is all about Good Luck isn't it not Common Sense.

I am aware she is a compulsive gambler

She also tips big money into various Wat,s all over Thailand, for Good Luck!

You've got some serious issues, Mr. Davo. Surely you can see that this has nothing to do with common sense. Unless we're talking about why you're still with such a person.

Probably because I care about the Lady, and I am trying to change her habits, and I am a very patient person. But the whole scenario lacks Common Sense, but i guess so do most gamblers. (Before others get in)

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OK here's 20. (sorry, only time for 12)

1. Failure to earth electric wiring.

2. Placing power points where they come into contact with water.

3. Driving on the wrong side of the road.

4. Having a young baby and operating a mobile whilst on a motorcycle.

5. Closing off intersections so other traffic can't come through on the green light.

6. Creating two extra lanes to turn right when there should be only two.

7. Blocking entrances to shops etc with motorbikes.

8. Riding motorbikes at night with no lights.

9. Insisting that the driver have a helmet, but young children are exempt.

10.Putting dark tint on front windscreens.

11.Leaving open manhole covers with no warning for weeks on end.

12.Stopping and parking on the road with no consideration for blocking traffic.

13. Lunch is on, gotta go.

It's a valiant effort but I'd say none of them are particularly 'Thai' though.

If you think the above are bad here, never go to Burma, Cambodia or the Pips....

Wasn't I supposed to list the lack of commonsense in Thailand? Now you are saying that it's worse in Cambodia etc. So frigging what! Like I said, you're not interested in facts, only scoring points.

You are wasting your time here, he obviously drinks to much!

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Davo, common sense would be to stop funding your wife's gambling habits laddie...

i was about to ask if the OP was volunteering to teach, would his own life bear scrutiny?

It is Bare not Bear, and yes a could teach it, you could be my first student!
Wrong! "Bear" in that context is correct.
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You claimed it was a 'Thai' problem. yes or no?

I fail to understand your obsession with 'scoring points'. If you want to debate a topic then do so. Just making lists of things which happen in virtually every part of the Developing World is hardly a starting point.

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Davo, common sense would be to stop funding your wife's gambling habits laddie...

i was about to ask if the OP was volunteering to teach, would his own life bear scrutiny?

It is Bare not Bear, and yes a could teach it, you could be my first student!

The secret of making a categorical assertion is making sure you are 100% right first tongue.png

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You claimed it was a 'Thai' problem. yes or no?

I fail to understand your obsession with 'scoring points'. If you want to debate a topic then do so. Just making lists of things which happen in virtually every part of the Developing World is hardly a starting point.

This will be my last comment on the subject, as Davo Thegun pointed out I'm wasting my time. I said I could list 20 examples of lack of common sense in Thailand, OK I only listed 12, but it wouldn't matter if I listed 100, the result would be the same. It doesn't matter one iota that the same examples can be found in Cambodia or Outer Mongolia, they are still examples of lack of commonsense.
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But surely we've established that a lack of common sense is a universal thing, not just an exclusively Thai thing, especially after both you and Davo showed yourselves to be seriously lacking in the common sense you attacked the Thais for lacking.

You keep on 'leaving' this thread, but keep on trying to come back to try and 'score a point'.

Either you can show that Thai's lack common sense more than any other nationality or you can't. it's really that simple.

I'm starting to think an elephant's love pump was too small a simile...

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But surely we've established that a lack of common sense is a universal thing, not just an exclusively Thai thing, especially after both you and Davo showed yourselves to be seriously lacking in the common sense you attacked the Thais for lacking.

You keep on 'leaving' this thread, but keep on trying to come back to try and 'score a point'.

Either you can show that Thai's lack common sense more than any other nationality or you can't. it's really that simple.

I'm starting to think an elephant's love pump was too small a simile...

I would accept that lacking common sense is not exclusive to Thailand - however, in my experience I have seen more examples in Thailand than elsewhere.

No - don't ask me to list examples, it is just my perception based on empirical evidence.

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Davo, common sense would be to stop funding your wife's gambling habits laddie...

i was about to ask if the OP was volunteering to teach, would his own life bear scrutiny?

It is Bare not Bear, and yes a could teach it, you could be my first student!

now you look stupid, perhaps the job is not for you.

to hold up under; be capable of: His claim doesn't bear close examination. -http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/bear


be acceptable, be plausible, be reasonable, bear scrutiny , carry weight, convince, endure, hold up,hold water, stand up, stick*


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I would accept that lacking common sense is not exclusive to Thailand - however, in my experience I have seen more examples in Thailand than elsewhere.

No - don't ask me to list examples, it is just my perception based on empirical evidence.

Indeed! You're probably clever like me though and I find myself looking down my nose at the general buffoonery of my fellow man regardless of what country I'm in...usually for just reason...

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Davo, common sense would be to stop funding your wife's gambling habits laddie...

i was about to ask if the OP was volunteering to teach, would his own life bear scrutiny?

It is Bare not Bear, and yes a could teach it, you could be my first student!

now you look stupid, perhaps the job is not for you.

to hold up under; be capable of: His claim doesn't bear close examination. -http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/bear


be acceptable, be plausible, be reasonable, bear scrutiny , carry weight, convince, endure, hold up,hold water, stand up, stick*


Whoops, I stand corrected!

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