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Caught Drink Driving In Thailand And Put In Prison

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Ok ok I have been working so haven't noticed how many replies I have had on my problem. Ok first answer to a lot of questions I noticed,

1. Poor grammar, well I was at a airport using my I phone and I thought why not try a forum for some advice and I phones are small.

2. Why would I go back? well I have a wife and child who live in Thailand .

3. My story doesn't ad up, I don't know what is going on, I got pulled over after just necking a beer and yes it will make you have very high reading, to all the smart asses who think they know better go and gargle some mouth wash and blow in your personal breatho, you will max it out if not reck it, anyway I'm not saying I was sober but I was riding my scooter slowly and straight. I blew in the bag in the station and called a friend who came down with a police friend, the police friend didn't bail me out my mate did.

It cost me 30000 which I payed for not my mates. The policeman was just there to make sure I could get out ASAP, which he did I think about 2 or 3 hours. He said to me we will go to court on the 1 st of January when the courts open again. I went to court and he said it will just be a 5000 fine, so I wasn't worried, once I got sentenced I thought it was bad because of the look on his face, he was surprised. I found out over New Years and son kran the penalties are enforced harder, 32 days for high range and 64 days for high range in a motor vechile I was lucky I was on a bike. I was in pattaya special prison with 2 other felangs and about 14 other Thais who got done for the same thing, we all left at the same time, Thais and felangs with the same bail 50000, nobody got of that day they were trying to make an example, it was New Year's Day. Any how after being let free the policeman said you can't leave until your sentence is up then you have to go to the provincial court to get some paper work sorted. I never thought to much of this as I have never been in trouble in Thailand before and heard of a lot worse crimes getting far less. I went to court and the judge said I have to stay for 6 or so months I never even went before a court, the clerk in the court told the policeman who came with me. I am pretty sure I'm on a good behaviour bond or suspended sentence. I seen a lawyer and he said he will sort it. I ended up putting a 30000 bond down to leave the country temporally, but I needed a letter from the court with permission to leave and I got it came back on the 15 and left on the 20 th with 6 months permission to leave then come back again.

I wasn't to worried until this time when I left I asked the immigration officer what this all means he said I'm on the black list, so I asked him how long does this last he said until the judge takes it off. What I wanted to know was when on bail or a good behaviour bond, what ever I am on do you get put on a temp black list?

I have heard once you are black listed you are black listed for good, I'm trying to work out if its just for a period of good behaviour as it is my first offence and first crime in Thailand.

4. Whats pattaya remand (nong palai) like? Hell, I was In a prison with about 35 people, the food was not even food, you drank the water from the tap. Slept on the ground, it was a rough place ( I'm 28 I wouldn't like any of you older guys chances in there, put it this way if something good did come out of this I helped save a Norwegian guy who started having a alcoholic withdrawal seizure as we got released from prison by forcing his jaws open while a Thai prisoner shoved a spoon in his mouth so he wouldn't bite his tongue of or swallow it, that scared me and felt that was the one good thing that happened from all this and now all my friends don't drink and ride well most of them) you got hassled by other inmates if you had a temper you would screwed, but saying this they weren't to bad, I think it's not like here in Australia where you would have to be worried about getting flogged and raped, it's more the catching a disease and malnutrition. I didn't do a solid crap for a about 2 months after leaving that place.

There was lots of felangs in there for heavy drug charges and some minor drug charges mostly Nigerians.

Any more questions, I have a day of from work tomorrow.

I feel quite bad for some of you guys with your negative responses, I don't think there would be single person on here who has not done something they are not so proud of, I am not asking for forgiveness, I just wanted some advice and thought maybe a forum could help.

I have a wife and child in Thailand, I haven't hurt anybody, it's my first time, it was around New Year's Eve hey look if I got done with some drugs different story.

I think I know why these forums get such a bad name, but as for saying that some of your answers were good, where once did I ask for anybodies pitty and anybody who is saying I'm full of crap well guess what it happened to me why would I make it up? If anybody has some constructive help pleases let me know? I would appreciate it, anyway I have 6 months to make my mind up about what I should do and who ever talked about Interpol don't be silly that's for people who are in drug cartels etc. not wanted for drink driving. Pattaya is full of crims from all over the world they don't share information with each other unless it is heavy beans.


Hey sorry if the grammar is bad again using my I pad this time.





Ok ok I have been working so haven't noticed how many replies I have had on my problem. Ok first answer to a lot of questions I noticed,

1. Poor grammar, well I was at a airport using my I phone and I thought why not try a forum for some advice and I phones are small.

2. Why would I go back? well I have a wife and child who live in Thailand .

3. My story doesn't ad up, I don't know what is going on, I got pulled over after just necking a beer and yes it will make you have very high reading, to all the smart asses who think they know better go and gargle some mouth wash and blow in your personal breatho, you will max it out if not reck it, anyway I'm not saying I was sober but I was riding my scooter slowly and straight. I blew in the bag in the station and called a friend who came down with a police friend, the police friend didn't bail me out my mate did.

It cost me 30000 which I payed for not my mates. The policeman was just there to make sure I could get out ASAP, which he did I think about 2 or 3 hours. He said to me we will go to court on the 1 st of January when the courts open again. I went to court and he said it will just be a 5000 fine, so I wasn't worried, once I got sentenced I thought it was bad because of the look on his face, he was surprised. I found out over New Years and son kran the penalties are enforced harder, 32 days for high range and 64 days for high range in a motor vechile I was lucky I was on a bike. I was in pattaya special prison with 2 other felangs and about 14 other Thais who got done for the same thing, we all left at the same time, Thais and felangs with the same bail 50000, nobody got of that day they were trying to make an example, it was New Year's Day. Any how after being let free the policeman said you can't leave until your sentence is up then you have to go to the provincial court to get some paper work sorted. I never thought to much of this as I have never been in trouble in Thailand before and heard of a lot worse crimes getting far less. I went to court and the judge said I have to stay for 6 or so months I never even went before a court, the clerk in the court told the policeman who came with me. I am pretty sure I'm on a good behaviour bond or suspended sentence. I seen a lawyer and he said he will sort it. I ended up putting a 30000 bond down to leave the country temporally, but I needed a letter from the court with permission to leave and I got it came back on the 15 and left on the 20 th with 6 months permission to leave then come back again.

I wasn't to worried until this time when I left I asked the immigration officer what this all means he said I'm on the black list, so I asked him how long does this last he said until the judge takes it off. What I wanted to know was when on bail or a good behaviour bond, what ever I am on do you get put on a temp black list?

I have heard once you are black listed you are black listed for good, I'm trying to work out if its just for a period of good behaviour as it is my first offence and first crime in Thailand.

4. Whats pattaya remand (nong palai) like? Hell, I was In a prison with about 35 people, the food was not even food, you drank the water from the tap. Slept on the ground, it was a rough place ( I'm 28 I wouldn't like any of you older guys chances in there, put it this way if something good did come out of this I helped save a Norwegian guy who started having a alcoholic withdrawal seizure as we got released from prison by forcing his jaws open while a Thai prisoner shoved a spoon in his mouth so he wouldn't bite his tongue of or swallow it, that scared me and felt that was the one good thing that happened from all this and now all my friends don't drink and ride well most of them) you got hassled by other inmates if you had a temper you would screwed, but saying this they weren't to bad, I think it's not like here in Australia where you would have to be worried about getting flogged and raped, it's more the catching a disease and malnutrition. I didn't do a solid crap for a about 2 months after leaving that place.

There was lots of felangs in there for heavy drug charges and some minor drug charges mostly Nigerians.

Any more questions, I have a day of from work tomorrow.

I feel quite bad for some of you guys with your negative responses, I don't think there would be single person on here who has not done something they are not so proud of, I am not asking for forgiveness, I just wanted some advice and thought maybe a forum could help.

I have a wife and child in Thailand, I haven't hurt anybody, it's my first time, it was around New Year's Eve hey look if I got done with some drugs different story.

I think I know why these forums get such a bad name, but as for saying that some of your answers were good, where once did I ask for anybodies pitty and anybody who is saying I'm full of crap well guess what it happened to me why would I make it up? If anybody has some constructive help pleases let me know? I would appreciate it, anyway I have 6 months to make my mind up about what I should do and who ever talked about Interpol don't be silly that's for people who are in drug cartels etc. not wanted for drink driving. Pattaya is full of crims from all over the world they don't share information with each other unless it is heavy beans.


Hey sorry if the grammar is bad again using my I pad this time.

Mate, your story still does not add up, the part where you can not leave the country after doing the "time"

ie, you have been convicted and sentenced, you have done your time, so why can you not leave the country? this part does not make any sense.

good behavior ?

1. you are not a thai

2. you are leaving the country

3. you are not under investigation

4. you are not a witness

5. you have been convicted, judged and sentenced

So it simply does not make sense.

I do not think you making things up or anything like that, however i believe someone "helping" you is pulling your leg and is causing the problems, hence requiring more money.

As i have said before, i have personal experience on 3 occasions with my guests.

Each time, guest was taken to court, fined and set free. Passport was given back with no restriction or anything like that.

I must also add something for your information

1. Policeman can vouch for you so no bail needs to be paid

2. In my experiences and also from people posting on this forum, they could not get bail even with lawyers present

I can pick one thing with your case which would be a problem, is you being "bought out" not to serve out the 32 days.

It is possible that the judge was not happy with that and taking matters further, but i am only guessing here.

Another thing worth mentioning, is that the amounts of money you have paid already is enough to get out of a much more serious case, so someone is pulling your leg


I think the policeman did vouch they took a photo copy of his I d but still wanted the 30000, I got that back as soon as I left prison. Maybe your right and the judge is not happy but the other felangs got told the same thing when we had to go back to the provincial court, actually only one of them turned up and he thought the same as me that it was going to be over that day, but he was Told come back in 6 months or so as well. I uploaded a translated letter that allows me to leave for 6 months. All that money is bond, I have receipts.


I think the policeman did vouch they took a photo copy of his I d but still wanted the 30000, I got that back as soon as I left prison. Maybe your right and the judge is not happy but the other felangs got told the same thing when we had to go back to the provincial court, actually only one of them turned up and he thought the same as me that it was going to be over that day, but he was Told come back in 6 months or so as well. I uploaded a translated letter that allows me to leave for 6 months. All that money is bond, I have receipts.

Have you seen the lawyer? what's he saying?

Cause i still can not understand why can not just leave the country.

Even in the West, where DUI are taken very seriously , after the sentence, you are free to go where ever you like


This copper helps a few of mates who own bars out and never fails mostly minor things like drunken disputes in there bars, I used his recommendation on a lawyer and just seen him once. If I had of known how stupid this was going to become I would have gone to a lawyer who spoke really good English or a firm that has a felang working in partnership. The cop keeps telling me as long as I come back on these dates and earlier if the judge requires it will be ok. I just don't understand why it's taking so long and if is this is a test or what ? Even my close mates say they have never heard of this, as in the way it has unfolded. I was second guessing this cop but he doesn't want to loose face, because many of my friends use him for help and its the old you help me and I'll help you. I'm going to try and get as many documents to another firm so somebody who speaks good English can explain exactly what is happening. If you read the translated doc it says a case is decided and one is undecided. One of the most poor translations I have seen my last letter got translated perfect, this one is almost broken English.



Your "helpful friend" copper is a very low-level scam artist without any real clout nor respect from the real PTB in your case, and he's pocketed a large percentage of your bakshees himself and created problems that have resulted in your being much worse off than if you'd just dealt with it straight.

Yes best of all would be someone with real clout, but that's very expensive and rarely available to us foreigners, hardly worth it for such a trivial matter IMO.

Hopefully some people will learn from your mistake, I'm sure you will.

And sorry for your troubles, I'm not saying it's your fault (other than to the extent you were actually DUI).

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Once again read the post,I don't give a xxxx about if the cop made it worse or what ever, every body who was high high range got the same deal, cops don't over rule judges mate I want to know about the blacklist, is it normal if you have ongoing matters to be on it, is it permanent, will it it get removed after all is this finished, yes I have researched it on the net there is not a lot of info that helps me out! No one I know has had this this happen before or been in this situation, saying this cop friend is ripping me off doesn't help me you don't know him and it has not a lot to do with the cops anymore, it's the judge.


Once again read the post,I don't give a xxxx about if the cop made it worse or what ever, every body who was high high range got the same deal, cops don't over rule judges mate I want to know about the blacklist, is it normal if you have ongoing matters to be on it, is it permanent, will it it get removed after all is this finished, yes I have researched it on the net there is not a lot of info that helps me out! No one I know has had this this happen before or been in this situation, saying this cop friend is ripping me off doesn't help me you don't know him and it has not a lot to do with the cops anymore, it's the judge.

I believe previous poster meant that if the cop was "someone" you would not even end up in court.

I also do not believe anyone has been blacklisted for this, but then again no one that i have read or heard of was sentenced to jail time and the 6 months thingy also.

I do not think you will get answers you looking for here, because as i said i have never heard of case like yours and still confused about the 6 months "can not leave"


So OP has a highly connected friend of a high ranking police officer who keeps showing up to collect money and accompany OP to court dates but can't seem to actually deviate OPs legal problems in any way at all ?


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Lemon cake, yer I think your right this is a rare case, I think it was just because of the timing over the New Years period. I can't find anybody who has heard of a similar case but I wasn't the only who suffered the same fate. I did a little more research and a judge can drag things out that he doesn't agree with ( like getting bailed out before you serve your time). I think I will be ok, I'm just a bit worried that I need a letter from the court to leave or enter. I have time to get more people to look in to it luckily, I don't want to go back if there is a chance of being deported anyway. All I can say is I will post what the final result is and be really careful over New Years and son kran the copper said they are the crack down periods, I am not saying go get pissed and drive around any other time of the year but even being .051 will get you in the lock up and if you get your phone taken and its a Friday guess what? Your in the lock up until Monday court time.

Sorry for the late replying, I had no idea so many people had actually looked in to this.

And about the copper I wish I hadn't even mentioned him but he has helped.


So OP has a highly connected friend of a high ranking police officer who keeps showing up to collect money and accompany OP to court dates but can't seem to actually deviate OPs legal problems in any way at all ?

Yup. I called it pages ago. If you're going to try to pull strings, at least make sure your connection is connected.


WRT the blacklist question (sorry didn't make the connection)

Next time you come in, make the expensive trip to PP or KL or something, so if you get turned back you're only out a little bit of pocket, can still have a nice holiday without a problem.

Find a decent lawyer (sponsors speak up) that you can call from overseas to find out if it's been removed after a period of time.

Or if you happen to lose your passport while you're overseas, usually a new number will be OK for minor stuff like this, or worst case change your name via deed poll (or however in your home country).


I used his recommendation on a lawyer and just seen him once. If I had of known how stupid this was going to become I would have gone to a lawyer who spoke really good English or a firm that has a felang working in partnership.

Don't you think it is about time to hire a good lawyer, you should get better aswers then on a forum.


Yer defently need to get a decent lawyer... I have just under six months to I have to come back so if I don't have it sorted by then maybe I should upper cut myself.


Lemon cake, yer I think your right this is a rare case, I think it was just because of the timing over the New Years period. I can't find anybody who has heard of a similar case but I wasn't the only who suffered the same fate. I did a little more research and a judge can drag things out that he doesn't agree with ( like getting bailed out before you serve your time). I think I will be ok, I'm just a bit worried that I need a letter from the court to leave or enter. I have time to get more people to look in to it luckily, I don't want to go back if there is a chance of being deported anyway. All I can say is I will post what the final result is and be really careful over New Years and son kran the copper said they are the crack down periods, I am not saying go get pissed and drive around any other time of the year but even being .051 will get you in the lock up and if you get your phone taken and its a Friday guess what? Your in the lock up until Monday court time.

Sorry for the late replying, I had no idea so many people had actually looked in to this.

And about the copper I wish I hadn't even mentioned him but he has helped.

How exactly has the copper helped?

Shall I stop holding my breath for all the BM's calling me out who now realize I was in contact from the start with the OP and helping him as best I can?

Sorry forgot too many self denial righteous here for that....


Cheers para for the help! The copper got the courts to allow me to leave and come back! Read the document I pasted in the previous post

Happy to mate I only hope I have done something that has either helped you better the position you are in and what can be done to get it resolved.

You will see my first post said nothing added up but that was simply because you had not been told anything by the people 'helping'. All the mugs were calling me out as being full of BS but I was the one who said it would be better to stay away and let the all knowing critics wear themselves out slating you.

You screwed up and you know it but for a VERY rare change are prepared to face the consequences. I wonder if all the hand wringers would have the guts to do that?

If you need me to liaise with the lawyers NP you have my email.

Be lucky.....


Cheers mate, yer I'm getting my old man to get copies of all the paper work and then I will be getting it to a firm. Yer I was a bit nervous about going back but got the next letter to allow me to leave and enter Thailand as I please straight away, I think it will all be over in the next 5 or 6 months.

I wouldn't wish a Thai prison on my worst enemy! Lol


Yer cool chivas... I think your the first person to say that on this thread, never made a mistake in life, probably not your probably like the other 200 dick heads who have posted to my thread who haven't.


Yer cool chivas... I think your the first person to say that on this thread, never made a mistake in life, probably not your probably like the other 200 dick heads who have posted to my thread who haven't.

Always one mug turns up late to the show guess he was out getting his certificate for setting such a perfect example for all the ex-pats that make Pattaya such a bad place.

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Yes para, yes indeed. I have been trying to make the best of this, hey I haven't been drinking much anyway so there is some good in this for me, have to make the best of any situation.


Yes para, yes indeed. I have been trying to make the best of this, hey I haven't been drinking much anyway so there is some good in this for me, have to make the best of any situation.

You know when I say 'I hear ya' that I really do!


Yes mate, hey did you look at that document I pasted that I got translated?

Let me PM you bored with morons....


Seen similar before, unfortunately my friend just got milked over 3 years by an influential helper .Then a proper lawyer advised him, 200 k deposit, yet it stil took another 18 mths eventualy he just left Thailand before his case was ever finished.

Normally getting passport back just means leave while you can.

Try tilkes in Bangkok pretty expensive but good.


Seen similar before, unfortunately my friend just got milked over 3 years by an influential helper .Then a proper lawyer advised him, 200 k deposit, yet it stil took another 18 mths eventualy he just left Thailand before his case was ever finished.

Normally getting passport back just means leave while you can.

Try tilkes in Bangkok pretty expensive but good.

If his case was in a BKK court I would say using a BKK lawyer is wise. His is in Pattaya and he is finally with one of the best law firms here. Local connections always grease wheels....


Yer cool chivas... I think your the first person to say that on this thread, never made a mistake in life, probably not your probably like the other 200 dick heads who have posted to my thread who haven't.

I've done my time Buddy rest assured !!

Actually my views on Drink driving are well known. Caught Drink Driving and a Mandatory Five year stretch no messing.

NOBODY would drink and drive knowing the Penalty but of course its too simple to be implemented. Build the New Jails out of the savings clearing up the mess these Fruits leave behind in their Selfishness.

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