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Thailand's D S I Says Previous Democrat Govt's Rice Sale Fishy


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Imagine you come into a bank. Some guys with masks are openly emptying the volt for cash (the PTP). One of the customers are trying to steal a wristwatch from one of the other customers (the DP). Next the DSI comes in, sees what is going on and decided to forget the guys robbing the bank, and instead jump the guy trying to steal the wristwatch :-)

Hahaha...Nice one...
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Imagine you come into a bank. Some guys with masks are openly emptying the volt for cash (the PTP). One of the customers are trying to steal a wristwatch from one of the other customers (the DP). Next the DSI comes in, sees what is going on and decided to forget the guys robbing the bank, and instead jump the guy trying to steal the wristwatch :-)

Almost right, the wrist watch theft would had happened a year before the ongoing bank heist.

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I think you will find that rice export licenses are very highly prized protected assets. My old employer had one, even though they had nothing to do with rice whatsoever.

I'm shocked, shocked, to discover that entrenched favouritism like this is alive and healthy in Thailand, after almost a decade of TRT/PPP/PTP-government determined to stamp-out corruption and privilege !

Perhaps DPM-Chalerm should be tasked with re-stamping it out, within 90 days, or else ! drunk.gif

Oh, what's that you say, it would be against instructions from the Big Boss ? Well, in that case, everything's clearly transparent and alright, and all done in the best-interests of the people and farmers ! wink.pnglaugh.png

Edited by Ricardo
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good news.

and then there are some who say there is no investigation in corruption in Thailand.

You're trolling again.

If you believe this brown-nosed chameleon, I have some rare earth minerals for sale at a very good price.

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good news.

and then there are some who say there is no investigation in corruption in Thailand.

You're trolling again.

If you believe this brown-nosed chameleon, I have some rare earth minerals for sale at a very good price.

i wait for gods friday. then i can buy shiny stones govt tax free.

but honestly. what should be wrong if cases of corruption and other wrong doings gets investigated?

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good news.

and then there are some who say there is no investigation in corruption in Thailand.

You're trolling again.

If you believe this brown-nosed chameleon, I have some rare earth minerals for sale at a very good price.

i wait for gods friday. then i can buy shiny stones govt tax free.

but honestly. what should be wrong if cases of corruption and other wrong doings gets investigated?

That's Good Friday by the way.

Only when the 'investigator' is controlled by the far more crooked controllers. Your posts don't make sense.

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Perhaps more to the point a closer look needs to be taken at the current rice scam scheme and its impact upon Thailand and other rice producing countries.

The world bank just issued today a warning concerning the current easing of ( a read drop in ) price for rice worldwide, the warning was that if Thailand released large amount s of rice it would likely destabilise the worlds rice markets to the detriment of those other rice producing countries.Indeed a fine example of how Thailand ( or Thaksin and his ilk) are working to make friends and influence people

Hmm, Mr Thaksin,

Your puppets have opened a Pandora's box, perhaps only a little opening at the moment but it could become a yawning gap that will swallow the rice producing industry of Thailand and its political manipulators in one almighty gulp, sadly though the little farmers too will also be swallowed through no fault of their own.

Another case of Thaksin, his family and their brown nosing acolytes throwing the pawns to the slaughter without an ounce of remorse. .

Yes Mr. Tarit investigate what the current scam scheme is giving birth to rather than a previous sale that is history, if the current scam scheme is a chaste as a convent full of virgins fine, then go out and go hunting for earlier miscreants.. .

Edited by siampolee
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It Tarit's lips were any more firmly planted up Thaksin's backside, we'd have to remove them surgically. What a transparent clown.

As we say back in Kentucky, if Thaksin made an unexpected turn it would break Tarit's neck.

A recent pic?


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Government attempts to control and influence the price of commodities are always doomed to failure. Firstly, it encourages mediocrity and secondly artificially inflating the price pushes world markets to seek alternatives. The Australian wool industry is a prime example. I imagine the rice pledging scheme was aimed at breaking the virtual cartel of export agents who were really making all the money, whilst farming input costs escalated yet cash returns diminished in real terms. I'm sure the next government will continue the puerile attacks on the current government and perpetuate the lack of accountability and responsibility seen by politicians worldwide.

Personally, I believe that if there is case of impropriety during the previous government it should be investigated, perhaps then a precedent can be set for others to follow and hopefully any impropriety within the current scheme will also see the same.

As usual on here, many can only see the side they want to see and appear to preaching to the already converted. They seem so obsessed with Taksin, who in their view is a master criminal the like of which are only seen in Gerry Anderson children's tv shows.

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Looks like the DSI have stopped even pretending to be an impartial aspect of the justice system. Reminds of the story of the notice Nike had in their office when they started out. It said "kill Adidas". Substitute Adidas with democrats/justice/honest governance and you have DSI's philosophy on a plate. Well that or "where's my slice of the pie?"

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"The DSI seems to deal with this case in a way that will bring negative impacts to the opposition party," he said, adding that he would rather wait for results of the investigation by the NACC, which has the authority in probing this case.

This and other ridicules charges against the opposition prove that the DSI is the lap dog of a convicted criminal.

None of us are, I hope, so naive as to believe anything or anyone in Thailand is truly independent and free from political influence but the DSI is taking it to new heights. Perhaps they should change their initials to PTP DSI

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The end result of the DSI investigation will have to be a nett loss for the people of Thailand due to Democrat politician's corruption. I wonder how that figure will compare to PTP's declared losses for the current scheme?

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