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Sad To Go , But We Will Return :)


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Lovely words all - Thanks

I'm hearing less nice words from my 'mates' back home - jealous buggers they are smile.png


What you mean like "are you crazy? don't do it!" ?

I would agree with that sentiment, no I am hearing...'Oh so you couldn't hack it overseas then?'...that kind of negative <deleted> smile.png

Ahhh natural Scottish pessimism. Counter that by smiling and saying you at least have a nice suntan. biggrin.png

The most parochial of my friends that I keep in touch with lives in London. Though, to be fair, I don't maintain close contact with many...

Personally, I miss having a home town where people know each other and have lived all their lives - not to the extent that I would live there, though.

I'm seriously considering moving the family back to the old country, for the sake of the kids' freedom, and to save money on their education in the long run.


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if all the world was the same as you , to care about love ones and people is general it would be a far better place ....john Lennon summed it up....IMAGINE....

good luck , and oh! what do you wear under your kilt.

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I'm seriously considering moving the family back to the old country, for the sake of the kids' freedom, and to save money on their education in the long run.


Even in the short run. Top quality education can be had in Thailand but it doesn't come cheap from the outset. If I had kids then I too would be considering the same thing.
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All the best back home Chonabot.

I just moved back to Scotland after ten years, got a job offer I couldn't refuse. Got the best of both worlds now, still got our places in Thailand and will get back a couple of times a year on holiday. :)

Get your winter woolies looked out if you're coming back soon. Minus 5 forecast again tonight :)

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a very unnecessary post & some replies to it removed.

I missed that one..sadly smile.png

Great policing as ever B x

Crivvens, imagine if all our unnecessary posts were excised...


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A good thing your doing. One of the few regrets in my life was not getting back to see my mother before she passed away in England.

All the best.

Thailand will always be here in some shape or form awaiting your return.

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There is no greater gift you can give your kids than their education - and that doesn't mean saving all your money and sending them to Eton! I'm sure your time here and in India will have given your son (Tom - great name) an education no money can buy and he'll end up being a well rounded, open minded, noninsular individual & an expert on lawnmowers.

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