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North Korea Threatens Missile Attacks On U S, South Korea


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Mmmm...me thinks that it would be a clever cicada and mantis ruse to rattle both Koreas so the big boys can square off to each other with proxy justification, in prep for a future maritine clash once China decides to breach America's pacific picket ring.

Or...maybe should stop playing Master of the World and starting digging a bunker stocked with mama noodles and sam song. Plus a big sign on the door written in chinese 'Beware. Thai Wife.'

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Mmmm...me thinks that it would be a clever cicada and mantis ruse to rattle both Koreas so the big boys can square off to each other with proxy justification, in prep for a future maritine clash once China decides to breach America's pacific picket ring.

Or...maybe should stop playing Master of the World and starting digging a bunker stocked with mama noodles and sam song. Plus a big sign on the door written in chinese 'Beware. Thai Wife.'

How does China breach Americas pacific picket ring when they have no decent carriers, no decent fighting aircraft, no subs equipped to destroy whole cities from way under water, no good good navy, and so on. All they have is nukes, but they don't have them hidden in subs or scattered all over the area, nor can they drop them from stealth bombers.

The only place that China is on a par is with nukes and even then they don't have the stealth bombers that were just tested, or the hidden submarine nuclear capability. They haven't mastered the aircraft carrier group or the fighter plane or the missiles. Their only parity is above ground nukes on ICBM's. That's a major leap over a small nation's skirmish.

Edited by NeverSure
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I already said it. If N. Korea actually fires a nuke at the US ???? or even S. Korea as they are threatening, China will do nothing. China doesn't want a nuclear war nor does anyone else except maybe the Insane Ones in N. Korea.

You meant Insane Ones in the US... Right?

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I already said it. If N. Korea actually fires a nuke at the US ???? or even S. Korea as they are threatening, China will do nothing. China doesn't want a nuclear war nor does anyone else except maybe the Insane Ones in N. Korea.

You meant Insane Ones in the US... Right?

Put away whatever you're smoking, Dancelot. :)

N. Korea has threatened to nuke the US. What do you think the US will do about that if they do? What would you do?

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BTW here's the facts.


They threaten to shoot a missile to an island near Hawaii. Just to flex some muscle.

Pyongyang has a face to uphold / The US needs an excuse to start a new war(But needs the public opinion on its side first)

It is a cold war in many ways.

There will be no nukes. This will be to fast.

A long war is needed to maximise profits.

Edited by Dancealot
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This whole subject matter is very serious (in my opinion). It could escalate quickly and cause the deaths of many people.

I hope that this hype is wrong. I hope that sanity prevails. But, like another poster above said, - this guy is a spoon fed brat - who is maybe desperate to show off. Who knows? But hopefully things will settle down. Otherwise, - for sure it is nukes on the table. This little boy will kill his own country.

The Hawks in washington will not put up with this. He is just giving them an excuse for obliteration.

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The US never threatened! They just dropped it. At least NK has the decency to announce this.

If you are referring to Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945, your statement is a complete falsehood.

The Japanese cities were warned BEFORE the bombs were dropped. Japanese authorities chose to do nothing.

Let's not forget the Pottsdam Declaration that was issued on 26 July 1945 either.



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The US never threatened! They just dropped it. At least NK has the decency to announce this.

If you are referring to Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945, your statement is a complete falsehood.

The Japanese cities were warned BEFORE the bombs were dropped. Japanese authorities chose to do nothing.

Let's not forget the Pottsdam Declaration that was issued on 26 July 1945 either.



How many hours where they warned before? Where is CMK?

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This is, of course, just sabre rattling on behalf of NK's Boy Wonder. But just in case it turns a little bit real, the US might want to hurry the deployment of its increased east coast defenses ...

A 50% hit rate probably isn't too reassuring to those who may be on the receiving end of NK nuke

US defense missiles only hit 50% in tests


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I have serious doubts that the chubby youngster with the crew-cut hair is really making any decisions more important than what to have for lunch. He is just a figurehead. So the question is really; why would the power-players behind him really want to re-start the war? They make these huge threats all the time. The only way I see them choosing to re-start the war is if China has given them some promises of protection of some sort. I wonder what the prevailing wind direction is now. I would think that a number of nukes exploding on the Korean peninsula would kick up a good deal of fallout drifting over somebody.

I still have doubts as to how accurate and reliable NK long-range delivery systems would be. Sure they could hit Seoul or other locations in South Korea. But outside of that?????

I would not be surprised to find a few US attack-class subs with nuke-armed cruise missiles in the seas around North Korea. If NK launches a nuke anywhere, those missiles could eliminate most, if not all, NK airfields and missile launch sites within a very short time. Would Obama have the balls to give the order? That's another question.

And I don't think he would have to ask anyone's permission. Remember, the war did not end. There was only an armistice. If the NKs break the armistice, would not the original UN authorizations still be in order?

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Kim Jong-un is getting himself into a position where he either loses serious face or goes to war. If he wanted to go to war, he wouldn't need an excuse. We've seen this kind of posturing many times before. If he wants to have a go, then he should do it rather than talk about it. Either way, he'll be an embarrassment or incinerated.

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Picture credit to another poster in another thread

This is from Kimjung un looking at things.

Notice the big red button close to him.... w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif

Don't mess with anyone who has a Logitech Trackball!

Thankfully these must be the short range missiles.. within Wifi distance!

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he'll be an embarrassment or incinerated.

one may fall, but as hollywood as hinted (a time ago... In a....) a Rebel Alliance fighting against the might of an Imperial power is not something to ignore.

me, i'm with Yoda.. & may the farce be with you...

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People listen ONLY if Kim makes a joke everybody must forcefully laugh or they will be shotcoffee1.gif

Yeah, you sort of wonder how people at the back can laugh......."Kim made a joke pass it on"

Edited by Scott
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Mmmm...me thinks that it would be a clever cicada and mantis ruse to rattle both Koreas so the big boys can square off to each other with proxy justification, in prep for a future maritine clash once China decides to breach America's pacific picket ring.

Or...maybe should stop playing Master of the World and starting digging a bunker stocked with mama noodles and sam song. Plus a big sign on the door written in chinese 'Beware. Thai Wife.'

How does China breach Americas pacific picket ring when they have no decent carriers, no decent fighting aircraft, no subs equipped to destroy whole cities from way under water, no good good navy, and so on. All they have is nukes, but they don't have them hidden in subs or scattered all over the area, nor can they drop them from stealth bombers.

The only place that China is on a par is with nukes and even then they don't have the stealth bombers that were just tested, or the hidden submarine nuclear capability. They haven't mastered the aircraft carrier group or the fighter plane or the missiles. Their only parity is above ground nukes on ICBM's. That's a major leap over a small nation's skirmish.

China has the abilty to take out satellites (the only country to do so I believe)...as proven last year when they blew up one of their old satellites. The US military would be dead in the water without their satellite technology.

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How does China breach Americas pacific picket ring when they have no decent carriers, no decent fighting aircraft, no subs equipped to destroy whole cities from way under water, no good good navy, and so on. All they have is nukes, but they don't have them hidden in subs or scattered all over the area, nor can they drop them from stealth bombers.

The only place that China is on a par is with nukes and even then they don't have the stealth bombers that were just tested, or the hidden submarine nuclear capability. They haven't mastered the aircraft carrier group or the fighter plane or the missiles. Their only parity is above ground nukes on ICBM's. That's a major leap over a small nation's skirmish.

China has the abilty to take out satellites (the only country to do so I believe)...as proven last year when they blew up one of their old satellites. The US military would be dead in the water without their satellite technology.

Yes, last year China proved that the US military is now obsolete and useless.


Do you honestly think that the US has their entire defense based in such a way that it could be rendered "dead in the water" so easily? By the way, the Chinese did it about 5 years ago. Followed closely by the US. And one might guess that things have progressed since then.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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Geez the U.S could wipe the North off the planet during lunch break. Are they realy that suicidal. The U.S will not need the support and backing of it's allies on this one if the north are threatening or actually strike at U.S territory

Only problem is that China won't fancy a nuke exploding on its doorstep. sad.png

Hopefully the US will destroy it as soon as it leaves North Korea, or be able to wait until it is safe to destroy it. I hope those capabilities truly do exist. In any circumstance, the US, fired upon, will destroy North Korea, and if China objects, they can forget about their loans to the US being repaid. Edited by stoli
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Geez the U.S could wipe the North off the planet during lunch break. Are they realy that suicidal. The U.S will not need the support and backing of it's allies on this one if the north are threatening or actually strike at U.S territory

Only problem is that China won't fancy a nuke exploding on its doorstep. Hopefully the US will destroy it as soon as it leaves North Korea, or be able to wait until it is safe to destroy it. I hope those capabilities truly do exist. In any circumstance, the US, fired upon, will destroy North Korea, and if China objects, they can forget about their loans to the US being repaid.

I suspect that the US would be able to launch before some or all missiles left an NK silo: there are potential means (ELINT and HUMINT) to know in the gap between when the decision is made and when the missile is launched.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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