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Are You Happy About Your Eggs?

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Eggs I have purchased from whatever vendor in Khao Lak the last few months have always consistently been old - the yellow part not being in the middle anymore, but at the side. I guess eggs in Phuket will come from the same source(s) as in Khao Lak, the truck coming from Central Thailand will stop in Khao Lak first before continuing to Phuket. How have your eggs been lately?

Sorry, I rarely start threads, and this one is not gonna be too exciting I'm afraid.


I have not paid attention how old the eggs has been. Will do next time.

Here is some ways how to determine the age of the eggs.

From http://www.yellow-egg.com/wEnglish/frische_eier/eiertests.shtml?navid=6

How to recognize fresh eggs

three_yolks.jpgIf you should lose track of how long your eggs have already been in the fridge, these simple tests will tell you whether they are still fresh.

If, on shaking the egg, you hear a sloshing sound this indicates that the air-cell is already quite big and the albumen watery. The yolk tumbles around in the egg if it is no longer quite fresh.
Break the egg on to a plate. Fresh eggs are recognizable by their domed yolks, which are held together by a ring of albumen. If the yolk is flat and the albumen runny, the egg has been around for a while and needs to be thoroughly cooked.
Place the egg in a tall glass filled with water. Very fresh eggs sit on the bottom. Eggs aged about seven days start to stand up, with the rounded end upwards. If your egg floats to the surface it is at least 21 days old. Its air-cell is already big enough to make the egg buoyant.
Light test
Hold the egg in question in front of a strong light. Fresh, raw eggs are translucent. However you turn the egg, the yolk stays in the middle. In older examples, the yolk starts to travel.

Fun experience for the kids (who am I kidding, for the childish adults):

Make naked eggs by submerging the eggs to the vinegar for few days.

http://www.exploratorium.edu/cooking/eggs/activity-naked.html or http://www.imaginationstationtoledo.org/content/2011/04/how-to-make-a-naked-egg/


I don't use that many eggs, but when I do, I'll buy a 6 pack from the Family Mart down the road. I'm sure they are not the freshest in the world, but they do the trick. I notice that the shells are thickish and the liquid somewhat thickish as well.

When my friend and wife came to stay last week, they purchased from Big-C. I made some eggs yesterday with the leftovers and was surprised at just how thin the shell was. Gave it the standard whack on the side of the frying pan and it broke in my hand. Insides were very liquidy as well. As such, they were scrambled!

Sorry for all the technical terms.


There are chicken farms on the island so not all eggs come all the way from central Thailand. Sometimes you will see a pickup truck loaded with flats of eggs delivering on local routes. I've assumed them to be the local eggs.


About three kilometers east of the Heroines monument traveling towards Paaklok, right hand side, is a small egg farm. Not free range like I prefer but the quality and freshness is superb. Dark orange yolks, regular shells and sometimes you can even get a full tray of double yolks. I will visit Google earth and see what I can come up with for coordinates...


I tried the floating test with the eggs I purchased from local super cheap store.

Place the egg in a tall glass filled with water. Very fresh eggs sit on the bottom. Eggs aged about seven days start to stand up, with the rounded end upwards. If your egg floats to the surface it is at least 21 days old. Its air-cell is already big enough to make the egg buoyant.

All tried eggs dropped to the bottom with their sides down. According to that knowledge these were very fresh eggs.


I buy at CP Fresh Mart. Always fresh, like the name says. Their frozen fish fillets are pretty good too.

Shop Fresh. Shop Smart. Shop CP Fresh Mart.

I am not affiliated with CP Fresh Mart in any way. I just like their stuff.


Brought our last lot of eggs from tescos. Branded as KCF. Made me smile with the play on acronim KFC obviously being the chicken :).

But what got me most every egg had a KCF sticker on it !

Must be some poor Thai who actually has a job of putting these stickers on millions of eggs :)


Hi everyone out there I ve just joined the forum, and would like to say Makro eggs are very good as is their chicken, the produce can be traced back to the source if necessary by the store.

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