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Thailand To Change From Left To Right Hand Driving

Lite Beer

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My son is a policeman in Chiang Mai, and he told me about this months ago.

Preparations for the impending change will start to be implemented in some areas of Bangkok on September of this year.

This is the reason why the waiting times for new cars have been so long. From the start of next month, all new model vehicles will be left hand drive.


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Sh t now my wife gets her wish - a new car. I was perfectly happy with the idea of a used car. In Burma [last vsited maybe 9 years ago other than on visa runs] it was thrill a second as I guess most of their vehicles came in 2nd hand from LOS, Japan or someleftywhere. Overtaking - now that gets a front seat pasenger's adrenalin up .

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This was inevitable but it does make sense for a number of reasons..., peripheral visibility being the biggest. Eye mapping tests over the years verify this.

The thing that scares me is...., the transition!! I'd like to see someone set up a study to document the # of accidents that occur over a 5 year period, once enacted. Not just the accidents but assessing the accident cause in as granular a fashion possible. Empirical data from crash scene..., accounts from witnesses and those involved (if they live to tell!)..., and then to view contributing factors relative to the change from left to right.


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The last country to change was, I believe, Sweden in the late 60s.

Italy changed between the wars, and in typical Italian fashion, changed gradually. Cities with trams were allowed to continue driving on the left (Rome was one) provided they posted signs at the city limits.

American Samoa, I think, cos many Samoans were retiring from NZ and taking r/h drive vehicles home.

That within the last 5 years.

TOO lazy to google......LOL

Edited by Zpete
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so you got hundred of thousands people to buy their first car with incentives. Now they'll have to pay to retrofit their car to drive on the otherside. LMFAO

How much is that gonna cost?

Insurance company will go broke with all the payout from accidents.

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Thailand to change from left to right hand driving

Which hand for digging boogers? rolleyes.gif

Someone elses, apparently.

I have seen more nostril diving than I care to have ever experienced.

i will tell you the same thing , i will proof read your post ,if you like, and put it into simple english which obviously you lack. if you are going to have a go at me at least write it in comprehendable english , send me a nominal fee via paypal and ill see you right, cheers

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What about the headlights, they have to be changed as well :-) - this will never happen...

I heard that all mopeds will have the throttle moved to the left handle soon after this change. I'm going to stick with the car though, as I struggle to use my left hand and, thankfully, my car already has a right-handed horn so I'll be able to give other drivers a quick blast when they stray onto the wrong side of the road! :-)

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My son is a policeman in Chiang Mai, and he told me about this months ago.

Preparations for the impending change will start to be implemented in some areas of Bangkok on September of this year.

This is the reason why the waiting times for new cars have been so long. From the start of next month, all new model vehicles will be left hand drive.

As a trial to this motorcyles will be encouraged to use both direction lanes on all the ring roads in ChianMai. Elephants must walk backwards when travelling in the left lane.
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Maybe they could introduce it in stages accross the counrty, a little bit how Songkran "sweeps" accross Thailand over 2 weeks. Then they could put the best team on the job and make sure it runs smoothly.

Then I am sure Thailand could be the hub of transport efficiency......

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Must be an April fools joke!

Wow, you're quick. Amazing how many idiots have posted serious replies!

Not to say it won't happen in the future, by which time pigs will all have flying licenses.

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