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Facebook: Nothing But Trouble?

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Life long friends,

A wee bit harsh vf, some of the shares can call your attention to important subjects.

The family connection thing is important too, I recently received an important historical document related to my family via facebook, I'll not disclose what it was as some people familiar with the issue may take umbrage, and after all, it is family business.

How did I come into it? via a cousin in Canada who's being doing some research on our family history. In years gone by there certainly was a degree of out of sight, out of mind when it comes to family matters, but these days that's no longer the case. As soon as the document was verified, it was sent to me.

Beetlejuice earlier said re fb, " Get a life ".......that's ridiculously demeaning, fb improves my life as it has brought my family closer, and friends too......and don't forget I make plenty of money from it so it's a big LIKE from me.

I am in regular contact with family members and friends. We communicate via emails and Skype on a personal one to one level. We even have our own private forum on Google Groups. Any documents or photos can be attached with the emails or sent directly by Skype. The amazing part of being on Skype is that with webcam, it is almost like being in the same room with them. This is especially useful for communicating with people over far distances.

Believe this or not, persons that I know locally or within a reasonable traveling distance, I actually go and meet from time to time.

Why would anyone want to share messages with all and sundry over a social network?

Last year a friend who was going through a bad patch in his marriage was actually having domestic arguments with his wife on facebook. Pathetic.

Sad people with mundane lives, addicted to social networking. In fact these people are loners crying out to be acknowledged and to escape the non-entity category..

As I said, there are many people who would never be able to delete their facebook accounts. If this pertains to any of you? Than you should acknowledge that you have a problem.

It's great, isn't it? Now there's 1.08 billion or whatever people you can feel superior to. Including me.

Personally, I'm not a great fan of Facebook. It just reminds me how much more interesting everyone else's life is than my own sad, pathetic life, which isn't worth posting about. I did get a bit of vicarious pleasure out of a friend's description of a walk along the San Diego sea front, though, and another acquaintance has posted some great pictures of England in the springtime. My best friend from when I was five years old, his son's playing for the local rugby club now. I've never seen his son, Not really stuff that's worthy of an email, but interesting, nonetheless.

Back in the old days, I'd have got this sort of trivial drivel walking down the village High Street, or sat in the pub. But there's none of the people I grew up with go to the same pub as me now, not now we're all scattered in different countries. I don't know the family of the grocer, and I doubt I'll know the family of the grocer that I go to in five years' time. But i very much doubt it will be the same grocer.

I try to keep my Facebook and LinkedIn circles separate, to some extent. Facebook for friends and acquaintances that I socialise with, LinkedIn solely for people I work with; though obviously there's some overlap.


There are approx 7 billion people on this planet and you are saying that I am only superior to 1.08 billion of them? This has really upset me and you have ruined my day.

Facebook has indirectly been responsible for the break up of relationships, divorce, people losing their jobs, being jailed and even murdered. A couple of years ago a Thai girl student was sentenced to 5 years in jail for making comments on facebook about a certain member of the Thai establishment. I have warned my kids; be extremely careful what they say and do on there.

There are no rights and wrongs to this. If people want to publish their private details with accounts of who they are, complete education, employment, date of births, family histories information and what they do, making certain companies and individuals rich that take no responsibilities for the welfare of their subscribers and easy for Government and certain agencies to obtain the details, than this they do at they’re own risk and discretion. It`s really up to them.

There is life outside of social networking other than living a charade on facebook with fake friends, fake lifestyles and in the land of make believe.

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easy for Government and certain agencies to obtain the details........

There is life outside of social networking other than living a charade on facebook with fake friends, fake lifestyles and in the land of make believe.

Seems an odd thing for someone with over 4000 posts on an internet forum to say? smile.png

Folks worry about all kinds of things. Like the many on this thread worrying about spying thru FaceBook as in some 3 letter

agency keeping tabs on them.

Yet they happily spend hours on the computer each day, have cell phones, bank accounts, buy things online or with credit cards.

Your either on the grid or off. There is no in between.

You want total anonymity? Stay off a computer, stay off a cell phone, have no bank accounts & on & on

I think if a government agency takes an interest in you & you have any of the above mentioned "on the grid conveniences"

they already know who,what & where you are.

Edited by mania
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indirectly been responsible for the break up of relationships, divorce, people losing their jobs, being jailed and even murdered.

So has going to the pub. coffee1.gif

And not keeping in touch when you're thousands of miles away.

And before you ask, I'm not going to stop drinking, either. Although facebook is cheaper...

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easy for Government and certain agencies to obtain the details........

There is life outside of social networking other than living a charade on facebook with fake friends, fake lifestyles and in the land of make believe.

Seems an odd thing for someone with over 4000 posts on an internet forum to say? smile.png

Folks worry about all kinds of things. Like the many on this thread worrying about spying thru FaceBook as in some 3 letter

agency keeping tabs on them.

Yet they happily spend hours on the computer each day, have cell phones, bank accounts, buy things online or with credit cards.

Your either on the grid or off. There is no in between.

You want total anonymity? Stay off a computer, stay off a cell phone, have no bank accounts & on & on

I think if a government agency takes an interest in you & you have any of the above mentioned "on the grid conveniences"

they already know who,what & where you are.

There is a lot of truth to this. In our case here however, I question the forum assertion.... depending on how you handle it, very hard to track. Cell phone here, full blown impossible.... impossible is probably too strong, but it aint happening. Haven't you seen "The Wire" :)

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easy for Government and certain agencies to obtain the details........

There is life outside of social networking other than living a charade on facebook with fake friends, fake lifestyles and in the land of make believe.

Seems an odd thing for someone with over 4000 posts on an internet forum to say? smile.png

Folks worry about all kinds of things. Like the many on this thread worrying about spying thru FaceBook as in some 3 letter

agency keeping tabs on them.

Yet they happily spend hours on the computer each day, have cell phones, bank accounts, buy things online or with credit cards.

Your either on the grid or off. There is no in between.

You want total anonymity? Stay off a computer, stay off a cell phone, have no bank accounts & on & on

I think if a government agency takes an interest in you & you have any of the above mentioned "on the grid conveniences"

they already know who,what & where you are.

There is a lot of truth to this. In our case here however, I question the forum assertion.... depending on how you handle it, very hard to track. Cell phone here, full blown impossible.... impossible is probably too strong, but it aint happening. Haven't you seen "The Wire" smile.png

Extraordinarily interesting and charismatic as I am, I fail to see why Big Brother would select me for surveillance, then again I suppose the Collective Troll Society may want to team up with the Plastic Expat Society and get me done in.

I think I'll take my chances. coffee1.gif

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easy for Government and certain agencies to obtain the details........

There is life outside of social networking other than living a charade on facebook with fake friends, fake lifestyles and in the land of make believe.

Seems an odd thing for someone with over 4000 posts on an internet forum to say? smile.png

Folks worry about all kinds of things. Like the many on this thread worrying about spying thru FaceBook as in some 3 letter

agency keeping tabs on them.

Yet they happily spend hours on the computer each day, have cell phones, bank accounts, buy things online or with credit cards.

Your either on the grid or off. There is no in between.

You want total anonymity? Stay off a computer, stay off a cell phone, have no bank accounts & on & on

I think if a government agency takes an interest in you & you have any of the above mentioned "on the grid conveniences"

they already know who,what & where you are.

There is a lot of truth to this. In our case here however, I question the forum assertion.... depending on how you handle it, very hard to track. Cell phone here, full blown impossible.... impossible is probably too strong, but it aint happening. Haven't you seen "The Wire" smile.png

Extraordinarily interesting and charismatic as I am, I fail to see why Big Brother would select me for surveillance, then again I suppose the Collective Troll Society may want to team up with the Plastic Expat Society and get me done in.

I think I'll take my chances. coffee1.gif

Let us first assume that we as people don't even like POTENTIALLY being able to be tracked. Not true for some, but many are more private than others.

What you mention is part of my point. First, I'd have to do something worthy of being tracked. Never going to happen. Second, even if I did, cells phone sims bought on a street corner, or internet forum posting certainly aren't going to track me. Facebook, on the other hand, would be a full blown slam dunk if somebody did want to find me. The thing that may get glanced over, people could use facebook as a tool..... I don't think you can necessarily say "but your facebook wall says you were in Cambodia on January 15th" in court, right? But, someone could use the information as a tool to figure out your location or patterns. In short, the information people put on facebook can certainly be used against them.

This is maybe all way to conspiracy theory for people, but the truth is, the more people out there know about you, the more they can potentially hurt you, govt or others. That is just a truth plain and simple. I mean, something as simple as the guy across the street knowing you are going on vacation. Does this ring any bells with anybody??? Facebook aint my cup of tea, but I respect that others enjoy it, whatever the <deleted> they are doing there I have no idea.

Edited by isawasnake
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Anti-Facebook privacy freaks don't seem to worry that when they apply for an extension (retirement) visa at Jomtien (for ex) they have to provide full details of their Thai bank account (800k) or income (65k/mo) and full ID cum signature.

Not to mention all the perso info that had to be given to your employers and others during your working life.

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Nice 200th post.

Anyway, if you want every person in the world to know exactly where you are, even photos included, go ahead, join facebook. If you don't think that is wise, don't. I do realize there are privacy settings on there, so it is not all or nothing, but the stuff I see/hear people put on there is astounding. Further, I just don't get it.... what is going on on facebook? It is essentially just a huge pile of digital BS. To each their own though, but facebook opens doors to let people get essential information about you to potentially do you harm. I don't think there is much arguing that point. As I said, if you want your entire city to know when you are on vacation for example, go ahead and join.

Edited by isawasnake
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Life long friends,

A wee bit harsh vf, some of the shares can call your attention to important subjects.

The family connection thing is important too, I recently received an important historical document related to my family via facebook, I'll not disclose what it was as some people familiar with the issue may take umbrage, and after all, it is family business.

How did I come into it? via a cousin in Canada who's being doing some research on our family history. In years gone by there certainly was a degree of out of sight, out of mind when it comes to family matters, but these days that's no longer the case. As soon as the document was verified, it was sent to me.

Beetlejuice earlier said re fb, " Get a life ".......that's ridiculously demeaning, fb improves my life as it has brought my family closer, and friends too......and don't forget I make plenty of money from it so it's a big LIKE from me.

I am in regular contact with family members and friends. We communicate via emails and Skype on a personal one to one level. We even have our own private forum on Google Groups. Any documents or photos can be attached with the emails or sent directly by Skype. The amazing part of being on Skype is that with webcam, it is almost like being in the same room with them. This is especially useful for communicating with people over far distances.

Believe this or not, persons that I know locally or within a reasonable traveling distance, I actually go and meet from time to time.

Why would anyone want to share messages with all and sundry over a social network?

Last year a friend who was going through a bad patch in his marriage was actually having domestic arguments with his wife on facebook. Pathetic.

Sad people with mundane lives, addicted to social networking. In fact these people are loners crying out to be acknowledged and to escape the non-entity category..

As I said, there are many people who would never be able to delete their facebook accounts. If this pertains to any of you? Than you should acknowledge that you have a problem.

It's great, isn't it? Now there's 1.08 billion or whatever people you can feel superior to. Including me.

Personally, I'm not a great fan of Facebook. It just reminds me how much more interesting everyone else's life is than my own sad, pathetic life, which isn't worth posting about. I did get a bit of vicarious pleasure out of a friend's description of a walk along the San Diego sea front, though, and another acquaintance has posted some great pictures of England in the springtime. My best friend from when I was five years old, his son's playing for the local rugby club now. I've never seen his son, Not really stuff that's worthy of an email, but interesting, nonetheless.

Back in the old days, I'd have got this sort of trivial drivel walking down the village High Street, or sat in the pub. But there's none of the people I grew up with go to the same pub as me now, not now we're all scattered in different countries. I don't know the family of the grocer, and I doubt I'll know the family of the grocer that I go to in five years' time. But i very much doubt it will be the same grocer.

I try to keep my Facebook and LinkedIn circles separate, to some extent. Facebook for friends and acquaintances that I socialise with, LinkedIn solely for people I work with; though obviously there's some overlap.


There are approx 7 billion people on this planet and you are saying that I am only superior to 1.08 billion of them? This has really upset me and you have ruined my day.

Facebook has indirectly been responsible for the break up of relationships, divorce, people losing their jobs, being jailed and even murdered. A couple of years ago a Thai girl student was sentenced to 5 years in jail for making comments on facebook about a certain member of the Thai establishment. I have warned my kids; be extremely careful what they say and do on there.

There are no rights and wrongs to this. If people want to publish their private details with accounts of who they are, complete education, employment, date of births, family histories information and what they do, making certain companies and individuals rich that take no responsibilities for the welfare of their subscribers and easy for Government and certain agencies to obtain the details, than this they do at they’re own risk and discretion. It`s really up to them.

There is life outside of social networking other than living a charade on facebook with fake friends, fake lifestyles and in the land of make believe.

Baaa hahahahahaha says the guy with over 4000 posts on a FORUM.

Ever heard of the well known saying "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" or how about "The pot calling the kettle black" ? These are what you direct at hypocrites. Try getting out your dark room more - it's a beautiful world out there...ENJOY IT!!!

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Why do anyone need a facebook-account?? whistling.gif To share your pathetic lives with the rest of the world!

What purpose does it serve?

works well as a means of sharing progress of me, the wife and kids with my network of family and friends at home in scotland without actually having to be in touch with them and allows me the same of them. it's also provided a welcome way to re-connect (passively again) with lots of old school mates.

other than that it seems to have become a tedious wank-fest of sponsored posts, advertising and most nausiating, mindless "slacktevism". click like and share if you are a complete xxxx.

why to AVOID emotionally charged seemingly innocuous "slacktevist" pages in FB


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  • 10 months later...

I have never liked anything about Facebook and would have nothing to do with it in any way, shape or form.bah.gif

This Man's $600,000 Facebook Disaster Is A Warning For All Small Businesses (FB)

Facebook's terms of service forbid third-party verification of its clicks. ohmy.png That's something all advertisers should be aware of before they spend a penny on Facebook


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Nice 200th post.

Anyway, if you want every person in the world to know exactly where you are, even photos included, go ahead, join facebook. If you don't think that is wise, don't. I do realize there are privacy settings on there, so it is not all or nothing, but the stuff I see/hear people put on there is astounding. Further, I just don't get it.... what is going on on facebook? It is essentially just a huge pile of digital BS. To each their own though, but facebook opens doors to let people get essential information about you to potentially do you harm. I don't think there is much arguing that point. As I said, if you want your entire city to know when you are on vacation for example, go ahead and join.

Cracks me up how so many people have no idea how to configure Facebook privacy settings.

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I go through Facebook, in the morning, just after I wake. One of the worst things about Facebook are the selfies. Not just a couople of selfie, but some poste4rs take ten pics of their mugs each day. I've deleted a couple of friends because. OMG, what mingers they are. I like to enjoy my breakfast.

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