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lol, great post. I'm obviously too bored because I enjoy all the drama on these TV pages and sometimes participate. But I'm with you on this one... none of these dire things have happened to me.

I rented a condo from a private owner. When the lease was up, she came over, inspected & immediately refunded my full deposit in cash.

I've never been in a fight, or even in a situation that remotely seemed like it was heading in that direction (of course, I don't hang around places where drunk farangs usually congregate).

Never spoken to a cop in any capacity whatsoever. Or a Russian. Or a Nigerian.

Never been scammed through fake ATMs, bank fraud, etc.

In general, I enjoy Thailand, I particularly enjoy the people of Thailand. I find them warm & engaging. Maybe I took a wrong turn & I'm really in Laos? Who knows.

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Thakkar, while I have only been here a little over two years, my experience (absent a wife biggrin.png ) mirrors yours. No bribe requests, no bad treatment, life no worse than back in the states and in many ways much better. Of course, not everyone is the same. My late brother probably never did anything as bad as some of the things I did in my youth. In his case though, he seemed to always get caught. My mother said I led a charmed life. It seems that was and still is true.



Are you trying to imply that TV contributors are making these stories up? Well I have to say that I'm shocked and somewhat disappointed / disillusioned.

PS Can you elucidate on that parallel universe and the inter dimensional portal you've been using. Sounds like the subject of a really good thread to me


I've never had a single problem with anyone in Thailand in over 25 years of visiting/living here.

I'm very careful of which ladies I see and have never had a problem with any of them.

I do worry about the ATM scams and other fraud but that is a global scam and not unique to Thailand.

The only time I was a little worried was once 25 years ago on Koh Samui at a waterfall, a Thai guy, high as a kite on heroin told me in perfect English that he liked and wanted my gold ring. I told him politely that it was only 14K, wasn't for sale, and was a gift from my grandmother. This started a 20 minute back and forth of how many grams of heroin he wanted to give me for the ring. I insisted it was not for sale and that I was not interested in heroin. He had some other guys with him. Indeed I was worried. In the end the guy approached me closely, looked in my eyes, shook my hand and said "O.K., no problem" and walked away.

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Let me guess.....you're a missionary, living in a western styled house, surrounded by other westerners, send your kids to private international schools, shop at Rim Ping for 180 thb jars of mayonnaise; all at someone else's expense, and I forgot the UBC platinum and the SUV.

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my experience is very slightly different....

I was drugged in a BKK airport bathroom upon arriving, ending up in Roi-ET after 44 hours and held against my will by five beautiful women. I was tattooed for 2 weeks, and then put into a trunk of a car heading for Chiang Rai. I endured elephant attacks, anaconda strangle holds, and tossed over 4 waterfalls that left me slightly confused. I had my head shaved, lived in a temple, and tied to a tuk-tuk for 19 days. I lost all my money, and now have 3 kids. I forgot how to speak English, use the internet, or a phone for 2 years. However, I do own 2 cellphones and have 1,343 new messages......

(please say you believe this so my wife will know i'm telling the truth!!!!)

You had me at Roi-ET—nobody ends up there unless they were kidnapped.



Let me guess.....you're a missionary, living in a western styled house, surrounded by other westerners, send your kids to private international schools, shop at Rim Ping for 180 thb jars of mayonnaise; all at someone else's expense, and I forgot the UBC platinum and the SUV.

Think about it: If I were a missionary, would I have left the hotel to buy water from a shop instead ordering it from room service?

Jars of mayonnaise: you've ruined my breakfast by mentioning this. Let me explain. I once watched a documentary about the making of porn movies. Using a large jar of mayonnaise and a sausage, they demonstrated how they make the ubiquitous squishy noises in those movies. Since then, I've never enjoyed mayonnaise, or porn as much as I used to. Thanks for reviving that image in my head.



Sounds like you are doing many things right, and also like you've been lucky. Whatever you are doing seems to be working, so keep it up. :)


You need .....

Get out more. I know expats who stay home all day. Maybe go to the store or coffee shop and that's about it.

What’s wrong with staying at home, we like staying at home and very much enjoy it.

We get along so well together (too well infact), that sometimes we think something must be wrong with us LOL... as we don’t seem to need any friends 90% of the time.

You’re right one thing tho, we do need to get out for a cup of mojo more, instead of our every day the instant RedCup..haha

Oh btw…we are in the same bubble as the OPsmile.png…….<group hugs>


You need a hell raising wingman to show you around town.

Get out more. I know expats who stay home all day. Maybe go to the store or coffee shop and that's about it.

Yes, I read it as a cry for help, too.

If you can't get in trouble in Thailand, something is terribly, terribly wrong. ;)

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You need a hell raising wingman to show you around town.

Get out more. I know expats who stay home all day. Maybe go to the store or coffee shop and that's about it.

Yes, I read it as a cry for help, too.

If you can't get in trouble in Thailand, something is terribly, terribly wrong. wink.png

Would make a funny reality show.

Scene -- Cobwebs growing on aging expat using an ancient PC to post on TV

Smash cut -- S.W.A.T intervention team busts thru the door. They break open emergency drugs and alcohol kit. IV optional.

Smash cut -- Lampshade wearing expat howling at the moon with a two naked strippers on his lap

Epilogue --- we saved another one but can't get to them all

"Friends don't let friends die of boredom in Thailand"

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If you think the Chaingmai forum is getting boring, you should have a look at the Isaan forum.

And I don't see Thakar's post as a cry for help - just a contented individual in the Land of Smiles.

You want/need some action/aggro - that can be found too

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