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War Uk - Uk Citizenship


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curious question, chat in the bar this evening and got me thinking,

if war was to break out, what would happen with your self ultimately dont think small minded but if war were to break out the likely hood of it leading in to a ASIA war, if not World War would be quiet high, so ultimately it may not be safe for you to be in Thailand (and i know thailand likes to sit on the side lines ect)

well anyway would the UK government then allow your wife's to move to the UK on Asylum circumstances, ultimately married to you and not safe for her to be in Thailand should that get dragged in to this fiasco and not safe for you to be in Thailand meaning the UK has a responsibility to allow you and your other half safe harbour in your country of birth and her adopted country at the time.

im sure i read somewhere it was allowed in ww2 ect and this is what got the discussion going.... thoughts, moans, groans welcome

general discussion

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During the Viet Nam war, about 80% of all US air strikes on NV originated from Thailand. The US had at least 7 air bases in Thailand. At that time, I would guess, NV didn't have the ability to hit Thailand. Things have changed. Link

But the alliance between Thailand and the US hasn't changed and they work together closely today. The US was recently in BKK, Chiang Mai and Udon at least for joint training exercises, and the US provides Thailand with equipment, supplies, and training for the insurrection currently in S. Thailand.

I believe that if N Korea launches a nuke(s) it won't be safe to be anywhere in Asia. We have no clue what if anything China might do. No idea, out of several possibilities. The US is moving a massive amount of assets into The Philippines, Guam and other places as we speak, including most of its nuclear carrier groups and some nuclear subs and other high tech ships are in the waters. Clark AFB is being reopened as is Subic Bay, both in The Philippines. The Philippines asked the US to reopen due to literal threats from China over land ownership. The timing is good also due to threats from NK.

I actually don't think anyone will pull the trigger, but if it happens, or I believe it's happening, I'm getting out of Dodge.

Obviously, I don't know what the UK would do with Thai wives but they have a history of granting asylum to people in war torn areas.

Edited by NeverSure
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50,000+ British lads in Thailand at any given moment, you need 200+ planes to evacuate them all. Don't know what the capacity of BA is, but it's gonna take a long time. They will pull the people from South Korea and Japan first, then China. Wifes and kids evacuation on emergency visas via airbridge to London? If you are connected well, perhaps.

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50,000+ British lads in Thailand at any given moment, you need 200+ planes to evacuate them all. Don't know what the capacity of BA is, but it's gonna take a long time. They will pull the people from South Korea and Japan first, then China. Wifes and kids evacuation on emergency visas via airbridge to London? If you are connected well, perhaps.

There's far more than that in the country at any one time Potosi, the last figure I saw was 35,000 "permanent" residents, if you take into account the perpetual Tourist visa holders on top of that and the dependents of the firts group I would guesstimate there are around 80,000 people who call Thailand home that would need evacuated.

Add to that the tourists, which aggregate top about 80,000 per month, it would be a monumental task to get them all out.

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The baby belongs to you, as you are not married the father can only become the legal father if he goes to court and the court agrees he is the father of the child.

Not aware of any child support in Thailand, I believe there are tax benefits.

Not having enough money can seriously strain a relationship and the only way out is for one of you to find a decent job.


I look at topic such as this as being akin to an astroid hitting this planet. There's absolute nothing any member of this or any other forum worldwide can do to alter anything.

It may be an "On The Beach" scenario but I doubt it. The punk in Korea certainly wants to keep living his HiSo style which will undoubtedly cease if there's a single missile detected headed to friendly countries. He'll be toast for sure and he doesn't want that.

I worry more about the ice cubes freezing in the refer.

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Quote OP: "chat in a bar this evening and got me thinking" Posted 2:38 AM !! thumbsup.gif Quite a common scenario for many posters here ??

As for leaving the country in an emergency situation, I see it like a marriage, it is for better or worse! So unless the Thais ask me to leave, I am here to stay, even if things go pearshaped. Worst case scenario, I will get killed. If that happens, so be it!coffee1.gif

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"Pre-emptive strike" comes to mind.

Yeah, and then who would everyone blame for the trouble. Some are already. I think NK would have to pull the trigger first and then get their rockets shot down.

I hope to God they don't. I really do. I don't know of anyone who doesn't hope, right up to the national leaders.

As for evacuation, I don't see a problem. I don't know about other countries at all, but the US can commandeer every civilian plane if the President declares an emergency. 80,000 people is what, 200 big airliners? There are tons more than that capable of non-stop US - W. Europe - Thailand, or Hawaii - US/Canada. Delta and United combined have 1,500 planes, not all capable of trans-oceanic, but many are. I'll bet the other countries could match that. That's not counting the big military planes that can carry troops or civilians although hardly in style, or any other brand names of carriers.

I'll bet they are already planning for the contingency and have the logistics worked out. I'll bet Britain does, Australia does, Canada does...

There are enough ships in the Asian waters right now to take a ton of people on board, most with hospital facilities including intensive care and OR's in case of battle. There are enough planes and choppers on board to protect areas for boarding. The US has most of its navy in Asian waters including most of its carrier groups, loaded with medical care, food, supplies, and each ship has 5,000 staff on board and a 24/7 huge food service. With nuclear power they can go "forever," and convert at least 50,000 gallons of sea water per day into drinking water.

There are about 50,000 souls already on carriers in the water. They can fit a lot more. They also have the firepower both on board and on the various aircraft to make an enemy keep his head down while civilians boarded.

They will come and get you. And please read theblether again and heed.

Edited by NeverSure
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I'll be staying... Well if I get back before it goes pear shaped :)

Come on, really.. You think it's going to get real !!!!!

Plus there should be some cheap land deals going when all you pussies leave, give me a bell if you can't shift your wifes 30 rai whistling.gif

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Our home is located outside of Chiang Mai and I wouldn't think China would bother Thailand and they certainly wouldn't allow anyone or anything to trespass their airspace. Can't say I'm worried about Thailand's immediate neighbors as Vietnam's the most competent and capable force in SE Asia and they ain't mad at Thailand. I'd just sit on our front porch and watch the sun go down most nights and hope all heals quickly.

The War I'd worry about is what's occurring in the South, intensifying and moving North and moving East from Burma. It's hard to tell the players without a scorecard

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