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Maggie Thatcher Is Dead.


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i hope she was in intense pain right up to the end and that her mind and memory were intact enough to feel it. she destroyed every trace of community, goodwill and public spirit in the UK under a systematic campaign of making her wealthy friends simply wealthier. long may she rot in hell.

What a sad, uninformed, unintellegent view.

... she destroyed every trace of community pal.

What you know about community and the related issues in the UK during the 1980's is nothing, and I''m not your pal.

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She polarised opinion.

For me I will celebrate with Chicog.

As a Scot she did nothing for me or my communty.

Most north of the Watford gap will feel the same I suspect.

I was going to say... we will find out who are the northerners and southerners in this topic..

I thought she was a great PM, represented us well on the world stage.. like others have said she wasn't perfect.. but then none of them are.

totster smile.png

Me and my mate from Chumpom are both Yorkshiremen, born and bred and we both reckon she was the best we've seen in our lifetimes. So it's not all South vs North.

Fair enough mate, it was a generalisation I know

totster :)

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From Wikipedia

In June 1984 Thatcher received a visit from P. W. Botha, the first South African premier to come to Britain since his nation had left the Commonwealth in 1961.[31] The leader of the opposition condemned the visit as a 'diplomatic coup' for the South African government,[32] and Labour MEP Barbara Castle rallied European Socialists in an unsuccessful attempt to stop it.[33] In talks at Chequers Thatcher told Botha the policy of racial separation was 'unacceptable'.[34] She urged him to free jailed black leader Nelson Mandela; to halt the harassment of black dissidents; to stop the bombing of African National Congress (ANC) guerrilla bases in front-line states; and to comply with UN Security Council resolutions and withdraw from Namibia.[35]

Thatcher defended Botha's visit as an encouragement to reform,[36] but he ignored her concern over Mandela's continued detainment,[37][

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Most Americans weren't living in Great Britain when she was in power.

What a silly thing to say, Americans have always lived in the UK, frequently in great numbers, my wife was an American and she lived there when Maggie came to power!

Nothing silly about. It's an obvious and indisputable fact that MOST Americans have never lived in the UK, now or then.

Doesn't mean they can't have an opinion - even an informed one - about a British PM. (Most Europeans have never lived in the US,but that doesn't stop them from having opinions about it's leaders - nor should it).

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Most Americans have never lived in the UK, I'm shocked!

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I am truly sorry to hear that. I was a partial liberal at the time she was PM, but i still liked her and admired her. Most Americans i believe felt that way.I recall one story from a former SAS. Apparently one of the scenarios they ran was one involving some captives holding Maggy (if a yank can call her that). She was touring the SAS facility including the mockup of the building that they were using to run Maggies scenarios. She asked to step in for her dummy so she could see SAS work in real time. (SAS only uses live ammo for their drills. They want NO lapses of concentration at any time). Anyhow all her assistants strongly objected, but she said, "nonsense!" or to that effect. well the exercise went off without a hitch (this is the SAS) and when asked how she felt about it, she said "Delighted!". Live ammo, shooting in the same room with the PM of the UK, and she thought it was fun! Thats Maggie. Thats the way i want to remember her.

Not quite right. She visited the "Killing House" which is a permanent facility for close quarters combat training that can be configured for different scenarios (1st SFOD-D -the public calls them "Delta Force" - used their idea to make an even better one), it was not set up to rehearse for a specific set of scenarios including an abduction of the PM, and it's sole purpose is for live fire exercises (I don't believe it's true that the SAS/SBS only use live fire for every exercise but certainly in the Killing House they do).

Others have done the same thing that Mrs Thatcher did but perhaps none so important - mind you Prince Charles and Diana watched participated in exercises including in the KH and Diana's hair got singed by a flash bang.

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Thanks for the correction. and I stand corrected.wai.gif i only told the story as it was told to me. The key point isnt the details but the mettle of Maggie. That woman had more balls than most of the men in that era.

Also now that you mention it i do recall hearing that Charles and D was there also. That is one brave family! Being in a room with live fire is no joke!blink.png

Edit: corrected a misreading on my part

Edited by jamhar
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Most Americans weren't living in Great Britain when she was in power.

What a silly thing to say, Americans have always lived in the UK, frequently in great numbers, my wife was an American and she lived there when Maggie came to power!

Nothing silly about. It's an obvious and indisputable fact that MOST Americans have never lived in the UK, now or then.

Doesn't mean they can't have an opinion - even an informed one - about a British PM. (Most Europeans have never lived in the US,but that doesn't stop them from having opinions about it's leaders - nor should it).

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Most Americans have never lived in the UK, I'm shocked!

No need for sarcasm with me, I think. The poster said most Americans didn't live there and you said that was silly and made an attempt to support that.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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I am truly sorry to hear that. I was a partial liberal at the time she was PM, but i still liked her and admired her. Most Americans i believe felt that way.I recall one story from a former SAS. Apparently one of the scenarios they ran was one involving some captives holding Maggy (if a yank can call her that). She was touring the SAS facility including the mockup of the building that they were using to run Maggies scenarios. She asked to step in for her dummy so she could see SAS work in real time. (SAS only uses live ammo for their drills. They want NO lapses of concentration at any time). Anyhow all her assistants strongly objected, but she said, "nonsense!" or to that effect. well the exercise went off without a hitch (this is the SAS) and when asked how she felt about it, she said "Delighted!". Live ammo, shooting in the same room with the PM of the UK, and she thought it was fun! Thats Maggie. Thats the way i want to remember her.

Not quite right. She visited the "Killing House" which is a permanent facility for close quarters combat training that can be configured for different scenarios (1st SFOD-D -the public calls them "Delta Force" - used their idea to make an even better one), it was not set up to rehearse for a specific set of scenarios including an abduction of the PM, and it's sole purpose is for live fire exercises (I don't believe it's true that the SAS/SBS only use live fire for every exercise but certainly in the Killing House they do).

Others have done the same thing that Mrs Thatcher did but perhaps none so important - mind you Prince Charles and Diana watched participated in exercises including in the KH and Diana's hair got singed by a flash bang.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Thanks for the correction. and I stand corrected. i only told the story as it was told to me. The key point isnt the details but the mettle of Maggie. That woman had more balls than most of the men in that era.

And Yes, I would also like to think I would have done the same in the same situation. But the point is that she DID and with no hesitation. (atleast thats the way I heard it)

Also now that you mention it i do recall hearing that Charles and D was there also. That is one brave family! Being in a room with live fire is no joke!

Wasn't reprimanding you or anything! And yes, your key point was made and, in my opinion, accurate.

The Royal Couple were there on a separate occasion(s) by the way.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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She polarised opinion.

For me I will celebrate with Chicog.

As a Scot she did nothing for me or my communty.

Most north of the Watford gap will feel the same I suspect.

I was going to say... we will find out who are the northerners and southerners in this topic..

I thought she was a great PM, represented us well on the world stage.. like others have said she wasn't perfect.. but then none of them are.


Me and my mate from Chumpom are both Yorkshiremen, born and bred and we both reckon she was the best we've seen in our lifetimes. So it's not all South vs North.

What about Scoucers and Geordies what would they think the heavy industrial parts of the UK had no time for her.

Right or Wrong .

She had her influence good and bad she caused future cabinet's to be full of yes men or women which is not a good thing.

RIP she deserves that and i am from Glasgow.

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Wilson gave the Unions the freedom to begin the destruction of British Industry, something he is reported to have threatened whilst still at university. Thatcher then continued his work by fighting the too powerful unions and killing of British industry at the same time.

So.. what you are saying is she should have let the unions have their way....??

In any case it was the unions who killed British Industry, left unchecked they would have seen workers paid too much for not enough work, British products would become uncompetitive forces huge job loses.

Don't blame a single person when it was the greedy unions and the even more greedy workers for killing their own golden goose.

totster smile.png

British goods did become uncompetitive - the ones that were still being produced.

As I wrote, Wilson started the rot by allowing the unions to muster too much power and Thatcher used that to kill industry whilst telling everyone that she was curbing union power.

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Wilson gave the Unions the freedom to begin the destruction of British Industry, something he is reported to have threatened whilst still at university. Thatcher then continued his work by fighting the too powerful unions and killing of British industry at the same time.

So.. what you are saying is she should have let the unions have their way....??

In any case it was the unions who killed British Industry, left unchecked they would have seen workers paid too much for not enough work, British products would become uncompetitive forces huge job loses.

Don't blame a single person when it was the greedy unions and the even more greedy workers for killing their own golden goose.

totster smile.png

British goods did become uncompetitive - the ones that were still being produced.

As I wrote, Wilson started the rot by allowing the unions to muster too much power and Thatcher used that to kill industry whilst telling everyone that she was curbing union power.

It sounds like you are saying she purposely meant to kill industry under the guise of tackling rampant union blackmailing.....

Get yourself another beer mate..

totster :)

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Wilson gave the Unions the freedom to begin the destruction of British Industry, something he is reported to have threatened whilst still at university. Thatcher then continued his work by fighting the too powerful unions and killing of British industry at the same time.

So.. what you are saying is she should have let the unions have their way....??

In any case it was the unions who killed British Industry, left unchecked they would have seen workers paid too much for not enough work, British products would become uncompetitive forces huge job loses.

Don't blame a single person when it was the greedy unions and the even more greedy workers for killing their own golden goose.

totster smile.png

British goods did become uncompetitive - the ones that were still being produced.

As I wrote, Wilson started the rot by allowing the unions to muster too much power and Thatcher used that to kill industry whilst telling everyone that she was curbing union power.

It sounds like you are saying she purposely meant to kill industry under the guise of tackling rampant union blackmailing.....

Get yourself another beer mate..

totster smile.png

If you read my posts, my meaning should be very clear to you.

No beer this evening.

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Her great privatisation drive lined the pockets of her mates, and don't even get me started on the Falklands. The hag has the blood of our troops on her hands. Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


The Falklands war was about privately owned mineral rights, as John Major knew to his personal profit.

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Ex-Prime Minister Baroness Thatcher dies, aged 87


Former Prime Minister Baroness Thatcher has died "peacefully" at the age of 87 after suffering a stroke, her family has announced.

David Cameron called her a "great Briton" and the Queen spoke of her sadness at the death. Lady Thatcher was Conservative prime minister from 1979 to 1990. She was the first woman to hold the role.

She will not have a state funeral but will be accorded the same status as Princess Diana and the Queen Mother.

The ceremony, with full military honours, will take place at London’s St Paul’s Cathedral. The union jack above Number 10 Downing Street has been lowered to half-mast.

’Force of nature’

Mr Cameron, who is in Madrid for meetings, has cancelled planned talks in Paris with French President Francois Hollande and will return to the UK later on Monday.

BBC political editor Nick Robinson said Lady Thatcher had been a controversial politician who inspired "passion" among both her critics and supporters.

Her government privatised several state-owned industries and was involved in a year-long stand-off with unions during the Miners’ Strike of 1984-5. She was also in power when the UK fought a war following Argentina’s invasion of the Falkland Islands in 1982.

Lady Thatcher survived an assassination attempt in 1984, when the IRA bombed the Brighton Grand Hotel, where she was staying for the Conservative Party’s annual conference.

During her later years in office she became increasingly associated with Euroscepticism. She is also seen as one of the key movers behind the fall of communism in eastern Europe.

She stood down in 1990 after she failed to beat Michael Heseltine by enough votes to prevent his leadership challenge going into a second round.

-- The Nation 2013-04-08

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