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I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane On 25Th April Back To England


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OP.......contrary to TV opinion, there is still serious money to be made in the UK.

You'll walk in to a job in the hotel and hospitality business. Get your feet back below the table, look around and as long as you have an eye for the opportunity and basic business acumen you'll be fine. You have experience of working in the Byzantine world of Thai business and you won't believe how easy it is to do business in the UK by comparison.

Your prime earning years are coming up, fill your boots up and keep an eye on your long term goals. If you miss Thailand, it's only a £500 flight away for a holiday, but I fear the Thailand you love is now just a memory, there's nothing wrong with that, as it's a good memory. I had 5 cracking years in Germany from age 23-28 and I made unbelievable money for a young guy, and I spent most of it, you better believe I've got happy memories of Germany. drunk.gif

Just come back, fill your boots off, and when you're ready look for the next adventure....that's what life is all about.

ps. To all you moaning faced geriatrics out there, leave him alone, you're just jealous that you didn't arrive in Thailand when you were 20. coffee1.gif

I just need to disagree with the comment about being jealous of not arriving here when I was 20 years old.

Frankly, (apart from a couple of weeks mongering) I would not have been ready for Thailand at 20.

I arrived at 50 having virtually retired. At that age you feel that you have done your bit and can enjoy the fruits of this country.

I agree that there is BS to contend with but having had to contend with BS (and banks) in the UK, whilst trying to run businesses, I would NEVER retreat back there.

At 30, you are not retreating. Good luck with developing a career in the UK - it is frakin' freezing, most of the people look miserable as sin and you are more likely to hear Erdu, Bangladeshi or Polish than English in your local High Street. Maybe Salford has always been like that ........

I encourage every young person from the UK to get out of the country for a year or two while they are young, I believe most Australian youngsters do that as a matter of course.

It's a great life experience and it makes people far more self reliant and open to new cultures and challenges for the rest of their lives. I would suggest that a lot of ( certainly not all ) the members that come to Thailand later in life find living in a new country, especially one as alien in culture as Thailand is to the UK, find it too hard to take.

By this point a lot of them have poured their life savings into the country and are effectively trapped on a sea of misery. It's some gamble to take with your life's work.

The OP will never experience that in his entire life now, you can't undo what he has learned already. It doesn't matter where he ends up, he'll have picked up some amount of life experience in the last 11 years, both good and bad. As log as he remembers to apply that experience with intelligence, he'll be fine.

I have been preaching this for years, except I think it should be mandatory for a person to travel outside their home country. Call it part of the educational process. Something similar to the peace corp or foreign exchange program, where one year of a persons education is spent living, learning and working in a foreign country. Nothing gives you a more worldly perspective than to interact with other cultures. Then you begin to understand that we are all the same and all different at the same time.

Edited by Loptr
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Not bad for my standards for a living environment... whistling.gifwai2.gifcheesy.gif


Well if things get bad in the uk always got theses veuve clicquot la grande dame.. thumbsup.gif


Is that your Salford apartment ?

Nah Sathorn apartment and when in the Uk i like to stay wilmslow cheshire,

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I fully understand, at age 30 Thailand is not really very welcoming. Unless you are married, at age 30 you will find it virtually impossible to get O visas after Jan this year, which I guess may be influencing your decision.

However, it's going to be a bit of a culture shock going to the UK. Whatever else you have had to put up with here, it's still not a surveillance state and has generally low taxes.

Honestly, If I didn't have family I'd be headed back also. But, I cannott at this time imagine that it would be good for my son who is school age, or my common law wife.

At age 30 you have the opportunity to build a solid foundation for your life, be that a business or a family, or both. I'm sure that you will be back to Thailand in the future, it'll always be in the back of your mind and especially in times of hardship or when you get fed up with the UK.

Anyway, good luck with your new life in the UK. One tiny bit of advice, people who have never been to Thailand don't really want to hear all about it, don't become the person who is always going on about Thailand and how it compares to the UK unless you are in the company of people who have at least been here.

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Thanks guys .. Well i've been here since i was 20 and will be 31 in may it comes a time in life where you just get fed up of a place plus all the bs what comes with it i have also lived in Bangkok / Pattaya / Phuket .. just tired these days .. plus i'm not getting any younger ...

Exactly what are the driving factors behind your departure? Can you list a few?

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All my family are working in the UK, always have and have what I consider a good lifestyle despite their moans.

I also have friends (yeah really) that are constantly employed, live well, nice home, drive a decent car, go on holiday two or three times a year. There are loads of jobs available for those suitably qualified and motivated......and the social safety net is a bonus.

Good luck on your move, I'm sure everything will work out for you.

There are many who are stuck here and envy you, so expect negative comments.

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Thanks guys .. Well i've been here since i was 20 and will be 31 in may it comes a time in life where you just get fed up of a place plus all the bs what comes with it i have also lived in Bangkok / Pattaya / Phuket .. just tired these days .. plus i'm not getting any younger ...

From a financial perspective, I'd imagine that you haven't saved much if you've been in Thailand since you were 20. You're right--31 is pretty old to be starting over, but it's better late than never. Advice to any newbie wanting to settle in Thailand--have some money before you arrive because it's going to be tough trying to make it here without it.

As for your entire Thailand experience only in BKK/Pattaya/Phuket, you've managed to pick the three places I'd never consider living.

Well i had my own business but with problems here in Thailand and overseas the past few years hasn't help much but i'm ready to go back to work in hotel and hospitality industry .. I'm also fine to start again while i'm young could be worse could be divorce at the age of 40 happens a lot these days .. coffee1.gif

31 is a perfect age to be starting over. You're old enough to have some wisdom and have plenty of time to put together the life that you enjoy living. Hopefully you'll avoid being wiped out by divorce in your 40s. Heading home for awhile sounds appealing to me, a chance to catch up with old friends and family, live a normal life and recharge the batteries, it's good to do that every decade or so.

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Thanks guys .. Well i've been here since i was 20 and will be 31 in may it comes a time in life where you just get fed up of a place plus all the bs what comes with it i have also lived in Bangkok / Pattaya / Phuket .. just tired these days .. plus i'm not getting any younger ...

you will never be any younger than today, do everything you can and keep going, forget age as we will all be gone sooner or later.

Nothing wrong with bailing and getting out of dodge, that is wha life is all about, but don't think of it as a failure, think of it as the next chapter...

you could always head to Oz, USA, Canada or somewhere else in Europe if you are bummed to give up he adventure.

The USA is an adventure for sure

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Now it gets interesting, I have 8 years under my belt here, nothing wrong with Phuekt/Bangkok/Pattaya IF you know how to cope and are not a total idiot, but Manchester? God forbid

I have seen everything what I’ve wanted to see here in Thailand that’s just the point for us and also experience everything what Thailand has to offer? So why stick around its not like I’m fifty or sixty and desperate to find someone we all seen the stories on TV over the years where a expat been taken for a run or been killed for his assets …

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Notstupid30, IMO it's a responsible decision.

Regarding "31 is pretty old to be starting over...", I left Thailand in 2005 at 43 due to financial reasons and I worked my way up from "willing to take whatever I can get" with the help of being bi-lingual (thank the Buddhas for English speaking countries' lazyness with foreign language learning & jobs without age discrimination!) and I was lucky to find something that pays well after only two job changes in 2007.

For most, Asia works much better when money is not something you need to worry about anymore or your job travelled with you.

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.God I hope so.

He's probably baitey about being snubbed by Kate and Billy as well.

I think the OP's mistaken if he thinks they'll pop round just because he lives more local. Even if he calls it Wilmslow, they'll still not go to Salford


EDIT: Their cousin Peter might call round, though, him being a former league player himself. His dear old mother might even switch codes, after that pish at Pitoddrie in the Autumn. The only thing that cheered me up was clapping my smug little paws in my gloves...

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Thanks guys .. Well i've been here since i was 20 and will be 31 in may it comes a time in life where you just get fed up of a place plus all the bs what comes with it i have also lived in Bangkok / Pattaya / Phuket .. just tired these days .. plus i'm not getting any younger ...

ge mate 11yrs.in bkk,patts.and phuket no wonder you want to go home,unless youve had some bad experiances come and try it in korat,and only 31 what were you abandoned.its loverly here. taffy

Good luck back in the UK. My daughter and son-in-law bailed out of Cyprus just before the present problems and both have found good jobs within two weeks. Work is there if your want it. As for Taffy's comment on Korat, I fully agree. Nice to read someone saying something good, or rather the truth. Often there are too many knockers of Issan and they probably never lived here. Thanks Taffy.

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Thanks guys .. Well i've been here since i was 20 and will be 31 in may it comes a time in life where you just get fed up of a place plus all the bs what comes with it i have also lived in Bangkok / Pattaya / Phuket .. just tired these days .. plus i'm not getting any younger ...

ge mate 11yrs.in bkk,patts.and phuket no wonder you want to go home,unless youve had some bad experiances come and try it in korat,and only 31 what were you abandoned.its loverly here. taffy

Yes it does sound like he hasn't given the proper Thailand a chance, you've been hanging out at all the seedy cities, that's not the real Thailand. But then you also came here far to early in life, I assume you are going back to purchase a house and find a job and hopefully settle down to start a family, good luck with all that? I'd done the house buying and career stuff from 20-34, then I left for Thailand (also 2002) seems like you're doing it all opposite to me and my methods, be interesting to see how it pans out for you, perhaps you could keep us posted here from time to time. (taffy too)

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I fully understand you mate, your for sure not alone, i me self are leaving as well, not to Europe, but another place in Asia where people let your work freely and hopefully not as racist as here and where you can actually build a life of your own, without others have their hand in your pockets all the time smile.png

Good luck to all of us here and there and every where smile.png

Edited by julemanden
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Thanks guys .. Well i've been here since i was 20 and will be 31 in may it comes a time in life where you just get fed up of a place plus all the bs what comes with it i have also lived in Bangkok / Pattaya / Phuket .. just tired these days .. plus i'm not getting any younger ...

ge mate 11yrs.in bkk,patts.and phuket no wonder you want to go home,unless youve had some bad experiances come and try it in korat,and only 31 what were you abandoned.its loverly here. taffy

Yes it does sound like he hasn't given the proper Thailand a chance, you've been hanging out at all the seedy cities, that's not the real Thailand. But then you also came here far to early in life, I assume you are going back to purchase a house and find a job and hopefully settle down to start a family, good luck with all that? I'd done the house buying and career stuff from 20-34, then I left for Thailand (also 2002) seems like you're doing it all opposite to me and my methods, be interesting to see how it pans out for you, perhaps you could keep us posted here from time to time. (taffy too)

I've traveled to like 30 places around the world but i did start early and why not also don't hang out in seedy places also traveled a lot in Thailand they were just my bases ..?

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I know why you want to go back to England. To see Manchester United play. Britain is still a great country even though the left-wing politicians are trying to destroy it. They will never destroy the will of the nationalist people of Britain.

If you get tired of the smell of curry,ranting clerics and race riots you can always come back to Thailand and get tired of the red/shirts,corruption and bribery. Funny old world,aint it?

Give my love to England,especialy London and good luck to you.

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Thanks again people my experiences here have been up and down like everybody else's these days reason for going home is to make money and also see the world while i'm still young .. Plus running around after girls gets boring plus seating in bars isn't healthy these days and on top of this Thailand has changed these days to what i remember like 6 years ago ...

Girls and bars are not the sum and total of what make Thailand what it is. You may miss the floods when back home. w00t.gif

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Sounds like the guy finally grew up and found out that teaching Scuba Diving (example job in Thailand) isn't going to pay the bills nor is a career. He is still young though, should be able to do something but will take 15 years to gain any real credible experience doing something else. Seen so many people like this, come live the dream and then wake up years later asking themselves what am I going to do now... Good luck to you, hope everything works out...

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Thanks guys .. Well i've been here since i was 20 and will be 31 in may it comes a time in life where you just get fed up of a place plus all the bs what comes with it i have also lived in Bangkok / Pattaya / Phuket .. just tired these days .. plus i'm not getting any younger ...

ge mate 11yrs.in bkk,patts.and phuket no wonder you want to go home,unless youve had some bad experiances come and try it in korat,and only 31 what were you abandoned.its loverly here. taffy

Yes it does sound like he hasn't given the proper Thailand a chance, you've been hanging out at all the seedy cities, that's not the real Thailand. But then you also came here far to early in life, I assume you are going back to purchase a house and find a job and hopefully settle down to start a family, good luck with all that? I'd done the house buying and career stuff from 20-34, then I left for Thailand (also 2002) seems like you're doing it all opposite to me and my methods, be interesting to see how it pans out for you, perhaps you could keep us posted here from time to time. (taffy too)

I've traveled to like 30 places around the world but i did start early and why not also don't hang out in seedy places also traveled a lot in Thailand they were just my bases ..?

havnt you sown any seeds in kanchanaburi,ratchaburi and lets call it nakon ratchasima well respected places.

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Eleven years in Thailand is NOT going to look good on your CV.I wish you all the luck in the world on making money, you're going to need it.

Hopefully he will not need a CV. There is far more money, and a vastly higher level of fulfillment to be had working for ones self. If you are entrepreneural. And no need to kiss the ass of someone you may not respect. With corporate culture being what it has become, why work for some company anyway, if you do not have to. 31 is a spring chicken. This guy has his whole life in front of him. I often wonder where I would go, if I wanted to move on. Just do not know. Fortunately, I still enjoy each day here. I tolerate as little nonsense as I have to, and enjoy the disposition of most Thai folks.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Sounds like the guy finally grew up and found out that teaching Scuba Diving (example job in Thailand) isn't going to pay the bills nor is a career. He is still young though, should be able to do something but will take 15 years to gain any real credible experience doing something else. Seen so many people like this, come live the dream and then wake up years later asking themselves what am I going to do now... Good luck to you, hope everything works out...

Sorry i don't dive or can teach i once had tried in Turkey when i was around 18 couldn't get use to breathing underwater,

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I fully understand you mate, your for sure not alone, i me self are leaving as well, not to Europe, but another place in Asia where people let your work freely and hopefully not as racist as here and where you can actually build a life of your own, without others have their hand in your pockets all the time smile.png

Good luck to all of us here and there and every where smile.png

Why do people make ridiculous remarks like this, but almost never want to reveal this 3rd world "utopia" that they're fleeing to? C'mon Jules, tell us where you're heading. I'll try my best not to sh*t on your answer.

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