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Twin Bomb Explosions Shatter Boston Marathon Finish Line


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Saudi national who is (was?) a person of interest is looking less interesting.

[O]n Tuesday morning, one law enforcement official said

investigators had determined that the man, who was injured in the blast

and was questioned at the hospital, was not involved in the attack.

Good job!

Questions answered.

Thank you!

...still doesn't mean that there might not be some possible '<deleted>' in the riggin' going on with that Al Quida bunch...

It does, however, mean that your post was totally lacking in logic or fact or anything else of substance or merit.

It does mean that BoonMee is a one-trick pony - lacking your aforementioned logic, fact or anything else of substance or merit

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Sure wouldn't fit your narrative if it turned out to be islam terrorist again would it?

What is my narrative? Sincere question.

By the way, that magazine article is not the only place such knowledge is available and nothing prevents anyone - no matter their ideology - from reading that magazine or other sources. The existence of the article proves zero either way.

On the up side (arguably), the American guy who founded "Inspire" (the magazine in question) was taken out by a drone. Who ordered that strike and bears the political cost of it even now? Oh, that's right - Barak Obama...not sure how that (and all the other targeting of Jihadis) fits into the conspiracy to shield Islamists or whatever....

Edited by SteeleJoe
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That didn't take long! laugh.png

Salon contributor David Sirota has fingers crossed for white male marathon bomber

Josh Greenman


Any hopes for skin color of last victim? RT @Salon: Let's hope the Boston Marathon bomber is a white American http://slnm.us/4al0Z5f

Steve Krakauer


"Let’s hope the Boston Marathon bomber is

a white American" is an actual headline of an actual column written by
someone at Salon.

That, folks, is the Progressive mind-set!

Keep it classy, Libs!tongue.png

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Are you saying that if the money had not been cut the Boston attack would not have happened? Rhetorical question, at least I would hope you already know the answer to that. The simple fact is there is no way you are ever going to protect a country from these kind of attacks. It doesn't even take much intelegence to cause mass carnage in a large modern city, all it takes is determination. The security theater which is perpetuated on the American public is a farce. No amont of money or reduction in freedoms and liberty is going to prevent these type of attacks.

Yes and no. It's a good post but...

"The simple fact is there is no way you are ever going to protect a country from these kind of attacks."

100%? No. But that doesn't mean they can never be prevented or never are. Surely you aren't suggesting all efforts to do so are totally pointless?

"It doesn't even take much intelegence to cause mass carnage in a large modern city, all it takes is determination."

Well, it's perhaps not quite as easy as you claim - I am certain if it were we'd have way more such incidents (do you think al Qaeda et al don't want to do such things?) but you are largely correct; determination, resourcefulness, and the right financing will take you a long way.

"No amont of money or reduction in freedoms and liberty is going to prevent these type of attacks."

That's simply not true (unless, again, you mean 100% effectiveness): there's a reason why brutally oppressive totalitarian systems (Saddam's Iraq for one but the list is long of places where they have all the ingredients for violent insurgencies and terror but it is kept suppressed). The only question is how much is it worth?

Personally, I tend to agree with Benjamin Franklin's dictum re liberty versus security but that doesn't mean if a country wanted to sacrifice enough freedoms (and spend enough resources), they couldn't be quite successful in preventing attacks.

Yes, agreed attacks have been prevented, The FBI's tripwire program is evidence of that. I agree if enough resources are expended and liberties, privacies, freedoms curtailed some attacks can be thwarted but not 100% effective. The problem with the whole spend more money take away more freedoms is it is a tactic of diminishing returns in a multi cultural society. The example of brutal, oppresive, totalitarian regimes somewhat proves my point as Sadam's and the Shaw's Iraq, Mubarak's Egypt etc had more then there fair share of what we in the west would call terrorist attacks.

I agree, how much is it worth?

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Getting back to that Saudi national seen running away from the scene. What's up with that? Another coverup? Afraid that the Boston bombing will be blamed on Islam Terror? News has gone real quiet on that, eh...whistling.gif

I think the Saudi in question was released, however there are many questions to be asked, such as was a flat in Boston occupied by three Saudi nationals searched as per the link below.


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Steady on there boys. Don't get yer panties in a wad. It seems them Al Quida bunch published a 'how-to-do' bomb made out of a pressure cooker instruction deal on the interweb not too long ago.

Sure wouldn't fit your narrative if it turned out to be islam terrorist again would it?

What narrative would that be? To make nutjobs like you look ririculous? Nah, too easy


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A sad day for humanity. Must the victims rest in peace and the injuried get all the help they need to get up on their feets again. As another poster said the best meets the worst and as so often, in unfair play.

Unfair ... sure. Amazing how death of 3 raises so much anger,when bigger injustices been committed daily around the world?
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Boston bombing 'used pressure cooker packed with metal'

Clues emerge from forensic examination of bomb site, but investigators still have no leads on perpetrator or motive

Federal investigators involved in one of the largest manhunts in US history have revealed that the Boston Marathon bombs that killed three people and injured more than 170 may have been made from pressure cookers packed with ball bearings and nails.

More than 1,000 law enforcement officials from 30 state and federal agencies have been committed to tracking down whoever was responsible for Monday's twin blasts, the worst terror attack on US soil since 9/11. The forensic examination of the crime scene has begun to bear fruit, though officials concede that they still have no suspects and no motive for the bombing. FBI agents leading the investigation are pitting their hopes on the public as they believe the instigator of the attack may well have revealed themselves to others. "The person who did this is someone's friend, co-worker or relative. Someone knows who did this," said Rick DesLauriers, special agent in charge of the Boston FBI, which is leading the investigation.

Forensic examiners have recovered fragments of black nylon cloth they believe to have come from backpacks used to carry both bombs. They have also found what DesLauriers described as "fragments of nails that could have been contained in a pressure cooker". He added that he was talking about a basic household pressure cooker of the sort found in many kitchens.

More here - Guardian

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Are you saying that if the money had not been cut the Boston attack would not have happened? Rhetorical question, at least I would hope you already know the answer to that. The simple fact is there is no way you are ever going to protect a country from these kind of attacks. It doesn't even take much intelegence to cause mass carnage in a large modern city, all it takes is determination. The security theater which is perpetuated on the American public is a farce. No amont of money or reduction in freedoms and liberty is going to prevent these type of attacks.

Yes and no. It's a good post but...

"The simple fact is there is no way you are ever going to protect a country from these kind of attacks."

100%? No. But that doesn't mean they can never be prevented or never are. Surely you aren't suggesting all efforts to do so are totally pointless?

"It doesn't even take much intelegence to cause mass carnage in a large modern city, all it takes is determination."

Well, it's perhaps not quite as easy as you claim - I am certain if it were we'd have way more such incidents (do you think al Qaeda et al don't want to do such things?) but you are largely correct; determination, resourcefulness, and the right financing will take you a long way.

"No amont of money or reduction in freedoms and liberty is going to prevent these type of attacks."

That's simply not true (unless, again, you mean 100% effectiveness): there's a reason why brutally oppressive totalitarian systems (Saddam's Iraq for one but the list is long of places where they have all the ingredients for violent insurgencies and terror but it is kept suppressed). The only question is how much is it worth?

Personally, I tend to agree with Benjamin Franklin's dictum re liberty versus security but that doesn't mean if a country wanted to sacrifice enough freedoms (and spend enough resources), they couldn't be quite successful in preventing attacks.

Yes, agreed attacks have been prevented, The FBI's tripwire program is evidence of that. I agree if enough resources are expended and liberties, privacies, freedoms curtailed some attacks can be thwarted but not 100% effective. The problem with the whole spend more money take away more freedoms is it is a tactic of diminishing returns in a multi cultural society. The example of brutal, oppresive, totalitarian regimes somewhat proves my point as Sadam's and the Shaw's Iraq, Mubarak's Egypt etc had more then there fair share of what we in the west would call terrorist attacks.

I agree, how much is it worth?

Not a nickel. Some 100 more Americans were murdered on 15.04.2013, not in this spectacular fashion, but their lifes have been taken all the same. Money spend on social issues achieves more, fights crime, a far greater problem than terrorism.

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Boston Bombs Were In Pressure Cookers And Hidden In Black Duffel Bags, Says Person Briefed On Probe

WASHINGTON — In kitchens, they prepare food faster, but pressure cookers by their very nature help make good bombs, amplifying the blast and the carnage.

They don't just hold the explosives. The tightly sealed pot that speeds the cooking of beans and meat makes easier-to-obtain but weaker explosives faster and stronger. And they may also help investigators find out who built the deadly homemade bombs that exploded at the Boston Marathon on Monday.

Investigators found fragments of BBs and nails, possibly contained in a pressure cooker, said Richard DesLauriers, the FBI agent in charge in Boston. He said the items were sent for analysis.

If a pressure cooker was used, it probably cost around $100 to construct, say former federal forensic and explosive investigators. It's like a pipe bomb but bigger and more powerful.

Pressure cooker bombs are more often used in Afghanistan, Pakistan India, and Nepal – where the pots are more commonly used for cooking. But they have also been prominent in bombings and attempts in the United States, especially in New York in Times Square in 2010 and Grand Central Terminal in 1976.

In Al Qaeda's online magazine, there's even an article titled: "Make a bomb in the kitchen of your mom" by "The AQ Chef." It mentions, even recommends, pressure cookers, noting that weak explosives only work with the high pressure of a cooker or sealed pipe.

More - Huffingtonpost

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Pieces of Bomb's Circuit Board Recovered; May Yield Clues

We can only hope.

There were many horrors made yesterday, but among the worst was that done to this family.

This was the eight year old boy murdered:


Tragic doesn't begin to sum it up...sad.png

If everyone could calm down for just one moment here.

A Canadian friend sent the welcome announcement by the provincial government of Nova Scotia to donate a much appreciated $50,000 to the Massachusetts General Hospital - to its Children's Hospital center (plse see link below). Those who know MassGeneral are aware that despite its vague and broad sounding name, MassGeneral is consistently ranked as one of the best and leading hospitals of the world.

After my father had radical cancer surgery there, MassGeneral kept him on his feet and kicking for another 15 years.

Among the governor's remarks in the province's parliament, Darrell Dexter specifically cited the immediate and large scale response of Bostonians to the 1917 WW ! catastrophe in Halifax when a docked munnions ship exploded, leveling most of the capital city. "When we were in need, Bostonians were there," Dexter said. "There is a border and hundreds of miles between us, but Massachusetts is always close to the hearts of Nova Scotians. We will do everything we can to support our neighbours and friends in their time of need. Boston's resilience and fighting spirit will persevere."


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Boston Bombs Were In Pressure Cookers And Hidden In Black Duffel Bags, Says Person Briefed On Probe

WASHINGTON — In kitchens, they prepare food faster, but pressure cookers by their very nature help make good bombs, amplifying the blast and the carnage.

They don't just hold the explosives. The tightly sealed pot that speeds the cooking of beans and meat makes easier-to-obtain but weaker explosives faster and stronger. And they may also help investigators find out who built the deadly homemade bombs that exploded at the Boston Marathon on Monday.

Investigators found fragments of BBs and nails, possibly contained in a pressure cooker, said Richard DesLauriers, the FBI agent in charge in Boston. He said the items were sent for analysis.

If a pressure cooker was used, it probably cost around $100 to construct, say former federal forensic and explosive investigators. It's like a pipe bomb but bigger and more powerful.

Pressure cooker bombs are more often used in Afghanistan, Pakistan India, and Nepal – where the pots are more commonly used for cooking. But they have also been prominent in bombings and attempts in the United States, especially in New York in Times Square in 2010 and Grand Central Terminal in 1976.

In Al Qaeda's online magazine, there's even an article titled: "Make a bomb in the kitchen of your mom" by "The AQ Chef." It mentions, even recommends, pressure cookers, noting that weak explosives only work with the high pressure of a cooker or sealed pipe.

More - Huffingtonpost

There was an article on how to make a pressure cooker bomb in a 2010 edition of Inspire, the Al-Qaeda magazine, also just such a device was used by the Times square bomber Faisal Shazad. It would appear though that comments on this thread have all but dried up.


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This isnt intended as an anti American post, but you have to love the irony.

The Blessed one in NK starts rabbitting on about missile testing, we are told the free world is under threat, whoosh biff bang, out of nowhere comes this.

Is there actually anyone in America who knows whats happening anywhere?

USS Cole, Tanzania, etc etc, take your eyes off the ball you miss the action.

I don't understand your post, can you help?

Are you saying that in this instance and that of "USS Cole, Tanzania, etc etc" - not to mention any number of operations that DIDN'T happen in the last 10 years but had potential to happen or were in the process of being executed - there have been no Americans who have been knowledgeable about threats or competent in their efforts to prevent them?

And what does the fact that Kim Jong Un starts rabbiting on about "missile testing" (actually a lot kore than that - war) have to do with whether there is anyone in America who knows whats happening anywhere?

About 12 or 13 years ago I read a letter in The Stars And Stripes titled The Enemy Within, its was almost a prophecy of whats taken place since.

Prime example Ft Hood, how many "red flags" were ingored?

Even the language has been changed to call it "a workplace related" incident, whats the latest on that case?

A country that has what, 10 million "undocumented", how many others are out there?

Yes we hear about the ones that are uncovered, how many go unreported?

Edited by rgs2001uk
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About 12 or 13 years ago I read a letter in The Stars And Stripes titled The Enemy Within, its was almost a prophecy of whats taken place since.

Prime example Ft Hood, how many "red flags" were ingored?

Even the language has been changed to call it "a workplace related" incident, whats the latest on that case?

A country that has what, 10 million "undocumented", how many others are out there?

Yes we hear about the ones that are uncovered, how many go unreported?

Kind of an opaque answer...

Can you share the almost prophetic letter? What has taken place?

Fort Hood is an example of no Americans knowing what's happening anywhere? How so? In fact they did know - more than mere red flags - a lot about Hasan as someone of concern. Which is why there is an issue about what wasn't done.

The language is an example of insufficient knowledge? Or what?

What's the latest? The judicial and investigative process is ongoing, is it not? How does that exemplify what you posted?

How many go unreported? Well, if by "the ones that are uncovered" you mean plots, given that they aren't reported nor do we read about the dire results, then presumably they didn't exist - unless you are speculating about plots yet to take place...but it would be ridiculous to question US competence based on your speculation. By the way, we do not hear everything about the ones that are uncovered.

Who knows how many are out there? How could anyone? So far studies have shown, unlike the UK for various reasons, homegrown Islamist terrorism hasn't been as big a worry in the US but that obviously won't necessarily remain true and many are sure it won't. Again - what does that tell me about Americans not knowing what's happening anywhere - how many are out there in the UK? Do the British know?

You didn't really respond to my post, did you? If you do answer my previous questions, you might be kind enough to answer this one too: with all due respect, how much reading or other study have you done on Islamist terrorism and the various efforts to combat it? Is your comment based on any actual knowledge?

Edited by SteeleJoe
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Boston Bombs Were In Pressure Cookers And Hidden In Black Duffel Bags, Says Person Briefed On Probe

WASHINGTON — In kitchens, they prepare food faster, but pressure cookers by their very nature help make good bombs, amplifying the blast and the carnage.

They don't just hold the explosives. The tightly sealed pot that speeds the cooking of beans and meat makes easier-to-obtain but weaker explosives faster and stronger. And they may also help investigators find out who built the deadly homemade bombs that exploded at the Boston Marathon on Monday.

Investigators found fragments of BBs and nails, possibly contained in a pressure cooker, said Richard DesLauriers, the FBI agent in charge in Boston. He said the items were sent for analysis.

If a pressure cooker was used, it probably cost around $100 to construct, say former federal forensic and explosive investigators. It's like a pipe bomb but bigger and more powerful.

Pressure cooker bombs are more often used in Afghanistan, Pakistan India, and Nepal – where the pots are more commonly used for cooking. But they have also been prominent in bombings and attempts in the United States, especially in New York in Times Square in 2010 and Grand Central Terminal in 1976.

In Al Qaeda's online magazine, there's even an article titled: "Make a bomb in the kitchen of your mom" by "The AQ Chef." It mentions, even recommends, pressure cookers, noting that weak explosives only work with the high pressure of a cooker or sealed pipe.

More - Huffingtonpost

There was an article on how to make a pressure cooker bomb in a 2010 edition of Inspire, the Al-Qaeda magazine, also just such a device was used by the Times square bomber Faisal Shazad. It would appear though that comments on this thread have all but dried up.



"“Inspire” was far from the first extremist publication to distribute instructions for making pressure-cooker bombs. Yair Rosenberg of Tablet Magazine points out on Twitterthat “The Anarchist’s Cookbook,” published in 1971, also included information on how to make them. The book appears to have provided the necessary instructions for at least one such bombing, in 1976 at Grand Central Station. In 1973, police had discovered a similar device in the New York Port Authority building."

I would surmise that The Anarchist's Cookbook is recommended reading for Alex Jones fans.

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This does not, however, confirm that the Boston bombs have any specific provenance tied to South Asian terrorist or insurgent groups. This might not have come from a group at all:

  • The lack of clear leads on Day Two suggests that law enforcement has not isolated
    any chatter from these organized syndicates—even chatter that might not
    have been specific enough to predict the attack, but whose meaning might
    become clear in the explosions' aftermath.
  • There were only two bonafide bombs, notwithstanding all the "device" rumors that swirled
    around Boston and the media yesterday, so while it was a terrible
    planned crime of opportunity, it ranks low on the spectrum of complex
    coordinated attacks.
  • The only individual whose physical appearance might be said to resemble that of a South Asian—in actuality,
    he's reportedly Saudi—was tackled, interrogated, and thus far not found to be connected to the attacks.
  • Downrange American military personnel and the civilian contractors they work with also return home
    with the technical know-how to create these devices. Sinister knowledge
    isn't proprietary to an ethnic or religious group.


These points—and the fact that the attacker's target appears to have chosen for mass casualties, rather than for symbolic political value—suggest (but do not prove) that, whether the perpetrator is a white nationalist or an Islamic jihadi or something else entirely, he or she could be unaffiliated and off the grid.

But deeper speculation on an attacker's ethnicity, creed, or possible affiliation is just that. At this premature stage, we can only say one thing authoritatively about the Boston bombers: They are sick bastards with a basic understanding of physics.


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I would surmise that The Anarchist's Cookbook is recommended reading for Alex Jones fans.

Decades ago when I wore a uniform and shared an interest (professional and as a pastime) in asymmetrical warfare with others at my modest level (I was not one of those SEAL/SAS legends that we hear about) or well above, that was a book we all read. It was kind of hard to get hold of and I was proud of my copy.

(By the way, none of us were current or future militia (I hope) or Conspiracy Theory nutbags like Jones. In appropriate circumstances, we would have been glad to deal with them the same we'd want to deal with a foreign enemy.)

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About 12 or 13 years ago I read a letter in The Stars And Stripes titled The Enemy Within, its was almost a prophecy of whats taken place since.

Prime example Ft Hood, how many "red flags" were ingored?

Even the language has been changed to call it "a workplace related" incident, whats the latest on that case?

A country that has what, 10 million "undocumented", how many others are out there?

Yes we hear about the ones that are uncovered, how many go unreported?

Kind of an opaque answer...

Can you share the almost prophetic letter? What has taken place?

Fort Hood is an example of no Americans knowing what's happening anywhere? How so? In fact they did know - more than mere red flags - a lot about Hasan as someone of concern. Which is why there is an issue about what wasn't done.

The language is an example of insufficient knowledge? Or what?

What's the latest? The judicial and investigative process is ongoing, is it not? How does that exemplify what you posted?

How many go unreported? Well, if by "the ones that are uncovered" you mean plots, given that they aren't reported nor do we read about the dire results, then presumably they didn't exist - unless you are speculating about plots yet to take place...but it would be ridiculous to question US competence based on your speculation. By the way, we do not hear everything about the ones that are uncovered.

Who knows how many are out there? How could anyone? So far studies have shown, unlike the UK for various reasons, homegrown Islamist terrorism hasn't been as big a worry in the US but that obviously won't necessarily remain true and many are sure it won't. Again - what does that tell me about Americans not knowing what's happening anywhere - how many are out there in the UK? Do the British know?

You didn't really respond to my post, did you? If you do answer my previous questions, you might be kind enough to answer this one too: with all due respect, how much reading or other study have you done on Islamist terrorism and the various efforts to combat it? Is your comment based on any actual knowledge?

Can you share the almost prophetic letter? What has taken place?

The letter can be found in the archives of The Stars And Stripes (if an online archive exists), 9/11 is one example of whats taken place.

Fort Hood is an example of no Americans knowing what's happening anywhere? How so?

Ft Hood is an example of what the original letter I mentioned referred to.

The language is an example of insufficient knowledge? Or what?

IMHO the language used to refer to this incident these days is an example of Orwellian newspeek, lets not call it for what it really was, a terrorist attack.

What's the latest? The judicial and investigative process is ongoing, is it not? How does that exemplify what you posted?

Thanks for updating me, I have no idea of what the latest developments were.

How many go unreported? Well, if by "the ones that are uncovered" you

mean plots, given that they aren't reported nor do we read about the

dire results, then presumably they didn't exist

I was asking how may of these plots are foiled that we never hear off.

but it would be ridiculous to question US competence based on your speculation

Wasnt one of the findings of the 9/11 inquiry just that, too many people involved, too many agencies involved?

homegrown Islamist terrorism hasn't been as big a worry in the US

June 2009, Little Rock, yes may well be an isolated incident.

how many are out there in the UK? Do the British know?

I have no idea, I doubt if the British know, not involved in that line of work so can offer no insight.

You didn't really respond to my post, did you?

What do you want me to say?

how much reading or other study have you done on Islamist terrorism and the various efforts to combat it?

Not much, but probably more than many.

Holy Terror by Amir Taheri was one of the first books I ever read on the subject.

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I note that the King of Saudi Arabia and President of Egypt sent their condolences, however these sentiments were not, shall we say, universal throughout the middle east. Sometimes it is worth being reminded of who your enemies really are.


No excuses, anybody celebrating the deaths of innocent civilians has a diseased and sick mind and are beneath contempt. sick.gif

Edited by Steely Dan
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I note that the King of Saudi Arabia and President of Egypt sent their condolences, however these sentiments were not, shall we say, universal throughout the middle east. Sometimes it is worth being reminded of who your enemies really are.


No excuses, anybody celebrating the deaths of innocent civilians has a diseased and sick mind and are beneath contempt. sick.gif


I'm going to read every quote. Several times. I hope all in the western world do.

After we care for our family, friends and citizens.

I don't want to forget this.

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I note that the King of Saudi Arabia and President of Egypt sent their condolences, however these sentiments were not, shall we say, universal throughout the middle east. Sometimes it is worth being reminded of who your enemies really are.


No excuses, anybody celebrating the deaths of innocent civilians has a diseased and sick mind and are beneath contempt. sick.gif


I'm going to read every quote. Several times. I hope all in the western world do.

After we care for our family, friends and citizens.

I don't want to forget this.

You can ignore the irrelevant monkey chants from brainwashed jihadists, that's all the crappy, indignant media want you to hear.

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OK, they've got an image of a suspect ... the man with the bombs:

An official briefed on the Boston Marathon bombing investigation said
today that authorities have an image of a suspect carrying, and perhaps
dropping, a black bag at the second bombing scene on Boylston Street,
outside of the Forum restaurant.


Of course there is also speculation going on about whether the bombing is related to the mailings of poison to President Obama and different elected representatives of both parties. If so, this would point more to a domestic terrorist, radical anti government type.

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