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Twin Bomb Explosions Shatter Boston Marathon Finish Line


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OK, the FBI has suspect pictures, two people actually:


Of the three top "theories" I think superficially these people point a bit more to Islamic terror rather than angry white men domestic anti-government terrorists and certainly if it's them. the crazy lone wolf theory is out.

They look ethnically ambiguous but could be (but nowhere near definitely) Middle Eastern and they are YOUNGER men. Younger men points more to Islamic terrorists vs. domestic right wing terrorists would be more likely to be OLDER angry white men.

The FBI won't touch the ethnic profiling thing and has offered no guess about their nationality/ethnicity, but realistically I'm sure lots of the public are thinking about that part of it.

If they are foreigners it seems a good chance they already fled the U.S.. Of course if they're really sophisticated they entered and exited illegally.

My understanding is that they have evidence of one of these suspects placing the backpack-bomb and as far as the other one evidence can link him to the blown up backpack. Also they have evidence they were communicating and working as team.

look like white people to me.

specially that white hat guy. look at the picture where his profile is shown. very white person.

Well, if these are the guys, they look a bit young to be the home grown right wing extremists that everyone is talking about. I do not think this crime was carried out by Al Q but I have to confess that the guys (despite looking 'white' as some posters comment) do resemble men from the west of the middle east. They could easily be US citizens but do resemble 2nd generation from Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Syria or Egypt. Only my opinion of course, but I look forward to details unraveling.

because someone is younger and look like 2nd generation from Israel or Egypt to you doesn't have to be a Islamic terrorists.

why does age or the shape of a nose play any role here to substantiate wild guesses?

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Just before 1:00am Eastern, Boston police scanner traffic broadcast the names of the Watertown/MIT shooting/Boston Marathon bombing suspects: Mike Mulugeta (dead) and Sunil Tripathi. Tripathi’s name and photo had been floating around the Internet all day, as Reddit and other social media sleuths mused whether the missing Brown University student could be a suspect.

*Sunil of Indian heritage is said to be the son of a wealthy software magnate. (don't jump on me just reporting what is said)

Edited by keemapoot
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OK, the FBI has suspect pictures, two people actually:


Of the three top "theories" I think superficially these people point a bit more to Islamic terror rather than angry white men domestic anti-government terrorists and certainly if it's them. the crazy lone wolf theory is out.

They look ethnically ambiguous but could be (but nowhere near definitely) Middle Eastern and they are YOUNGER men. Younger men points more to Islamic terrorists vs. domestic right wing terrorists would be more likely to be OLDER angry white men.

The FBI won't touch the ethnic profiling thing and has offered no guess about their nationality/ethnicity, but realistically I'm sure lots of the public are thinking about that part of it.

If they are foreigners it seems a good chance they already fled the U.S.. Of course if they're really sophisticated they entered and exited illegally.

My understanding is that they have evidence of one of these suspects placing the backpack-bomb and as far as the other one evidence can link him to the blown up backpack. Also they have evidence they were communicating and working as team.

look like white people to me.

specially that white hat guy. look at the picture where his profile is shown. very white person.

Well, if these are the guys, they look a bit young to be the home grown right wing extremists that everyone is talking about. I do not think this crime was carried out by Al Q but I have to confess that the guys (despite looking 'white' as some posters comment) do resemble men from the west of the middle east. They could easily be US citizens but do resemble 2nd generation from Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Syria or Egypt. Only my opinion of course, but I look forward to details unraveling.

because someone is younger and look like 2nd generation from Israel or Egypt to you doesn't have to be a Islamic terrorists.

why does age or the shape of a nose play any role here to substantiate wild guesses?

Can you highlight in the text you have quoted from me where I mention that the young men are islamic terrorists? Why do you twist words to make something out of nothing?

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why does age or the shape of a nose play any role here to substantiate wild guesses?

Islamic terrorists are generally younger people and in cases of foreign terrorism in the U.S., Islamic radicals would obviously be the most likely type based on recent history. Now it seems we know they were foreigners so this wasn't domestic motivated terrorism. Yeah, I bet this was Islamic related at this point but obviously don't know that for sure yet. Your nose comment is just silly. That isn't the point.

Edited by Jingthing
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Just before 1:00am Eastern, Boston police scanner traffic broadcast the names of the Watertown/MIT shooting/Boston Marathon bombing suspects: Mike Mulugeta (dead) and Sunil Tripathi. Tripathi’s name and photo had been floating around the Internet all day, as Reddit and other social media sleuths mused whether the missing Brown University student could be a suspect.

*Sunil of Indian heritage is said to be the son of a wealthy software magnate. (don't jump on me just reporting what is said)

This is going to get interesting. Tripathi is indeed an Indian surname. I wonder what the possible motive is for this crime?

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Just before 1:00am Eastern, Boston police scanner traffic broadcast the names of the Watertown/MIT shooting/Boston Marathon bombing suspects: Mike Mulugeta (dead) and Sunil Tripathi. Tripathi’s name and photo had been floating around the Internet all day, as Reddit and other social media sleuths mused whether the missing Brown University student could be a suspect.

*Sunil of Indian heritage is said to be the son of a wealthy software magnate. (don't jump on me just reporting what is said)

Internet search says he ran his own company in Pennsylvania. Went missing mid March

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Just before 1:00am Eastern, Boston police scanner traffic broadcast the names of the Watertown/MIT shooting/Boston Marathon bombing suspects: Mike Mulugeta (dead) and Sunil Tripathi. Tripathi’s name and photo had been floating around the Internet all day, as Reddit and other social media sleuths mused whether the missing Brown University student could be a suspect.

*Sunil of Indian heritage is said to be the son of a wealthy software magnate. (don't jump on me just reporting what is said)

This is going to get interesting. Tripathi is indeed an Indian surname. I wonder what the possible motive is for this crime?

India is an ethnically diverse country. coffee1.gif

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And this:


my $0.02 as someone at brown who has met sunil and been following his case:

i am awful with faces so i don't feel i have any particular insight re the resemblance. but i agree w/ others in this thread that the suspect's nose and chin seem really different from his. the more pixelated photos could go either way, but this higher-res photo doesn't look like him at all to me.

as for his personality, i certainly don't know him well, but i've always had an impression of him as very thoughtful. can't really think of a better word for it. it's a particular kind of intelligence that is quiet, curious, and analytical. and no, i've never felt anything "off" about him--that's the first thing i would ask someone else in my position.

however, this uncomfortable possibility has been turning around in my head since monday. my perspective is influenced by the case of a high school kid from my hometown who was convicted of conspiracy to murder in the name of islam. he was a super bright kid who not only excelled in the sciences but had won awards for his writing. he'd been accepted to johns hopkins on a full scholarship. somehow he got enticed online by the jihadist movement and participated in a plot to kill the swedish cartoonist who had depicted mohammed. it doesn't seem so crazy to me that someone who is somehow maladjusted (even if they don't appear so on the outside!), highly intelligent, and most importantly young could find himself attracted to such extremism (whether related to islam or something completely different).

i spent a lot of time earlier today looking at the facebook page dedicated to sunil. it was absolutely moving, overflowing w/ love from his friends and family. but one thing did strike me, and i'll admit that i was reading it w/ this possibility in mind, so take this w/ a grain of salt: the way his loved ones were pleading for him to come back made me think, "it seems like they know something we don't." part of it may have been the fact that they were holding out such strong hope for his return--but god, we all should. it was more about the tone of preemptive forgiveness, how they stressed their unconditional love. i'm not implying his family knew he was involved in any sort of plot--my impression was that the contents of the "vague note" he left behind must have had some strong element of apology, some implication of "i've done something horrible" or "i'm going to do something horrible." and perhaps the implication that he was not going to kill himself.

another thing worth mentioning is an observation my dad had: that he disappeared the day before st. patrick's day, which also would have been a good (is "good" the right word?) opportunity to hurt a bunch of people at once (especially in boston). it could be that something similar was planned for that day and aborted.

despite the fact that i've been considering this possibility w/ some level of seriousness, i burst into tears when i saw this thread. i do not believe that suspect #2 is sunil and of course i hope that it is not. but if it is, my first reaction is not condemnation but the continuing hope that he and his family are ok and will be ok...

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Just before 1:00am Eastern, Boston police scanner traffic broadcast the names of the Watertown/MIT shooting/Boston Marathon bombing suspects: Mike Mulugeta (dead) and Sunil Tripathi. Tripathi’s name and photo had been floating around the Internet all day, as Reddit and other social media sleuths mused whether the missing Brown University student could be a suspect.

*Sunil of Indian heritage is said to be the son of a wealthy software magnate. (don't jump on me just reporting what is said)

This is going to get interesting. Tripathi is indeed an Indian surname. I wonder what the possible motive is for this crime?

India is an ethnically diverse country. coffee1.gif

His name is definitely not Islamic, he has a Hindu name.

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Just before 1:00am Eastern, Boston police scanner traffic broadcast the names of the Watertown/MIT shooting/Boston Marathon bombing suspects: Mike Mulugeta (dead) and Sunil Tripathi. Tripathi’s name and photo had been floating around the Internet all day, as Reddit and other social media sleuths mused whether the missing Brown University student could be a suspect.

*Sunil of Indian heritage is said to be the son of a wealthy software magnate. (don't jump on me just reporting what is said)

If true, this is really going to ruin Chris Matthews' day.

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Just before 1:00am Eastern, Boston police scanner traffic broadcast the names of the Watertown/MIT shooting/Boston Marathon bombing suspects: Mike Mulugeta (dead) and Sunil Tripathi. Tripathi’s name and photo had been floating around the Internet all day, as Reddit and other social media sleuths mused whether the missing Brown University student could be a suspect.

*Sunil of Indian heritage is said to be the son of a wealthy software magnate. (don't jump on me just reporting what is said)

This is going to get interesting. Tripathi is indeed an Indian surname. I wonder what the possible motive is for this crime?

India is an ethnically diverse country. coffee1.gif

His name is definitely not Islamic, he has a Hindu name.

In any case it surely would be interesting to know the political motivation of these terrorists. I am not at all convinced those Indians are the people. Reddit has been REALLY WRONG for the most part on this case. Remember the early backpackers they fingered? Totally wrong.

Edited by Jingthing
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OK, the FBI has suspect pictures, two people actually:


Of the three top "theories" I think superficially these people point a bit more to Islamic terror rather than angry white men domestic anti-government terrorists and certainly if it's them. the crazy lone wolf theory is out.

They look ethnically ambiguous but could be (but nowhere near definitely) Middle Eastern and they are YOUNGER men. Younger men points more to Islamic terrorists vs. domestic right wing terrorists would be more likely to be OLDER angry white men.

The FBI won't touch the ethnic profiling thing and has offered no guess about their nationality/ethnicity, but realistically I'm sure lots of the public are thinking about that part of it.

If they are foreigners it seems a good chance they already fled the U.S.. Of course if they're really sophisticated they entered and exited illegally.

My understanding is that they have evidence of one of these suspects placing the backpack-bomb and as far as the other one evidence can link him to the blown up backpack. Also they have evidence they were communicating and working as team.

look like white people to me.

specially that white hat guy. look at the picture where his profile is shown. very white person.

Well, if these are the guys, they look a bit young to be the home grown right wing extremists that everyone is talking about. I do not think this crime was carried out by Al Q but I have to confess that the guys (despite looking 'white' as some posters comment) do resemble men from the west of the middle east. They could easily be US citizens but do resemble 2nd generation from Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Syria or Egypt. Only my opinion of course, but I look forward to details unraveling.

Ideology does not need to have a colour, or race for that matter. AQ is just a brand name for an ideology.

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Ideology does not need to have a colour, or race for that matter. AQ is just a brand name for an ideology.

That is true. Such terrorists can be blond haired and blue eyed and such people would be prime recruits for the terrorists.

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Leading news organisations are publishing highly conflicting information, no doubt highly prematurely. CNN up there with the worst in recent days.


The live updates on reddit, and the wild speculations of posters on blogs all over the internet, especially those from posters clearly pushing ideological or political agendas - every bit as unreliable. Anyone sprouting info here as absolute fact needs to grow up.

Edited by guava
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Is the story of being in country only ONE YEAR consistent with the Mike Mulugeta story? Facebook for Mike Mulugeta certainly doesn't look like black hat man.

I'm finding several, and neither of them fit the description.

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Is the story of being in country only ONE YEAR consistent with the Mike Mulugeta story? Facebook for Mike Mulugeta certainly doesn't look like black hat man.

I'm finding several, and neither of them fit the description.

Yes me too. That's what I meant. Doesn't prove anything as he might not have been on FB but in general I see no reason to believe a link to Mr. Mulegeta or any Indian nationals at this point. It's interesting they have announced they are foreigners but won't mention the country. What's up with that?

Imagine what's going on in Watertown now. Probably the live suspect is holed up in a house and taken some people hostage or already killed them. It's interesting that when they carjacked the SUV that they didn't kill the driver. One for the psychologists, I reckon.

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Is the story of being in country only ONE YEAR consistent with the Mike Mulugeta story? Facebook for Mike Mulugeta certainly doesn't look like black hat man.

Googling the surname, 46% are from the USA, the rest Germany, Sweden, and Ethiopia.

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“The fact that Sunil Tripathi’s information was able to be dug up so quickly by 4Chan’s community and posted hours before the police even managed to engage Sunil in Watertown shows the lightning fast capabilities of alternative news and the internet at large,” writes Anthony Gucciardi. “This is why the mainstream media is failing to hold an audience and experiencing dwindling statistics while alternative news sources that capture the pulse of ongoing investigation manage to come out on top.”

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Is the story of being in country only ONE YEAR consistent with the Mike Mulugeta story? Facebook for Mike Mulugeta certainly doesn't look like black hat man.

I'm finding several, and neither of them fit the description.

Yes me too. That's what I meant. Doesn't prove anything as he might not have been on FB but in general I see no reason to believe a link to Mr. Mulegeta or any Indian nationals at this point. It's interesting they have announced they are foreigners but won't mention the country. What's up with that?

Imagine what's going on in Watertown now. Probably the live suspect is holed up in a house and taken some people hostage or already killed them. It's interesting that when they carjacked the SUV that they didn't kill the driver. One for the psychologists, I reckon.

I think for Homeland security, the easiest option would have been a homegrown terrorist group such as the right wing extremist, something I believe much more difficult to detect than 'outsiders' (due mainly to the incredible amount of resources targeted on external terrorist groups). If it transpires that this is a 'foreign' group I believe it becomes a lot more problematic for the security services, in that somebody should have picked this plot up.

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Just before 1:00am Eastern, Boston police scanner traffic broadcast the names of the Watertown/MIT shooting/Boston Marathon bombing suspects: Mike Mulugeta (dead) and Sunil Tripathi. Tripathi’s name and photo had been floating around the Internet all day, as Reddit and other social media sleuths mused whether the missing Brown University student could be a suspect.

*Sunil of Indian heritage is said to be the son of a wealthy software magnate. (don't jump on me just reporting what is said)

This is going to get interesting. Tripathi is indeed an Indian surname. I wonder what the possible motive is for this crime?

India is an ethnically diverse country. coffee1.gif

but Tripathi is American.

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Listening to the police scanner, they may be closing in in him.

A guy on a road trying to flag down random cars reported. Another open door report at a house and some strange noises in a guys garage.

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