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Twin Bomb Explosions Shatter Boston Marathon Finish Line


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MSNBC also reporting the Boston Globe news about an actual Marathon (suspect 2) suspect captured at Watertown. They don't have that info themselves. So far it seems only the Boston Globe source is saying that. Fox News reporting FBI sources saying they can't confirm any connection as yet. Interesting if the local source is going to be right or not.

Now reports the captured suspect had been shot.

In any case, I used to live in Boston and saw my share of street violence and police actions. What's happening in Watertown isn't everyday stuff, putting it mildly. It would be a surprising coincidence if this isn't related. It's also surprising if they are the suspects that they didn't run from Boston before. I guess they were naive about all the cameras there.

Edited by Jingthing
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If two suspects are wanted bang goes the loan wolf scenario. One person acting alone can be insane, two or more acting together, much more likely a shared ideology. We could be looking at a new group, in theory, but best to use the FBI list of known terrorist organizations I would have thought.

Again this idea that we should narrow thing down to preconceived ideas based on what has happened previously ; in response I will again say that its best to follow the evidence - not "best to use the FBI list of known terrorist organizations".

Fortunately the pros know that. Even during the not long ago period when we had powerful forces manipulating and coercing intelligence assets to reach specific conclusions, they knew that it was about trying to match evidence to perpetrators, not match perpetrators to evidence.

What percentage of terror attacks come from a completely new group? Would you care to hazard a guess? I did write that we could be looking at a new group and this can't be entirely ruled out, but with limited resources you have to prioritize their use, to do otherwise is more than less likely to allow the perpetrators to evade capture.

Here is a list of known terrorist groups, for anyone interested in playing spot the right wing group. whistling.gif


Edited by Steely Dan
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If two suspects are wanted bang goes the loan wolf scenario. One person acting alone can be insane, two or more acting together, much more likely a shared ideology. We could be looking at a new group, in theory, but best to use the FBI list of known terrorist organizations I would have thought.

Again this idea that we should narrow thing down to preconceived ideas based on what has happened previously ; in response I will again say that its best to follow the evidence - not "best to use the FBI list of known terrorist organizations".

Fortunately the pros know that. Even during the not long ago period when we had powerful forces manipulating and coercing intelligence assets to reach specific conclusions, they knew that it was about trying to match evidence to perpetrators, not match perpetrators to evidence.

What percentage of terror attacks come from a completely new group? Would you care to hazard a guess? I did write that we could be looking at a new group and this can't be entirely ruled out, but with limited resources you have to prioritize their use, to do otherwise is more than less likely to allow the perpetrators to evade capture.

You don't get it. EVERY group had a first time.

You follow evidence. You don't try to come to a conclusion first and then prove it. OBVIOUSLY you rule out what you can. But you don't rule something out or give it inadequate attention just because it never happened before.

Your comment also implicitly indicates an (admittedly not uncommon) misconception of what al Qaeda is who has actually done various operations in the past; in the sense that a group of people only very loosely with al Q (and often only in name and/or after the fact) are and have been a threat. al Qaeda is not a single unified and linear organization with absolute control over all that goes on under it's umbrella...so this talk of new groups is pointless.

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A better picture of White Cap Guy... attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1366353358.584366.jpg Note the seeming difference between his body language and facial expression from those around him... attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1366353375.946906.jpg

As noted on the news, this picture is of him leaving the scene, and tellingly, he no longer has his backpack.

Yep, seems we have one. thumbsup.gif

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. But these terrorists do change things for everyone.

Which, as I'm sure you know, is a key component of the strategic goal; no doubt there is a malicious and self-righteous desire to do harm and some satisfaction in that result but ultimately using terrorist tactics is about far more than inflicting casualties.

Edited by SteeleJoe
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OK, the FBI has suspect pictures, two people actually:


Of the three top "theories" I think superficially these people point a bit more to Islamic terror rather than angry white men domestic anti-government terrorists and certainly if it's them. the crazy lone wolf theory is out.

They look ethnically ambiguous but could be (but nowhere near definitely) Middle Eastern and they are YOUNGER men. Younger men points more to Islamic terrorists vs. domestic right wing terrorists would be more likely to be OLDER angry white men.

The FBI won't touch the ethnic profiling thing and has offered no guess about their nationality/ethnicity, but realistically I'm sure lots of the public are thinking about that part of it.

If they are foreigners it seems a good chance they already fled the U.S.. Of course if they're really sophisticated they entered and exited illegally.

My understanding is that they have evidence of one of these suspects placing the backpack-bomb and as far as the other one evidence can link him to the blown up backpack. Also they have evidence they were communicating and working as team.

look like white people to me.

specially that white hat guy. look at the picture where his profile is shown. very white person.

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White hat is the missing Ivey League student from Brown Uni.

He is currently trapped and on foot.

The other suspect, unknown is dead.

Police appear to be waiting for sunlight to finish off white hat.

Turns out that it was nothing to do with Al Queda or international terrorism and was another home grown crazy maniac.

I bet this dude really really liked the TV show Homeland.

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Amazing how CNN is totally clueless and hours behind the internet and reddit even figured out it was the missing Brown student a day ago.

CNN is a total basket case and embarrassment to America. Something drastic needs to be done.

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One lucky man, he was sat at his computer, heard gunshot and hid in his closet. There is an hole in his wall and chair where the bullet passed through. The bullet ended up om the floor by his bead.

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The naked guy that CNN has shown being arrested 500,000,000 times was just a bystander and has been released yet CNN thought it looks juicy so keep rolling it over and over.

Police conducting a door to door search now. Boston police commissioner has tweeted 1 white, and armed suspect still at large. It's the white hat one.

Edited by Mosha
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The naked guy that CNN has shown being arrested 500,000,000 times was just a bystander and has been released yet CNN thought it looks juicy so keep rolling it over and over.

Thanks for this info. I was wondering why would the suspect number 1 be dead after the arrest. I would think that there is multiple authorities who wish to get information before the death sentence.

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Police: Suspect shot dead, second at large

Photo : EPA

Washington - US police said on Friday they had shot dead oneof the suspects in this week's Boston Marathon bombings and that theywere conducting a door-to-door search for the second suspect.

The FBI released photos and videosThursday of two suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing after combingthrough thousands of pieces of information related to the terroristattack that killed three and wounded 176 others near the finish line.

US President Barack Obama told the people of Boston earlierThursday that the bombing at the city’s iconic marathon would notbeat them and vowed "we will finish the race." "Even when our heart aches, we summon the strength that maybe wedidn’t even know we had, and we carry on; we finish the race," hesaid at an interfaith memorial service at the city’s Cathedral of theHoly Cross.

Images of two young men dressed in dark clothes and wearingbaseball caps show them carrying backpacks that could have containedthe bombs. The FBI made the announcement to seek help from the publicin identifying the men.

One of the men could be seen leaving a backpack at the site of oneof the two blasts, chief investigator Richard DesLauriers said in apress conference.

The men were considered "armed and extremely dangerous,"DesLauriers said, warning anyone with information to call the policeand "not take any action on your own." "Somebody out there knows these individuals as friends,neighbours, co-workers or family members of the suspects," he said."Though it may be difficult, the nation is counting on those withinformation to come forward and provide it to us." The FBI did not specify what ethnicity the men might be, but theyappeared to have light skin and dark hair. It was collecting tips atthe phone number 1-800-CALL-FBI or online atbostonmarthontips.fbi.gov.

The photos are posted at the FBI website. Dozens of victimsexperienced injuries so serious that their legs had to be amputated,including a 6-year-old girl whose 8-year-old brother was killed.

Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano had warned earlierthat it would take time to solve the crime.

"The investigation is proceeding apace," she said, but noted itwould not be as easy to solve as a television crime drama. "This isnot an NCIS episode." Obama recalled the history of the city in the founding of the USand his own years as a law student at nearby Harvard University,describing the attack as "personal." "Your resolve is the greatest rebuke to whoever committed thisheinous act," Obama said. "If they sought to intimidate us, toterrorize us, to shake us ... it should be pretty clear by now thatthey picked the wrong city to do it." Speaking directly to hospitalized victims from a memorial service,Obama vowed, "We will all be with you as you learn to stand and walkand even run again." "I have no doubt you will run again. You will run again." He promised justice for the still unknown perpetrators of theattack that killed three and wounded 176 when two bombs exploded atthe race’s finish line on Monday.

"Yes, we will find you and you will face justice," Obama pledged.

He met prior to the service with the family of Krystle Campbell,one of the three killed in the attack. Obama and First Lady MichelleObama visited victims in several hospitals after the service.

Obama has been continually briefed on the investigation into thetwo bombs at Monday’s race, the White House said.

The service brought together Christian, Jewish and Muslim faithleaders, who offered words of comfort from their scriptures.

"Bless this broken city as she finds her balance, dusts herselfoff and tilts her head back to the sky," prayed the Reverend LizWalker of Roxbury Presbyterian Church.

Catholic Cardinal Sean O’Malley vowed, "love is stronger thandeath." Political officials, including former Massachusetts governor andpresidential candidate Mitt Romney, were among the thousands packedinto the cathedral, along with first responders and families of thevictims.

Boston Mayor Thomas Menino praised his city Thursday for itsresilience.

"We are one Boston. No adversity, no challenge - nothing can teardown the resilience in the heart of the city and its people," hesaid.

He pointed to brave actions by emergency workers and ordinarycitizens who helped the injured and the outpouring of love in thedays since Monday’s bombings at the Boston Marathon.

"This was the compassion of the city at work," he said

-- The Nation 2013-04-19

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Amazing how CNN is totally clueless and hours behind the internet and reddit even figured out it was the missing Brown student a day ago.

CNN is a total basket case and embarrassment to America. Something drastic needs to be done.

CNN Tel Aviv Nevo's channel should be doing better...

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The naked guy that CNN has shown being arrested 500,000,000 times was just a bystander and has been released yet CNN thought it looks juicy so keep rolling it over and over.

Thanks for this info. I was wondering why would the suspect number 1 be dead after the arrest. I would think that there is multiple authorities who wish to get information before the death sentence.

The naked guy that CNN has shown being arrested 500,000,000 times was just a bystander and has been released yet CNN thought it looks juicy so keep rolling it over and over.

Thanks for this info. I was wondering why would the suspect number 1 be dead after the arrest. I would think that there is multiple authorities who wish to get information before the death sentence.

Police say he had an explosive device strapped to his chest. These guys have no intention of being taken alive.

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One Boston bombing suspect dead, another at large, police say Police say suspect No. 1, with black cap, was

killed in exchange of fire with police, while suspect No. 2, with white

cap, is still at large.

One suspect in the Boston bombings has been killed and another is still at large, police said Friday.

Police said the suspect still at large was a "white capped" individual According to police, the suspects discharged several explosives at police from a

vehicle during a pursuit. Fox News reported that this indicated that the individuals were heavily armed.


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OK, the FBI has suspect pictures, two people actually:


Of the three top "theories" I think superficially these people point a bit more to Islamic terror rather than angry white men domestic anti-government terrorists and certainly if it's them. the crazy lone wolf theory is out.

They look ethnically ambiguous but could be (but nowhere near definitely) Middle Eastern and they are YOUNGER men. Younger men points more to Islamic terrorists vs. domestic right wing terrorists would be more likely to be OLDER angry white men.

The FBI won't touch the ethnic profiling thing and has offered no guess about their nationality/ethnicity, but realistically I'm sure lots of the public are thinking about that part of it.

If they are foreigners it seems a good chance they already fled the U.S.. Of course if they're really sophisticated they entered and exited illegally.

My understanding is that they have evidence of one of these suspects placing the backpack-bomb and as far as the other one evidence can link him to the blown up backpack. Also they have evidence they were communicating and working as team.

look like white people to me.

specially that white hat guy. look at the picture where his profile is shown. very white person.

Well, if these are the guys, they look a bit young to be the home grown right wing extremists that everyone is talking about. I do not think this crime was carried out by Al Q but I have to confess that the guys (despite looking 'white' as some posters comment) do resemble men from the west of the middle east. They could easily be US citizens but do resemble 2nd generation from Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Syria or Egypt. Only my opinion of course, but I look forward to details unraveling.

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OK, the FBI has suspect pictures, two people actually:


Of the three top "theories" I think superficially these people point a bit more to Islamic terror rather than angry white men domestic anti-government terrorists and certainly if it's them. the crazy lone wolf theory is out.

They look ethnically ambiguous but could be (but nowhere near definitely) Middle Eastern and they are YOUNGER men. Younger men points more to Islamic terrorists vs. domestic right wing terrorists would be more likely to be OLDER angry white men.

The FBI won't touch the ethnic profiling thing and has offered no guess about their nationality/ethnicity, but realistically I'm sure lots of the public are thinking about that part of it.

If they are foreigners it seems a good chance they already fled the U.S.. Of course if they're really sophisticated they entered and exited illegally.

My understanding is that they have evidence of one of these suspects placing the backpack-bomb and as far as the other one evidence can link him to the blown up backpack. Also they have evidence they were communicating and working as team.

look like white people to me.

specially that white hat guy. look at the picture where his profile is shown. very white person.

Well, if these are the guys, they look a bit young to be the home grown right wing extremists that everyone is talking about. I do not think this crime was carried out by Al Q but I have to confess that the guys (despite looking 'white' as some posters comment) do resemble men from the west of the middle east. They could easily be US citizens but do resemble 2nd generation from Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Syria or Egypt. Only my opinion of course, but I look forward to details unraveling.

Police are describing them as caucasian White cap man has long wavy brown hair.

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