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Twin Bomb Explosions Shatter Boston Marathon Finish Line


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Here is an article examining the reaction of some of the Liberal-left to the Boston Bombings. At least some find such behaviour impossible to stomach any more and are starting to break ranks. Too early to say, but Boston could mark a turning point in the way terrorism is regarded.


Fighting the mental affliction the terminal puerility of the OHehirs may be even harder than fighting jihad itself. How do you repair a culture in which mature moral judgment and adult civic responsibility have systematically been replaced by childish, self-aggrandizing displays of sensitivity? How do you install a moral compass in a fully grown adult?

Hopefully, you don't know much about Horawitz to cite something from his web site as reliable.

RE: post about bringing mom here

Why. I don't want US to spend another dime on this nut bag family. We don't need mother and, as I said before, Russia will be dealing with them in ways US does not and can not. I know Russia MO a bit from being married to one and spending time there. They are patient. They will wait until media storm is somewhat over and mom and dad will disappear never to be heard from again. If their is information to get, they will get it. They have their own security issues. Russians just won't act while mom is in the spotlight.


My bro works with and works in counter terrorism for airlines and large shipping companies. Why does anyone truly believe the media has any clue what the FBI knows.

We all keep citing media reports which are rank speculation and based on tiny bits of partial information leaked, but the FBI is not going to leak what they know any time soon, if ever.

So to speculate what FBI knows or does not know in long pontificating flowery posts might be good for entertainment value, but has very little to do with truth or reality.

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Explosives normally have to be set off by a shock wave from a small concussive blast... a.k.a. blasting cap. The speculation about whether it was a hobby car remote control device, or something like a garage door opener, a cell phone or by a timer is really a discussion about what the signaling devices were.

The remote signaling device would open or close a switch which in turn would allow electricity to flow from a battery to an electric blasting cap (or similar shock wave producing device). Since it is reported that the explosives were from large fireworks - probably commercial grade fireworks suitable for large fireworks shows, perhaps there is a item of commercial fireworks that has an electric blasting cap built in? This would resolve the problem that electric blasting caps are not available to the general public. Or perhaps actual blasting caps were stolen from some excavation or pit mining site.

Bottom line it takes more that a signal - triggering device to set off a bomb... a signal / trigger activates a switch ... electricity and a blasting cap sets off the bomb..

It is highly improbable that the bombs were initiated by a non electric blasting cap that has a fuse lite by a fire ignition source.

There is some remote possibility that arching electricity across two wires would set off a black powder device contained in the closed pressure cooker... But I would have to research that... This would be similar to the old black powder flintrock rifles used before consussive caps came along (caplock).

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WASHINGTON — Investigators said the two Boston Marathon bombs were triggered by long-range remote controls for toy cars — a more sophisticated design than originally believed — bolstering a theory that the older suspect received bomb-making guidance on his six-month trip to Russia last year.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who died in a shootout with police last week, "more than likely got some instruction in Dagestan," a federal law enforcement official said Wednesday. http://articles.latimes.com/2013/apr/24/nation/la-na-boston-fbi-bomber-20130425

I continue to find it hard to believe that the parents over in Chechnya never heard or suspected a thing while Tamerlan was there or during the year-plus after he'd returned to the U.S.. Given the mother's radical Islamic views also held by the son, I find it very hard to think she herself never thought or sensed, or never heard of the son's apparent terrorist training activities while visiting over there.

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There is some remote possibility that arching electricity across two wires would set off a black powder device contained in the closed pressure cooker... But I would have to research that... This would be similar to the old black powder flintrock rifles used before consussive caps came along (caplock).

Gun powder, especially flash powder as in fireworks, can be set off very easily with a spark or heat source. Simple way is just remove the filament from a light bulb, such as in a flashlight, and supply a voltage source to it.

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There is some remote possibility that arching electricity across two wires would set off a black powder device contained in the closed pressure cooker... But I would have to research that... This would be similar to the old black powder flintrock rifles used before consussive caps came along (caplock).

Gun powder, especially flash powder as in fireworks, can be set off very easily with a spark or heat source. Simple way is just remove the filament from a light bulb, such as in a flashlight, and supply a voltage source to it.
Kind of like the battery we saw attached to the wire at the bomb scene. I don't think any of this stuff takes an engineering degree to make.

Edit! Unlike operating a stupid iPhone which apparently does. Sorry for the double post . . .

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There is some remote possibility that arching electricity across two wires would set off a black powder device contained in the closed pressure cooker... But I would have to research that... This would be similar to the old black powder flintrock rifles used before consussive caps came along (caplock).

Gun powder, especially flash powder as in fireworks, can be set off very easily with a spark or heat source. Simple way is just remove the filament from a light bulb, such as in a flashlight, and supply a voltage source to it.

Thanks Tywais - Then that answers more that just the obvious question. Because the bomb could be simply detonated this would suggest the posibility of a home grown device patterened after information from Jahadi websites... rather that having to have lots of assistance from a more highly trained terrorist or being supplied hard to get electric blasting caps.

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Were there not reports of unexploded devices. This could certainly be a sign of the lack of sophistication and complexity. Nevertheless, that does not preclude or confirm the possibility of anything as it relates to outside influence, instruction, acting alone or acting with help.

Logic is if you are going to commit a terrorist act, you probably are not going to buy blasting caps, C4 or other stuff that government monitors, especially if the FBI has already spoken to you at least once. Perhaps making bomb from McGiver like materials could show deep ties. Perhaps not.

Edited by F430murci
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There is some remote possibility that arching electricity across two wires would set off a black powder device contained in the closed pressure cooker... But I would have to research that... This would be similar to the old black powder flintrock rifles used before consussive caps came along (caplock).

Gun powder, especially flash powder as in fireworks, can be set off very easily with a spark or heat source. Simple way is just remove the filament from a light bulb, such as in a flashlight, and supply a voltage source to it.

Exactly. Black powder as in fireworks or muzzle loading firearms is set of by a simple fuse like a firecracker, or by even steel striking flint as in a flint lock gun. Just supply the spark, get the powder burning and encased in something, even wound paper like a firecracker so that pressure can build, and you have an explosion.

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Were there not reports of unexploded devices. This could certainly be a sign of the lack of sophistication and complexity. Nevertheless, that does not preclude or confirm the possibility of anything as it relates to outside influence, instruction, acting alone or acting with help.

Yes ... you are correct - nothing can be precluded or ruled out based on the information available ... thus the reason I used the word 'suggest'. I have read contradictory reports on unexploded devices... I think the police did find a spare bomb at one of the perp's apartment. But all in all, I would think that such a home made detonator using an exposed light bulb filament would be very unreliable ... the filament could break off in handling and transporting.

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I continue to find it hard to believe that the parents over in Chechnya never heard or suspected a thing while Tamerlan was there or during the year-plus after he'd returned to the U.S.. Given the mother's radical Islamic views also held by the son, I find it very hard to think she herself never thought or sensed, or never heard of the son's apparent terrorist training activities while visiting over there.

I also,

but Nice Call, Nice Timing!

WASHINGTON (AP) — Russian authorities secretly recorded a telephone conversation in 2011 in which one of the Boston bombing suspects vaguely discussed jihad with his mother, officials said Saturday, days after the U.S. government finally received details about the call.....

apnewsbreak-russia-wiretap - ratbastard and mom

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AP ... U.S. Senator says that there has been a Third Suspect partially identified...


It would appear these loan wolves hunt in packs. From your link, if the third suspect is indeed a Muslim convert I guess we should ask how he was traumatized by growing up in a warzone, or felt marginalized and excluded from society. Perhaps he came from Detroit.

Sen. Lindsey Graham said on Thursday that a third man is being sought as s possible suspect in last week’s Boston Marathon terror bombings — a Muslim convert who may have had ties to the 26-year old man who was killed in gun battle with police on Friday.

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AP ... U.S. Senator says that there has been a Third Suspect partially identified...


Sources in the FBI, speaking publically but not for attribution, say the FBI has identified Misha and are looking for him. The sources said Misha is no longer in Cambridge MA where he had been staying and where the MIT police officer was shot dead, that his whereabouts were unknown. The source said the FBI has no evidence yet Misha was involved in the Marathon bombings, but considers Misha may have created a small network of Tamerlans.

The following link reports FBI discussions with the Russian FSB - the former KGB Putin knows so well - trying to get more information from Moscow about Tamerlan and his mother. The mother already was in the FBI terrorism database. Russian authorities have now revealed they intercepted a phone call between the mother and son in which Tamerlan said he wanted to go to Palestine except he didn't know the language.

By then the FBI had reopened the case of Tamerlan and had been seeking more specific information from the Russians about the mother and son.

The FBI legal attaché in Moscow at the time said the FSB was hot and cold in their cooperation with U.S. authorities concerning the pair because Putin wanted more U.S. sympathy for the Russian campaign against the Chechins (heavy artillery bombarding the capital, Grozny, and other areas of Chechnya, which is the same advice Putin six months ago gave to Assad in Syria as the supposed effective alternative to his using chemical weapons).

The legal attaché said it is now clear the Russians knew more than they had been communicating to U.S. authorities.


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AP ... U.S. Senator says that there has been a Third Suspect partially identified...


The plot thickens. I guessed earlier they didn't act alone. I also reminded that whoever was involved will be ID'd and tracked to the ends of the earth no matter how long it takes, a la Bin Laden.

It may just be in the early stages.

Thanks for the link.

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AP ... U.S. Senator says that there has been a Third Suspect partially identified...


The plot thickens. I guessed earlier they didn't act alone. I also reminded that whoever was involved will be ID'd and tracked to the ends of the earth no matter how long it takes, a la Bin Laden.

It may just be in the early stages.

Thanks for the link.

Yes, I think a lot of us too had that instinctive sense from the outset. The brothers were not readily suicidal so they didn't just start fiddling around with bomb making materials and bombs. Robert Oppenheimer they ain't, so yes they made improvised bombs and learned how to make and handle small but destructive bombs. That's not easily done online at the internet alone. As yours and many previous posts make clear, making bombs requires a careful and deliberate hands-on apprenticeship, not simply following an instruction diagram online. Making IUDs as the brothers did requires an inventiveness I would not credit to them alone.

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AP ... U.S. Senator says that there has been a Third Suspect partially identified...


It would appear these loan wolves hunt in packs. From your link, if the third suspect is indeed a Muslim convert I guess we should ask how he was traumatized by growing up in a warzone, or felt marginalized and excluded from society. Perhaps he came from Detroit.

>Sen. Lindsey Graham said on Thursday that a third man is being sought as s possible suspect in last week’s Boston Marathon terror bombings — a Muslim convert who may have had ties to the 26-year old man who was killed in gun battle with police on Friday.

I really like your little quip here "It would appear these loan wolves hunt in packs" ... This should be Tweeted to every member of the obama Administrtion and the Justice Dept. / FBI... maybe then they could being to understand certain elements of common sense instead of poltical correctness.

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I just don't see sophistication requirement with these bombs. We get uneducated Afgans living is tents and uneducated back woods Montana Free Men making these things. Unfortunately, the level of sophistication is not there and anyone could do it. I imagine dude learned while on his sabbatical to Dagastan and etc. as looking this stuff up on net while under watch may be a bit too risky. The elbow pipe bomb and pressure cooker stuff is AQ MO, but is very basic and very easy to make. Sophistication is Ok City Tim McV stuff.

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Were there not reports of unexploded devices. This could certainly be a sign of the lack of sophistication and complexity. Nevertheless, that does not preclude or confirm the possibility of anything as it relates to outside influence, instruction, acting alone or acting with help.

Yes ... you are correct - nothing can be precluded or ruled out based on the information available ... thus the reason I used the word 'suggest'. I have read contradictory reports on unexploded devices... I think the police did find a spare bomb at one of the perp's apartment. But all in all, I would think that such a home made detonator using an exposed light bulb filament would be very unreliable ... the filament could break off in handling and transporting.

You don't have to expose the filament. Just use a flashlight bulb and some batteries coupled together. If the power is high enough it will ignite a spark that shatters the bulb and detonates the surrounding black powder.

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It would appear these loan wolves hunt in packs. From your link, if the third suspect is indeed a Muslim convert I guess we should ask how he was traumatized by growing up in a warzone, or felt marginalized and excluded from society. Perhaps he came from Detroit.

>Sen. Lindsey Graham said on Thursday that a third man is being sought as s possible suspect in last weeks Boston Marathon terror bombings a Muslim convert who may have had ties to the 26-year old man who was killed in gun battle with police on Friday.

I really like your little quip here "It would appear these loan wolves hunt in packs" ... This should be Tweeted to every member of the obama Administrtion and the Justice Dept. / FBI... maybe then they could being to understand certain elements of common sense instead of poltical correctness.

Why Obama bashing. This thing is like a week or two old and I doubt you have any inside information as to what Obama believes, what is doing and what he is directing behind the scenes.

I applaud him for not going on TV doing the Junior axis of evil and we will get those thugs speeches. That is a sign of weakness and a CYA that empowers the bad guys. They already know we are after them and keeping what we know silent and doing work behind the scenes is prudent investigative work that does not tip bad guys off to our every move.

Fact is we know very little about this ongoing investigation and that is the way it should be. We don't need some weak arse president worried about saving face plastering himself all over the media and telling everyone what we know, what we suspect and what we intended to do. We should get that at the end in the form of what we found out and what we have done when the situation is resolved.

You must mean like Obama did when he kept quiet on the Trayvon Martin death and the Henry Louis Gates caper?

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Chuckd, you wrote " You must mean like Obama did when he kept quiet on the Trayvon Martin death and the Henry Louis Gates caper?"

These were two very distinct issues. One relates to a social issue, associated with long held prejudices and perceptions and the other was a direct issue that related to terror. The two cases you cite arise from how Americans interact with others in a civil society and the Boston murders relate to people or groups seeking to cause direct physical damage. It is rather clearcut; The Gates and Martin cases can be put down to misunderstanding and ignorance, and even stupidity with no intent to specifically go out and hurt someone. The Boston murders were a planned act of violence.

Speaking out on issues of social injustice is required, whereas restraint on issues involving foreign inspired groups seeking to attack the population is necessitated. Yacking it up on terror for PR purposes can put intelligence operations at risk. I am one of those people that sympathized with the shooter in the Trayvon Martin case, and understood the police officer's mindset in the Prof. Gates misunderstanding. Yet, I understand why the POTUS spoke out on the issues that caused a serious split in the population. The President helped heal the wounds in speaking out on the issues and his intervention helped quell the anger that arose after the Prof Gates incident. Millions of Americans were arguing with fellow Americans on the subject. The US population with the exception of the usual nutters and conspiracy pushing wackjobs was united after the Boston event.

The President spoke out after the Boston attacks, but it was as comforter in chief and commander in chief of the USA. His role after the Martin & Gates incidents was primarily as comforter in chief to help people heal and to reconcile. The role after Boston was very different; In addition to comforting, he had to provide reassurance that decisive action would be taken against a real threat. He did that. The President's role after the Texas fertilizer plant deaths of 15 people and injuries of dozens was as comforter in chief. He did it well.

Surely, you can appreciate that each incident has different characteristics all of which require a leader to respond appropriately.

Edited by geriatrickid
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