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Big Crowds In Gold Shops Today....buying Or Selling?


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The point he's making - for sure in a very obnoxious manner, but that doesn't alter the validity of the point - is that the market for physical gold, where you actually walk away with the metal on your person, has been departing from the international "bankster" market based on paper (actually bits flying around computer networks) which in turn for normal people is based on nothing more than their faith in government central banks and the financial industry.

To refute that point, he's asking for someone to give him specific information on where it is possible to physically purchase international-standard gold bars, and although I'm sure that is possible in Bangkok, apparently no one has done so - Aurora is apparently a retail jewelry seller? I don't know I don't read Thai.

Apparently it is getting much harder to purchase physical gold with the same minimal difference as before between the spot (theoretical) price and the total required to actually take possession.

If it turns out that the Fed actually couldn't deliver Germany the gold it was holding for them because it's actually not in its vaults rather than some other unknown reason, this price difference will probably widen.

China and India aren't as likely to take at face value TPTB PR and their lapdog corporate media outlets as gullible farang sheeple.

I've located the site and confirmed it should be a very productive starting point - "Bangkok Assay Office" @ 13.72531,100.516244 - plug into Google maps.

Also found this interesting resource: http://www.goldbarsworldwide.com/PDF/NB_1_BarsFromThailand.pdf

As well as a several statements that wealthy Thais go to Hong Kong to purchase their 99.99% goal for wealth storage purposes.

Aren't that 999.9 gold bars on the last page of the pdf file you posted and doesn't it state clearly on the first page that 99.9 % goldbars are produced in Thailand ?

That link must be Bragco's worst nightmare. Allright I hear him coming already bragging that it isn't london registered gold, as if anyone would give a frig about that.

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there is no real advantage of .9999 over thai .965 besides that the norm outside thailand is .9999

Rephrased - you should only buy Thai gold if you know you're going to keep it in Thailand.

And regarding your comments about the moronic hordes of the orient - you really have that much confidence that our fearless occidental leaders will be able to keep the financial system intact and preserve the values of our currencies long-term?

In my view anyone keeping their wealth in assets denominated in UK/US/Euro currencies are the morons. . .

Even the Fed can't fight reality forever, typical 'merican hubris will bring down the whole global house of cards at some point if TPTB don't start getting the fundamentals right.

Another source to buy, not sure if up to Donnie's standards: http://www.ausirisgroup.com/products-gold-bullion-en.php

Edited by PalMan
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The Aurora website lists .999 gold bars for 20,180 today. If you live in Thailand stop by and check it out.

But if you know so much about it why are you asking the folks on Thai Visa in some odd Indian English dialect?

Great CMK

Here you go again. ".999 gold bars? What weight ?

For the sixth <deleted> time, Do you know what "list" means ? Do you know what fungible means ?

Now, go to your Aurora site.

Copy and paste the link to this thread.

And finally, I am not "asking" you or any of the "folks" on TV or on this thread *anything*.

I am speaking to the notion that .999 London Fine list bars are not available in Thailand and that Thai gold is not fungible and most of these loogans do not know a damned thing about what they are talking about or for that matter anything about this subject.

But when has this ever stopped anyone on Thai Visa from running their mouth or giving their considered opinion about anything ?

Actual knowledge ? Real advice ?

Hey, fuggeddaboudit ;-))))))))

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But like everybody else with his comments here, you are just giving your opinion.

No facts, no links, no anecdotal account of how one could possibly, to the satisfaction the lads at Hua Heng Sen, certify a bar of gold off-premises and ensure for them that it's the same bar or coin or whatever.

India? Italian-American "mafia"

Your comment/enquiry is a tad too higgeldy-piggeldy to warrant comment.

I use a broad range of diction in my posts. If you find my word choices confusing, may I suggest you perhaps dial back a smidge on your dated racist assumptions and expose yourself to the palette of delightful turns of phrase currently available to competent speakers of English.

Or, as seems your wont, lower the bar.

But if your general intent is to impugn my comments and my integrity with a selection of ethnic slurs and dross?

Fuggeddaboudit ;-))))))

No, I'm not impugning anything, and in fact am quite happy to accept that you are physically present in Thailand, genuinely in search of international-standard gold to physically purchase and having a hard time finding any in the country.

I also completely agree with the sentiments expressed in most of Paul Craig Roberts' writings, and in fact have been saying many of the same things for many years now, and feel the time is coming closer when we'll all have to pay for the recklessness of TPTB, not least US citizens who find themselves living in increasingly explicit fascist conditions.

I'm just asking about the language stuff because I'm curious, why wouldn't you want to disclose that?

"a tad too higgledy-piggeldy" is not meaningful to me, and your repeated use of forget about it also doesn't convey anything anymore except maybe similar to F^# Off?

The, higgeldy-piggeldy thing is a reference to your Indian sourcing for "jibber-jabber"; both are out-of-circulation Victorian colloquialisms. Arcane perhaps, but I really don't give a toss. "Tad" is your basic toffee-nose reference for a bit. It may be British but its has essentially migrated to the mid-Atlantic.

As for irony, that's right, *irony* well any attempts at humor through diction or for that matter literary or cinematic reference are clearly lost on most of the dreary, humorless know-it-all denizens of this thread. A for those of you who agree but have expressed disapproval for my manor of speaking, I invite you to scroll back and savor some of the illiterate imbecilities that have been put forward to challenge me and drive me off the thread.

The ridiculously self-important claims from the likes of Chiangmai Mai Kelly (no longer of, um, Chaing Mai, it seems) but who sees fit to suggest I am not resident here, and self-described whizz-bang "trader" Eesat were not even germane to this conversation. But they tossed in their two salung anyway as well as their insults, their redactions and misrepresentations of what I said and ultimately their utterly irrelevant nonsense.

Civility on this thread ?

Fuggeddaboubbit ;-)))))

Apologies to the board for misapplying the quotation technicalities.

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Nobody pays spot for gold unless it's a paper trade.

That is not gold, it's paper. That's what you do.

Bully for you.

Look at the title of this thread.

Everybody pays spot PLUS a premium for physical gold.

That is gold.

I keep it as a portable storage of wealth.

I do not need to "trade" Nor is that my aim. Nor do I wish to trade.

It was you, for the sake of pushing people around on this thread who suggested I was a trader.

I never said I was but you needed to make that claim.

You should take courses in reading for meaning.

You? Understand a simple English sentence ?


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The Aurora website lists .999 gold bars for 20,180 today. If you live in Thailand stop by and check it out.

But if you know so much about it why are you asking the folks on Thai Visa in some odd Indian English dialect?

999 gold bullion in Thailand? they don't have any 'fungus', are not listed in London and have therefore no value. the same applies to Crédit Suisse or UBS 999.9 gold bars which any Thai goldshop will get for you within max three working days from BKK they are only fungible in Zürich in exchange for worthless Swiss Francs. nobody in London will touch them with a barge pole!

jus' fuggeddaboudit! L-dog%20very%20small.jpg



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Thank you for the links.

Now we're getting somewhere.

The non-fungibility of these .999 bars and castings aside for a moment, it appears that all I have to do is toddle into the Bangkok Assay Office and lay my money down.

I will then be in possession of .999 gold bars.

Weighted in baht and non-list, I will be at pains to recover the 3.45 % additional purity even though they've been cast here in a reputable foundry.

However, I would not expect to acquire this gold at anywhere near the spot price.

I will need to convert to Troy ounces, and do my sums.

If I chose to sell them outside Thailand, I would again need to assay them and certify them.

They can also be taxed upon entry.

As you know, the purpose of "list" in certain jurisdictions is to avoid these hassles of assay and taxation.

I urge you to go back over the thread and assess any blame you feel you need for my impatience as I replied to certain comments.

These guys cruise these boards for reasons other than to share information and I will not be spoken to in the manner they chose to use.

G'head. Check out the tone and more importantly their level of comprehension.

Reading for meaning on these threads ?


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Donnie Brasco, on 18 May 2013 - 00:50, said:


Thank you for the links.

Now we're getting somewhere.

The non-fungibility of these .999 bars and castings aside for a moment, it appears that all I have to do is toddle into the Bangkok Assay Office and lay my money down.

I will then be in possession of .999 gold bars.

Weighted in baht and non-list, I will be at pains to recover the 3.45 % additional purity even though they've been cast here in a reputable foundry.

However, I would not expect to acquire this gold at anywhere near the spot price.

I will need to convert to Troy ounces, and do my sums.

If I chose to sell them outside Thailand, I would again need to assay them and certify them.

They can also be taxed upon entry.

As you know, the purpose of "list" in certain jurisdictions is to avoid these hassles of assay and taxation.

I urge you to go back over the thread and assess any blame you feel you need for my impatience as I replied to certain comments.

These guys cruise these boards for reasons other than to share information and I will not be spoken to in the manner they chose to use.

G'head. Check out the tone and more importantly their level of comprehension.

Reading for meaning on these threads ?



Gosh you're a terminal case, I'm taking you seriously, open to your ideas and sincerely trying to help you you git.

I gave the BAO office as a starting place to enquire, not a retail outlet. Shouldn't be hard to visit, within ten minutes walk of the BTS station.

Obviously you're asking for your specific "list" brands of bars and of course they won't be in baht sizes or at Thai purity or they wouldn't be on the list would they?

I'm not talking about locally cast bars, although if there is a Thai firm on the list I'm sure they can tell you.

I'm also not making any judgments or taking sides on your (IMO waste of time and energy) feud with the others participating here, just talking directly with you in a civil tone and I'd appreciate the same from you in return.

And when you have found what you're looking for I hope you will take the time to return and update the thread so we (and future googlers) can benefit.

PS the YLG company I linked to does claim to deal in LBMA-certified bars specifically, so obviously check them out.

PPS Could you explain why the UBS and Credit Suisse bars aren't good enough? Just for our education, asking sincerely please don't think I'm taking the piss. . .

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Naw, you can't have it both ways.

You use the word obnoxious, call me a git and you send me on an errand.

Like I said, thanks for the links bad your subsequent caveats that they were just a start.

But no thanks for your imprecations that I report back to this pack of TV nitwits with anything other than scorn which they so richly (and as everybody who lives here knows) so famously merit.

Your posts were a possible exception but your implication that you are somewhat above the fray of this is a bit large.

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The one thing I'll go with out of all this?

Well-heeled Thais buy their list bars in Hong Kong and Shanghai.

In other words if they want list gold they buy their bars abroad.

So thanks for answering my question.

BTW, why don't the rest of you guys at least spend some time on the Kitco site.

After a few days of clicking around and maybe even opening an account, comparing the buy and sell prices of various precious metals products you (not you there PalMan) will at least not make such parochial fools of yourselves as you waddle around threads like this gain-saying and BS-ing your self into some kind of stupor.

And then hopping onto another thread to complain just as feverishly about a ten baht rise in the cost of Dinty Moore's Beef Stew or a draft at the Huntsman.

Oh, and I really loved your fungus joke Jbrain.

Why? Well, the way you made that stoopid crack telegraphs that you learned a new word today.

Now use it properly in a sentence.

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Nobody pays spot for gold unless it's a paper trade.

That is not gold, it's paper. That's what you do.

Bully for you.

Look at the title of this thread.

Everybody pays spot PLUS a premium for physical gold.

That is gold.

I keep it as a portable storage of wealth.

I do not need to "trade" Nor is that my aim. Nor do I wish to trade.

It was you, for the sake of pushing people around on this thread who suggested I was a trader.

I never said I was but you needed to make that claim.

You should take courses in reading for meaning.

You? Understand a simple English sentence ?


But surely spot plus a premium is spot plus the broker/dealers commission,no?All currency pairs have a bid and ask and the quoted exchange rate is the median,it's not what rate the bank will give you because guess why?........they charge you a premium for conversion!

you've tied yourself in knots on this thread but tthis is the truth.There are many people here who really are old hands in Thailand,even people giving you advice like go to Makkasan gold market instead of your beloved Yaowarat and you may find the physical gold that you so avidly seek!

You're just more focused on being the little fat kid in the horror film who shouts louder than everyone else to prove he's right and we all know what happens to him!

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The one thing I'll go with out of all this?

Well-heeled Thais buy their list bars in Hong Kong and Shanghai.

In other words if they want list gold they buy their bars abroad.

So thanks for answering my question.

BTW, why don't the rest of you guys at least spend some time on the Kitco site.

After a few days of clicking around and maybe even opening an account, comparing the buy and sell prices of various precious metals products you (not you there PalMan) will at least not make such parochial fools of yourselves as you waddle around threads like this gain-saying and BS-ing your self into some kind of stupor.

And then hopping onto another thread to complain just as feverishly about a ten baht rise in the cost of Dinty Moore's Beef Stew or a draft at the Huntsman.

Oh, and I really loved your fungus joke Jbrain.

Why? Well, the way you made that stoopid crack telegraphs that you learned a new word today.

Now use it properly in a sentence.

"Reading for meaning on these threads ?


Is that an oxymoron,or are you just a moron?rolleyes.gif

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Nobody pays spot for gold unless it's a paper trade.

That is not gold, it's paper. That's what you do.

Bully for you.

Look at the title of this thread.

Everybody pays spot PLUS a premium for physical gold.

That is gold.

I keep it as a portable storage of wealth.

I do not need to "trade" Nor is that my aim. Nor do I wish to trade.

It was you, for the sake of pushing people around on this thread who suggested I was a trader.

I never said I was but you needed to make that claim.

You should take courses in reading for meaning.

You? Understand a simple English sentence ?


But surely spot plus a premium is spot plus the broker/dealers commission,no?All currency pairs have a bid and ask and the quoted exchange rate is the median,it's not what rate the bank will give you because guess why?........they charge you a premium for conversion!

you've tied yourself in knots on this thread but tthis is the truth.There are many people here who really are old hands in Thailand,even people giving you advice like go to Makkasan gold market instead of your beloved Yaowarat and you may find the physical gold that you so avidly seek!

You're just more focused on being the little fat kid in the horror film who shouts louder than everyone else to prove he's right and we all know what happens to him!

That's all I ever said here eesat

You initially claimed to be trading gold *bullion* for *spot.*

That is simply not possible.

You then changed your story about six times.

You rephrased what I said about as many times.

And your positioning me alongside drunkards and idiots, (most of whom haven't been here as long as I)

adds nothing to your credibility.

You are an incomplete showboating fool, the likes of whom I have been taking great pains to avoid for most of the twenty years I have had the pleasure of working here.

Now sing yourself to sleep.

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This thread started as a conversation about physical gold in Thai shops.

I am talking about buying and holding 999.9 London Fine Good Delivery List Bars and Coins.

This gold is globally fungible with "good delivery list" g&s products.

CMK posted references to Aurora Gold and said they sold .999 there.

I went to the Aurora site (CMK's link was a no show)

A search for .999 gold produced nothing.

No one as yet has told me specifically where in Thailand I can buy .999 list gold bars.

Are you specifically looking for that one LBMA spec standard type of bar? Or would COMEX or Shanghai standard bars do as well?

What does Hua Heng Sen say when you ask them, if you're willing to wait for delivery?

Yes of course they would do just as well.

As long as they are list bars.

For a complete list go to the Kitco site.

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This thread started as a conversation about physical gold in Thai shops.

I am talking about buying and holding 999.9 London Fine Good Delivery List Bars and Coins.

This gold is globally fungible with "good delivery list" g&s products.

CMK posted references to Aurora Gold and said they sold .999 there.

I went to the Aurora site (CMK's link was a no show)

A search for .999 gold produced nothing.

No one as yet has told me specifically where in Thailand I can buy .999 list gold bars.

Are you specifically looking for that one LBMA spec standard type of bar? Or would COMEX or Shanghai standard bars do as well?

What does Hua Heng Sen say when you ask them, if you're willing to wait for delivery?

Yes of course they would do just as well.

As long as they are list bars.

For a complete list go to the Kitco site.

I don't understand, these bars are (AVAICT) not in compliance with the LBMA document specifying the standard you said you're looking for.

But if they're OK for you, they are apparently very commonly available here, so there ya go!

If you think not, then do please go down to your favorite Thai gold shop and place an order, and of course let us know the result.

It's possible that it might take a while to take delivery, used to be 2-3 business days but as you point out there is a global shortage of physical ATM.

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There are 110 Aurora gold shops in Thailand. They buy and sell gold bars 96.5%. They charge a small commission to do this. I am not going back and forth between Bangkok and Mumbai so what is the problem with buying and selling Thai gold. Don't you get the same action and security as other gold bars. They also sell 99,9% but they are smaller bars (I think) I have never bought any just looked at them. This is Thailand gold is listed in baht and one baht is the price in all the gold stores. The prices are on the Aurora gold site on the left side and change daily.

Other folks have listed where to buy larger bars in Thailand. I don't see the big deal. If you want to buy and own gold in Thailand no problem. The price is in hte store window of every gold shop every day.

I don't know what a pip is nor do I look at the spot price for gold. The baht price is in the window of every Thai gold store every day.smile.png You can buy at 18 something today and sell it next week for 20 something.

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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There are 110 Aurora gold shops in Thailand. They buy and sell gold bars 96.5%. They charge a small commission to do this. I am not going back and forth between Bangkok and Mumbai so what is the problem with buying and selling Thai gold. Don't you get the same action and security as other gold bars. They also sell 99,9% but they are smaller bars (I think) I have never bought any just looked at them. This is Thailand gold is listed in baht and one baht is the price in all the gold stores. The prices are on the Aurora gold site on the left side and change daily.

Other folks have listed where to buy larger bars in Thailand. I don't see the big deal. If you want to buy and own gold in Thailand no problem. The price is in hte store window of every gold shop every day.

I don't know what a pip is nor do I look at the spot price for gold. The baht price is in the window of every Thai gold store every day.smile.png You can buy at 18 something today and sell it next week for 20 something.

Can we have an agreement that you buy my Baht gold at 20 something next week ? I don't mind to give you a generous commission.

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there is no real advantage of .9999 over thai .965 besides that the norm outside thailand is .9999

Rephrased - you should only buy Thai gold if you know you're going to keep it in Thailand.

And regarding your comments about the moronic hordes of the orient - you really have that much confidence that our fearless occidental leaders will be able to keep the financial system intact and preserve the values of our currencies long-term?

In my view anyone keeping their wealth in assets denominated in UK/US/Euro currencies are the morons. . .

Even the Fed can't fight reality forever, typical 'merican hubris will bring down the whole global house of cards at some point if TPTB don't start getting the fundamentals right.

Another source to buy, not sure if up to Donnie's standards: http://www.ausirisgroup.com/products-gold-bullion-en.php

here is the problem with gold:

it is not a productive asset.

if you own a company that produces goods or farmland or real estate, you do not need to sell your asset, you can just earn a return on it.

with gold, you can only earn money if someone else, the greater fool, comes along and buys it from you.

this is why, surprise surprise, gold has tracked inflation roughly for as far as records show.

so go ahead and stockpile gold, or aluminum foil or stainless steal screws then look back and weep at what productive assets did versus gold.

everyone keeps talking about the looming inflation crisis as the Fed and other Central banks fight their asses off to fight off deflation. The Japanese population is expected to decrease 2/3rds but any moment now there is going to be a bursting of the bond bubble and hyperinflation yada yada

check out Paul Krugman's blog if you want to get a clue about what is really going on.

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YouTube >Johnny Depp>fuggedaboudit

Re: "Fuggedaboudit", yeah, ok"

I've been here since "The Great Transformation" back in '92.

The Great Transformation occurred when western pop culture in Thailand and Bkk in particular transmogrified from an American-ish, GI-ish, football-with-pads environment to its current sorry state.

ok, lets just think of fuggedaboudit" as something of a cry for in a soupy sea of bangers/mash/mushy peas/bubbleandsqueak/

and warm beer, poor dental work and (oh yeah) fough-bouwgh.

Hope this helps.

If it doesn't ?

Well, you know.

(Again, cue up that Depp clip where he's rolling that cold Bud on his forehead.)

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there is no real advantage of .9999 over thai .965 besides that the norm outside thailand is .9999

Rephrased - you should only buy Thai gold if you know you're going to keep it in Thailand.

And regarding your comments about the moronic hordes of the orient - you really have that much confidence that our fearless occidental leaders will be able to keep the financial system intact and preserve the values of our currencies long-term?

In my view anyone keeping their wealth in assets denominated in UK/US/Euro currencies are the morons. . .

Even the Fed can't fight reality forever, typical 'merican hubris will bring down the whole global house of cards at some point if TPTB don't start getting the fundamentals right.

Another source to buy, not sure if up to Donnie's standards: http://www.ausirisgroup.com/products-gold-bullion-en.php

here is the problem with gold:

it is not a productive asset.

if you own a company that produces goods or farmland or real estate, you do not need to sell your asset, you can just earn a return on it.

with gold, you can only earn money if someone else, the greater fool, comes along and buys it from you.

this is why, surprise surprise, gold has tracked inflation roughly for as far as records show.

so go ahead and stockpile gold, or aluminum foil or stainless steal screws then look back and weep at what productive assets did versus gold.

everyone keeps talking about the looming inflation crisis as the Fed and other Central banks fight their asses off to fight off deflation. The Japanese population is expected to decrease 2/3rds but any moment now there is going to be a bursting of the bond bubble and hyperinflation yada yada

check out Paul Krugman's blog if you want to get a clue about what is really going on.

No, check out Paul Craig Roberts if you really want to know what's going on.

If the US (or, more accurately, its banksters, corporatistas and their attendant servile western populi) are committed to an endless campaign to support those almighty petrodollars. That printing machine at the Fed. There's NO turning back from this fear driven campaign to bring, uh, cough, cough "freedom" to the world's benighted nation states.

(Who just happen to be awash in sweet crude)

At *any* cost.


Any appreciation in physical g&s is just a manifestation of *real inflation* (as per ShadowStats.com)

A hundred grand in fungible g&s coins and bars and a year or two of Mountain House can't hurt one bit.

Or you can snuggle up to the Fed's printing presses, Paul Krugman and Amerika's current Bankster class nightmare.

If you like PCR, flip the old guy some support.

He answers his mail sometimes.

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There are 110 Aurora gold shops in Thailand. They buy and sell gold bars 96.5%. They charge a small commission to do this. I am not going back and forth between Bangkok and Mumbai so what is the problem with buying and selling Thai gold. Don't you get the same action and security as other gold bars. They also sell 99,9% but they are smaller bars (I think) I have never bought any just looked at them. This is Thailand gold is listed in baht and one baht is the price in all the gold stores. The prices are on the Aurora gold site on the left side and change daily.

Other folks have listed where to buy larger bars in Thailand. I don't see the big deal. If you want to buy and own gold in Thailand no problem. The price is in hte store window of every gold shop every day.

I don't know what a pip is nor do I look at the spot price for gold. The baht price is in the window of every Thai gold store every day.smile.png You can buy at 18 something today and sell it next week for 20 something.

Can we have an agreement that you buy my Baht gold at 20 something next week ? I don't mind to give you a generous commission.

As you can see by the chart the situation I was reffering to happened a few weeks ago. Apparently you were unaware of this?

My point was a lot of Thais speculate on gold buy purchasing it in gold shops. What was your point? Are you trying to be funny or flame me?


Edited by chiangmaikelly
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There are 110 Aurora gold shops in Thailand. They buy and sell gold bars 96.5%. They charge a small commission to do this. I am not going back and forth between Bangkok and Mumbai so what is the problem with buying and selling Thai gold. Don't you get the same action and security as other gold bars. They also sell 99,9% but they are smaller bars (I think) I have never bought any just looked at them. This is Thailand gold is listed in baht and one baht is the price in all the gold stores. The prices are on the Aurora gold site on the left side and change daily.

Other folks have listed where to buy larger bars in Thailand. I don't see the big deal. If you want to buy and own gold in Thailand no problem. The price is in hte store window of every gold shop every day.

I don't know what a pip is nor do I look at the spot price for gold. The baht price is in the window of every Thai gold store every day.smile.png You can buy at 18 something today and sell it next week for 20 something.

Can we have an agreement that you buy my Baht gold at 20 something next week ? I don't mind to give you a generous commission.

As you can see by the chart the situation I was reffering to happened a few weeks ago. Apparently you were unaware of this?

My point was a lot of Thais speculate on gold buy purchasing it in gold shops. What was your point? Are you trying to be funny or flame me?

No, I only try to make clear that you should stop making confused remarks just to throw some bait.

Next week is in the future in my book, and it nowhere said in your post that you were refering to events in the past.

Also the point where you could buy gold at 18000 something in Thailand is several years ago and not several weeks, as made clear by other members in this thread already and confirmed by the chart you posted yourself,so you remark is just something taken out of thin air.

There was a quite comfortable atmosphere on this forum during your " holiday "

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There are 110 Aurora gold shops in Thailand. They buy and sell gold bars 96.5%. They charge a small commission to do this. I am not going back and forth between Bangkok and Mumbai so what is the problem with buying and selling Thai gold. Don't you get the same action and security as other gold bars. They also sell 99,9% but they are smaller bars (I think) I have never bought any just looked at them. This is Thailand gold is listed in baht and one baht is the price in all the gold stores. The prices are on the Aurora gold site on the left side and change daily.

Other folks have listed where to buy larger bars in Thailand. I don't see the big deal. If you want to buy and own gold in Thailand no problem. The price is in hte store window of every gold shop every day.

I don't know what a pip is nor do I look at the spot price for gold. The baht price is in the window of every Thai gold store every day.smile.png You can buy at 18 something today and sell it next week for 20 something.

Can we have an agreement that you buy my Baht gold at 20 something next week ? I don't mind to give you a generous commission.

As you can see by the chart the situation I was reffering to happened a few weeks ago. Apparently you were unaware of this?

My point was a lot of Thais speculate on gold buy purchasing it in gold shops. What was your point? Are you trying to be funny or flame me?

No, I only try to make clear that you should stop making confused remarks just to throw some bait.

Next week is in the future in my book, and it nowhere said in your post that you were refering to events in the past.

Also the point where you could buy gold at 18000 something in Thailand is several years ago and not several weeks, as made clear by other members in this thread already and confirmed by the chart you posted yourself,so you remark is just something taken out of thin air.

There was a quite comfortable atmosphere on this forum during your " holiday "

What was confusing about my remark? It happened a few short weeks ago. Your sarcastic reaction to my reasonable post was the only bait. Gold stores were buying gold in Thailand on the 18th of Apr 2013 for 18,900 and selling it for 19,000.

The point of my post was as I posted, " I don't see the big deal. If you want to buy and own gold in

Thailand no problem. The price is in the store window of every gold shop every day."

A few short weeks ago gold was for sale and purchase in Thailand at around 18,000 baht and a week later for around 20,000 baht. That's the truth and you can stalk and nitpick me as much as you want but it will still be the truth.


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What was confusing about my remark? It happened a few short weeks ago. Your sarcastic reaction to my reasonable post was the only bait. Gold stores were buying gold in Thailand on the 18th of Apr 2013 for 18,900 and selling it for 19,000.

The point of my post was as I posted, " I don't see the big deal. If you want to buy and own gold in

Thailand no problem. The price is in the store window of every gold shop every day."

A few short weeks ago gold was for sale and purchase in Thailand at around 18,000 baht and a week later for around 20,000 baht. That's the truth and you can stalk and nitpick me as much as you want but it will still be the truth.

What is confusing is your inability to understand that the cheapest sale price of gold in Thailand "a few short weeks ago" was 19,300bht.

Your claims of 18,000bht isn't the truth in any way shape or form, it is a figment of your imagination.

If anyone managed to buy cheaper in those few weeks, now is your time to correct me.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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What was confusing about my remark? It happened a few short weeks ago. Your sarcastic reaction to my reasonable post was the only bait. Gold stores were buying gold in Thailand on the 18th of Apr 2013 for 18,900 and selling it for 19,000.

The point of my post was as I posted, " I don't see the big deal. If you want to buy and own gold in

Thailand no problem. The price is in the store window of every gold shop every day."

A few short weeks ago gold was for sale and purchase in Thailand at around 18,000 baht and a week later for around 20,000 baht. That's the truth and you can stalk and nitpick me as much as you want but it will still be the truth.

What is confusing is your inability to understand that the cheapest sale price of gold in Thailand "a few short weeks ago" was 19,300bht.

Your claims of 18,000bht isn't the truth in any way shape or form, it is a figment of your imagination.

If anyone managed to buy cheaper in those few weeks, now is your time to correct me.

April 17th 2013 the price of gold Thailand buy 18,850 sell 18,950 http://www.goldpricethai.com/archive

Consider yourself corrected.biggrin.png

But again not really my point. How come no one jumped on my upper price of 20 when it was actually 21? My only point was gold moved a couple of thousand baht in a few weeks and Thai people bought and sold it at gold stores. I was in no way making any big deal out of the amounts down to the 100 baht level. If you bought and sold at the right time you could have made a couple of thousand baht per 1 baht gold bar.

If you all want to flame me just to flame have at it. But not my point as to the price of gold on any given day. If you think you could not buy gold for less than 19300 when the gold price listed was 18,950 good for you. I don't care. Look at the website or go to a gold store and ask them. I don't know what else to tell you?

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What was confusing about my remark? It happened a few short weeks ago. Your sarcastic reaction to my reasonable post was the only bait. Gold stores were buying gold in Thailand on the 18th of Apr 2013 for 18,900 and selling it for 19,000.

The point of my post was as I posted, " I don't see the big deal. If you want to buy and own gold in

Thailand no problem. The price is in the store window of every gold shop every day."

A few short weeks ago gold was for sale and purchase in Thailand at around 18,000 baht and a week later for around 20,000 baht. That's the truth and you can stalk and nitpick me as much as you want but it will still be the truth.

What is confusing is your inability to understand that the cheapest sale price of gold in Thailand "a few short weeks ago" was 19,300bht.

Your claims of 18,000bht isn't the truth in any way shape or form, it is a figment of your imagination.

If anyone managed to buy cheaper in those few weeks, now is your time to correct me.

IMHO Mr. Chiang Mai was merely hyperbolizing when he advanced his 18000 baht gold price back there. These forums are meant to stand as an informal medium for the exchange of ideas, opinions and theories. Fact seems to take a back seat to combative tone and bluster.

Literalists on boards like these would hold Mr. Kelly to the facts.

Where's the fun in that, I say.

I've never played FarmVille but I strongly suspect the game resembles most of these conversations.

Are a few hours of FarmVille considered a productive use of one's leisure time ?

Is five kg of gold in various castings, coins and bars or 50 kg of silver bars, Maples, half kilo bars a productive asset ?

Is any commodity a productive asset ?

Are Bitcoins a productive asset ?

Is an offset press a productive asset ?

Is abandoned real estate a productive asset ?

Is 25000 shares of Apple stock a productive asset ?

Who defines "productive asset" ? Paul (bleedin') Krugman ?

Is a productive asset defined as whatever dog-and-pony show or j'ai l'ai court currently promoted by some 1%-er controlled MSM mind-control mill ?

Are youse in control of this productive asset.

Fuggeddaboudit. ;-)))))))

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I would like to read about the direction of Gold the next 6 monthd not anything else

Gold is a loser and shall break 1000 dollar level spot.

Talk about the color of my skin or how I can not write has nothing to do the the price of Gold

Gold shall close 2013 below 1100 dollar.

Sell now maybe buy back in 2014 Write me for my advice

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Can we have an agreement that you buy my Baht gold at 20 something next week ? I don't mind to give you a generous commission.

As you can see by the chart the situation I was reffering to happened a few weeks ago. Apparently you were unaware of this?

My point was a lot of Thais speculate on gold buy purchasing it in gold shops. What was your point? Are you trying to be funny or flame me?

No, I only try to make clear that you should stop making confused remarks just to throw some bait.

Next week is in the future in my book, and it nowhere said in your post that you were refering to events in the past.

Also the point where you could buy gold at 18000 something in Thailand is several years ago and not several weeks, as made clear by other members in this thread already and confirmed by the chart you posted yourself,so you remark is just something taken out of thin air.

There was a quite comfortable atmosphere on this forum during your " holiday "

What was confusing about my remark? It happened a few short weeks ago. Your sarcastic reaction to my reasonable post was the only bait. Gold stores were buying gold in Thailand on the 18th of Apr 2013 for 18,900 and selling it for 19,000.

The point of my post was as I posted, " I don't see the big deal. If you want to buy and own gold in

Thailand no problem. The price is in the store window of every gold shop every day."

A few short weeks ago gold was for sale and purchase in Thailand at around 18,000 baht and a week later for around 20,000 baht. That's the truth and you can stalk and nitpick me as much as you want but it will still be the truth.

You can buy at 18 something today and sell it next week for 20 something.

does that read the same as

A few short weeks ago gold was for sale and purchase in Thailand at around 18,000 baht and a week later for around 20,000 baht.

By the way it was many years ago that it was actually sold at 18000 Baht. Even the theoretical price of 18.950 Baht you mention, and at which they weren't selling, is still 950 Baht away from 18.000 Baht. To me 18.950 is around 19.000 in my book and I'm confident nobody sees this as around 18.000. So yes you were throwing bait.

End of discussion.

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As you can see by the chart the situation I was reffering to happened a few weeks ago. Apparently you were unaware of this?

My point was a lot of Thais speculate on gold buy purchasing it in gold shops. What was your point? Are you trying to be funny or flame me?

No, I only try to make clear that you should stop making confused remarks just to throw some bait.

Next week is in the future in my book, and it nowhere said in your post that you were refering to events in the past.

Also the point where you could buy gold at 18000 something in Thailand is several years ago and not several weeks, as made clear by other members in this thread already and confirmed by the chart you posted yourself,so you remark is just something taken out of thin air.

There was a quite comfortable atmosphere on this forum during your " holiday "

What was confusing about my remark? It happened a few short weeks ago. Your sarcastic reaction to my reasonable post was the only bait. Gold stores were buying gold in Thailand on the 18th of Apr 2013 for 18,900 and selling it for 19,000.

The point of my post was as I posted, " I don't see the big deal. If you want to buy and own gold in

Thailand no problem. The price is in the store window of every gold shop every day."

A few short weeks ago gold was for sale and purchase in Thailand at around 18,000 baht and a week later for around 20,000 baht. That's the truth and you can stalk and nitpick me as much as you want but it will still be the truth.

You can buy at 18 something today and sell it next week for 20 something.

does that read the same as

A few short weeks ago gold was for sale and purchase in Thailand at around 18,000 baht and a week later for around 20,000 baht.

By the way it was many years ago that it was actually sold at 18000 Baht. Even the theoretical price of 18.950 Baht you mention, and at which they weren't selling, is still 950 Baht away from 18.000 Baht. To me 18.950 is around 19.000 in my book and I'm confident nobody sees this as around 18.000. So yes you were throwing bait.

End of discussion.

When you say, "end of discussion." do you expect anyone to pay attention to you? 555. That's like, "nuff said." Same foolishness.

Nothing theoretical about 18,950 baht. That was the actual price of gold on April 17, 2013 in Thailand. All of the numbers in the 18 thousands are in the 18 thousands from 18,001 to 18,999. The 19 thousands start at 19,000. I have never read your book BTW. But who really cares and you are still missing my point. Thai people buy and speculate on gold from gold shops. Gold is available on every street corner in Thailand and the price is universally adjusted daily in Thailand.

You may comment if you like, I'm not suffering from OCD since I moved to Thailand.

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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