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Foreign Traffic Police Volunteers?


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The other night I was pulled in along with all other motorbikes at the usual place on Sukhumvit for lisence and registration check. I've been stopped twice the last 4weeks already on Beach Road and 2nd Road and showed my national lisence without problem. This time was different! I spotted a foreigner obviously "helping" the police. Of course he approached me and I handed him my lisence. He looked at it and said my nationality in german then he asked for intrnational drivers lisence and I told him I didn't have, his reply was "not ok". He then handed me a piece of paper and told me to go to the office. He had ticked the box "no drivers lisence" on the paper. I went in, waited a couple of minutes and the handed the thai police officer my lisence and the paper. He was of course confused, the paper said I had no lisence and yet he was holding it in his hand! I told him "no international drivers lisence". He looked even more confused, looked at my lisence and said "international ok". Then he wrote something on the back of the paper and said "you ok, can go". I went back out, gave the paper to the german and told him I was ok to go. He took the paper and came back with my key. During this exchange he didn't say one word. I know that I'm supposed to carry an international lisence but I also know it's only a translation of my national lisence into different languages to help the policeman if he doesn't understand the national.

I havn't had any opinion about the foreign police volunteers before but this left a sour taste in my mouth and my impression was that his purpose was to cause as much trouble as possible for other foreigners.

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I think some people just enjoy the power.

It reminds me of when I was a kid in the UK we had “ special policemen “who were essentially volunteers also. We had one a few doors away from us and he really took his job seriously.

I guess in those days they didn't have badges or anything, so as his only mark of " authority " he had a huge and heavy police coat, which was about 10 times too big for him ! If something happened in our village like an accident he immediately rushed back to his house and no matter what the weather was even- in the sweltering heat of the summer he would re-emerge with his huge coat. It was absolutely hilarious. My thoughts were whatever floats your boat.

As for the international drivers license, I think it's a w*nk because it just involves sending money to your local motoring association. I can't see for 1 min the practical use of such a document when you already have a photo ID license from your own country.

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These guys are only assisting the police. While I'm sure it puts some peoples noses out of joint these Foreign Volunteer Police may prove very useful for some especially with advice and translation.

These are people who have assimilated and become part of society. Some may be on a power trip, but I don't think a minority should tarnish the efforts made by the majority.

I often wonder why some fold have such negative opinions of these guys... The comments often appear to be a little sour, perhaps jealousy that someone else has been granted a little power when volunteering in association with the law. Perhaps some foreigners don't appreciate it that other foreigners have been given the authority to carry out such searches in the company of Thai Police.

I think its time for most people to accept that the Foreign Volunteer Police are giving up much of their spare time to help us.

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These guys are only assisting the police. While I'm sure it puts some peoples noses out of joint these Foreign Volunteer Police may prove very useful for some especially with advice and translation.

These are people who have assimilated and become part of society. Some may be on a power trip, but I don't think a minority should tarnish the efforts made by the majority.

I often wonder why some fold have such negative opinions of these guys... The comments often appear to be a little sour, perhaps jealousy that someone else has been granted a little power when volunteering in association with the law. Perhaps some foreigners don't appreciate it that other foreigners have been given the authority to carry out such searches in the company of Thai Police.

I think its time for most people to accept that the Foreign Volunteer Police are giving up much of their spare time to help us.

Agreed, if stopped by the police, its a reliefe to be able to speak English/other language rather than with a Thai that dosnt understand. Years ago your own licence was enough but many districts insist on either International permit or Thai licence. I would think the volunteer was following instructions that this is the requirements and the Thai in the office was wrong....there are many foreigners that have been fined for not having either and only their own countries licence.

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The only people with any powers at all are the Thai Police.

The foreign volunteers and Thai volunteers have no powers whatsoever.

In the OP's post, he should have asked for a Thai Policeman as soon as his keys were requested.

The only licence one needs is a Thai driving licence.

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These guys are only assisting the police. While I'm sure it puts some peoples noses out of joint these Foreign Volunteer Police may prove very useful for some especially with advice and translation.

These are people who have assimilated and become part of society. Some may be on a power trip, but I don't think a minority should tarnish the efforts made by the majority.

I often wonder why some fold have such negative opinions of these guys... The comments often appear to be a little sour, perhaps jealousy that someone else has been granted a little power when volunteering in association with the law. Perhaps some foreigners don't appreciate it that other foreigners have been given the authority to carry out such searches in the company of Thai Police.

I think its time for most people to accept that the Foreign Volunteer Police are giving up much of their spare time to help us.

just as long as it doesn't get like UK here in Thailand…………………………..

the British police now have unpaid volunteer detectives to join the homicide squad !


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Fakename is correct and rather then complain perhaps the OP (now knowing the reality) should consider himself very lucky that he has got away without having to pay any money 3 times now.

I don't know how long you are planning to stay but a trip to get a Thai licence may save you a lot of money and hassle even in the short term.

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As I wrote in my initial post, I'm aware of the rules regarding an international drivers lisence. I have chosen not to bother getting one and are fully aware that I may be fined because of that. I'm staying just short of 3 months in Thailand this time.

The guy probably tried to do his best and it was possibly his lack of english language skills that made him seem unfriendly.

However I still think that in my case he wasn't of any use and only wasted time for me and for the thai police too, as he was fully aware that I have a motorcycle lisence and didn't need the translation that a international lisence is. If he had worked like that he would have been truly useful. As it happened now I fail to see his purpose.

Right or wrong that's my experience and how I feel about it.

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Typical, just goes to show what motivates these people to become joking policemen.. Next time simply refuse to deal with them!

You can certainly try that but when working alongside Thai police they have the same rights to ask for your licence at these road checks and are delegated to do so where non-Thais are involved. What is saved in time or aggro by doing that ?

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Pathetic losers is the words that come to my mind. Why doesn't he go back to be a policeman in Germany if that is what he likes.. I guess he failed the exams whistling.gif

Edited by yoslim
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Typical, just goes to show what motivates these people to become joking policemen.. Next time simply refuse to deal with them!

You can certainly try that but when working alongside Thai police they have the same rights to ask for your licence at these road checks and are delegated to do so where non-

BULLSHIT - their role is to support, NOT to write tickets

totster :)

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Pathetic losers is the words that come to my mind. Why doesn't he go back to be a policeman in Germany if that is what he likes.. I guess he failed the exams whistling.gif


From just this little information you can guess that the Foreign Police Assistant failed 'the' exams ??... We are clearly in the presence of a deductive genius!

Pathetic looser ??? What really pushes you to dislike someone so much? This is someone who is using up their spare time for a good cause. He's not propping up a bar somewhere, not chasing little kids, he's doing something active which brings benefit to the community (arguable I admit).

Why are Foreign Police Volunteers despised so much? Is this a 'I'm more Thai than you' basis of argument? Some don't like it that others have been accepted more deeply into and by the the community in which they live?

The only opinion I have on these guys is rather them than me, but good on them for being willing to give their time freely.

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Pathetic losers is the words that come to my mind. Why doesn't he go back to be a policeman in Germany if that is what he likes.. I guess he failed the exams whistling.gif


From just this little information you can guess that the Foreign Police Assistant failed 'the' exams ??... We are clearly in the presence of a deductive genius!

Pathetic looser ??? What really pushes you to dislike someone so much? This is someone who is using up their spare time for a good cause. He's not propping up a bar somewhere, not chasing little kids, he's doing something active which brings benefit to the community (arguable I admit).

Why are Foreign Police Volunteers despised so much? Is this a 'I'm more Thai than you' basis of argument? Some don't like it that others have been accepted more deeply into and by the the community in which they live?

The only opinion I have on these guys is rather them than me, but good on them for being willing to give their time freely.

If they want to give up there time then good on them for that i applaud them for wanting to supposedly help?

But from everything i have seen of them here in pattaya they only want too big note themselves to the thai police

at the expense of other foreigners.

If that in your eyes is helping tourists then.........

Thats probably why they are despised by other foreigners that live here but thats only my opinion now over to you


Fair enough - But I don't think its fair to tarnish all the Police Volunteers with the same brush. If I was so inclined I'm sure I'd find Assisting the Police far more interesting than cleaning the beach.

Of course, I'm sure there are some who are just using this as some form of kissing up to the Police force in an attempt for some of their connection to rub off on them... but for the many I'd assume their efforts are genuine. There are also guys who volunteer with the Ambulances (if you can call them that), but that requires certain training and a strong stomach.

I don't read from the Op that this was a case whereby the Foreign Police Volunteer acted with any particular exuberance or ego, he appears to have been simply doing what he was tasked to do regardless of his motives. Hardly a point for complaint, if the Op was driving legally (with valid licence) it is unlikely he would have been written up.

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As with many things here in Thailand, there is too much "vagueness".

These foreign Police assistants obviously haven't been fully trained, but is that suprising ??

Giving up ones' spare time is admirable, but at least be able to achieve something positive.

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... Some don't like it that others have been accepted more deeply into and by the the community in which they live?

What makes you think that they have been "accepted into and by the community in which they live", or that they don't spend the rest of their time "propping up a bar somewhere" or "chasing little kids" ?

Maybe they haven't been "accepted" at all and that is why they have little else to do?

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... Some don't like it that others have been accepted more deeply into and by the the community in which they live?

What makes you think that they have been "accepted into and by the community in which they live", or that they don't spend the rest of their time "propping up a bar somewhere" or "chasing little kids" ?

Maybe they haven't been "accepted" at all and that is why they have little else to do?


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yes indeed ! Robert "Sifu" McInnes comes to mind.

I wonder if richard_smith237 admired him?

He was clearly a cock... as I'm sure are a number of others. However, many bring much needed assistance.

I'm merely defending the fact that some who give up their spare time do not deserve the negative opinions bestowed upon them by others who have only witnessed actions of a minority.

In very much the same manner - I have no wish to be tarred with the same brush as many opinionated and negative foreigners who live in Thailand.

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I think part of the reason they have a bad reputation is because quite a number of farang and thais have had bad experiences with them and this gets around the community. Ive personally had a rather bad experience with one and although it was dealt with in quite a professional manner at the time and he was stood down the bazaar thing is he still operates with fake police ID cards and police stickers on his motorcycle and wears police shirts. I understand he may have had a certain attachment to the position but none the less what he is doing is illegal, at least carrying fake police ID is. I have mentioned this to the volunteers in walking street several times and although they are quite sympathetic they tell me not to worry about it and come back and see them if I have any more problems with him. For people that one would presume have an interest in the law and one would think at the least their reputations I find this attitude difficult to understand.

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There may be one or two good ones, but you only have to read the news over the years to know that there is a highly disproportionate amounts of criminals or wrong-uns amongst them.. Given their relatively small numbers

One Tourist Police Volunteer convicted for heroin dealing, another illegally pepper spraying ladyboys, another driving round like an idiot in his home made police car... these are just the verifiable facts in the news that I can remember off the top of my head.

The rumours are even worse and it goes to the very top with ex-cons amongst thier midst.

Edited by Satcommlee
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