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The New 2 Baht Coins – Confusing?


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I didn't think having poor eyesight had anything to do with being colourblind... I'm -7.75 in my left eye and -8 in the other and can tell my pinks from my purples. Everything is just a bit blurry without glasses or contact lenses, that's all.

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Ok I’m confused.

I thought the 100 and 500 were the same color. The 50 I always thought was kina blue so how does that relate to a reddish 500.

Why is there not a confused Smilie????


Beach from your comments I think you do need to see an optician. Not being nasty, being reasitic. I am a Dispensing Optician and if you are having difficulty with these things you should get a check up! Most of these things can be easily corrected these days. If it's been more than 2 years since your last eye check then get one ( if your older than 50, definately get one). May be that you simply need a bit more strength in your reading glasses.

regards Dave :D

Thank you for your consultation, DavieA. Now all we need are the follow-up consults with the neurology and psychiatry referrals from Post #21 and we'll be best able to decide on the next course of action.

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Do people find it easier to use British pounds? I get confused instead when I am in England. :o

It can be confusing when a Cockney friend gives you a Bluey to get some ciggies for him and tells you "get a couple of Squirrels and a Dolphin in the change and keep a Platypus for yourself". :D

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not being able to tell your onesises from your twosises ? now that could cause a problem ... :D:o:D

I have saved all the 2 baht coins I have been given - all 4 of them - cause I think they may end up being collectables. I remember they were in circulation a good 6 months before they were supposed to be out.

and as for the 500 Baht note , there does seem to be two diffeternt types - a lighter and a darker one.

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and as for the 500 Baht note , there does seem to be two diffeternt types - a lighter and a darker one.

I'll keep an "eye" open for any 500 baht notes that look different.

Speaking of which, didn't the 50 used to have a small, clear plastic insert on the left side of the bill ?

Haven't seen one of those in quite awhile either.

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Speaking of which, didn't the 50 used to have a small, clear plastic insert on the left side of the bill ?

Haven't seen one of those in quite awhile either.

Those were minted in Australia to commemorate 50 years of the King's ascencion to the throne. The entire bill is plastic.

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What is going on?

It's called the "aging process," but don't fret too much as eventually it affects us all.

Hummmm I think I am starting being affected by this process too lately then :o:D I am worried it may get worste with age

Edited by itsme
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Speaking of which, didn't the 50 used to have a small, clear plastic insert on the left side of the bill ?

Haven't seen one of those in quite awhile either.

Those were minted in Australia to commemorate 50 years of the King's ascencion to the throne. The entire bill is plastic.

Thailand does seem to like those Commonwealth mints. The OP's two baht coin was minted in Canada (if I'm not mistaken).

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:o I am jealous. I don't think I have had a 2 baht coin. Most of our shrapnel goes to the girls to play shops with. When I am short for a packet of fags we raid the piggy banks. :D Bad mummy.

More importantly, why Satang? What is the point of them - except as change in the littlies shops?

They are a blooming nuisance and unusable even at tolls to get on the expressway. :D

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:o I am jealous. I don't think I have had a 2 baht coin. Most of our shrapnel goes to the girls to play shops with. When I am short for a packet of fags we raid the piggy banks. :D Bad mummy.

More importantly, why Satang? What is the point of them - except as change in the littlies shops?

They are a blooming nuisance and unusable even at tolls to get on the expressway. :D

Most little shops don't use them, it's only the supermarkets, utilities etc. I make sure I always have a few 25/50 coins in my pocket for them, sometimes they don't like it....tough!

I think it's about time they were done away anyway, they've had their day.

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I think those little satang coins are cute. I actually collect them.

If anyone doesn't like them then can you please send them to me?

Just save up about 1,000 bahts worth then take the coins to a bank and exchange it for a 1,000 baht note. Then send it to me and I'll change it back into satang coins at my bank.

Thanks in advance. :o

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Thank you all for the informed replies all the uninformed replies and comments about my personal well being.

I’m fairly new at this forum posting thing but thought that I had read enough of other postings to feel that the whole thing was supposed to be a light hearted discussion forum with members exchanging information, experiences and general trivia.

Most of the things mentioned about my age, eye tests and general awareness of my surroundings are no doubt true and I believe they were intended to be said in a joking manor.

Unfortunately as there do not seem to be any qualified comedy script writers here the written humor does not come across very well.

I don’t take this personally as I’m sure you are all VERY nice people really just needing something more interesting in your lives than putting others down.

I’m thinking of putting a disclaimer at the end of any future posts, something on the lines of “any comments made by this poster either sober or under the influence of any alcohol have no relation to the real world and any similarity to events or persons in the real word are purely coincidental and under no circumstances should any recommendation or suggestions regarding any situation made by this poster be tried or be taken seriously by anyone living or dead”

Any comments as to the wording of my disclaimer will be welcome.


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Thank you all for the informed replies all the uninformed replies and comments about my personal well being.

I’m fairly new at this forum posting thing but thought that I had read enough of other postings to feel that the whole thing was supposed to be a light hearted discussion forum with members exchanging information, experiences and general trivia.

Most of the things mentioned about my age, eye tests and general awareness of my surroundings are no doubt true and I believe they were intended to be said in a joking manor.

Unfortunately as there do not seem to be any qualified comedy script writers here the written humor does not come across very well.

I don’t take this personally as I’m sure you are all VERY nice people really just needing something more interesting in your lives than putting others down.

I’m thinking of putting a disclaimer at the end of any future posts, something on the lines of “any comments made by this poster either sober or under the influence of any alcohol have no relation to the real world and any similarity to events or persons in the real word are purely coincidental and under no circumstances should any recommendation or suggestions regarding any situation made by this poster be tried or be taken seriously by anyone living or dead”

Any comments as to the wording of my disclaimer will be welcome.


You forgot "no animals were harmed during the typing of this post".

Other than that, it looks ok. :D

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