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8 games unbeaten does paper over the cracks a bit but when you take I to account we only have 1 established striker and how bad our form was at the start of the season I think it's the best we could have hoped for.

I can only assume Downing playing is 1 last chance in the shop window before he is moved on in January at cut price.

A bit more creativity and tooth up front and we could have won by a few yesterday. All eyes on FSG now. They need to deliver in the transfer window.

What cracks does it paper over? that you have won a grand total of 3 out or 13 in the premier league, for a club with the stature of liverpool that is just not good enough.

that goal of enrique's yesterday would have been given by some linesmen, we should have had two additional points from goodison. another four points

So your adding in 2 points for a goal that was obviously offside, certainly a strange way of looking at things 40.gif

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8 games unbeaten does paper over the cracks a bit but when you take I to account we only have 1 established striker and how bad our form was at the start of the season I think it's the best we could have hoped for.

I can only assume Downing playing is 1 last chance in the shop window before he is moved on in January at cut price.

A bit more creativity and tooth up front and we could have won by a few yesterday. All eyes on FSG now. They need to deliver in the transfer window.

What cracks does it paper over? that you have won a grand total of 3 out or 13 in the premier league, for a club with the stature of liverpool that is just not good enough.

that goal of enrique's yesterday would have been given by some linesmen, we should have had two additional points from goodison. another four points

So your adding in 2 points for a goal that was obviously offside, certainly a strange way of looking at things 40.gif

Agree looked offside to mesmile.png

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8 games unbeaten does paper over the cracks a bit but when you take I to account we only have 1 established striker and how bad our form was at the start of the season I think it's the best we could have hoped for.

I can only assume Downing playing is 1 last chance in the shop window before he is moved on in January at cut price.

A bit more creativity and tooth up front and we could have won by a few yesterday. All eyes on FSG now. They need to deliver in the transfer window.

What cracks does it paper over? that you have won a grand total of 3 out or 13 in the premier league, for a club with the stature of liverpool that is just not good enough.

the cracks are that we've a paper-thin squad and are almost totally reliant on suarez for goals. the fact that eight games unbeaten sounds like steps in the right direction and progress are what is papering over it. it's a difficult balancing act - that goal of enrique's yesterday would have been given by some linesmen, we should have had two additional points from goodison. another four points and we'd look a lot better off in the table. but we're still very fragile and in need of new signings in january.

Agree on most of your points except the offside goal, it was offside, you was robbed at goodison was a fair goal.

Who you think you will buy in january, and has andy carrol played his last game for you?.

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Thought the 'Pruun did okay, perhaps edging a game that could have gone either way. The Swans weren't at their best but grafted another point, yet again confounding the pundits who predict a defeat every week. Pablo was our star yesterday with Michu and Ki looking a bit tired. I still think Joey has a problem of explanation though when he comes to the Principality and has to explain to his old mates how he expected to play at a higher level and is actually breathing their exhaust fumes. I was pleased that everything was done with good grace. Brendan and even Luis received a warm welcome, and the scallies behaved pretty well in town.

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Who you think you will buy in january, and has andy carrol played his last game for you?.

carroll has played his last game for liverpool, yes. i think that january's activity will be massively underwhelming. perhaps something like that clown sturridge from chelsea plus one other. wouldn't surprise me to see benitez try and get lucas off us either.

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Who you think you will buy in january, and has andy carrol played his last game for you?.

carroll has played his last game for liverpool, yes. i think that january's activity will be massively underwhelming. perhaps something like that clown sturridge from chelsea plus one other. wouldn't surprise me to see benitez try and get lucas off us either.

Heres one for you lot to mull over.....what about trying to offload Downing and cash to Villa for Bent? Granted Lambert probably won't rate Downing but then again who will?

One things for sure, Bent has a decent strike rate and Lamberts total refusal to play him in any capacity is not having a good effect on his price tag or Villa's bargaining position I'll add to that if any Liverpool fans think FSG will spend a lot of cash in january they are dreaming and this might be a chance of some decent business. If Villa are going to back Lambert they might aswell sell Lambert or sack him and get a manager that will play Bent because they ain't scoring any goals are they...

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i'd have bent. he's a finisher, something we simply don't have. whether starting or off the bench as an attacking option he'd be better than what we have now.

downing's genuinely veering into worst signing ever territory. at least other flops like aquilani and keane showed some level of effort and desire when they were on the pitch.

and agree totally about the FSG money. some liverpool fans seem to think we'll lash 20m or more about. not going to happen, not in a million years. couple of loanees maybe and worryingly we might be after sturridge from chelsea. which raises the prospect of benitez saying he wants lucas leiva.

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i'd have bent. he's a finisher, something we simply don't have. whether starting or off the bench as an attacking option he'd be better than what we have now.

downing's genuinely veering into worst signing ever territory. at least other flops like aquilani and keane showed some level of effort and desire when they were on the pitch.

and agree totally about the FSG money. some liverpool fans seem to think we'll lash 20m or more about. not going to happen, not in a million years. couple of loanees maybe and worryingly we might be after sturridge from chelsea. which raises the prospect of benitez saying he wants lucas leiva.

Who would you rather have; Lucas Leiva or John Obi Mikel!!! This ofcourse is the other more disturbing scenario and due to Downing being so <deleted> and seemingly in semi retirement, the more likely. Add to this that Sturridge is even more selfish than Defoe but atleast Defoe can finish.

If Chelsea had Leiva and Falcao in january i think the bookies would imediately revue their odds.

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i'd have bent. he's a finisher, something we simply don't have. whether starting or off the bench as an attacking option he'd be better than what we have now.

downing's genuinely veering into worst signing ever territory. at least other flops like aquilani and keane showed some level of effort and desire when they were on the pitch.

and agree totally about the FSG money. some liverpool fans seem to think we'll lash 20m or more about. not going to happen, not in a million years. couple of loanees maybe and worryingly we might be after sturridge from chelsea. which raises the prospect of benitez saying he wants lucas leiva.

Who would you rather have; Lucas Leiva or John Obi Mikel!!! This ofcourse is the other more disturbing scenario and due to Downing being so <deleted> and seemingly in semi retirement, the more likely. Add to this that Sturridge is even more selfish than Defoe but atleast Defoe can finish.

If Chelsea had Leiva and Falcao in january i think the bookies would imediately revue their odds.

yeah lucas is absolutely 100% the player chelsea are missing and benitez loves him. whether benitez gets any say in new signings of course is another matter.

i hate sturridge. cannot stand him. plays solely for himself, never passes to teammates who are in better positions than him, is just proper greedy and selfish and not in the good way that strikers sometimes are. he's a joke of a player and i'll be pissed off if we do move for him.

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i'd have bent. he's a finisher, something we simply don't have. whether starting or off the bench as an attacking option he'd be better than what we have now.

downing's genuinely veering into worst signing ever territory. at least other flops like aquilani and keane showed some level of effort and desire when they were on the pitch.

and agree totally about the FSG money. some liverpool fans seem to think we'll lash 20m or more about. not going to happen, not in a million years. couple of loanees maybe and worryingly we might be after sturridge from chelsea. which raises the prospect of benitez saying he wants lucas leiva.

Who would you rather have; Lucas Leiva or John Obi Mikel!!! This ofcourse is the other more disturbing scenario and due to Downing being so <deleted> and seemingly in semi retirement, the more likely. Add to this that Sturridge is even more selfish than Defoe but atleast Defoe can finish.

If Chelsea had Leiva and Falcao in january i think the bookies would imediately revue their odds.

yeah lucas is absolutely 100% the player chelsea are missing and benitez loves him. whether benitez gets any say in new signings of course is another matter.

i hate sturridge. cannot stand him. plays solely for himself, never passes to teammates who are in better positions than him, is just proper greedy and selfish and not in the good way that strikers sometimes are. he's a joke of a player and i'll be pissed off if we do move for him.

Thing is mate, if the russian does back Benetez and he does move for Leiva, which we both agree is exactly what they need, then i can see Chelsea offering a lot of cash in that Sturridge deal that will really appeal to FSG and if Rodgers trys to intervene he'll get the finger. If i were Benetez i'd also be looking to off Sturridge and bring back Lukako or whatever his name is. He has huge potential and is very Drogba-esque

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Thing is mate, if the russian does back Benetez and he does move for Leiva, which we both agree is exactly what they need, then i can see Chelsea offering a lot of cash in that Sturridge deal that will really appeal to FSG and if Rodgers trys to intervene he'll get the finger. If i were Benetez i'd also be looking to off Sturridge and bring back Lukako or whatever his name is. He has huge potential and is very Drogba-esque

yeah this is the concern. benitez will want lucas - or someone like him - but abramovich will want to sign falcao at least and probably another flair player.

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Who you think you will buy in january, and has andy carrol played his last game for you?.

carroll has played his last game for liverpool, yes. i think that january's activity will be massively underwhelming. perhaps something like that clown sturridge from chelsea plus one other. wouldn't surprise me to see benitez try and get lucas off us either.

Seems we might be in for Ince. That will be mad if we now have to pay a significant fee for him after just letting him go from the Academy.

On the subject of Sturridge I know I think alone on this one - but I think he would be a good addition if the fee is reasonable, he has pace, skilful, can finish and play either side of a front 3. BR has worked with him already via Chelsea Reserves/youth along with Borini.

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Rodger left chelsea before Sturridge arrived.

Ah ok thought he did for some reason...

Borini and Sturridge played together in the under 21s if I recall?

Mjj- What's Chelsea view point on Sturridge? Looked very good when he was loaned to Bolton but never hardly gets a start at Chelsea.

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Rodger left chelsea before Sturridge arrived.

Ah ok thought he did for some reason...

Borini and Sturridge played together in the under 21s if I recall?

Mjj- What's Chelsea view point on Sturridge? Looked very good when he was loaned to Bolton but never hardly gets a start at Chelsea.

It's no good asking them 21.gif

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Rodger left chelsea before Sturridge arrived.

Ah ok thought he did for some reason...

Borini and Sturridge played together in the under 21s if I recall?

Mjj- What's Chelsea view point on Sturridge? Looked very good when he was loaned to Bolton but never hardly gets a start at Chelsea.

Chelsea fans are split on him. Some think he is too greedy and others would rather him than Torres.

When he first started playing for us it was obvious he was too greedy, but, he was scoring goals. Then he went through a dry spell, which accompanied by his greed was just unacceptable. He can be very good, he just needs to do right for the team more. If there is a difficult chance for goal or an easy pass to an easy goal, he will always chose the former. Pity really.

He has been injured for a lot of this season and another problem for him is that he wants to be a cf, yet we play him in a wingers position mostly.

Edited by mjj
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Quiet on here today chaps, contemplating about tonight are we 109.gif

i expect to get nothing tonight. we're a bit of a mess and spurs have things that hurt us right now, pace out wide and good direct counter-attacking. i foresee a point at best.

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Chelsea fans are split on him. Some think he is too greedy and others would rather him than Torres.

When he first started playing for us it was obvious he was too greedy, but, he was scoring goals. Then he went through a dry spell, which accompanied by his greed was just unacceptable. He can be very good, he just needs to do right for the team more. If there is a difficult chance for goal or an easy pass to an easy goal, he will always chose the former. Pity really.

pretty much how i see sturridge. greedy get who thinks he's better than he is and isn't a team player. don't really like him.

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Mjj- What's Chelsea view point on Sturridge? Looked very good when he was loaned to Bolton but never hardly gets a start at Chelsea.

Speaking from a Man City view when he was with us. He was ok, with potential to be better but had an horrid attitude. We didn't buckle into his wage demands and weren't in the slightest bit bothered when he said "ok, I'll leave then". We even helped show him the door. smile.png

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Id be very surprised if we went for Bent. He's even more 1 dimensional than Carroll! Doesn't strike me as a Rogers type player in the slightest.

Why would you be surprised? He scores goals doesn't he. Right now, a Rodgers type player should be one that knows where the net is. Who cares if he's one dimentional if he has a good strike rate, which he does.

Possession is very overated if you can't hit the back of the net.

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Id be very surprised if we went for Bent. He's even more 1 dimensional than Carroll! Doesn't strike me as a Rogers type player in the slightest.

Why would you be surprised? He scores goals doesn't he. Right now, a Rodgers type player should be one that knows where the net is. Who cares if he's one dimentional if he has a good strike rate, which he does.

Possession is very overated if you can't hit the back of the net.

If that were the case we would have kept Carroll. Rogers wants to play it his way and tbh it's not his fault either. The owners left him short in the last transfer window so they need to make good in the Jan window. Last night simply strengthens that case. They should have got a draw.

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