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Thai Citizenship For Baby Born In Sweden

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Hi guys

Me and my wife is going to have another baby, this time its going to be sweden as birthplace and were only going to stay for a few months before going back to thailand how does on apply for citizenship/passport and what time will this take

anyone done this before ??? or can we arrive on swedish passport for the baby and fixit inside thailand...?


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I had the same issue my daughter was born in England. You need to go to the Thai Embassy/Consultate in Sweden and ask for a certificate to allow your child to enter Thailand as a Thai. Its not difficult to get a part from the usual Thai paperwork. You have to get this just before you depart because it not valid for very long.

Once you have this piece of paper you can then bring your child to Thailand, you will be interviewed at the airport but its no big deal.

Once in Thailand you then need to get a birth certificate and get your child on to a house certificate. This is the fun part depending on where your house is, my wifes was up in Buriram and it look a whole day of hanging around and few 500baht handshakes.

Once you have got all this done you can then apply for a Thai passport either in Bangkok or one of the provisional offices.

If you bring the baby in on a Swedish passport and then try and do you will run into a lot of problems.

You might want to check out the Phuket Gazette site in there issues and answer section this has been discussed.

Good Luck.

phuket Mike

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Congratulations on your second baby!

If you have the time, try what my mum did for me (in Australia).

apply for a Thai birth certificate at the Royal Thai Embassy. They will issue it no problems upon presentation of your wifes ID, a copy of the house registration and baby goofy's Swedish BC.

At the same time apply for a Thai passport. Should take about 1 month or so for it to come thru, maybe faster if you tell them it is for urgent travel.

Enter on the Thailand on the Thai passport. Then go register at the local Ampur with the embassy issued birth certificiate.

After that, enter and leave Thailand on the Thai passport. Enter and leave the rest of the world using the Swedish one so you don't run into visa problems.

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Yes, it's been done before. Hundreds of times. Just ask the embassy in Stockholm for the procedure. It will take about a month.

If you are legally married or the mother is a Swedish citizen, then the child will become Swedish at birth. Then you can get a Swedish passport immediately. Either an emergency passport in a few minutes, or a real one in a couple of days.

If the mother is neither a Swedish citizen or resident, then you'll probably have to pay for the hospital. It would be much cheaper in Thailand.

The child can indeed enter Thailand on Swedish passport and register at the Amphur. But you will need a BC from the embassy in Stockholm, so you'll have to go there anyway and you might as well apply for a passport when you're there. Especially if your Thai home is not in a city that issues passports (Bangkok, Khon Kaen, Chiang Mai, Hat Jai).

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Congrats! :o

One thing you might want to do before getting the paperwork done with the Thai authorities is check if Sweden allows dual citizenship. Just in case having her/him registered as a Thai might jepordize the baby's Swedish status. My friend wanted to take up Dutch citizenship some years back but didn't want to give up her Swedish citizenship to do it. Things may have changed by now but a check of the govt of Sweden website would be recomended.


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Thanks for all inputs...

My only problem now is to get an PUT for her (permanent residency) its amazingly slow to get one from the swedish autorities according to The Migration board its about 8-11 months handling time wich is pure shit,,, according to swe emb it takes 2.5 months after giving them the application forms before they can make an interwiew and then it has to go to sweden aswell, thailand is quit ######ed when it comes to burocrazy but sweden isnt far away either.

The thing that pisses me of most is that we have to go to bangkok to give them the papers in hand , takes about 5 minits and then go home again easy if you live around BKK but from the south were we are working itll cost us 10000 bht just for the tickets to fly, sure take the bus, no thanks dont like to put an pregnant woman and a 1.5 year old kid that will go bezerk in the bus.

it has to be done but why does it have to be so troblesome?????


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