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I tried a 10 oz fillet once.....and that was a little too much for me.

8oz is fine for a steak....I don't understand why people want more....I really don't.

16oz is fine for a steak... i don't understand why people want less... i really don't tongue.png

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I used to love steak but then realized that meat and especially red meat is pure garbage for your body, basically full of toxins in its natural state, then add all the vaccines, hormons and antibiotics they put in it.

Plus, meat actually starts to rot right after it's killed, so by the time we eat it a couple of days later it's a total mess.

Plus it is said our stomach enzymes can't really digest meat well after we're 35 y old, so after this age, it helps compounding the decay of your body along with the other unwholseome foods we ingest.

Plus to create 1 pound of meat we waste hundreds of pounds of grain and water that could be used to raise leaner meat like kangaroo, ostrich, duck or for nutritious vegetables. Then that meat is flown over in refrigerated containers all over the country, adding to the waste.

Plus you just reap horrible karma by eating meat. I challenge you to watch the documentary "Earthlings" that exposes the meat industry and how cattle is treated and slaughtered.



What's funny it's not the meat that puts on the weight. It's the "fat"! But hell don't let me disturb your little rant.

I think you're confusing "meat" with "protein". A cut of grade a prime rib, for examples, is a cut of meat riddled with intramuscular fat. . That's what makes it tender and taste juicy. You may be able to slice of some of the fat, but for most of it, you'd need a powerful magnifyng glass, if not a microscope and a scalpel and many, many hours to consume just the protein. If, in fact, it's even possible.


Well, my american friends took me to Bobs to impress me on american food,

everything was drenched in ketchup, nuff said


So difficult to find quality steak in LOS....Thai steak is buffalo meat more often than beef and not aged, NZ steak is cut too thin, very tough and I suspect not aged beef at all. Steak from OZ is good at times, but just as often as bad as NZ meat.

U.S.A. and Japan are the only beef consistently good enough to even be considered real steak. Both are very expensive if they can be found in LOS at all.

In the states, it's considered fast food, like Jack in the Box, but the best consistently good steak I have found in Thailand is at Sizzler. a good cut of good OZ beef.

I don't miss much about living in the USA, but I do miss a good Med. Rare T bone or a slab of rare Prime Rib with some horseradish, baked potato, vegies and a good bottle of red wine.

I should admit that I am a little bias. I'm an ex, real, American cowboy. Worked a few good cattle ranches as a youngster and love my USA beef., cowboy.gif

Don't forget Brazil and Argentina. Some of the best steaks I've ever had were in Argentina with a great bottle of malbec!!! Fantastic.

In the US, one of the best steaks I had was in Colorado at a restaurant that was owned by a rancher. Only grain fed beef, no chemicals. Incredible.

Agree! I should have mentioned "grain fed" In US cattle are sent to feed lots to be fed nothing but grain for about a month before slaughter. It makes a huge difference in the taste of the meat.

Grass or hay fed beef taste like grass. I also worked on a few dairies when younger. whenever a cow had an accidental death it would be butchered and given to the workers. The meat always had a "green grassy" taste.

Grain, especially corn fed beef has the best flavor.

BTW Kilgore, I love the name...say hello to Kurt for me!cowboy.gif

I should add that I always steered ( pun?) away from South American beef. It is good beef, but the ranching methods are very environmentally unsound. Every year millions of acres of rainforest are clear-cut and then burned off ( referred to as slash and burn). The burning instantly released a lot of nutrients into the soil and produced lush growth of feed grass for the cattle. Unfortunately, after about two years, the nutrients are gone and the soil is useless to grow anything. This causes them to slash and burn more and more needed ( that's where a lot of our oxygen comes from) rainforest every year.

American fast food burgers, McDonalds, Jack in the Box etc. use beef almost exclusively form South America, it's cheap money wise, but environmentally way too expensive.

I prefer grain fed beef, too. Still, when I lived in Mexico I would eat grass fed beef. The fat particularly had a gamy flavor that I enjoyed.

As for South American beef, it's important to distinguish tropical countries like Brazil, that are slashing rain forest and draining wetlands to raise beef, and from some of its' neighbors, like Argentina, which have a more temperate climate and naturally occurring plains. No need for slash and burn there.


I used to love steak but then realized that meat and especially red meat is pure garbage for your body, basically full of toxins in its natural state, then add all the vaccines, hormons and antibiotics they put in it.

Plus, meat actually starts to rot right after it's killed, so by the time we eat it a couple of days later it's a total mess.

Plus it is said our stomach enzymes can't really digest meat well after we're 35 y old, so after this age, it helps compounding the decay of your body along with the other unwholseome foods we ingest.

Plus to create 1 pound of meat we waste hundreds of pounds of grain and water that could be used to raise leaner meat like kangaroo, ostrich, duck or for nutritious vegetables. Then that meat is flown over in refrigerated containers all over the country, adding to the waste.

Plus you just reap horrible karma by eating meat. I challenge you to watch the documentary "Earthlings" that exposes the meat industry and how cattle is treated and slaughtered.


As far as the effects of raising grain fed cattle or even cattle go, I agree with you 100%, But as for meat rotting, well, you can say the same of cheese or even yogurt. Ditto to their effect on the environment.

Anyway;, I don't think many people are deluded enough to eat beef for their health. Mostly people in the prosperous nations where grain fed beef is widely available eat it because it tastes delicious to them. And, I have to confess, to me, as well.

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Cheese and yoghurt are fermenting foods (which allows healthy bacteria, probiotics, etc to develop), not rotting.


Plus you just reap horrible karma by eating meat

plus eating meat causes earth quakes, tsunamis, global warming,

impotence, early balding, sweaty smelling feet and constipation.

And it really pisses off Morrisey.

Hang on, that's a good thing, and well documented.


So difficult to find quality steak in LOS....Thai steak is buffalo meat more often than beef and not aged, NZ steak is cut too thin, very tough and I suspect not aged beef at all. Steak from OZ is good at times, but just as often as bad as NZ meat.

U.S.A. and Japan are the only beef consistently good enough to even be considered real steak. Both are very expensive if they can be found in LOS at all.

In the states, it's considered fast food, like Jack in the Box, but the best consistently good steak I have found in Thailand is at Sizzler. a good cut of good OZ beef.

I don't miss much about living in the USA, but I do miss a good Med. Rare T bone or a slab of rare Prime Rib with some horseradish, baked potato, vegies and a good bottle of red wine.

I should admit that I am a little bias. I'm an ex, real, American cowboy. Worked a few good cattle ranches as a youngster and love my USA beef.,

Try Googling KU Beef in Nakhon Pathom. Only had it at a restaurant but it was LOADS better than the normal Thai boot leather :P

PS: a real cowboy drinking red wine!!! You from Brokeback mountain?? :)

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6


I agree, KU Beef is probably the best local beef and my normal choice for a BBQ here in Thailand if I find the imports a bit over my budget. It can usually be found at Rimping in Chiang Mai. Here's an article but perhaps a slight exaggeration.

Texas Steak KU Beef: Thai beef is just as good as imported beef.

Summary: If you’re feeling a craving for meat, make your way to
Kasetsart University Kamphaeng Saen Campus, and locate Texas Steak KU
Beef restaurant. The beef at Texas Steak is well prepared, and the meat
is of high quality. The portions are big and the prices are cheaper than
at any other steakhouse. Non-beef based dishes don’t taste that great.




Watches TV and judges 300 million people by that one show. Good thing for the British he didn't watch Big Brother.

Who would have guessed it was a Brit whinging. whistling.gif

Wonder what the rant will be about tomorrow? coffee1.gif

Err. Actually I didn't say the OP was British at all....

No, but he did.


Well, my american friends took me to Bobs to impress me on american food,

everything was drenched in ketchup, nuff said

I'm assuming you mean Bob's Big Boy? It's a low end chain of restaurants. Hardly a place to take somebody to impress them.


After watching the steak show I hope you watched the Dental show from England. It was so sad watching people with no teeth and mouths that look like Gangrene set in. I was waiting for the maggots to crawl out. I cannot understand how grown adults cant brush their teeth and visit a dentist. Maybe it is a biblical thing " An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" rant overwai2.gifbiggrin.png .

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University of Birmingham "Obesity rates in the UK are the highest in Europe.......In Birmingham, over 25% of the population are obese - the third highest rate in the UK." In the US it's about 35%, but the Brits are catching up quickly.


Well, my american friends took me to Bobs to impress me on american food,

everything was drenched in ketchup, nuff said

Ketchup has but one legitimate purpose. French fries. Any other use is just wrong.

Well, unless you're using it as the base to concoct your own barbecue sauce, but even that is cheating.

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Well, my american friends took me to Bobs to impress me on american food,

everything was drenched in ketchup, nuff said

I'm assuming you mean Bob's Big Boy? It's a low end chain of restaurants. Hardly a place to take somebody to impress them.

Ketchup is always served on the side (in a bowl or the whole bottle).

A server putting ketchup on your food, without asking, is worse than putting ice in your beer without permission!

  • Like 1

Well, my american friends took me to Bobs to impress me on american food,

everything was drenched in ketchup, nuff said

I'm assuming you mean Bob's Big Boy? It's a low end chain of restaurants. Hardly a place to take somebody to impress them.

Ketchup is always served on the side (in a bowl or the whole bottle).

A server putting ketchup on your food, without asking, is worse than putting ice in your beer without permission!

Not an issue. That isn't done.

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I've never had ketchup put on anything without being asked. It's a condiment that is on the table along with mustard, salt, pepper and sometimes mayo. But never added to your food unless you ask for it.


Well, my american friends took me to Bobs to impress me on american food,

everything was drenched in ketchup, nuff said

I'm assuming you mean Bob's Big Boy? It's a low end chain of restaurants. Hardly a place to take somebody to impress them.

Bob's Big Boy (we called it Shoney's) impressed me when I was about 10 years old. They were the first ones to do the double layer cheesebugers and they always gave you a free comic book starring the Big Boy.



Well, my american friends took me to Bobs to impress me on american food,

everything was drenched in ketchup, nuff said

I'm assuming you mean Bob's Big Boy? It's a low end chain of restaurants. Hardly a place to take somebody to impress them.

Bob's Big Boy (we called it Shoney's) impressed me when I was about 10 years old. They were the first ones to do the double layer cheesebugers and they always gave you a free comic book starring the Big Boy.


In America, we would no longer call it Bob's Big Boy.

Instead we would say: Bob's Oppressor-to-be of Substance


No, it wasnt a chain, it was Bob's in pattaya, it is perhaps 7 years since he closed,

i cant even remember where it was located but i think it was on soi buakaow where champagne a gogo now is


Well, my american friends took me to Bobs to impress me on american food,

everything was drenched in ketchup, nuff said

I'm assuming you mean Bob's Big Boy? It's a low end chain of restaurants. Hardly a place to take somebody to impress them.

Bob's Big Boy (we called it Shoney's) impressed me when I was about 10 years old. They were the first ones to do the double layer cheesebugers and they always gave you a free comic book starring the Big Boy.


In America, we would no longer call it Bob's Big Boy.

Instead we would say: Bob's Oppressor-to-be of Substance



No, it wasnt a chain, it was Bob's in pattaya, it is perhaps 7 years since he closed,

i cant even remember where it was located but i think it was on soi buakaow where champagne a gogo now is

Oh that place. Yuck.

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