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Question Re: The Russian Invasion


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I'm genuinely curious about this situation. Is Pattaya/Jomtien the only area, or even the primary area, affected by the significant increase in Russian population in Thailand; or it is it happening throughout the country?

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I'm in the thick of the Russian tourist population at Cosy Beach. Probably at least 90% of tourists in this area these days. 99% Russian down on the beach. Everything is signed in Russian... and I also spend a lot of time at Central shopping mall which is nearly all Russian too. Even my gym is becoming more Russian by the day....

Yes, the "Russians are coming".

So what?

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I'm in the thick of the Russian tourist population at Cosy Beach. Probably at least 90% of tourists in this area these days. 99% Russian down on the beach. Everything is signed in Russian... and I also spend a lot of time at Central shopping mall which is nearly all Russian too. Even my gym is becoming more Russian by the day....

Yes, the "Russians are coming".

So what?

It's a drag in Pattaya because it is watering down the overall international DIVERSITY of the city. Domination by any one international group would do that. Many people are attracted to Pattaya for its flavor as an international city in Thailand. A Russian city in Thailand, not as attractive unless you're a monolingual Russian speaker ...

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I'm in the thick of the Russian tourist population at Cosy Beach. Probably at least 90% of tourists in this area these days. 99% Russian down on the beach. Everything is signed in Russian... and I also spend a lot of time at Central shopping mall which is nearly all Russian too. Even my gym is becoming more Russian by the day....

Yes, the "Russians are coming".

So what?

It's a drag in Pattaya because it is watering down the overall international DIVERSITY of the city. Domination by any one international group would do that. Many people are attracted to Pattaya for its flavor as an international city in Thailand. A Russian city in Thailand, not as attractive unless you're a monolingual Russian speaker ...

As it has already happened in my neck of the woods I can truly say I don't care. I've never had any problem with Russians and they don't make it a drag for me.... but I know they're a drag for you when it comes to using the Baht buses.

They do make for interesting "scenery" down at the beach.

Before this "Russian invasion" wasn't the place a bit thick with Brits? It seemed that way when I first arrived back in 2005.

Edited by tropo
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I had some friends just come back from Kanchanaburi and they said many were there. It's not just Thailand, quite a few countries are experiencing this also. I was in Egypt last year and many were there also. I've also read Vietnam has many visiting there.

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I had some friends just come back from Kanchanaburi and they said many were there. It's not just Thailand, quite a few countries are experiencing this also. I was in Egypt last year and many were there also. I've also read Vietnam has many visiting there.

Being so close to Siberia helps a lot - with direct flights. They're closer than most of the rest of us so it's not surprising they like to come here.

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I had some friends just come back from Kanchanaburi and they said many were there. It's not just Thailand, quite a few countries are experiencing this also. I was in Egypt last year and many were there also. I've also read Vietnam has many visiting there.

Being so close to Siberia helps a lot - with direct flights. They're closer than most of the rest of us so it's not surprising they like to come here.

I have a Russian friend who works here. He said there are flights as low as $550 including hotel for a week from Russia and various surrounding countries. That's quite cheap!!

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I had some friends just come back from Kanchanaburi and they said many were there. It's not just Thailand, quite a few countries are experiencing this also. I was in Egypt last year and many were there also. I've also read Vietnam has many visiting there.

Being so close to Siberia helps a lot - with direct flights. They're closer than most of the rest of us so it's not surprising they like to come here.

I have a Russian friend who works here. He said there are flights as low as $550 including hotel for a week from Russia and various surrounding countries. That's quite cheap!!

I pay triple that to get to Thailand from the states and that does not include lodging. I've always wondered how they do it. Guess we know now.

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I have seen the Russian "invasion" into Egypt (Sharm-el-Sheik) around 10-12y ago... now it is Thailand following up since around 3y... their will be other countries following...

Russian "middle class" now has enough money for cheap holidays abroad and the Russian tour operators bring them in plane by plane... and of course, they book hotels from cellar to ceiling and fill them up and that is the way they get cheap offers for their customers... and I know that in Pattaya, they started to provide free translation services for the local busines (i.e. Thai massage shops), so that they could amend their advertisements with Russian language.

Russians will always stay around the big tourist areas like Pattaya, Phuket and yes, as mentioned above, they want to have the sea close by. So don't worry about them if you live out in the country side, you most definitely will never see loads of Russians.

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My hope is that Pattaya becomes a beautiful multicultural paradiselaugh.png - where nubile women swim naked, and the plumpers stay indoors.smile.pngbiggrin.pngtongue.png

i want the plumpers out too. and that stark nekkid!

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The only problem is the language barrier. Get to know them and you will be quite suprised what ordinary genuine people they are

I know a few Russians and they are some of the nicest people I've ever met. Like with any nationality, some are good...some are not. Unfortunately, cheap junkets don't normally bring high end tourists.

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The Russians are like Japanese and Koreans. They dont question the price of anything. Subsequently the locals get more cheeky with their pricing

Not in Pattaya, I've watched them in action with the street/beach vendors, they push very hard for discounts, same in Vietnam and Sri Lanka

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The Russians are like Japanese and Koreans. They dont question the price of anything. Subsequently the locals get more cheeky with their pricing

Not in Pattaya, I've watched them in action with the street/beach vendors, they push very hard for discounts, same in Vietnam and Sri Lanka

I've also seen Russians pay 100 baht for 10 baht bus fares (the drivers openly try to fool them) and when I tell them that next time they should just pay 10 baht, the correct fare, the Russians get mad ... at me!

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The number of Russians seems to double every year in Sihanukville since they found out that beer, booze and fags cost half as much as in Thailand.

Good maybe we should increase the prices a little bit more in Pattaya to get rid of them.,,,

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The Russians are like Japanese and Koreans. They dont question the price of anything. Subsequently the locals get more cheeky with their pricing

Not in Pattaya, I've watched them in action with the street/beach vendors, they push very hard for discounts, same in Vietnam and Sri Lanka

I've also seen Russians pay 100 baht for 10 baht bus fares (the drivers openly try to fool them) and when I tell them that next time they should just pay 10 baht, the correct fare, the Russians get mad ... at me!

Maybe they share the same trait as some Thais, don't like to lose face. BTW I like your signature

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Panarama just run a programme on bbc 1 in the uk this week called........the russians are coming. ?........it was all about the organized crime syndicates from russia appearing in the uk so its far from just a problem in thailand

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The number of Russians seems to double every year in Sihanukville since they found out that beer, booze and fags cost half as much as in Thailand.

Yeah, but double what number? If there were 10 there 2 years ago, there would only be 40 now.biggrin.png

This post is a little anti-Russian though. Do you think Russians are the only nationality looking for bargains?

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The number of Russians seems to double every year in Sihanukville since they found out that beer, booze and fags cost half as much as in Thailand.

Good maybe we should increase the prices a little bit more in Pattaya to get rid of them.,,,

Why do you want to get rid of them?

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I would like to see them not be as DOMINANT demographically speaking. Thinking about this a little more, and more honestly, it is not ONLY that the domination of ANY NATIONAL GROUP suffocates some of the welcome diversity but also that their culture isn't all that appealing to MOST non-Russians, including me. Most don't speak English and their script is unapproachable to non-Russian speakers. Their food is boring. They are insular and cliquish within their OWN language group, as a rough generality.

Thais are now catering much more only to Russian tastes. Sorry that is a total bummer if you don't have Russian tastes.

Suppose the domination was from Mexicans instead.

More speak English.

Their language is approachable, anyone who can read Romanized letters can at least attempt to read their language and many of us understand a lot of already

Their food is exciting.

They are outgoing and friendly to non-Spanish speakers, as a rough generality.

Thais catering mostly to Mexican tastes might be a little bizarre but it would at least be fun to watch.

OK, I have to admit roaming Thai Mariachis at Central Mall may be a bit much ...

So with the Russians it is a double whammy. If you're not a Russian speaker, that is.

One other random observation: Russian people here have taken to calling baht buses (when they act as buses at least) TUKS TUKS. Of course they are NOT tuk tuks. Many Thai drivers are humoring them. I would humor them too if they were my rice bowl.

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I would like to see them not be as DOMINANT demographically speaking. Thinking about this a little more, and more honestly, it is not ONLY that the domination of ANY NATIONAL GROUP suffocates some of the welcome diversity but also that their culture isn't all that appealing to MOST non-Russians, including me. Most don't speak English and their script is unapproachable to non-Russian speakers. Their food is boring. They are insular and cliquish within their OWN language group, as a rough generality.

Thais are now catering much more only to Russian tastes. Sorry that is a total bummer if you don't have Russian tastes.

Suppose the domination was from Mexicans instead.

More speak English.

Their language is approachable, anyone who can read Romanized letters can at least attempt to read their language and many of us understand a lot of already

Their food is exciting.

They are outgoing and friendly to non-Spanish speakers, as a rough generality.

Thais catering mostly to Mexican tastes might be a little bizarre but it would at least be fun to watch.

So with the Russians it is a double whammy. If you're not a Russian speaker, that is.

One other random observation: Russian people here have taken to calling baht buses (when they act as buses at least) TUKS TUKS. Of course they are NOT tuk tuks.

OK, so let me get this straight. Russian culture is of no interest to non-Russians, whereas all other cultures are interesting to outsiders?

Mexican food is exciting?

Mexicans are friendly? I wouldn't know, but....

What about Thais vs Russians? Assuming it's not a Thai business transaction where friendliness is faked (a necessity), who are friendlier? I reckon it would be fairly close. Neither can read or write English well and both have non-Romanized script.

Obviously you don't like Russians and you're making it more obvious in every post. They must really be getting to you on the baht buses.

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