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Kentucky: Boy, 5, Accidentally Kills Sister With His Own Gun


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We do not allow children to drive cars, but sometimes they do it anyway and no one suggests banning driving. Those that take advantage of such rare and unfortunate accidents to push a particular agenda should be ashamed.


Are you out of your mind?

It's an agenda to want to save the lives of children we know 100% are going to be lost....as opposed to not lost.....right?

(obviously not including the 3500 kids each year who only get a bullet through the leg head hand eye whatever without dying.)

Edited by cheeryble
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In my childhood the only sort of gun available was either a cap gun or one of those plastic space ray guns that made sparks when you pulled the trigger infinitely safer and a lot less deadly I dont recall ever killing anyone with either !

I had guns occasionally available when I was young.

At the advanced age of 14 I accidentally fired a big rifle.....a Lee Enfield 303....when an instructor was adjusting it.

Stupid eh?

But stupid things happen, and especially when you're young.

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A 5 year old playing with a gun does not make him stupid. It makes the parents questionable, but it hardly makes a young child stupid.

Depends if you believe in breeding or nurture, I'm going with breeding.

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You do all intelligent Americans a disservice, you are defending the indefensible, simply because you believe it's 'American'. A 5 year old with a weapon that had not been cleared by the parents, and a weapon that was not stored in a secure area. Perhaps it will be 'God's will' that sees the 5 year old taken off the parents, and them doing a fully justified lengthy jail term.

"Just one of those crazy accidents", the coroner said. The child had an inalienable right to own and use that gun. No discrimination based on age allowed. Will the parents give that boy a machine gun when he is older and goes to school, to defend himself, seeing how dangerous schools can be?

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Police: 'Too early to know' about charges in death of 2-year-old shot by brother, 5

Published: May 1, 2013 Updated 6 hours ago

By Greg Kocher — [email protected]

Kentucky State Police said Wednesday it is too early to say whether charges will be filed in the case of a 5-year-old boy who accidentally shot and killed his 2-year-old sister.

Trooper Billy Gregory, spokesman for the Columbia post, initially said Wednesday that he didn't anticipate charges.

"We don't see that there was neglect on anyone's part," Gregory said.

Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/2013/05/01/2622315/no-charges-expected-in-death-of.html#storylink=misearch#storylink=cpy

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Police: 'Too early to know' about charges in death of 2-year-old shot by brother, 5

Published: May 1, 2013 Updated 6 hours ago

By Greg Kocher — [email protected]

Kentucky State Police said Wednesday it is too early to say whether charges will be filed in the case of a 5-year-old boy who accidentally shot and killed his 2-year-old sister.

Trooper Billy Gregory, spokesman for the Columbia post, initially said Wednesday that he didn't anticipate charges.

"We don't see that there was neglect on anyone's part," Gregory said.

Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/2013/05/01/2622315/no-charges-expected-in-death-of.html#storylink=misearch#storylink=cpy

shock1.gif A rifle made for a child with a live round in the chamber propped unsecured in the corner of a mobile home, subsequently picked up and discharged by the boy who 'owns' it, killing his sister and the coroner says it was 'just one of those crazy accidents', and a trooper says 'we don't see there was neglect on anyones part', OMG! The world has gone fracking mad.

It's not the world that's gone mad, just certain bits of it...

A swift deluge of stats..

And if you want to read the references see below:


Awful to say, but compassion fatigue re gun crime/accidents/tragedies is now complete. Second Amendment et al are fine and dandy but plenty of kids and others will needlessly die in the meantime....

Edited by SeaVisionBurma
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Police: 'Too early to know' about charges in death of 2-year-old shot by brother, 5

Published: May 1, 2013 Updated 6 hours ago

By Greg Kocher [email protected]

Kentucky State Police said Wednesday it is too early to say whether charges will be filed in the case of a 5-year-old boy who accidentally shot and killed his 2-year-old sister.

Trooper Billy Gregory, spokesman for the Columbia post, initially said Wednesday that he didn't anticipate charges.

"We don't see that there was neglect on anyone's part," Gregory said.

Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/2013/05/01/2622315/no-charges-expected-in-death-of.html#storylink=misearch#storylink=cpy

It's Kentucky. Nuff said.

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Police: 'Too early to know' about charges in death of 2-year-old shot by brother, 5

Published: May 1, 2013 Updated 6 hours ago

By Greg Kocher — [email protected]

"We don't see that there was neglect on anyone's part," Gregory said.

Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/2013/05/01/2622315/no-charges-expected-in-death-of.html#storylink=misearch#storylink=cpy

My Momma always said " Stupid is as stupid does" - Forrest Gump

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In most states, the state authorities will remove children who are being endangered. One of the things that constitutes child endangerment is children being allowed to be exposed to firearms that are not properly secured or adequately disabled.

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In most states, the state authorities will remove children who are being endangered. One of the things that constitutes child endangerment is children being allowed to be exposed to firearms that are not properly secured or adequately disabled.

Not in Kentucky, by the sound of it.

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It would be up to the authorities to decide what child endangerment is and to press charges. Having a little bit of knowledge of the field, leaving a loaded gun (whether or intentional or not) would be endangerment, but it is up to the authorities to press charges. This is where local governments have a lot of control. If they decide not to pursue it, it won't happen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Steely Dan had it right when he said "you cant legislate away stupid"

Its true.

In Thailand, in the UK, in the US, every-f******-where, kids die because of stupid choices made by stupid parents.

This IS a case of stupid parents. This shouldn't even be a headline in the news. Kids die everywhere from accidents and this is an accident. Why is it in the news? Because it gets clicks and fuels the fire.

Ulyssus statement about banning cars is not as crazy as you guys make it seem. Cars are allowed to be driven once one reaches a certain age and passes a test. In essence, cars are restricted from people deemed unable to handle them. Age, imo, should be (and is) the primary restriction with gun sales, as guns are something that kids are unable to handle properly unsupervised. Should parents be allowed to shoot guns WITH their kids, imo, absolutely. But that carries great responsibility, and if a parent doesn't have that responsibility, that natural instinct to keep their kid safe, then there is no one to blame but themselves.

I grew up in a place where I would guess 90% of households had multiple guns. All my best friends parents had rifles and shotguns, my parents included. There was a commonality among these people; the guns were in gun safes. We never even thought about trying to open the gun safes because it would be, as little kids aptly sum up, "big trouble". Strangely, in the 18 years growing up in that community, there was only one gun accident I can remember; a kid at my elementary school got hit by a couple pellets from a sawed-off shotgun that a neighbor had fired. Apparently they went through the target the neighbor had set up. The kid went to school the next day, he was ok.

So again, 18 years in a community filled with kids and guns, and yes we were shooting them, with fathers when we were young, and then by ourselves when we were 16 yrs ++, and 1 ACCIDENT. Why? PROPER PARENTING.

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