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Bangkok: Miss Maxim Finalist Disqualified Following Ketamine Video, Will Likely Face Jail Time


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Miss Maxim finalist disqualified following ketamine video, will likely face jail time


BANGKOK: -- Kwanjai Khempradab, one of 20 finalists in this year’s Miss Maxim pageant, has been ejected from the competition, following the release of a video clip in which she instructs a young boy to inhale Ketamine.

As reported by Coconuts, Kwanjai became an object of public scorn yesterday, following the clip’s widespread circulation. The video, in which she poured powder into a THB20 banknote and offered it to the boy, has been shared widely online and eventually broken into mainstream media.

According to Thairath, the Miss Maxim committee decided to withdraw Kwanjai, the No.11 candidate, from the running after she was identified as the woman from the clip.

Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2013/05/03/miss-maxim-finalist-disqualified-following-ketamine-video-will-likely-face-jail-time

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2013-05-03

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I would suggest saving the horse tranquilizers for a date you wouldn't want to go on, perfect for a night out with an English bird but I wouldn't think it would be needed with her.

Joking aside 5 years old? What the xxxx goes on in that pretty head?????

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From the article:

Kwanjai Khempradab, one of 20 finalists in this year’s Miss Maxim pageant, has been ejected from the competition, following the release of a video clip in which she instructs a young boy to inhale Ketamine.

The video, in which she poured powder into a THB20 banknote and offered it to the boy, has been shared widely online and eventually broken into mainstream media.

She may also face a five-year prison sentence if she is convicted of having violated the computer-related crime law.

So I guess feeding the kid horse tranquilizers is okay, and posting the video is what she did wrong?

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Tosser - I'm being polite.

And who's the bloke - tosser - polite again - in the background?

And more to the point, have both these scumbag, dregs of society, waste of oxygen, pond low life tossers been arrested and banged up yet?

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Isn't her head a little too large for her body? blink.png

Why don't you post your current photo - and we can offer constructive criticism about your look?

There you go:


Or did you want a recent photo? tongue.png

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Unbelievable. She keeps asking is he drunk yet in the video and thinks it's cute. sad.png

probably as dumb as a doornail...

but what a sight smile.png

and I don't care if ladyboy or not

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