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Steroids In Chiang Mai.


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Hey everyone, I know that steroids are legal in Thailand and readily available over the counter at many pharmacies, although I have not been able to find any in Chiang Mai. Does anyone know why this is? And also, where would I be able to find any near Chiang Mai? Thanks in advance.

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First of all, there are no Chiang Mai specific laws or regulations regarding pharmaceuticals. National laws apply.

Secondly it rather depends on what you mean by "steroids". Corticosteroids (prednisone, cortisone and the like) are prescription only, for good reason given the dangers associated with their use.

Testosterone and testosterone derivatives are for the most part legal OTC.

If you could specify exactly what steroid you are looking for, can advise better.

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First of all, there are no Chiang Mai specific laws or regulations regarding pharmaceuticals. National laws apply.

Secondly it rather depends on what you mean by "steroids". Corticosteroids (prednisone, cortisone and the like) are prescription only, for good reason given the dangers associated with their use.

Testosterone and testosterone derivatives are for the most part legal OTC.

If you could specify exactly what steroid you are looking for, can advise better.

Are you serious.. I always thought that testosterone was illegal here. I bow of course for your superior knowledge on the subject as I haven't had much dealings with it. I just heard that they raided a pharmacy in Pattaya for steroids.. the muscle building kind .

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Yes, the "muscle building" kind is not legal OTC. Testosterone is, and if you do a search of this forum you will find discussions of specific formulations. There is not, unfortunately, a cream or gel form available, only oral and injectable.

Which is not to say that self-prescribing it is a good idea. At a minimum one should first be screened for prostate cancer. Testosterone will not cause cancer if the prostate but it can greatly accelerate its growth.

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Sheryl you got me confused here, injectable testosterone is muscle building in high enough doses. In lower doses its used for HRT. I always thought it was illegal But like i said you know a lot more then me about stuff like this.

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I think the raid you refer to was actually a major farang exporter based in Pattaya (but fled to Eastern Europe). Thais don't seem to be in to the whole body-building thing so perhaps the pharmacy you tried was the wrong location. Find one near a gym anywhere in Thailand and they should be able to offer you a menu.

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I think the raid you refer to was actually a major farang exporter based in Pattaya (but fled to Eastern Europe). Thais don't seem to be in to the whole body-building thing so perhaps the pharmacy you tried was the wrong location. Find one near a gym anywhere in Thailand and they should be able to offer you a menu.

I don't have all the details but a friend said it was on a pharmacy not a major farang exporter. Anyway I always thought that it was not legal.

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The anabolic steroids commonly (ab)used by body builders are either illegal or strictly controlled (varies with the drug) in Thailand.

Testosterone itself is legal and used for HRT. While it is true that excess dosages of testosterone will increase muscle mass this is not its approved therapeutic use.

The anabolic steroids commonly (ab)used by body builders do have varying degrees of androgenic properties (properties that mimic the action of testosterone) and this confuses many people into thinking they are the same as testosterone. They are not. (referring to things like trenbalone, stanzalone, oxymethalone etc).

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The anabolic steroids commonly (ab)used by body builders are either illegal or strictly controlled (varies with the drug) in Thailand.

Testosterone itself is legal and used for HRT. While it is true that excess dosages of testosterone will increase muscle mass this is not its approved therapeutic use.

The anabolic steroids commonly (ab)used by body builders do have varying degrees of androgenic properties (properties that mimic the action of testosterone) and this confuses many people into thinking they are the same as testosterone. They are not. (referring to things like trenbalone, stanzalone, oxymethalone etc).

Ok thanks for clearing that up so it seems testosterone that really is (ab)used a lot too is legal but the others are not. I have learned something new today. Thanks always willing to learn new things.

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some pharmacies carry the legal ones some dont, some expensive some not, a matter of shopping around, Secondly it rather depends on what you mean by "steroids".

Corticosteroids (prednisone, cortisone and the like) are prescription

only, for good reason given the dangers associated with their use.

not so, prednisilone needs no script in thai, though many chemists havent a clue, got a 500 bottle on koh chang for 500b, asked at dr emergency and was told no need script goto pharmacy

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Abused, is a matter of opinion mainly by people who dont know what they are talking about smile.png

Kinda depends if you see young uniformed guys doing mass doses of it without even thinking of risks and pct id call it abuse. However if you have researched it and accepted the risk ect ect id say your own choice.

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Abused, is a matter of opinion mainly by people who dont know what they are talking about smile.png

Kinda depends if you see young uniformed guys doing mass doses of it without even thinking of risks and pct id call it abuse. However if you have researched it and accepted the risk ect ect id say your own choice.

That is fair comment, and spot on.

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some pharmacies carry the legal ones some dont, some expensive some not, a matter of shopping around, Secondly it rather depends on what you mean by "steroids".

Corticosteroids (prednisone, cortisone and the like) are prescription

only, for good reason given the dangers associated with their use.

not so, prednisilone needs no script in thai, though many chemists havent a clue, got a 500 bottle on koh chang for 500b, asked at dr emergency and was told no need script goto pharmacy

You were misinformed.

Prednisolone is category S:

"S = Special Controlled Drug (ยาควบคุมพิเศษ)

A first grade pharmacist shall be on duty at the premises selling modern

drugs. Sale to public is on prescription only. Daily purchase and sale

record required."

Exception would be topical forms.

Not only was the doctor who advised you a script was not needed wrong, the pharmacy broke the law in selling it to you without one.

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Abused, is a matter of opinion mainly by people who dont know what they are talking about smile.png

Actually it has quite a specific medical definition.

Abused, is a matter of opinion mainly by people who dont know what they are talking about smile.png

Kinda depends if you see young uniformed guys doing mass doses of it without even thinking of risks and pct id call it abuse. However if you have researched it and accepted the risk ect ect id say your own choice.

Drug abuse has a specific definition which as nothing to do with the factors mentioned. It simply means use of a substance for a purpose that is not consistent with legal or medical guidelines.

Hopefully anyone who does that, does so with an awareness of the risks and so forth, but regardless of that, it still meets the definition of abuse if it is used for other than approved legal and/or medical purposes. It is not a pejorative term in and of itself.

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Not only was the doctor who advised you a script was not needed wrong,

the pharmacy broke the law in selling it to you without one.

fair enough, I found many different answers from chemists, and 2 dr's, was told script needed to not needed to hospital only, shopped around and over 2 visits had no problem, thanks for the info

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If you can't build your body to an acceptable level with hard work and good nutrition then maybe your money would be better spent on therapy to address your self esteem issues. Ego is a cruel mistress.

Your over your head when it comes to understanding Endocrinology.


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If you can't build your body to an acceptable level with hard work and good nutrition then maybe your money would be better spent on therapy to address your self esteem issues. Ego is a cruel mistress.

Your over your head when it comes to understanding Endocrinology.


I think he was talking about bodybuilder doses not HRT doses though in principle only the dose differs and the side effects.

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If you can't build your body to an acceptable level with hard work and good nutrition then maybe your money would be better spent on therapy to address your self esteem issues. Ego is a cruel mistress.

Your over your head when it comes to understanding Endocrinology.


And you are over your head when it comes to understanding humour.
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If you can't build your body to an acceptable level with hard work and good nutrition then maybe your money would be better spent on therapy to address your self esteem issues. Ego is a cruel mistress.

Your over your head when it comes to understanding Endocrinology.


And you are over your head when it comes to understanding humour.

you didn't find my post humorous? I guess you used up all your humor already.

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So if a patient with osteoporosis in Thailand needed oxandrolone they would need a Rx?

Yup, same as a patient in most other countries in the world.

Actually there is no brand of oxandrolone registered/licensed for use in Thailand. So it is not legally available, period.

Drugs for osteoporosis in men that are available include alendronic acid and testosterone undecanoate, bith of which are OTC.

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