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How to say "nasty"and "abuse" as in 'You are a nasty person' and 'You abused my kindness". I am sure many will have use for these words but i have NEVER got what I felt was a real translation from dictionaries or truly bilingual educated Thais. Jai Rai Jai damm are common translations for nasty. Jai saat maybe as suggests low animal behaviour. Jai Kaap is vicious etc


Depends on just how "bad" you want it to sound.

For example, it's very common to just say เหี้ย to describe someone as "bad". But I'd say เหี้ย is probably the worst word you could use to describe someone, on par with English "mufu".

เลว can also be used.

"You abused my kindness" could probably be said as คุณเอาเปรียบผม


You are a nasty person - คุณเป็นคนที่น่ารังเกียจ (Khun pen khun ti na rang kiat)

You abuse my kindness - คุณละเมิดน้ำใจของฉัน (Khun lam-meur naam jai khong chan/phom)

You take advantage of me - คุณเอาเปรียบผม (Khun ao phiyup phom)


I know perfectly well that คุณเอาเปรียบผม means you take advantage of me. In Thai, this is the closest thing you can get to mean "You abused my kindness".

I have, however never heard of the phrase "ละเมิดน้ำใจ" and if I google this, I get 15 results.

น่ารังเกียจ means more like repulsive and not nasty as in evil.

สารเลว is also a good word for a bad person.

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