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Name or no name is irrelevant.

I can track your location (within a few houses) within a matter of minutes using readily available freeware and your IP.

If you live in a condo complex it may take a little more time to identify you...but, if you live in a street, and your neighbors either side are Thais...I got you sucker...

I live in a house in a street. Please feel free to track my location and put it on public display. I offer you 1 million THB if you can track my location and reveal my identity. If you fail you give ME one million THB..? I'm not using a spoofed IP address. I'm not via a proxy. I'm not on a mobile connection. I'm via a fixed line.

Put your money where your mouth is...

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There are several reasons posting under an alias is better, if you ask me. Not only better for the individual, but because a forum is a dynamic entity where discussions live due to the unhampered freedom of speech and opinion. A lot of the dynamics would probably be lost if people were constrained. Someone might say "why can't you act like you do in real world, you wouldn't piss people of the way you do in real life, would you..?", but the fact is this is not real life; I'm sure most of us are adult enough to understand the difference between an internet forum and real life.

If I dont't like what is written here I dont need to contribute or even read what other people post, the same goes for all of us.

The tragedy is when people mix these two things up and want to take the internet experience to the real world. When people post stuff like "I have a couple of friends who would want to meet you..." it's most and foremost proof that they have run out of arguments, but also that they are mentally immature. If one choose to post under a real name it's an expression of our freedom to choose as individuals, but suggesting that someone else post under his or her real name is remarkable.

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Having someone's email address is potentially more damaging than having their IP number. Email accounts can be relatively easily hacked using phishing or any number of other tools or you can remotely install spyware on their computer. You'll soon find out a wealth of information about them.

I've never had a problem with that, afaik. Opening a link in an email is risky, Still, really good anti-malware software will see it and pop up a warning.

A router is a pretty good firewall. It is a computer and appears to anyone looking that it is your computer. It is the node that actually gets the IP address which is assigned by your ISP. All other nodes on your network either have static IP's assigned by you, or dynamic IP's assigned by the router. Your choice. They can hack away at the router all they want. They can't see your internal nodes.

They have to trick you into accepting something, and even then good malware tools should spot it.


I generally agree with what you've written here, however it does bring up the problem of complacency: I'm NATd so it's all good.

Yes it's mostly true, but what about the router itself? Routers are notorious for being neglected patch wise, and many manufacturers don't care about patching. The WPS service is a great example: most users don't know what it does, don't know it often ships enabled, and don't know how insecure it is - your WiFi password could be a random 64 char string from the full character set, yet, it doesn't matter when there's an attack against WPS. Your password will be exposed in just a few hours. This has been pointed out to many manufacturers - you can count on one hand the numbers who have released an update to combat it.

Also, try telneting to your router - you'll be suprised :)


Karen, your surname is not Bravo ?

No..............and I'm a bloke.

I'm guessing they really have no clue KB.


I use my real name.

But it should be Mr Itchybum.

Haven't been in Thailand long or not here or you would know that should be Khun Itchybum. wink.png


Having someone's email address is potentially more damaging than having their IP number. Email accounts can be relatively easily hacked using phishing or any number of other tools or you can remotely install spyware on their computer. You'll soon find out a wealth of information about them.

I've never had a problem with that, afaik. Opening a link in an email is risky, Still, really good anti-malware software will see it and pop up a warning.

A router is a pretty good firewall. It is a computer and appears to anyone looking that it is your computer. It is the node that actually gets the IP address which is assigned by your ISP. All other nodes on your network either have static IP's assigned by you, or dynamic IP's assigned by the router. Your choice. They can hack away at the router all they want. They can't see your internal nodes.

They have to trick you into accepting something, and even then good malware tools should spot it.


Also, try telneting to your router - you'll be suprised smile.png

You've left port 23 open in your firewall? Is there any manufacturer of routers where 23 is enabled by default?


My name is Indigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

If my name was Mandy Patinkin, I would change it to Indigo Montoya too!!! tongue.png


Karen, your surname is not Bravo ?

No..............and I'm a bloke.

I'm guessing they really have no clue KB.

Hmmmmmmm, should have been KiloBravo. laugh.png To late now. laugh.png


I use my real name.

But it should be Mr Itchybum.

Haven't been in Thailand long or not here or you would know that should be Khun Itchybum. wink.png

Noooooooo, English guy is always Mr. laugh.png


Having someone's email address is potentially more damaging than having their IP number. Email accounts can be relatively easily hacked using phishing or any number of other tools or you can remotely install spyware on their computer. You'll soon find out a wealth of information about them.

I've never had a problem with that, afaik. Opening a link in an email is risky, Still, really good anti-malware software will see it and pop up a warning.

A router is a pretty good firewall. It is a computer and appears to anyone looking that it is your computer. It is the node that actually gets the IP address which is assigned by your ISP. All other nodes on your network either have static IP's assigned by you, or dynamic IP's assigned by the router. Your choice. They can hack away at the router all they want. They can't see your internal nodes.

They have to trick you into accepting something, and even then good malware tools should spot it.


Also, try telneting to your router - you'll be suprised smile.png

You've left port 23 open in your firewall? Is there any manufacturer of routers where 23 is enabled by default?



I use my real name.

But it should be Mr Itchybum.

Haven't been in Thailand long or not here or you would know that should be Khun Itchybum. wink.png

Noooooooo, English guy is always Mr. laugh.png

Thats right, I'll be a Mr till the day I die, or have the operation.

If you wish to adopt 'khun' and suck up to the locals, god speed.

  • Like 1

I use my real name.

But it should be Mr Itchybum.

Haven't been in Thailand long or not here or you would know that should be Khun Itchybum. wink.png

Noooooooo, English guy is always Mr. laugh.png

Thats right, I'll be a Mr till the day I die, or have the operation.

If you wish to adopt 'khun' and suck up to the locals, god speed.

Many folk call me Mr.''Trans'', smile.png


Noooooooo, English guy is always Mr. laugh.png

Haven't been in Thailand long or not here or you would know that should be Khun Itchybum. wink.png

Thats right, I'll be a Mr till the day I die, or have the operation.

If you wish to adopt 'khun' and suck up to the locals, god speed.

Many folk call me Mr.''Trans'', smile.png

Not Mr Trany?


I post under my name under a forum related to my work. It is a requirement to use our names, as our credentials are verifiable. One sees this with professional forums intended for the exchange of information or problem solving.

On the other hand, if I posted under my name in TVF, I would;

1. Lose my job.

2. Receive a visit from some people associated with the military or political groups.

3. Have TVFers showing up at my door asking me if the boil on their bums is significant or if they can "borrow" a few baht.


Noooooooo, English guy is always Mr. laugh.png

Haven't been in Thailand long or not here or you would know that should be Khun Itchybum. wink.png

Thats right, I'll be a Mr till the day I die, or have the operation.

If you wish to adopt 'khun' and suck up to the locals, god speed.

Many folk call me Mr.''Trans'', smile.png

Not Mr Trany?

I believe his friends call him Mr. Sweetcheeks. whistling.gif


Would never use my real name on the internet. I purposly chose a screen name that is so common that searching for it is a waste of time.

I did try using Google, facebook, Etc.Etc searching for my real name, no results whatsoever.

I'm happy with that.

I've never been able to find myself with Google either. I'm pleased and yet it demonstrates how insignificant I am to the world at large - even more so than the millions of insignificant folks that can be found...

It's an existential crisis! If I am not on Google, do I really exist?

Try falling over in a forest and see if anybody hears you.

If I argue with an imaginary woman in a forest and no one hears me, am I still wrong?


I do not know if you are wrong....I can tell you for sure you will lose the argument though.

  • Like 2

If I argue with an imaginary woman in a forest and no one hears me, am I still wrong?

Depends, is she naked?

And if someone is with you in the forest when you fall over, they will hear you..duh.

Unless they are deaf of course.

Or playing their itunes really loud and walking in front of you.


If I argue with an imaginary woman in a forest and no one hears me, am I still wrong?

Depends, is she naked?


I would have thought that when a man says "imaginary woman," adding the word "naked" was redundant.


  • Like 2

If I argue with an imaginary woman in a forest and no one hears me, am I still wrong?

Depends, is she naked?


I would have thought that when a man says "imaginary woman," adding the word "naked" was redundant.


Well he is arguing with her, so he ain't all there to begin with.

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Not that it matters but 192.168.*.* is a reserved IP range for networks. So is not your IP address.

Everyone's router is a 192.168 number and your computer will have a 192.168 number on the network (between the computer and the router).

If you want to know your actual "outside world" IP address then visit a site such as http://show-my-ip.com/

Once you have the real IP address then go to this site - http://www.tcpiputils.com/browse/ip-address/ and enter it into the search box.

Uh, thanks.

I'll wait for chapter 2 - "How to suck eggs"



Not that it matters but 192.168.*.* is a reserved IP range for networks. So is not your IP address.

Everyone's router is a 192.168 number and your computer will have a 192.168 number on the network (between the computer and the router).

If you want to know your actual "outside world" IP address then visit a site such as http://show-my-ip.com/

Once you have the real IP address then go to this site - http://www.tcpiputils.com/browse/ip-address/ and enter it into the search box.

Uh, thanks.

I'll wait for chapter 2 - "How to suck eggs"


You are the one who originally said your IP address was

I politely pointed out that it isn't and showed you (and other members that may have been interested) how to find your/their real IP.

If you already knew how to do it then why post saying your IP is ?



I've never been able to find myself with Google either. I'm pleased and yet it demonstrates how insignificant I am to the world at large - even more so than the millions of insignificant folks that can be found...

It's an existential crisis! If I am not on Google, do I really exist?

Try falling over in a forest and see if anybody hears you.
If I argue with an imaginary woman in a forest and no one hears me, am I still wrong?


I do not know if you are wrong....I can tell you for sure you will lose the argument though.

I think it's wrong to argue with women. You either tell them, or listen.

EDIT: I don't see what being imaginary has to do with it - on their part, or yours.



Ive been on message boards long enough to know that its incredibly naive to think that there arent total complete nutters out there willing to track you down and petition your employers to fire you because of some innocuous and decotextualised comment that they've trawled through for days to find in your posting history... because you once showed they were wrong in a stupid argument that no one remembers or even cares about ten minutes after its finished.

Then again, having an account under your name doesnt mean you cant have 100 other accounts for trolling or saying what you really think about regarding other more controversial issues.

HMMM - Someone suggesting there are ethics to consider...HMMM

Truly, posting with one's name often leads to trouble. With a name and location, it is easy to gather other information and then make that person the brunt of a joke, like multiple E-mails from Pampers sales to a single man...

Avatar, pseudonym is definitely the way to go...


Ive been on message boards long enough to know that its incredibly naive to think that there arent total complete nutters out there willing to track you down and petition your employers to fire you because of some innocuous and decotextualised comment that they've trawled through for days to find in your posting history... because you once showed they were wrong in a stupid argument that no one remembers or even cares about ten minutes after its finished.

Then again, having an account under your name doesnt mean you cant have 100 other accounts for trolling or saying what you really think about regarding other more controversial issues.

HMMM - Someone suggesting there are ethics to consider...HMMM

Truly, posting with one's name often leads to trouble. With a name and location, it is easy to gather other information and then make that person the brunt of a joke, like multiple E-mails from Pampers sales to a single man...

Avatar, pseudonym is definitely the way to go...

You're absolutely right. I followed a blog in which someone revealed a fair bit about his identity, and some of the responses were well over on the unpleasantly cereepily threatening side of what was acceptable. When everyone on the internet including the silent psycho lurkers introduces themselves by name and location, I'll do the same. Or stop using the internet



If you already knew how to do it then why post saying your IP is ?

a ) Because my IP address IS, still, currently,

b ) Read the thread again. Realise that I was responding to a nut who said he could trace people by IP address. Then look up 'satire'



If you already knew how to do it then why post saying your IP is ?

a ) Because my IP address IS, still, currently,

b ) Read the thread again. Realise that I was responding to a nut who said he could trace people by IP address. Then look up 'satire'


I'm guessing you have several IP addresses, and the IP tracing software that hitmen use looks for the one beyond your router.

My router only serves my apartment, so I don;t think it's a very good last line of defence.

I followed the advice of an earlier poster, with his links, and it certainly localised me to the correct city. And there's not too many chaps in Stetsons here, so I hope Banzai can't afford a hitman.


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